shrutibansal38 · 3 years
Best Practices to Maintain your Mobile App – After Deployment
When speaking of mobile app development, you must remember one thing – the success of mobile apps both begin with and end with your users. It is all about the user experience you create for your customers. The user experience (UX) you deliver, will determine whether your mobile app will be a hit or fail in the market. Rest assured, all mobile apps that fail in the market have one thing in common – incompetent and subpar UX. There are some practices to ensure and maintain your mobile app.
As a mobile app developer, you must acknowledge that mobile apps need to evolve with time to keep up with the ever-changing mobile technology. If you don’t invest your time and efforts in upgrading the UI, UX, and other features of your mobile apps, they are bound to crash and burn in this dynamic app market. No surprise why Apple eliminated 50,000 obsolete mobile apps from its App Store in 2016!
The benefits of investing in the long-term maintenance of your mobile apps are many. For instance, when you continually upgrade your apps, it will result in enhanced user experience, reduced downtime, minimized uninstalls, better data visibility, improved ROI, and much more!
What are the best practices to maintain your mobile app after deployment?
To ensure that your mobile app stays on the top in the market here are best practices to invest for long-term mobile app maintenance:
Incorporate timely updates
Every mobile app developer should monitor how users are interacting with their apps. Pay attention to user feedback. This provides insights into the user psychology and helps you understand what features your users are looking for and what features are of no use to them.
Based on user interaction data and user feedback, you must add timely updates to add new features to your apps. You can also fix bugs in your regular updates. Also, make sure to update your apps to fit the specifications of newly launched devices as well. New features, even minor ones, can alleviate the pain points of users and make them feel heard and valued.
Fortify user security and privacy
Mobile apps should not overwhelm users with a ton of permissions. Nobody wants to go through a long list of app permissions before they can use an app. It’s exhausting and frustrating.
So, make sure you only ask for permissions that are needed and relevant. For instance, an online payment gateway does not need access to the camera or gallery. When your permissions are appropriate, it will give users a sense of security and trust. Allow your user to control how they wish to share their personal information for using an app.
Add a landing screen for offers
Landing pages are undoubtedly the most effective lead generating and marketing tool. The unique aspect of landing pages is that they accommodate more targeted actions.
You can use your landing pages to nurture and promote your business goals. Add a landing page in your mobile app that will highlight special offers for your users. Doing so will drive your target audience to avail those offers, thereby increasing both conversions and sales.
Customize the UX
What better than UX customization to retain your users and lure potential users toward your mobile app! When you align the user experience with their needs and preferences, they are more likely to continue using your app.
By creating tailor-made experiences for your users, you provide them with incentives to stay loyal to your app. The best approach to personalization is by creating a highly-curated content list and material in your app, based on the users’ past purchases, activity history, and in-app interactions.
Improve customer support
Your mobile app should always allow users to access customer support and assistance as and when they require. An accessible help desk will enable customers to clarify their queries and complaints conveniently.
Make sure to include different support options for your users, such as search tabs, FAQs, live chats, and live support via click-to-call buttons, to name a few.
These are five excellent and proven ways of maintaining your mobile app after its deployment. If you follow these five tips, your app will never be outdated, even in this dynamic market! Stay tuned with us we will be adding more tips for you, subscribe to our newsletter here.
We at Affle Enterprise grasp your business challenges & ideate a personalized user experience to solve complex business problems. Connect with our team at [email protected] for a quick mobile application development services consultation.
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shrutibansal38 · 4 years
How to draft an RFQ (Request For Quotation)
When you run a business, the first thing you must do is to figure out the unique needs and requirements of your trade. The next step is to identify the best possible sources from where you can acquire the resources for your business. In other words, you must embark on a vendor search. This is where a request for a quotation enters the scenario.
An RFQ (request for quotation) is a standard document that businesses use to solicit and evaluate the quotes of different vendors for the required product or service. A request for quotation includes many critical pieces of information such as the precise specifications for the product/service you wish to purchase, desired quantity, request for cost itemization, the deadline for response submission, and date of the final delivery of the deliverables.
