shotnba · 2 years
How To: Stephen Curry Shooting Form Secret with 38 Tips (Part 2)
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11. Lift Ball From Right Side
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When we training our basic skills, we should catch the ball on the right side of our body, not the center of the body. Because this way will easy to lift the ball to right shoulder, to connect our right hand and arm release the ball in straight force line on the right side. Lift ball from right side, we can catch and shoot with less time, the trajectory will not through some additional part of our body. 12. Right Hand On The Top Right Of The Ball
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When we catch the ball before we shoot, with Stephen Curry's shooting form, our right hand will on the top right of the ball. Only at this place, we can lift the ball to the correct release point quick and naturally. We can palyback our shooting video, from release point to catch ball position, you can see your right hand is just on the top right of the basketball. 13. Jump Shot Rhythm For Training
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Check normal players' shooting training, we always found their release point is just on the ground, but almost all professional NBA players's release point is in the air when they are training. That is a huge difference, we all know the advantage of this pro shooting training, we can train every shot just like jump shot. After master this technique, we can make our jump shot much more stable, and our shooting in games will be better. 14. Low Position Lift Ball
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Why Stephen Curry's shot seems like use less power, this tip is a key. When we lift ball from our abdomen or even between thighs, we can feel we shoot a ball much more easier. This just because we lift the ball with a longer route, so the inertance of the lift force will be more. So if we shoot a ball with this low position to lift ball, we will have a longer shooting range, even we can take a logo shot. 15. Press Wrist With Soft Hand
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We know Stephen Curry's shooting form is soft hand type, so his wrist must always relaxed. If we do not train our one hand release skill from right shoulder very well, before shooting, our wrist will always not ready for releasing. We need to train our basic shooting skill with right forearm vertical, our right hand make a 90 degree with right forearm, and then our right wrist will be ready to release. After training this technique more than one year, you will have a scientific habit to release the ball. When we shoot a ball with evolved shooting form, our wrist will instinctive keep the release skill. 16. Shoot With Upward Force
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From this tip to tip 28, it will be advanced tips, that means you'd better train these skills after playing basketball 3 to 5 years, you must have a good base to try these tips. Stephen Curry's shot has a special feature that the other shooters do not have, a super high arc, this make Steph's shot much more accurate. We all know a rule that higher the arc, bigger the hoop. So if we always can shoot a ball with this high arc, that means our hoop will be bigger than the others. How to release the ball with high arc, we need to give the ball a upward force when we releasing. We need to roll the ball to the point B, not Point A, with low elbow shooting form will be better, and then our shot will have the high arc. 17. Inertance's Help
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We can see Stephen Curry's shooting is comfortable and relaxed, that because of his shooting form use less force than the others, his shot always borrow force from the inertance of lift ball. Steph's shot just like one motion, nonstop till release the ball. He lift the ball very quick, this make a big inertance, if we do not stop our movement, continued lift the ball to release, we can use less force to release the ball. 18. Right Arm Lead Shot
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We always need to catch and shoot a ball with two hands, after training many years, we always confused that we shoot a ball with two hands force. Even several years ago, many comments said Stephen Curry's shooting form is two arms form, so he can shoot a ball so easy. But actually Stephen Curry gives the answer several times, that he shoot a ball with one arm, only this can give the ball a pure straight shooting force. So when we catch the ball, our two hands cling the ball, at that time, our right hand will lead the ball just like one hand shooting training, our left hand just assist to keep the ball on the right place of our right hand. The whole shot just like completed by only one hand and one arm on the right side of the body, and then, you will have a straight shooting force. 19. Watch The Ball After Release
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In basketball system, there is a concept, we called it visual fear. For example, in the night without enough light, we can not jump as high as in the daylight. As a beginner, when we stand beyond the three point line, we always feel it is a little too far, we can not shoot the ball with normal shooting form, but if we step into the three point line, we can shoot as well as we can immediately, that is just because the visual fear. So after Stephen Curry releasing the ball, he always watch the ball, check the rotation of the ball, it can overcome the visual fear, make the shot higher arc, longer range, and do not fear the block. 20. Vertical Upper Body
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Check the top level NBA shooter's release point, we can find they are almost all with the vertical upper body. Stephen Curry is also have this skill, it make his right arm has more space to shoot a ball, and release the ball much more free. No matter a jump shot or stand shot, when we upper body vertical to release the ball, our shooting force will be more agglomerate, we can easy to take a long shot. Video on Youtube: Read the full article
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shotnba · 2 years
How To: Stephen Curry Shooting Form Secret with 38 Tips (Part 1)
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This time I will show you 38 shooting tips of Stephen Curry's shooting form. After learning these techniques, you will almost know how to shoot a basketball like Steph, and make your shooting much more accurate and stable. The tips include 15 basic tips, 13 advanced tips and 10 professional tipes. The basic tips you can train it when you just start learn palying basketball, the advanced tips need you have a good base, always after you playing 3-5 years to learn. The professional tips always need you at least played 10 years. First, I will show you the basic tips: 1. Soft Hand Shooting Type
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There are three main hand types for basketball shooting, hard hand, soft hand and medium hard hand. Soft hand is a progressive shooting hand type, it is fit for long shot very much. Soft hand need your whole shooting hand relaxed, and all parts of you hand is close to the ball tightly.
