shslmikoism-blog · 8 years
yui what the fuck
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shslmikoism-blog · 10 years
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"you're gonna make mistakes." || reiji/mika playlist
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farewell, my love.
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shslmikoism-blog · 10 years
She narrowed her eyes at her new investigation partners, (well, Chiyoko was the only one who was technically new) it started with Jinsei first, with him calling her moonmoon before she could respond and Chiyoko following after him. "Ha! Ehe, funny" She said this with a completely flat voice, it was obvious enough she had enough of their nicknames. 
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"So, fuckin' chill already." She smirked at them, obviously amused. "I thought I did a good job last time, lover boy. I was good at yellin' out orders, might as well do it again." She flashed one of her rare grins, "Ya know?" It went away as soon as Chiyoko went over to poke a corpse in it's head. She followed her, putting her hands on her knees as she bent down to inspect the body closer than before. "Whoa, looks like magazine boy took a huge hit."
She looked down over at his leg, cringed at how oddly bent it was and her eyes flickered back up to Chiyoko's hands. "Pffft." She held in her giggles with her hand. "Yeah, lover boy. You might attract more ladies this way, you'll be cooler and have a harem if you try hard enough." She squinted, "Maybe you can stop wearing your hideous neon clothes and I'll be all over you."
[Investigation] Round 2: Sudden Death! [Jinsei&Mika&Chiyoko]
He’s surprised by his own tenderness as he reaches up to sweep Katsuie’s hair out of the way, the better to check the other boy’s neck.  What’s the need for delicacy?  He’s dead, and won’t need it where he’s going.  But it’s something like respect for the man Hagane was in life that moves Jinsei, and he mutters a prayer for the departed under his breath as he examines the bruises.  
They’re consistent with the cause of death, so that’s fair.  What interests him is the blood smeared on his body - and where it could have come from.  He’s just starting a more thorough check when Chiyoko’s voice startles him, and Jinsei reels back to look up at her.  Hopefully, she didn’t hear that blessing.
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"I’m not… eager.”  He sighs as she walks away.  "I just want to get this over with as quickly as possible.  The faster we find the evidence, the faster we can get this whole charade out of the way."  
Obediently, he sticks his hands in Katsuie’s jacket pockets, turning them inside out, uncertain exactly what he’s looking for outside of keys to fuel Chiyoko’s loot quest.  While he’s at it he performs a slightly more thorough check of Katsuie’s corpse, specifically looking for any open wounds.  Perhaps they can eliminate the possibility of it being his own blood.
It’s not long before they’re joined by another prospective investigator - and exactly the person he’s been longing to see, too.
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"Glad you decided to join us, moonmoon.  As you can see, I’ve got the body-touchin’ under control, so if you’re intending to make yourself more useful than last time, you might need to try elsewhere."
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shslmikoism-blog · 10 years
"Mmuh-- what." Mika lifted her head up from her pillow, awoken by a small ping of her student ID card and what sounded like to be Monobear's annoying voice, as always. She groaned as she woke up later than ever, like everyday. But something was off, for once, someone wasn't hammering on her door, knocking on it to alert her awake. She slowly lurched up, rubbing her eyes tiredly as she glanced over at her ID card to find something much more than what she expected.
Literally launching herself out of her bed and out the door, she forgot to put on her socks when she exited the room, simply shoving on her wooden geta as she ran towards what the Monobear file stated, the treasure room. Mika didn't pay attention to the name listed on the file, but she ran, for the chances someone else killed once again.
Stumbling into the treasure room, she panted as she took short breaths of air, she could only see a few people standing near the bodies in horror. Risa, her former roommate and Katsuie, someone Mika has never spoken to. "...Holy shit, Kamisama." She couldn't even remember the motive Monobear had presented to him, Mika could hardly care. All there was was the chances of another idiot, messing up and killing another student. This time, it was not only a single student, but two. She breathed out a heavy sigh, walking up to where Chiyoko and Jinsei were checking the corpses.
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She paused for a moment to catch her breath, then spoke up to both of them. "So, what's the status this time? I guess this time it was one of us, again." She crossed her arms. "If you think I can touch a dead body, then hell to the no."
[Investigation] Round 2: Sudden Death! [Jinsei&Mika&Chiyoko]
It comes as no surprise this time, he’s sad to say.  