However, when selecting vendors for resource acquisition, the first question that arises in the minds of business owners is:
“How to draft an RFQ?”
In this post, we’ll answer this question in detail. A well-drafted RFQ is crucial to evaluate the best-suited vendors at the best value for your business.
How to draft a Request For Quotation?
Drafting a request for quotation is no rocket science. You only need to understand the needs of your business and the objectives of an RFQ document. An RFQ must be structured in such a way that it clearly outlines your business requirements to the vendor. Typically, an RFQ includes six standard sections that you must customize based on your needs:
An introduction section in the RFQ document aims to let prospective vendors know that your company is accepting bids. It will present a brief overview of your business, its background, and mention the requirements of products/services. It’s best if you write this section after you’ve prepared the complete RFQ document, as this will help you highlight the key points quickly.
Submission details
As the name suggests, this section will clearly state all the essential information regarding deadlines for delivery, content requirements (if any), company mailing and contact address, and basically anything else that prospective vendors must know.
Pricing table
You must include a pricing table in your RFQ document to give line items for the ease of your vendors. This will also allow vendors to specify the itemized costs. Thus, during the evaluation stage, it will be easier for you to compare the prices offered by different vendors and choose the best possible option.
Product details
This section has to be the most detailed of all the segments in your RFQ document. Here, you will describe the exact specifications of the product/service you want to buy from the vendors. It will include the product quantity, product representation, features, quality assurance, timelines, and any other essential criteria that you expect from a vendor.
Terms and conditions
Your RFQ document must include and highlight any terms and conditions of the contract to elicit a precise response from the vendors.
Possible topics under terms and conditions are contract tenure, renewal options, financing options, delivery penalties, warranties, licensing rights, and so on. If you fail to mention the terms and conditions explicitly, it might create unnecessary complications between your company and the vendors in the future.
Evaluation criteria
This is the final section of your RFQ document. It will specify the selection criteria for your evaluation process of vendors. Including this section in an RFQ enables vendors to understand your needs better and tailor their proposals accordingly.
We hope that this answers your doubts on “how to draft an RFQ!”
To conclude…
Your specific business needs are what lay the foundation for a well-written RFQ document. The secret to creating and drafting an actionable RFQ document is to figure out how you can present your needs in the most transparent manner before prospective vendors. Once you unlock this secret, all you have to do is channel it through this six-step process!
If you are looking for mobile app development , or ios outsourcing development drop us a line at [email protected]
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shrutibansal38 · 4 years
Best Practices to Maintain your Mobile App (after deployment)
When speaking of mobile app development, you must remember one thing – the success of mobile apps both begin with and end with your users. It is all about the user experience you create for your customers. The user experience (UX) you deliver, will determine whether your mobile app will be a hit or fail in the market. Rest assured, all mobile apps that fail in the market have one thing in common – incompetent and subpar UX. There are some practices to ensure and maintain your mobile app.
As a mobile app developer, you must acknowledge that mobile apps need to evolve with time to keep up with the ever-changing mobile technology. If you don’t invest your time and efforts in upgrading the UI, UX, and other features of your mobile apps, they are bound to crash and burn in this dynamic app market. No surprise why Apple eliminated 50,000 obsolete mobile apps from its App Store in 2016!
The benefits of investing in the long-term maintenance of your mobile apps are many. For instance, when you continually upgrade your apps, it will result in enhanced user experience, reduced downtime, minimized uninstalls, better data visibility, improved ROI, and much more!
What are the best practices to maintain your mobile app after deployment?
To ensure that your mobile app stays on the top in the market here are best practices to invest for long-term mobile app maintenance:
Incorporate timely updates
Every mobile app developer should monitor how users are interacting with their apps. Pay attention to user feedback. This provides insights into the user psychology and helps you understand what features your users are looking for and what features are of no use to them.
Based on user interaction data and user feedback, you must add timely updates to add new features to your apps. You can also fix bugs in your regular updates. Also, make sure to update your apps to fit the specifications of newly launched devices as well. New features, even minor ones, can alleviate the pain points of users and make them feel heard and valued.