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So there are no space from your palm and the ball. This is contradictory for the traditional theory, the traditional shooting hand should have some space between the ball and palm:
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That just because the three point line appeared after 1980s, the soft hand type is just a evolutionary technique for long shot. But the tradition is hard to change, so Stephen Curry always said his shooting hand type is wrong, that's funny, NBA best basketball shooter shoot a ball with wrong hand type, are you kidding? Actually there are many great NBA players shoot with soft hand type, they are John Stockton, Steve Nash, Tracy McGrady, etc.
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The feature of soft hand is the five fingers are closed almost paralleled, the fingers always curved, and the wrist is relaxed, after shooting, the shooting hand always swing up and down. 2. Shooting From Shoulder
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This is an important basic technique, the instinct of human always want to release the ball from your eyes, make your eyesight and the release force in the same line.
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But is is not accord with the motion of your body.
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Our body just like a machine, because of body structure, there are only one way to release the ball in a perfect straight line, that is release the ball from shoulder. Just as Stephen Curry's one hand drill, our shooting hand is on the side of our head, in the front view, almost on our shoulder.
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When we release the ball, our shooting arm will straight in the straight force line naturally. 3. Release Ball with Parallel Fingers
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When we shoot a ball with hard hand, our fingers always be separated in long distance, so some short fingers are hard to nail the ball when releasing.
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But our five fingers of soft hand are closed just like parallel, so when we release the ball, all fingers can roll the ball in a same straight line, the shooting force is more agglomerate. 4. Release Ball with Fingertips
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Soft hand shooting form is with a whole hand release technique, but the fingertips nails ball skill is also basic and important.
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The five fingertips nail the ball will control the direction of your shooting force. No matter what hand types you shoot with, the five fingertips skill are all basic. 5. Parallel Feet Standing
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If we do not train this, with the human instinct, our feet will always outward when we are standing. That will not good for jump, the power from two legs will be emanative.
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So we should make our two feet parallel, right foot a little in front, and the right foot toward to the center of hoop, make it to be your new instinct, and then you will have a good base. 6. Heels Contact Ground
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Before we start to shoot, we must stand stably, many famous basketball players said shooting force from the ground. The standing tech is just as the foundation for a building, if we cannot stand stably, though you have top level hand skill of release, it still will reduce your shooting accuracy.
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Heels contact the ground, not jump with heels, just when you stand before to shoot, your heels just stick to the ground, and then jump naturally. Some players always jump when only tiptoes contact ground for the basic shooting training, but this skill is just for catch and shoot, it will make you jump quicker in game, not good for base. 7.Aim To The Center Of The Hoop
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Where and How to aim? The front of the hoop or the back of the hoop. This is always discuss by many players, and indeed this is very important for our shooting training. Stephen Curry has been give an answer, that is front of the hoop. This is a precise description, because if we jump high or shoot a long three, we cannot see the back of the hoop. Actually we need to imagine a 3D environment, and judge the distance to the center of the hoop. When we aim to the front of the hoop, actually we just aim to the center of the hoop. 8. Low Elbow Release Point
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Before 1980s, NBA was no 3 point line, so the basketball players always lift the ball very high to shoot, avoid block. So at that time, the most player shoot a ball with high elbow release point.
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But after the 3 point line appeared, the high elbow release point was no longer fit for the long shot. Then many low elbow shooters start to lead NBA, the representative player is Michael Jordan. Most person always think Michael Jordan was shooting with high elbow release point, because last years MJ's jump shot always with high elbow release point.