A two for one deal is a tantalising prospect, and one Jinsei could not honestly expect his fellow students to resist.  Thus, at the sound of Rinko’s body announcement, he wastes no time gathering himself and making his way over to the crime scene.  This is no time for hysterics.  He’s determined not to make an embarrassment of himself, like with… 
Like last time.
Even though he’s sure he’s better prepared for it, the sight of the scene still knockes the wind out of him.  Katsuie Hagane and Risa Koezukuri… he’d been close with neither, but that did nothing to help the shock of it.  A double murder for a double emancipation.
He breathes in, slowly, and swallows.  Jinsei has an idea, but even the thought of it puts a panic low in his stomach, twisting and wriggling like worms.  Keep calm.  The breathing, at least, seems to be working; his hands hardly shake as he removes his ID from his pocket, glossing over the Monobear files.  His heart barely pounds as he steps up to the plate, closing the distance between himself and the -
The bodies.  Just say it.
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"The victims," he announces, to the room at large. "I’m going to examine the victims.  Anybody who wants to’s welcome to help.” This time, he’s determined to make himself useful, and the files have given him a few ideas about where to look.  Maybe he’s no taxidermist, but they don’t have the luxury of Eguchi’s expertise this time, so he’ll have to do.
Jinsei crouches by his side, and gives Katsuie a quick once-over for any glaringly obvious wounds.
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shslmikoism-blog · 10 years
Yui Narita, tall redwood tree with the firm definition of annoying in the damn dictionary. She had never saw the other girl as a friend, not even a classmate if she had to put it that way. She was just another annoying person at this castle she would ignore with no hesitation. Well, now that Yui had fully walked up to her and asked her a question, it wasn't like Mika could get off of the bench and leave her behind.
She wasn't that rude.
Mika could almost laugh at Yui's first question, she was definitely not okay. It wasn't everyday for her to run off after a corpse and have a breakdown about it, her knuckles were sore and bloodied and her feet were already developing purple bruises along her skin. She stopped facing the ground for a moment to fully face Yui, her eyes red and puffy, she looked beyond tired this morning. "Took you a while to notice, Narita." Mika glanced back down at her feet upon hearing Yui's concerns, a small chuckle escaped her lips as she stood up fully, wincing.
Now that she was standing, her legs were fully showing off the vine tattoos along her thigh and feet. It gave off the illusion they were crawling over her legs, not only that there was a black diamond placed onto her ankle. She heaved out a sigh, placing a hand on her hip as she raised an eyebrow at Yui.
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"Narita, come here and carry me."
✖ motive two - aggression [yui]
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shslmikoism-blog · 10 years
She knew that she had over exhausted herself. Her body was never fit for long distance running for long periods of time and it looked like Monobear was no way slowing down at all. It wasn't that it's tiny legs were faster than her, but for some reason, the more desperate she got, the less she saw Reiji's body being dragged off. Monobear could only respond to her calls with his stupid laughter as usual, he was fully aware of her chasing after them.
It wasn't like the bear was going to slow down for her, so she had to pick up the pace. She decided her geta were a drag to run in, so she scrapped them aside. Remembering that she left them on the side of the courtyard somewhere, her eyes tore away from her shoes when she had realized Monobear went into the maze. Cursing, she followed after. 
Mika slowly found it hard to keep up as the curves and turns messed her up, she could no longer follow the trail of blood Reiji's corpse left as her mind was scattered. She gave up entirely, cursing as she started punching the wall with her fist. Feeling her knuckles sting and drip with fresh blood, she backed off, retracing her steps with her best effort.
Blinking, she looked around her as she realized where she was, yes, the jousting areas. She kicked rocks around in anger, quickly regretting it as she forgot she had taken off her geta. Walking around, she didn't bother to turn around to find the exit to the courtyard, so she decided to go through the other horse area to find her shoes in the end. 
She was merely walking around, with her dirt and blood soaked socks and bloody knuckles. It was just another afternoon stroll for her, until she looked up to find someone who didn't particularly like her. She spat out to the side, groaning as she approached Nao.
"Hey, if I was doin' well, I would have my shoes on for once." She let out a small irritated, tsk before resuming on. "Anyway, I got somethin' for ya." Wait, where did she put that darned thing she got from the treasure chest..? Oh, right. Without a word to Nao, she stuck her non-wounded hand down her shirt, digging around until she pulled a grey cat plush out of her bra. 