Fortify user security and privacy
Mobile apps should not overwhelm users with a ton of permissions. Nobody wants to go through a long list of app permissions before they can use an app. It’s exhausting and frustrating.
Mobile app development agency make sure you only ask for permissions that are needed and relevant. For instance, an online payment gateway does not need access to the camera or gallery. When your permissions are appropriate, it will give users a sense of security and trust. Allow your user to control how they wish to share their personal information for using an app.
Add a landing screen for offers
Landing pages are undoubtedly the most effective lead generating and marketing tool. The unique aspect of landing pages is that they accommodate more targeted actions.
You can use your landing pages to nurture and promote your business goals. Add a landing page in your mobile app that will highlight special offers for your users. Doing so will drive your target audience to avail those offers, thereby increasing both conversions and sales.
Customize the UX
What better than UX customization to retain your users and lure potential users toward your mobile app! When you align the user experience with their needs and preferences, they are more likely to continue using your app.
By creating tailor-made experiences for your users, you provide them with incentives to stay loyal to your app. The best approach to personalization is by creating a highly-curated content list and material in your app, based on the users’ past purchases, activity history, and in-app interactions.
Improve customer support
Your mobile app should always allow users to access customer support and assistance as and when they require. An accessible help desk will enable customers to clarify their queries and complaints conveniently.
Make sure to include different support options for your users, such as search tabs, FAQs, live chats, and live support via click-to-call buttons, to name a few.
These are five excellent and proven ways of maintaining your mobile app after its deployment. If you follow these five tips, your app will never be outdated, even in this dynamic market! Stay tuned with us we will be adding more tips for you, subscribe to our newsletter here.
If you are looking for mobile app development , or ios outsourcing development drop us a line at [email protected]
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shrutibansal38 · 4 years
5 stages of the Design Thinking Process
What is Design Thinking?
Design thinking helps in untangling the in-explicit or complicatedly defined issues. It is about analyzing, imagining, and providing a solution to the problems. When a designer provides an ideal solution based on the real needs of people, then voila, it is a success!
The five-step design thinking process
Design thinking that was created and popularized by the Stanford d. school is a five-step process.
This process is used to first identify and then creatively solve problems using a human-centric approach. We can think of bifurcating it into a two-phased approach.  Problem finding phase (Empathize and Define) and solution finding phase (Ideate, Prototype, and Test).
“Most people make the mistake of thinking design is what it looks like. People think it’s this veneer – that the designers are handed this box and told, ‘Make it look good!’ That’s not what we think the design is. It’s not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.”
Steve Jobs
We are going to talk about the whole process with a challenge to solve. Let us brainstorm our minds over this problem- “How might we improve the overall meeting experience at work?”
1. Empathize
This is a self-explanatory title; empathy is about imagining what someone else (in this case- the user) might be thinking or feeling. Empathizing in the design thinking process is about: Engage, Observe and Immerse.
Engage: Interview as many stakeholders as possible to understand what their needs might be and what challenges they might be facing, gather as much information as possible. In our case, interview the people coming in or going out of the meeting rooms.
Observe: Put yourself in the space of the design challenge. In our case, sit near or walk in the meeting room and observe people’s behavior while attending a meeting.
Immerse: Try to put yourself in the user’s shoes. Try to understand what a user might be going through while completing the said task. In our case, try to arrange a meeting with your team to get the first person’s perspective.
The interview process can be exhausting for both the interviewer and the interviewee. That is why it is essential to ask questions smartly. You should know how to start and dig the most out of the conversation within a short span of time. The 4 types of question to ask sequentially:
I) Ice Breaker: It is about warming up the interviewee for all the questions. This should be easy and generic, leading to a direction towards the problem you want to talk about. For example, Hi, are you here for a meeting?
II) Grand Tour: In a grand tour, you ask an interview to walk you through an experience. For example, walk me through the last time you scheduled a meeting here?
III) Dig Deeper: This is when you get the hold of the interview. Dig a little deeper into their experience with the design challenge that would lead to stories and essential information regarding the challenge. For example, how often do you schedule these meetings, and how much would you rate the current flow?