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But actually, Michael Jordan's shooting form is low elbow, he trained this release point in college, that is very important base, then Michael Jordan dominated the NBA.
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Stephen Curry is still shoot with low elbow release point, and he even make it lowest, so he lost the shooting height, but his shot can get the longest distance and highest arc. 9. Left Hand Press Ball
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Some players think Stephen Curry's shooting form is two hands shot, but it is terrible wrong, Steph Has been explained it many times that his shooting form is one hand. Left hand is aided, it always on the side of the basketball. But it is not exact lateral, you need put your left hand a little upward and forward. Then your left fingertips can press the ball to your palm and wrist, make your wrist under the center of the ball, your right hand will on the right position to release the ball. 10. Vertical Right Forearm
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When you lift the ball to release point, if your right forearm almost vertical naturally in front view, you will easy to take a shot with straight shooting force.
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Once your right forearm almost vertical, your right hand will flat to hold the ball, and then your five fingers can give the ball a pure straight force, lead your ball into the straight shooting force pathway. Read the full article
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shotnba · 4 years
Technology Evolution: Why Michael Jordan Last Shot Doomed Bryon Russell Slip - For The Last Dance
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Michael Jordan is a great basketball player, almost all basketbll coaches and players recognize he is the best basketball player of the NBA history. His technology is up to the top level, his hang jump shot, his footwork, his block, his dunk, his steal, his read game ability are all top level.
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Especially his shooting form, almost perfect, low elbow shooting form base, parallel arms, straight shooting force, vertical right forearm and perfect balance in the hang time. Many players just learn some points from his shooting form, and then got a great success, such as Kobe Bryant and Kawhi Leonard. This time I will show you a secret of Michael Jordan's last shot. Many person thought the last shot made Bryon Russell slipped was an accident, but actually, this was evolved from another successful slippped case. Michael Jordan has a good habit, he always research his game video after the game. He developed many undefendable technologies from the games, such as his fade away, his hang shot and his footwork. The clutch shot is the most important, he can shoot and score face to Bryon Russell without crossover. But of course, it was not enough. When the game 4 of the NBA finals, it comes. Michael Jordan catch the ball, break through Bryon Russell, and then, crossover, watch here, Bryon Russell slipped:
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And then, jump shot, a frontal shot, dropped in. This was a successful slipped offensive case, when MJ researched his game video, he must observe this slip, and try his best to evolve it, make the set-piece perfect, make it undefendable. And we know, he did it. We always said: Chance favors only the prepared mind. That is. In the last game of 1998, the last shot appeared, the same position, the same defender, the chance was coming:
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Michael Jordan made his center of gravity much more lower, his stride longer, the range of his motion was bigger. Similar scenes, similar movement, similar crossover, similar jump shots, Bryon Russell slipped, again. Read the full article
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shotnba · 4 years
LeBrong James Skill Feature Analysis With Look-alike Theory
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In the field of basketball, there is a legendary skill for how to identify basketball players. The most players never heard this skill, but the top level players and coaches almost all master this skill. This is a very useful skill to analyse a player's characteristics by the exterior in first impression, after learning this, if you are a basketball player, when you first met the players, no matter your teamates or your opponents, you will know almost all their skill features, then you will know how to play with your teammates better, and how to defend different opponents. If you are a basketball coach, you will know all the real features of your players, you can lead the player into the right position on the court. You can judge the strengths and weaknesses for all your players, and you will know how to train them and how to get along with them. And even we can identify ourselves, which type we are, the advantages and disadvantages, and we can improve ourselves. In basketball field, there are several basketball palyers types, the normal person can only identify who is strong, who is quick, or who is tall. But actually we can alomost indentify a player's all features by the first meet, and there are several main types for basketball players, after you know this, you will know all players strengths and weaknesses, and even ourselves, to help us to improve our basketball skills. That is, almost all look-alike players always have the similar body shapes, similar voices, similar playing styles, similar shooting forms, similar weaknesses, and even similar achievements. This skill was shown in basketball court before. In 1994, Michael Jordan was retired the first time, Chicago Bulls want to find a player to replace MJ.
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The team managers need to find the player as quick as they can, they used this skill, finally, they found Ron Harper, the player who has the same height, similar face and even the similar rare sideways shooting forms.
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This post let me show you how to identify the play styles of LeBron James, and who have the similar features with him. Andre Iguodala, the look-alike player with LeBron James, they have many resemblances.