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She handed it to him without a word, placing her hands on her hip. "Yeah, you got your cat thing goin' on. Might as well be nice to you, for once." She closed her eyes, breathing out. "Also, ask anything about earlier, I might break your nose. Might though, who knows, go for it even."
Motive 2-- Fetch! || (Open)
Things were tumbling down, one by one. Just when he had a nice long sleep, he woke up to a disaster. Reiji Eguchi was dead for defying the headmaster—and this clarified one thing: He was not joking around. His face had twisted into sadness and he shook his head slightly. Even his puppet didn’t utter a sound as Monobear started to drag the body away, Mika running after the two. It felt like being in a moving car without breaks.
When it finally all stops something dreadful has occurred, this time it being the motive. It was a good thing Eguchi was not murdered by any of them, but the impact of that sudden stop was all the same. 
Not bearing to stand there dumbfounded any longer, he bounded for the stables. Unfortunately there were no horses but the smell and feel of the place brought a warm feeling to his heart. Making sure the ground  was clear he relaxed and closed his eyes, taking his mind off of the former classmate and the motive. 'Just..why would any one do it again? Sure, two people get out but..' Images of Kaho cropped up in his brain. ‘It feels like more of a sacrifice to save two others.. that’s pretty brave..!’
Nao snapped back out of his thoughts when he heard a set of footsteps. His heart sank, his heartbeat rose and he wrung his hands. There were too many things to worry about now for the casual “Hello, how are you? Bad? I am too..” 
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shslmikoism-blog · 10 years
✖ motive two - aggression [open]
She wasn't exactly the most fit person in the world, she kept on running though. Each break she took to make sure to actually breathe, the more Reiji's body was getting away. She saw his hair, matted with the dirt of the floor and blood, his body left a small trail for her to follow as he was dragged away by Monobear. "Jiji!" She called out, her breathing getting heavier as she ran on with her shoes. "No..please, don't leave me here alone.." Mika would only beg and sob, the more she ran, the more her getas hurt as it scraped along the stone floor. Cursing, she took a brief moment to throw her shoes aside, running with her socks only as she felt herself pick up the pace.
That was, until she saw Reiji's body vanish into the maze. "Reiji!" As if calling out would make him magically wake up and hop to his feet, she swallowed nervously as she entered the maze. At first, she could follow the floor, the turns, the curves of the maze by following the trials of blood his body left on the flooring. Soon, the blood was going away, the more she ran, the less she saw. It was very possible, that she got herself lost. Cursing under her breath, she slammed her fist into the wall in anger. "Damnit!" She punched harder, feeling the wall eat at her skin as blood sprouted from her wounds. Now that her burst of frustration was gone, she breathed out slowly, taking her bleeding knuckles away from the wall. "Kamisama..if you're listening.." She closed her eyes, intertwining her fingers. "..Please, make sure Reiji frees himself of this world, his soul will remain unbound to this world in which he will not become an evil spirit." She sighed, turning around to retrace her steps in her blood stained socks.
On the way out, she found her getas tossed haphazardly onto the floor. Picking them up, she felt the edge of her thigh highs. Slowly, she took them off, balled them up and shoved it down her shirt. Slipping on her geta, she would find herself a new pair of socks later, hopefully. Mika didn't really prefer for her to be walking around in dirty socks, after all. Now that she was out of the maze she found herself in the tea garden. 
She wasn't really in the mood to talk to anyone at the moment, so she turned down a hall, entering the patio past the tea garden. Mika stared at what looked to be a long, wooden bench before sitting down, sighing as she did so. For a moment, she closed her eyes, willing herself to not burst into tears ever again. 
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Opening her eyes, she found that someone was near her, really if she wanted some real peace and quiet, she would have gone into her room. Regretting to not make that choice, she stared at the person who had approached her. "...So, you gonna ask a question, or are we playing a really intense staring contest here?"
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shslmikoism-blog · 10 years
✖ don't leave me [closed]
She had to admit, the quarters here compared to the rooms in the first floor were considerably better than the pile of hay she had to sleep on, turning around to find her facing her stupid roommate. Beds, were of course, better than the floor that made her back hurt every time she woke up. Like every morning, she had overslept. It broke her damn back every time she had to lurch up, yawning as hours probably had passed ever since Monobear's announcement turned on.
However, this morning was different. Different, as in she woke up due to loud noises outside of her door. She always heard these noises, occasionally it was mister man scout who was hammering at her door for her to get her ass up. She closed her eyes again, drifting off to sleep until she heard an unexpected voice. Monobear was outside. Realizing this must be one of the days that Monobear would pressure them to murder, kill, maybe stab a few people in the gut and leave them in the bathroom to die. 