IV) Magic Wand: This is when you ask them for some suggestions on something they might want to change with the current process. For example, if you could change one thing about this meeting experience, what would it be?
2. Define
After talking to all the stakeholders, we might realize that what might work for one person might not work for another, and hence after all the probing, we come up with a point of view for the design.
The point of view is about focusing on solving our actual problem instead of all the problems. For example, one interviewee says, “the meeting rooms are mostly always booked, and it is hard to know when the room is available.” This is an actual problem that needs a solution.
Another interviewee says, “My laptop hangs every time I present my screen.” This problem can be overlooked for our challenge.
Once interviews are done, then comes the personas in our problem finding phase. Persona is a user-centric design that represents a user type. There are 5 major traits of personas.
i) Characteristics: This includes answers to questions like what they do, how they like to spend their time etc.
ii) Social Environment:  This includes answers to questions like where/ with whom they spend most of their time of the day, what impacts them the most etc.
iii) Tools and Environment: This includes all the physical entities that are surrounding them.
iv) Conviction and Beliefs: What your user cares about, what their likes are etc.
v) Fears and doubts: What are their dislikes, what are they most concerned about, what makes them nervous?
3. Ideate
Now comes the solution finding phase, this is where you and your team gets to sit together and brainstorm in finding all the answers to the problems. The solutions should be related to “the point of view” statements, and they must solve the problem. The key is to present even the smallest idea, quantity works here. Make as many “How might we” statements as possible to provide a solution.
For example, how might we monitor meeting rooms’ availability, and how might we book meeting rooms efficiently?
Things to keep in mind while brainstorming the solution with your problem:
Open conversation.
Welcome, all the ideas. You never know one small idea might lead to a solution.
Provide a headline for your ideas, there is no need for solution-explanation at this stage.
Try to be creative.
Do not counter at this point. Any idea can be a good idea.
Quantity works here. More ideas, the better.
4. Prototype & Test
Once we have our solution with us, now create an easy and quick prototype. Make sure, this version of the answer must be inexpensive—hand over the solution to the user or the client or anyone outside the design team. Let them experience your solution and give their perspective on it.
Keep in mind this is an experimental stage. Feedback is most important right now. The user can investigate the problem solution and either accept, improve, re-examine, or reject it based on his experiences. This helps in building the final solution.
Testing is nothing less than a second round of empathy. When you have your solution with you, and you hand it over. You should have your interview questions prepared, “how they like your solution, is there anything they would like to add?”. Even during this phase, alterations and refinements are made to achieve the best version of the solution.
To summarize, the design thinking process is flexible. Curiosity brings the best solutions. Putting emphasis on delivering solutions based on how real users think, feel, behave, and accurately follow this process gives the smoothest solution w.r.t. User experience.
If you are looking for mobile app development , or ios outsourcing development drop us a line at [email protected]
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shrutibansal38 · 4 years
How the Retail Industry is Scaling up with Scan and Go Technology
Nowadays, Everything around us is revolutionizing, how people work and businesses operate has completely enhanced and changed due to technological advancement.  
Thanks to the new technological advancements, the industrial landscape has drastically changed over a period of time, including the retail industry. Today, the retail business has taken a jump from age-old strategies to best in class advancements that currently work functioning as the foundation for industrial transformation. One of the most commendable innovations of technology is the Scan and-go tech.
The way that customers and consumers shop in-store is evolving tremendously. The rise of 'Scan and Go' technology, combine with other industry developments, assists retailers with redesigning, and reframing the purchasing experience they offer their clients. So, what exactly do retailers need to know about Scan and Go, and what are its benefits?
With the help of mobile app development agency, Scan and go technology is gaining momentum across the world due to this reason and technological advancements. There are numerous opportunities for individuals who invest smartly in the right digital initiatives. Merchants can use scan and go to expand normal income per client (ARPU), help faithfulness, boost loyalty, convey an improved client experience, and make operational efficiencies.