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Hard Line Play Style They all love powerful dunks, when they start to lay up, we will difficult to stop them. They have strong muscle, the defenders can not reduce their speed, so they always not lay up with Euro Step. They always run and run and shoot, do not like stand dribbling. High Elbow Shooting Form
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Nowadays NBA, the most players shoot with low elbow shooting form, but LeBron James and Andre Iguodala all shoot with high elbow shooting form. Because of their powerful play styles and good bounce ability, the high elbow shooting form is hard to block and fit for the hard line players. They are all hard hand shooting form and release ball from head not on shoulder. Not Good at Low Post We all know LeBron James is not good at low post, coincidentally, Andre Iguodala is also not good at it. Especially fade away, this skill is very useful at the critical moment, but apparently, they all need to improve this skill. Read the full article
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shotnba · 6 years
How To: Stephen Curry Sideways Shooting Form Secret Analytics
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This article I will share you Stephen Curry's professional sideways shooting skill. When I was young, many traditional basketball coach said that we must face to the basket, after shooting we should keep the front of our body facing the basket. Basketball shooting technique has been evolved, we all want to improve our shooting ability, we want master the progressive basketball skills, it will help us to dominate the game. In recent years, the basketball shooting skill is changed, we always need shoot further than before, so the old shooting style is no longer suitable for today's basketball game.
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Many basketball players try to improve their shooting skills, such as Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, Tracy Mcgrady, Carmelo Anthony, Klay Thompson(Front Shot), Kyrie Irving and Stephen Curry. They are all great shooters and their shooting style all conform to the straight force shooting theory. In these shooting styles, there are one feature they all have, that is sideways shooting style. If you insist on basketabll shooting training for many years, you must want to know why the great basketball palyers shoot so well, such as Michael Jordan and Stephen Curry, why their shooting are better than the others.
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The main reason is they master the most progressive shooting skills, the feature of this shooting style is sideways. Why they all shooting with the sideways shooting form, why the sideways shooting form is the most conform to the straight force shooting theory, why this shooting form make our shooting easier and further and more accurate. Now let me show you the details about Stephen Curry sideways shooting form. Sideways shooting has three advantages.
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The 1st advantage is sideways shooting form free your right arm (Lefty players is left arm). If you train your shooting skills with front shooting form in a long time, you will find your arm bone and your shoulder has a little friction, it will hinder your shooting. If you shoot with sideways shooting form, you will feel your right arm is completely free, your shooting will be more comfortable.
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The 2nd advantage is sideways shooting is easy to make more force to release the ball. When we want to make a long shot or even a super long shot, our forearm and arm always need the smallest angle. When we make the set point we will find that our hand and the ball will hit our forehead. We can hold the ball higher or shoot with sidaways shooting form. Almost all of us choose the sidaways shooting form just because this set point make our shooting very stable and comfortable.
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The 3rd advantage is the sidaways shooting form is conform to the straight force shooting theory. When we make set point with sidaways shooting form, our elbow, forearm, arm, wrist, hand,eye sight line and our body all in a same line. This will help us to shoot the ball with a perfect straight force. Our shooting will be more accurate than front shooting form. In fact there are two sideways shooting types, the 1st type is whole body sideways shooting form, the 2nd is upper body sideways shooting form.
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Stephen Curry's shooting is upper body sideways shooting form, so does Michael Jordan. Why the great basketball players all shoot with upper body sideways shooting form? The main reason is the upper body sideways shooting form is easier to jump up than the whole body sideways shooting form. So we can find when Stephen Curry shoot, his two feet and legs are similar to the front shooting form, but the upper body is completely conform to the sideways shooting form.
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Look on the side, Stephen Curry's shoulder is almost in front of his chin, after shooting, his shoulder will all in front of his chin. His body is swivel in the air just because the upper body sideways shooting force, so we also call it aerial swivel shooting form.