Groaning as she rolled out of her bed, landing roughly onto the floor as she breathed out a heavy sigh. Mika picked herself off of the floor, dusting off any dirt gathered from her fall and she turned around to face her door. Tugging the damned skirt down in the hopes for one day her actual uniform to be returned one day, she started to make her way towards the door. Swinging it open, she pushed past a couple of people to see what they were all looking at. "Ah, Sakai's just sittin' in butt, what are you all..looking.." She trailed off, her eyes moving over to the body on the floor. 
Her body felt cold the moment she laid eyes on the corpse, she couldn't believe her eyes. Emotions overwhelmed her very being, she felt like someone just punched her square in the gut and kicked her face in. Before she knew it, tears were stinging her eyes.
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"..Reiji.." There were so many holes, she looked over at his face, his closed eyes that would never open again. Never open again to laugh with her, to smile at her, to call her, Mi-chii. It was too much to take in, she felt angry, frustrated for him to be dead like this. Idiot! As she cried, she didn't notice she was until tears dripped down her cheek and dropped onto her clothing. "Shit. shit." She cursed under her breath, wiping her wet cheeks with her sleeve.
"No, holy shit."
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"No! You come back here with my best friend's corpse, you stupid bear!" She ran towards the bear without a word, disappearing into the dark.
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shslmikoism-blog · 10 years
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"Everyone wishes they didn’t meet in a weird musty place with rats, let’s be real here.”
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shslmikoism-blog · 10 years
The maze was but a simple task for the shrine maiden, although she met with a few stops in the road, she found her way out, blinking once she was out of the damned place. Heaving a sigh, she tilted her head to stretch, her body was stiff after navigating through the maze, she just wanted to sleep now.
But her quest of finally getting good rest was stopped by someone she certainly didn't want to talk to today, Ryozo Rokuda. Stopping at the figure blocking her way into her room, she let out a small tsssk noise as she crossed her arms. There was nothing to talk about, unless he wanted to scold her or something. She hated her conversations with this boy.
"You're already wasting my time and you're only a few words in." She breathed out, another irritated sigh. Before she could protest any longer, he continued, speaking without a single hesitation in his voice for his actions towards her. 
Once he was done, with his arms wide open for her, she closed her eyes. How could her hate for this boy continue to increase? Well, it just did. Great. "Listen, I didn't feel any loss for that murderer." On every word she spoke, she hissed, the anger clear on her face. "Tsukuda was someone I didn't partially take interest of-- in fact, I hated her guts." She frowned, "I don't take back the pure joy I felt when she died." 
Speaking in a complete flat tone, it was hard to tell if she was joking or not.
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"And NO! Don't touch me with your grimy hands, don't even offer to hug me!" This time, her voice escalated, growing louder and louder. "If you lay even a finger on me Rokuda, I will rip your balls off and force it down your throat."
✖ task four - ignorance [ryozo]
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shslmikoism-blog · 10 years
✖ task four - ignorance [closed]
You could say she had a dirty smirk on her face as she watched Kaho die. Mika was using her hand to cover her giggles, but her joy was clear on her face. It wasn’t like she had some creepy kink for executions and deaths, like a certain someone, but she enjoyed the pure fact Kaho had been caught red handed. She was never fond of the sarcastic girl, and now that her life was coming to an end because of a stupid mistake, Mika couldn’t help but laugh at her. Of course, she got looks for doing so, but she couldn’t give a flying fuck about how the others felt.
She kept behind the others as they exited the trial room, she never liked to walk in groups, so she fell a few steps behind everyone else. By this time, her grin was gone, but often small chuckles would escape from her mouth. Mika watched as everyone stopped in front of the stair case that lead up to the armory room. Raising an eyebrow, she walked a little faster to see what everyone was looking at. She paid no attention to the bear, watching him ramble on and on until something caught her eye. Presented in front of her was a pile of keys, that had a bear symbol on each one..except the one on the top. She pushed past people, grabbing the gate key, smiling at it. Priceless.
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Taking one monokey from the stack, she walked up the steps. Going past the swords, she made her way to the top of the staircase, where the gate was. “Haha..!” She laughed again, spinning the keys on her finger before taking the gate key and unlocking it. Mika listened for the satisfying click of the gate, kicking them open. “..That’s better.” With no hesitation, she tossed the gate key on the floor, letting it clink into the floor and slide over to hit the wall. Walking past, she made her way to the room with her nameplate without a single word to anyone else.