 Scan-and-Go Technology
Scan and Go Technology is a technology that is revolutionizing the way clients associate with physical stores, disposing of the requirement for checkouts, and empowering retailers to concentrate workforce personnel and making speculation on different aspects of their stores and businesses. 
Scan and go technology is an advanced development that is being received by brands over the globe, yet what advantages would it be able to give to retailers? 
Firstly, an individual must understand what scan and go technology is: in a regular retail situation, when clients visit a store and choose to make a buy, they, for every part, need to find and visit a checkout to have their chosen things filtered and afterward pay for them. 
With the help of check and go, customers utilize their own cell phones to examine the things and afterward pay on their gadgets at the snap of a catch. They can do this from any area inside the store, eliminating the need to discover a checkout and afterward line up for administration.  
The Benefits of Scan and Go Technology
Here's are the benefits of how scan-and-go technology is changing the retail business: 
Forget your cash! 
Scan-and-go technologies have made the retail sector seamless as well as secure. Quick online payment methods, along with easily accessible QR codes, have made shopping extremely convenient for customers. 
BOPIS or Buy Online and Pick Up In-Store is seeing a drastic and complete rise in its usage because despite the extremely quick internet shopping improvements, even today, clients want to go the regular way and assess the item actually before purchasing. 
Automated cashier stores 
Amazon, Myntra, Walmart, and other giants are vigorously putting resources and investing in technologies and advancements that are taking departmental shopping towards the next stage of solace. With coordinated PC vision and profound learning calculations, an individual can shop without standing in the queue as shopping can now be possible without standing in queues and checking out the cashier or counter. 
Customer empowerment  
Scan and Go solutions give clients the freedom, independence and enable them to purchase anything they desire and pay conveniently, without holding up in a queue. Likewise, retailers can combine their Scan and Go arrangements with loyalty plans and coupons along these lines permitting clients to pick the installment blend that suits their preferences – they can pay to utilize a mix of installment cards, loyalty earned points, and offers. 
Enhancing the customer experience
Experience is an essential battleground for physical retailers. Mobile scan and go technology can redefine the in-store model for retailers by conveying the 'walkout' experience promoted by Amazon Go (and progressively requested by shoppers) in a reasonable, adaptable, and productive way. 
In addition, mobile self-checkout empowers partners and associated with being redeployed all through the store. If equipped with a staff portal, associates can monitor, partners can screen, and help purchasers all through their time coming up. This human commitment encourages faithfulness, consumer loyalty, and drives expanded to spend.
 Optimizing operational efficiencies
Revenue protection is vital to any effective activity and efficient operation with the goal that misfortune avoidance contemplations and loss prevention considerations can be viewed as a hindrance to adoption
Mobile scan-and-go must be looked at differently to traditional self-checkout terminals. Where self-checkout can prompt frustration, disappointment, and, consequently, theft, retailers have reported that the mobile scan-and-go experience is seamless and consistent. A few buyers felt uncomfortable with only leaving the store. We should not overlook too that retailers can set up progressively hearty measures to relieve robbery, for example, a necessity to check an advanced receipt on exit.  
In these transformative occasions, the individuals who can adjust and adapt emerging technologies, challenges, and opportunities remain to increase noteworthy upper hands and competitive advantages. Importantly, mobile Scan and go technologies are promptly accessible Scand available to convey these advantages to retailers at scale.
If you are looking for mobile app development , or ios outsourcing development drop us a line at [email protected]
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shrutibansal38 · 4 years
With technological advancement, mobile applications have become an essential part of an individual’s day-to-day operations and life. As per Comscore, people spend 87% of their time on an average on mobile applications. As per sources, By 2022, The number of mobile app downloads will exceed 250 billion.
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shrutibansal38 · 4 years
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shrutibansal38 · 4 years
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shrutibansal38 · 4 years
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shrutibansal38 · 4 years
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shrutibansal38 · 4 years
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shrutibansal38 · 4 years
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shrutibansal38 · 4 years
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shrutibansal38 · 4 years
Bringing Revolution in Health & Fitness, Here is How Mobile Apps are Making a Difference
Our fast-evolving and outgoing lifestyle are what brings us the much-coveted adrenaline boost. However, the more we “perform,” the more we dive into our sedentary office work towards building the “good” life, we put our body through a lot of physical and mental stress and pressure. This is the reason why our generation is witnessing a slew of health problems and risks, much more than our predecessors.