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Before we shoot, our body almost front, only our upper body has some sideways feature, but after shooting, our whole body will be completely sideways. That is Stephen Curry's sideways shooting form. This article is just end here, the more sideways shooting skills I will show you in later posts. Read the full article
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shotnba · 6 years
22 Basketball Shooting Categories Analytics
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This time I will share you many new categories about basketball shooting. All the categories from my 10 years basketball shooting technical research summary, and I have published on my websites Shotnba.com and Shotur.com. This video is very important, after you understant all the categories, you can choose the best shooting type which fit for your basketball playing style, and you will easilly to know the other videos of mine, because almost all my later videos will metion these shooting categories. Soft Hand Shooting & Tough Hand Shooting
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The feature of soft hand shooting type is your hand will swing up and down after shooting, you must relax your wrist and whole your hand. Look on the side your hand is convex. Soft hand type for the long shot has a good performance and just need the release force as less as you can. The feature of tough hand shooting type is your hand will be motionless after your shooting, you should make much force with your wrist. Look on the side your hand is concave. Tough hand type is good for perimeter shot and hang shot, especially good for the clutch shot, just because your muscle is more tight, your tough shooting will be more stable. Forward Release & Upward Release ( Forward Shooting & Upward Shooting )
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Forward release we can also call it forward shooting. This shooting type is easy to grasp and good enough for perimeter shot with normal arc or even low arc. Just release the ball with forward force to the hoop. Upward release we also call it upward shooting. This shooting type is a little difficult, but if you grasp the skills, you will good at long shot with high arc or even shooting from downtown. The upward release type include many different tips, in another word, we have many methods to shoot a ball with upward force. We need a high arc for our shooting because it will make our long shot more accurate. Shooting from head & Shooting from shoulder
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Shooting from head is relatively easy to grasp, the ball released from your eye sight, and you can just use your wrist and hand to release. The two arms are oblique, you can easy to make good balance in jumpshot in the air. This shooting type is good for close-in shot, but because the shooting main release force from the wrist, your long shot will be not stable enough because your force is difficult to accord the straight force theory. Shooting from shoulder is a little difficult to master, because your release force and your eye sight not in the same line, so you need a good aiming skill. Shooting from shoulder is accord to the straight force shooting theory, your wrist and your fingers and your arm all in the same line, so your shooting skills will be good enough for long shot. Almost all professional basketball players shoot with this type. Standing Shot & Shot Jump & Jump Shot
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Standing Shot is a basic skill, just like free throw, our feet not move or jump, just shoot without legs movement. Shot Jump has two subcategories: Basic Shot Jump and Advanced Shot Jump. Shot Jump is also need jump, but we first make force to shoot and then jump, so we call this shooting type is shot jump. Basic shot jump is release the ball before you jump. The jump force just help you release the ball. Many tough hand players shooting training with this shooting type. Advanced shot jump is release the ball just when you jump up or even just after you jump up. The release force all start before you jump. The cadence of this shooting type is very similar to the jump shot. Many professional basketball players shooting training with this shooting type. Jump Shot also has two subcategories: Regular Jump Shot and Hang Jump Shot Regular Jump Shot is we release the ball before we jump to the maximum height. This shooting type just make less force to shoot the ball so we can always make a super long shot with this shooting type. Hang Jump Shot is we start make force to release the ball just after we jump to the maximum height. This shooting type is very stable for perimeter shot and clutch shot. Front Shot & Sideways Shot
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Front Shot is your body face to the basket, and after shooting your body almost still face to the basket. This shooting type is easy to grasp. Sideways Shot type is before you release the ball, you body is sideways, not face to the basket, after shooting, your body always be more sideways. This shooting type can free your right arm, so you can make more force to release the ball.( For righty players, lefty players will be free your left arm ) Low Elbow Shot & High Elbow Shot
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Low Elbow Shot is your elbow lower than your shoulder or even in the same height when you make the set point. This shooting type always shoot with less force and very stable for jump shot. High Elbow Shot is your elbow higher than your shoulder when you make set point. This shooting type is difficult to block, and you will get more self-confidence, but not very stable and easy to make your upper part of the body excessive backwards. Upward Jump Shot & Forward Jump Shot & Backward Jump Shot
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All these shots types we talk about are the normal shooting, not because the defence make your shooting posture changed or even fadeaway. Upward Jump Shot is after you shoot, your bady just jump upward and land almost to the same area. Forward Jump Shot is after you shoot, you will find you just jump forward and your body land in front of your shooting start position. Backward Jump Shot is after you shoot, you will find your body is moving backward, that just because the shooting force inertia. Elbow Inward Shot & Elbow Outward Shot
