guess what movie i’m gonna go see on september 7th
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Wonder Woman 2017 Movie SPOILER!
This is our first look into what the villain of the Wonder Woman movie will look like!
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Found on the rubies halloween costume page
It’s not the best costume, but its the closest look we have for what he will look like in the movie!
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Omg, I am super excited for this movie!!! The dolls look so COOL!!! I wished Chris Pine's doll looked more like him though! Love the one with her in the dress! I didn't see the one with her or hippolyta on the horse though...
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Here’s wishing #EverAfterHigh’s most dashing huntsman a birthday for the storybooks! 🏹🎈🎊 #HappyBirthday #hbd #HunterHuntsman
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Preorder is up for the signature Katana doll! If you missed out on the SDCC exclusive, this is a great alternative and she looks more like her show version in this simplified form.
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I like Roxxxy, but yeah....this.
Welcome to the Off-Season, everyone!
Streamable Mirror
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Craving a crazy Queendom full of Russian quirks & fashion? 
Show the world and reblog if you’re #TeamKatya to let Katya rule her #AllStars2 Queendom!
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Oh. My. God.  I need DC Super Hero Girls version of Lobo as a doll yesterday. How cute is he? So cute! Lobo, Green Lantern and Flash need to be dolls, come on boy doll gods, don’t fail me like you did with beautiful Seth Ptolemy!!!
So it looks like Sinestro is the headmaster of Korugar Academy, and some of their students include Blackfire, Lobo (bae), Mongal, Bleez, Maxima.
One thing that I noticed was Lashina was in the furies in the yearbook, but she was not in the actual special if i remember correctly...so maybe’ll we’ll the furies again in the future. There were other villains like Solomon Grundy, King Shark, Lion Mane too.
Two new characters that I don’t recall being on the series just yet are El Diablo and Silver Banshee! They also showed professor June Moon (Enchantress) as a teacher for art of all things. A lot of the current backgrounders got pages like Thunder, Lightning, Ravager, Shazam (Mary Marvel). I was hoping to see Cheshire, Zatanna, Black Canary, and Vixen, but no luck just yet...maybe in the future! Hopefully they haven’t graduated yet...but maybe? I think Black Canary could be.
The DC Super Hero Girls yearbook has a lot of neat info and tidbits, of course these character reveals were amazing and my personal favorites! I definitely recommend the dc super hero girls yearbook for any fans! 
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Wonder Woman and Justice League trailers.
Yasss DC, Yas.
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Be afraid, be very afraid.
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Orlando 🌈
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May those who gave their lives rest in peace and remind us all to live everyday embracing who we are.
Be there for each other - love boldly in the face of hate.
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Captain America Civil War!!! #TeamCap
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Just got back from my advanced screening of Captain America Civil War!!! 
I felt the story was very weak, like this is the Avengers caving in on themselves, and for the story...I don’t know, I didn’t believe it.
But if you want spoilers, here is what happens, I’m going off by memory, so please forgive me if I forget stuff or remember things out of order lol
Winter Soldier flashback, shows him performing a hit (on Howard and Maria Stark)
The Avengers are tracking down Crossbones, lots of fun action bits, Crossbones knows how to push Cap’s buttons mentioning Bucky, which distracts him from the fact that Crossbones had some sort of explosive, Scarlet Witch uses her telekinesis (?) to throw the bomb into the air to prevent it from blowing up in the ground....but unfortunately her efforts backfire as it detonates near a building with civilians inside...
Tony is doing some sort of speech to graduates (?) and agrees to fund all their projects blah blah, he and Pepper are having problems (she is not in the movie at all though). He runs into a woman who flat out blames the Avengers and him for killing her son who was a young man who was building habitats for humanity in Sokuvia (?) whatever, he feels guilty
There’s a lot of press about the incident with crossbones which cause more civilian lives in Avengers crossfire. Most of the people who died were from Wakanda, so the king of Wakanda wants to have some sort of united nations meeting about the “Sokuvia Accords” which is the UN being able to control and say what and when the Avengers can act when theres some sort of danger.
The Avengers are all discussing and debating it, and then Steve gets a text message saying “she passed in her sleep” (meaning Peggy) heartbroken he excuses himself
Steve and Sam attend the funeral, and Sharon is revealed to be related to Peggy (which apparently Steve and Sam did not know). Steve is now sitting in the funeral alone and Black Widow comforts him and basically says Tony/Rhodey/Vision and herself have agreed to sign the Sokuvia accords, Wanda is tbd and only Sam and Steve are left. Steve flat out declines and Natasha leaves...
Natasha bumps into T’Challa and they chat it up, at the actual peace conference UN meeting shin dig bomb goes off and T’Challa’s dad the king of Wakanda passes away. The press release footage of the culprit who is none other than Winter Soldier.
Steve and Sam get wind of what happened and Sharon gives them a tip since she works with the CIA or whatever.
Steve tracks down Bucky and he claims he’s innocent, of course and the authorities crack down on them too and now they are fleeing. Chase Chase Chase. Black Panther, chase chase chase, fun fun fun. War Machine comes in and arrest them all.