As the incidence of health risks and issues becomes increasingly prominent worldwide, people are now more conscious of their health. People across the world are redefining the meaning of “beautiful” and “desirable” by striving to be healthy and fit. In fact, living a healthy lifestyle, eating right, and exercising are the norms of the latest trend – fitness. This is where health and fitness apps enter the scenario.
Health and fitness mobile app development powered by mobile technology allow us to keep tabs on our health and fitness goals anywhere and anytime. Whether you wish to track your sleeping patterns or monitor your heart rate, health and fitness apps are the new tools that enable you to take proactive charge of your body.
What are the must-have features of a health and fitness app?
According to Statista, the number of available health and fitness apps in the Play Store stood at 37,143 in the first quarter of 2019. The best thing about health and fitness apps is that while many are linked to specific activity trackers (like Fitbit devices or Apple, Samsung, and Mi smartwatches), many others offer regular health stats. Thus, app users always remain informed about their health and vital stats.
So, what are the features that make a health and fitness app a great one?
Here are five features to look out for when designing a health and fitness app!
1. Device compatibility – Compatibility with mobile platforms – Android and iOS – is a must. Also, if your health and fitness app can synchronize with wearables like smartwatches, it will make the process of health monitoring all the more convenient for users.
2. Customization – Users should be able to create their unique profiles by including personal details like age, gender, height, weight, and health goals. The app should then provide customized features such as personalized exercise routine, diet plan, and progress reports accordingly.
3. Geolocation – It is essential to include this feature to enable users to track their walking routes. By doing so, they can plan to expand their walking/running routes and track their progress every day. Also, geolocation will allow them to track their fitness progress over an extended period of time.
4. Push notifications – Users with strict health and fitness goals hardly ever want to miss a workout session. However, it is challenging to keep up with a busy lifestyle and maintain our daily fitness goals – sometimes, it is bound to slip out of mind. This is when push notifications come to the rescue. These notifications remind users to stay on track with their daily workout sessions.
5. Gamification – It is human nature to push ourselves more when we have a specific target to reach or when we are promised an incentive/reward for our efforts. When you include gamification (rewards/points) in your health and fitness app, it motivates users to use your app and push themselves towards their health goals. There could also be a penalty for incomplete tasks.
6. Sleep tracker – This is another feature that is a must-have for a health and fitness app. Such is our lifestyle today that even getting a few hours of sound sleep is a challenge for many of us. The sleep tracker lets you track the time you had slept soundly, the time when you were active in your sleep, and even when you are in your heaviest/lightest sleep stage. However, to use this feature, you have to wear a fitness wearable and activate it before going to sleep.
If you incorporate these features into your health and fitness app, it will motivate the users to take active charge of their body and create a loyal and satisfied fan base for your app.
If you are looking for enterprise app mobile app development, drop us a line at [email protected]
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shrutibansal38 · 4 years
Must-Have Features of a Meditation App
We reside in a fast-changing and dynamic world that has its fair share of blessings and curses. Such is the pace of modern life that the lines between our personal and professional lives are blurred, continually adding to our stress. And just when we thought that our lives couldn’t get any more stressful and confusing, COVID-19 comes marching in!
At the end of our busy days, most of us are left with a pertinent question – “How can I keep my mental stability intact in such uncertain times?”
The answer is meditation. Granted that meditation is not the answer to our worldly problems, but it surely helps to calm our mind and body. Since we live in a time where we’re continually working and functioning as social and professional beings, it is more important than ever to take care of our mental health. This is why more and more people worldwide are seeking refuge in meditation and meditation apps.
What are the features that a meditation app must have?
Meditation has become the one tool for peace and relaxation both for millennials and Gen Z. Thanks to meditation apps like Calm, Headspace, 10% Happier, Aura, and Inscape, you can connect with expert meditation practitioners, access soothing voice-guided courses, listen to tranquil sleep music, and much more.