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When you face to the basket, if your elbow more inside than your shoulder or just in front of your shoulder when you make the set point posture, that is Elbow Inward Shot. If your elbow more outside than your shoulder when you make the set point posture, that is Elbow Outward Shot. Borrowed-Force Shooting & Non-Borrowed-Force Shooting
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Borrowed Force Shooting is also called non-stop shooting, the shooting force gathered from a lot of force, not only release force, your jump force, hold ball force all gather into the release force. From you catch the ball, the shooting force is start, if you hold ball quickly and do not stop, release the ball immediately, you will shoot the ball with the least force. Non-Borrowed-Force Shooting is shoot the ball with only release force, you can stop your movement anytime, all the shooting force start from you finish set point, and you can still stop your movement with set point in a long time, just shoot with your right arm and right hand force. This shooting type is good at Hang Jump Shot and also can hit a super long shot. Read the full article
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shotnba · 6 years
How To: Kyrie Irving Shooting Form Set Point Analytics
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Kyrie Irving is one of the best basketball palyers in NBA and especially he is a good shooter. He won the NBA Three-Point Shootout in 2013, and he led the Boston Celtics got a amazing performance, 22 won 4 lost, Celtics now is still the No.1 of this NBA season. Why he can make so many achievements, the most important reason is his shooting form very scientific and rational. Kyrie Irving is the same leavel basketball palyer as Stephen Curry, also his shooting ability. Their shooting forms have many similar tips, such as they are all low elbow shooter and they all shoot with adducent right elbow shooting form, they all shoot with two feet paralleled position and the two feet are not very far between each other, etc.
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Today I will share you the Kyrie Irving's shooting form set point analytics, the How To Shoot Like Kyrie Irving Series will be many articles, the set point analysis is the most important tip of them. The other articles just about How to Vertical Jump with Kyrie Irving's shooting form, How to Shoot Like Kyrie Irving with Medium Tough Hand,  How to Catch the Ball with Kyrie Irving's Shooting Form, and The Left Hand Position Analysis of Kyrie Irving's Shooting Form. Now let us start Kyrie Irving's Set Point Analytics. If you read my article carefully and you really know the meaning of my Straight Force Shooting Theory, you will know that our right elbow position is very important for our shooting ( for righty players, if you are lefty player, just imaging your left elbow corresponding position).
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In the Straight Force Shooting Theory article, I have mentioned many times that a good shooting set point must with a low elbow position. If your shooting set point with high elbow position, your shooting foundation will be unstable, your upper body will be easy to shake. I have test more than 10 good set point shooting forms in the last 10 years, finally I found when our main arm at horizontal line or even a little low, we will find our shooting get more comfortable and easily. Such as Stephen Curry, Ray Allen, Reggie Miller, Michael Jordan, Kyrie Irving, Steve Nash, etc. There are still many good shooters' shooting with high elbow shooting form, such as Larry Bird, Allan Houston, Kobe Bryant, LeBron James, Rashard Lewis, etc. They are all can get high score in the NBA games and have a good shooting percentage, but if you compare them with the low elbow shooters shooting form, you will find the low elbow shooters shooting a little more stable. If you master the Soft Hand Shooting skill, you can easy to test the reason.
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Why Kyrie Irving's shooting so good, the most importand reason is he shoot with the low elbow shooting set point. Now let me share you the details:
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Low Elbow Shooting Form Feature Just as the picture shows, when the set point posture looked at the right side, our two shoulders and elbows are at the same height, especially our right shoulder and our right elbow almost in a horizontal line. Our right shoulder blocked our chin, so in the picture we can not see our chin.
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Right Shoulder Feature The right forearm is not vertical so you do not need use 3 90 degree theory in Irving's shooting form, of course the same with Stephen Curry's shooting form. The intersection angle between main arm and forearm is very small, that will make you shoot a long three easily.
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Right Hand Feature Kyrie Irving is a long shot player, in NBA nowadays, almost all good shooter's right hands are not shooting with empty palm. We all shoot with full hand force, this skill will make you ctach ball tight and use your most of power to shoot. If you shoot with empty palm, you will waste some of your shooting force. About Kyrie Irving's shooting form, I just share these tips, of course there are still many tips for Kyrie's shooting form, I will share them later on Youtube and Shotur.com, just subscribe my website and Youtube channel, do not miss the new infos. Read the full article
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shotnba · 7 years
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How to : Stephen Curry Shooting Form Straight Force Theory Secret Analytics      
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shotnba · 7 years
How to : Stephen Curry Shooting Form Straight Force Theory Secret Analytics
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