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shslmikoism-blog · 10 years
"Well crap, that's blood."
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She responded apathetically, almost tired by now seeing blood sprayed everywhere. Shizue didn't exactly die in a blood bath, but it got to the point where Mika could no longer respond properly with a single reaction of some sort or surprise. From the sword being off balanced, or whatever Jinsei found, she had assumed one of the people searching had moved it somehow. This confirmed her answers a bit more.
"Hm." She mused, blinking as she looked down at Yui, who was crouching to see the blood on the blade. "Looks like you're useful for once Narita, although.." Mika bent down, tucking her obnoxiously short skirt in as she inspected the blood traces on the sword.
Taking a finger, she dragged her finger against the blade, feeling the blood drip onto her finger as she did so. "..Still fresh, I guess." Wiping her bloody finger on her skirt, she got up, breathing out a sigh.
"Someone get cat boy or somethin'." She paused, turning to look where she last saw Nao. "Get your butt over here, I don't think there's anythin' else here."
✖ task three - privileges {yui/ nao/ jinsei}
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shslmikoism-blog · 10 years
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Oh, Jinsei Yuuhara was going to fucking die tonight. She proceeded to ignore the new nickname she got from him, Mika had to really give him points for originality. Her last name, Tsukiko, was moon child, aka moonbaby. About to walk over there to inspect the clue he had found, she was stopped by Yui finding something. "Haah?" She stopped, looking at Yui with an apathetic expression. "A bobby pin-- like hell that's useful. Who knows who uses bobby pins here, I mean have you seen everyone's hair?" 
Stopping herself from making any more snappy remarks about the clue Yui had found, she spitted out a compliment. "Good job though, keep the bobby pin in mind." Mika glanced over at Nao, who had responded to her insults about rats earlier. "Yeah, keep lookin', whatever." She waved her hand in a shoo motion, glancing back over where Jinsei was. "Narita, come with me. Looks like Lover boy's found something."
Taking Yui's wrist, she dragged the much taller girl around, (which she found rather difficult). Walking over to where Jinsei was, she impatiently crossed her arms, letting out a heavy sigh. "So, what did you find? Unless you found something useless-- because either redwood tree or cat boy over here maybe moved a sword. Look a little closer, Yuuhara." She cringed, she could really use some gum right now.
✖ task three - privileges {yui/ mika/ jinsei}
Mi-chan? Nah, Yui’s got a lockdown on that one… Come on, man!
As he pores over the weaponry in the middle of the room, Jinsei does his best to tune out Mika’s whiny voice. What a bore. He hates manual labour, particularly when it’s somebody else’s manual labour to do in the first place. She’s all bluster anyway, he thinks, sourly. If he’d wanted to leave he could’ve, but there were other concerns to consider: how it’d make him look was a key one. Another was Yui’s words from the torture room – I don’t think killin’ ‘em is gonna make it any better.
He wonders about that.
“… y’know, Yui-chan,” he calls over, “I was thinkin’ about what you said back there, and it’s just that I don’t think we’re gonna have a lot of control over what we can do with this murderer, if and when we find ‘em? All I was tryin’ to say was that it looks like it’s the bear callin’ the shots. If he says execution, I wouldn’t go and be so surprised if it comes to pass, yeah?”
Jinsei focuses down hard on the point of one sword, chewing his lip as he considers his words.
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“And, I mean, I don’t want you to think badly of me or whatever, but, like… maybe we’d be better off without ‘em anyway? I just dunno if it’d be such a bad th - ”
He’s stopped short as he catches something out of the corner of his eye – a single sword, totally out of line with the others around it. By this time, Mika is loudly declaring she’s bored, and he’s never been so delighted to interrupt someone.
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“Can it, moonbaby, and come take a look at this. Somebody has been at the weaponry - ” Jinsei grossly over-enunciates it, irritated with the uselessness of the clue. “ - surprising absolutely nobody.”
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shslmikoism-blog · 10 years
There was some perks to making these fools tag along with her, Yui was well obedient, listening to her orders. Though, the kid was a little too eager, like a child at some park, ready to spent money on rides that lifted you up an inch off of the floor. Jinsei, on the other hand obviously didn't appreciate her dick jokes with the expression he gave her. She had dark humor, they both did, although since her humor was a little directed to taunt him, it wasn't very funny. Then..there was Nao. Another idiot who took her orders, but this time he didn't look so pleased to.