In 2017, Apple Store editors declared that mindfulness and meditation apps as one of the four breakout trends in app culture. According to Statista, by 2022, the U.S. meditation market is predicted to grow from US$ 1.21 billion to over US$ 2 billion. Another source suggests that between 2020 to 2027, the global meditation market will grow at a CAGR of 10.40% to reach US$ 9.0 billion. Since India is the source of origination of meditation and mindfulness, there’s a massive pool of untapped potential for meditation app development in the country.
If you wish to monetize this opportunity, we recommend that you include the following features in your meditation app while getting it developed from mobile app development company:
Onboarding tutorial – “Onboarding Tutorial” refers to a short but informative video clip that appears when users open the app for the first time. The tutorial’s primary purpose is to guide the users through the app and show them the highlights (core features) of your app. You can explain other additional elements as users progress in their user journey.
Neat and consistent design – Meditation and mindfulness are all about helping you achieve a state of tranquility. Naturally, the app’s user interface must bear a minimalistic and neat design (it should never distract a user). The best choices for your app’s color palette are pink, purple, blue, green, and yellow.
Personalization – Today, the best mobile apps are those that encourage customization. Every user who chooses to use your meditation app will have a unique motive to meditate. Thus, it would be best if you created the scope for users to customize their app experiences. For instance, users can create their unique profiles and earn badges for completing different sessions. These little features will allow them to feel more involved and in control.
Play screen – This is one of the most crucial features of a meditation app. This is where the users will see the animations and elements come to life to create a relaxing environment. The play screen should again have a minimalistic design surrounding the “play” button. Also, make sure to include soothing animations and calming background images/music. Warm earthy tones and pastels are excellent color choices for the play screen.
Meditation session sets – We’ve saved the best for last. Meditation sessions the most crucial aspect of your app. These sessions are nothing but podcasts based on different topics on mindfulness, each having calm background music (chants or nature sounds). While designing these podcasts, you must consider the needs of people belonging to different age groups and sex. Although each meditation session’s duration varies, recordings of 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 30 minutes are the standard format. There may also be longer sessions of 45 or 60 minutes.
Like any other mobile application, a meditation app is made of numerous features. However, these five are the core aspects that you MUST keep in mind for meditation app development. With millions of people locked up in their homes during this pandemic, this is the ideal time to woo people towards “tranquility and calm” with your meditation app!
We at Affle Enterprise grasp your business challenges & ideate a personalized user experience to solve complex business problems. Connect with our team at [email protected] for a quick mobile app development consultation.
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shrutibansal38 · 4 years
Rapid Adoption of Apps in Aviation Domain
Do you know how many people currently travel by air transport? It was 3.6 billion people in 2016; the IATA forecasts that it will be 7.2 billion by 2035, an astounding double of the present figure. All of these passengers – business travelers, tourists, families heading to reunite and backpackers are busy and preoccupied individuals who increasingly rely on mobile applications to handle their travel rather than tapping through a mobile desktop.
The average number of active users in top European airline apps nearly tripled in 2016 versus 2014, making mobile applications the new frontier of airline competition. How does a business stay ahead in this gruelling and rapidly changing industry?
An airline app can obviously not be a smaller version of the desktop, even if airlines operate in a largely inelastic market. Customers expect an app that is fast, stable and easy to use. This includes the user-friendliness of the interface, the colours, the speedy responses, the ease in toggling drop down lists and text boxes, and the relative appeal of the visual features.
Improving execution through rapid bug fixes, light updates and constant integration of customer feedback are key elements in maintaining an edge in this industry. Lest we forget, online travel agents and metasearch services compete with individual airlines on a near-equal basis for customers, and the party who wins the spot on the customer’s smartphone is the one with the fastest and lightest app.
Due to technology and mobile application development services, This rapid adoption of airline apps obviously presents new opportunities for airlines to engage with their customers. Customers are increasingly responding to bundles of features in the app – whether it is scanning of passport details to input personal information, management of loyalty features, offers from airline partners and quick access to specific services such as fast-tracked security or lounge benefits.