Tony tries to reason with Steve to no avail. Winter Soldier is being examined psychologically by....of course... Baron Zemo. who triggers him. Things get crazy again. Fight Fight Fight, Chase Chase Chase. 
This is the Ant Man scene!! Steve and Sam manage to escape with Winter Soldier. They know that he was triggered by the “psychologist” but agree that no one will believe them. They figure out through questioning Bucky what the Zemo tried to get out of him and they find out that Zemo is allegedly looking for five other “super soldiers” that were created that are deadlier than Winter Soldier. He cant contact Tony and the accords wont help yada yada, but Sam knows a guy....
Tony is trying to keep things together and ask for 72 hours to solve the problem without anyone else getting hurt and is given 36 hours by the accords. Natasha and Tony agree that they are understaffed, and they both say they  have someone they can recruit (Black Widow thinking Black Panther, and Tony thinking Spider Man, who has only had his powers for about 6 months)
At the Avengers Compound, Vision is trying to keep Wanda happy, but she now understands that they are keeping her away from everyone because of her powers. Which i dont understand cause...if the bomb went off on the ground level, it would’ve killed people too anyways...?  but ok whatever. They see explosions outside and vision goes out to check, as he leaves Clint breaks in and tells Wanda that Cap needs her help. She is reluctant but agrees, vision comes in and he squares off against Clint. Vision tells him that he doesnt stand a chance, and he agrees, but says that Wanda does. Wanda apologizes to Vision and sends him flying through the ground.
Tony recruits Spiderman, which is hilarious.
Clint brings Wanda and Ant Man to Cap, Bucky, and Falcon. And they agree to work together to stop the threat of the other super soldiers. But they need to get an airship...
Queue the epic split screen fight! Spiderman was hilarious, Falcon was hilarious, it was really well done. The fight is pretty much even throughout, but they realize that they’re not all gonna make it out of it, so some of them have to be left behind. Everyone agrees that Steve and Bucky must get to the quinjet while the others hold them off. Ant Man goes giant to give them a chance. Black Panther chases after Bucky and Cap. Black Widow implores Steve to give up, but he refuses, so she moves aside and holds off Black Panther to allow them to get on the quinjet and leave. as the quinjet takes off, war machine and iron man chase after them, falcon tailing close behind. Iron Man calls vision to use his solar beam to take out the quinjet, Vision who is currently tending to Wanda who got blasted by War Machine, but anyways vision fires Falcon dodges and it hits War Machine, he falls iron man and falcon try to catch him but they are too late, furious iron man blasts falcon.
Zemo finds his way into the old base that Winter Soldier was held and finds the Super Soldiers.
Tony checks on Rhodey, who is basically paralyzed now. Natasha tells Tony to back off that things can only get worst, and he chastises her and mocks her for continuing to be a double agent. Tony gets intel that basically clears the winter soldier, that the real psychologist that was suppose to evaluate bucky was found dead.
Iron Man makes his way to the Raft where Clint, Wanda, Scott, and Sam are being held. and poor wanda is in straight jacket with all the bells and whistles...it was kinda sad... Iron Man pretends to still be with the accords, but tries to get more information from Sam, who tells tony where cap and bucky plan to go.
Iron Man goes to find them, but he is being followed by black panther.
Iron man meets up with Cap and bucky, and they team up to look for the real culprit (of course they are all being followed by Black Panther, who realizes that winter soldier is innocent). But things fall into play and goes exactly how zemo wants. He shows a video of winter soldier killing howard and maria stark. Cap tells Iron man that bucky was not responsible, that hydra made him do it. Furious that Cap already knew that winter soldier killed his parents, they duke it out again.....Zemo laughs and is like yay my elaborate, crazy plan to pit avengers against each other worked out perfectly... i have a lot of problems with this story, but whatever. Zemo leaves them to duke it out.
Iron man manages to disable Winter Soldier by destroying his metal arm, which now enrages Cap, and its just a beat down, Cap manages to disable Iron Man, and picks up bucky to take him away. Tony screams that cap does not deserve the shield that his father made, and cap drops it and leaves. While all this is happening, Black Panther captures Zemo, he realizes that he let his rage cloud his judgement, but no more, he spares zemo, but turns him into the authorities of course.
Tony is back with Rhodey and helping him with his walking. Stan Lee Cameo Alert* Stan Lee is a delivery guy and has a package for Tony Stank, yes Tony Stank. Its a message from steve yada yada, he basically apologizes and says he’s going to break free the other avengers, which he does. Tony gets an alert from the Accords about that exact situation and he puts them on hold.
Mid credit scenes
Bucky agrees to being frozen cryogenically until they find out how to permanently remove his programming. It is revealed that Black Panther has offered them safe haven in Wakanda saying that his father and winter soldier are victims in all of this. Cap is concerned if the accords find out that T’Challa is hiding them in Wakanada, and T’Challa is like, THEY CAN TRY!!!! RAWR 
end. no post credit scenes.
again im probably forgetting a lot, but i think thats how it goes, sorry for the bad grammar
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