Observing them search, she leaned up against the wall, crossing her arms as she watched them split up. It wasn't like she didn't want to pitch in, the area would be already well covered with three people. She did her job as the leader, now was the time to sit back and relax. Although-- kudos to Nao for suggesting the area, but she would never bring that up with him.
If her plan worked, the three would come back with new clues-- clues to find out the murderer. Everyone made mistakes, if the murder was done overnight, there would surely be some errors made in killing Shizue. At Jinsei's comment, she sneered, hiding her smirk. 
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"Heh! Whatever, Lover Boy. Get to work on that terrible, oh so bad nickname and maybe I'll rate it on a scale of one to ten." She paused, staring up at the ceiling of the castle. "..Yeah, got a problem with me not gettin' my hands dirty? Honestly, it's my personal preference to let others do things for me-- like Nao over there. He suggested the place, I lead you guys here if you didn't have the guts."
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"Hmm...this is taking too long." She breathed out, "Hey, did you find anything? Or are you going to adopt another rat instead of doing the real work?"
✖ task three - privileges {yui/ mika/ jinsei}
Jinsei doesn’t miss Yui’s no doubt pointed remark, as she strides over, about leaving the murderer’s fate to decide at a later stage, and shrugs, trying desperately to appear more nonchalant than he feels.  "I mean, sure, if you wanna do it that way.  I’m just goin’ by what the bear says, seein’ as how it looks like he makes the rules and all that,"  All the same, he smiles weakly at the tall girl, pleased enough to see her well.  He shoots Mika a dry look too as she comes out with, of all things, a dick joke.  Caught half way between dignifying it with a response and letting it slide, he waits too long, and the moment has passed. Shit. Spirit of the staircase, as they say.Mika 1, Jinsei 0.
As Nao comes to join them too, a frown creases his brow.  This guy.  For days now Jinsei has been doing his best to avoid Nao, who, as far as he can tell, dislikes him but also has some kind of weird crush on him?  It’s complicated, and he keeps his eyes thoroughly averted.  "I’m fine with the armory," is all he adds before trotting after Mika, down the hall.  Let the kid play with his rat, what did he care?
Though at first he’d thought this investigation thing would be rough, just talking to other people is helping him feel better, even if they’re maybe not exactly the people he would have picked.  Eyebrow quirking at the shrine maiden’s nickname for him, he shrugs again and turns to the racks that line the centre aisle, beginning to scan them for anything unusual.  
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"Is that gonna be a permanent fixture, that name, by the way?  ’Cause I’m sure I can come up with something equally unflattering for you, Mika-chan.  Besides, you feel like doin’ any of the work or you just gonna stand there and order us around?”
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shslmikoism-blog · 10 years
Okay, Mika asked for just one idiot, not three of them. Heaving out a sigh, she responded to Jinsei when he stood up to greet her. "Fine, you'll make an excellent investigation' partner." Lies, with an extreme sarcastic tone to her voice. She saw everyone below her, she had a god complex and she wasn't afraid of letting other people know that. She looked away for a moment, her eyes wandering over to where Shizue's body was strapped onto a rack. There, she saw a couple of people investigating their body. Mika guessed searching the body was pointless now.
Turning back over to look at Jinsei, she frowned, letting one hand fall and the other remained on her hip. "Hey, ya got some fetish for executions or somethin'? Calm your raging boner for death, we got more priorities." Upon hearing a voice that made her flinch, she slowly looked over to see Yui walking up. "Ah, nice, the hyperactive girl who doesn't get how rebound works." 
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"Aha, great going team." On cue, she noticed Nao had walked over as well. This was time for her to take charge now, she never really liked being called the leader or some shit, she was the type to let others do the hard work for her. "I saw Miss Chainsaw and her group go over the chapel, I guess the Armory is left for us." She closed her eyes, sighing one more.
Her eyes followed Nao past Jinsei, she shrugged and started walking without a notice. Without another word to the others, Mika stormed past the cell rooms until she ended up in the Armory. "Let's split up, Lover boy, cover the center, Narita, the left and Sadao, the right." Yes, let them do the hard work for her.