They demand timetables, notifications, and updates about the airline’s services, and expect all relevant in-flight information on the app. Apps are a constant companion before, through and after the flight, and gives airlines the chance to offer products and services outside the “air travel” part of the journey.
The structuring and presentation of features is key ingredient for encouraging users to spend more time on the app, which in turn allows for more direct bookings, and opportunities to advertise cross-sell and increase sales from affiliates and partners. A well-designed app is also crucial in increasing brand loyalty and familiarity.
Multiple factors influence an individual’s decision about travel, but they become predictable with time. Using data driven insights into customer behavior and inclinations to design the app and its interaction with the user therefore allows the user to have a personalized relationship with the app, and therefore the airline.
Needless to say, a sound technology base and a stable framework designed and built to evolve in response to customer feedback is alluring and irresistible to your average consumer. The promise of an app that is built to keep up with the latest technology, behave intelligently and evolve in response to customer feedback as well as insights driven by data, to improve the customer’s experience, is what Affle offers.
If you are looking for mobile application development agency, drop us a line at [email protected]
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shrutibansal38 · 4 years
4 Ways To Avoid Making Dud Apps That Don’t Sell
There’s a Zombie App-o-calypse on the App stores. . If you aren’t familiar with the term Zombie Apps then let us tell you what we intend to say. As a mobile app development company we are aware of the challenges most applications face. The anonymity in the huge app universe is one of the greatest. Nobody wants to make dud Zombie  apps!
How do you define  Zombie Apps?
There isn’t an exact definition to a Zombie App, right from zero downloads to sporadic or no user engagement are enough to label an app a zombie. It’s more likely you know what a dud app is not.
However, there is a clear definition on App Store as to which apps are not  Zombie Apps. If your app appears in the apps ranked in the first three hundred on two out of three days, it’s unlikely that it is a zombie because then it is organically discoverable. Or if you have a close to a few multiple thousand downloads then maybe you are in the safe territory.
How likely is that? Given that the number of apps submitted and  released to the alone has been an upward graph in both the Apple iTunes App Store and Google Play Stores (As the graphs below indicate) what are the chances your app lands in a favourable situation? The answer isn’t very promising!
By now you must be thinking ‘Okay smart guy, what’s the code to develop immunity to the Zombie App-o-calypso?  So we are about to share the recipe to the magic sauce that we make to get best-seller apps. Here are four ways to avoid landing up as a dud app:
#1 A Unique Concept or/and An Edgy Execution to Avoid A Zombie App:
Either you are building a business around the app or an app around the business. In any case, the concept has to be as unique as possible, we know that the creative heads can run out of ideas and it may not be feasible to find new ones. So re-package old wine in a new bottle and make sure the bottle is as unique as possible. To cut the metaphor short, two things can sell your app, a wonderful idea or/and equally brilliant features.
#2 App Categories Optimization :
What happens when there are a lot of players in the same arena? Cutthroat competition. You don’t have to run the same race as the other apps. Your app may overlap some categories, choose the ones with lesser competitors. There is always data surrounding these, consult the people who can tell you more.
#3 App Store Analytics to Avoid Zombie Apps:
App Stores don’t work in a very different fashion from Search Engines, the apps that are discovered the most are downloads. The two most popular App downloading platforms; Google Playstore and Apple App store come with App analytics. There are keywords and SEO tricks to crack as well.
#4 App Marketing on The Right Medium :
As an app development company firm powered by Affle, a pioneer in mobile marketing, we know loads on mobile marketing strategy and we have seen success stories being made from effective marketing. Don’t blindly go for rich-media ads or video campaigns,the right kind of marketing has a timing and a plan. The experts would never advise absolutely new players to make a lot of investment in marketing. It’s a booster for user engagement and awareness when the app gives a lukewarm performance. There are always the beginner stages on Social Media Platforms that you can employ if you are fresh in the market.
These four ways should help you make a few alterations in your plans for now, for more insights stay tuned to our blog. Discuss your app and app ideas, success and failures with us in the comments section.
Contact us for any query related to mobile app development agency at [email protected]
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