✖ task three - privileges {yui/ mika/ jinsei}
It’s Mika’s voice that brings Jinsei back to reality. He blinks once, twice, lowers his hands and raises his eyes to her from his position on his knees. He’d found this girl literally eating paper just days before, and now she towers over him with her hands on her hips barking orders. Takes all sorts. Perhaps she just deals well with crises – in that respect he’d be quite her opposite.
He sucks in a deep breath and averts his eyes. At least… at least I didn’t scream, he thinks, pointedly not looking towards the body as he reaches for her arm, grabs hold, and uses the leverage to haul himself to his feet.
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"Don’t mind me,"
There. Back on his own level, Mika is shorter than him again, and all feels slightly more right. Jinsei brushes dirt off the knees of his jeans. Maybe he can save the shreds of his dignity. It’s not right that that’s your first concern when someone is dead, half of him says. The other half just shrugs. “I object to bein’ called a nerd lord, honestly – but I’m with you, if you’ll have me.”
Jinsei scans the faces of the class around him. Which one? Who chose murder over living one more day with the weight of their book of secrets? Unconsciously, his hand goes to the inside pocket on his breast, where his own remains safe and sound. That they would choose Shizue, the smallest member of their merry band, makes him feel sick to his stomach.  Coward.
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"If… if one of us did this - " He swallows the lump in his throat, locking eyes with Mika. “… then they have to be brought to justice, execution or no.”
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shslmikoism-blog · 10 years
✖ task three - privileges {yui/ nao/ jinsei}
Well this was unexpected. Mika Tsukiko didn't believe in Monokuma's words, more or less she didn't believe in anything a lot of people said. Her life moral was to only trust thyself, meaning that she could only trust her own words. A couple of days had passed since Mika had proceeded to shove paper into her mouth and eat it, she had spent her days sleeping in way too late, waking up beyond the time Monokuma had played his regular morning announcements. With hunger and tiredness, she did daily cycles of checking for any exits, eating stale bread and kicking the walls of this place in the hopes of finding any loose bricks. 
It was a regular day, until she had heard commotion around the rooms that had opened up for them. Walking over to the area, she pushed past a couple of people to see what they were all gaping at. 
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"..Oh, Kamisama.." She couldn't believe it, right in front of her was a corpse, someone she had seen around the castle. It was the small person, ironically roommates with the tallest girl in the group. From passing her by, Mika could always hear something about caterpillars and finding lost things. She ignored this usually, never questioning how odd they were. Now, she couldn't question them at all.
Taking deep and shallow breathes, Mika stepped away as Monokuma spoke, she held the wall next to her as she glanced over at the floor. "No, not..one of us.." She had a hard time believing it before, but now it was real and they needed to find out who had killed Shizue. "..If it was one of us then.." Her expression darkened as she wandered back over to the group, placing her hands on her hips. Raising an eyebrow, she spoke out with a bossy tone in her voice,
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"Hey, one of you nerd lords. Investigate with me, finding the murderer is our freakin' goal, right?"
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shslmikoism-blog · 10 years
There was always different alternatives to things, choices in life that could lead to varying paths people took. This made her think, if she ever boarded the bus that lead to this foolish castle and this imbecile of a stuffed bear, then she would backtrack instantly, flipping everyone off, screw this buzz. The thing was, she had no memory of this place, she hadn't ever recalling entering and now she could never exit. 
The initial reaction from the shrine maiden was absolute fury towards Monokuma, this place, the students around her as she surveyed their horrified and shocked expressions. Narrowing her eyes at the exact spot where the bear sat before it vanished, she knew exactly what she was going to do. She had disrespected people tons of the times in the past, now was the perfect time to piss off whoever stuck her in here. Walking towards the morgue area, she passed different coffins, a variety of names and books until she stopped on her's. 
What did Monokuma want from her, she brushed her hand across her name, digging her finger nails into the strokes of the kanji as she closed her eyes. Right, this was a rebellion formed from violent anger, her feelings and only that. Normally, an average person would be frightened to the point of murder, that's why Monokuma did this to them. It was really a special selection, a group of simple teenagers told they're the best of the best. It was harsh to think any of them was capable of cold blooded murder, but it was possible.
She gripped her book with cold hands, opening her eyes once more to look at the cover of the book before her. They were testing her, mocking her, making sure she was at her last resort. And she was going to make sure she didn't give them the feeling of her giving in. Pausing, she slowly opened the cover of her book, scanning the book as she flipped through the pages. A shrine maiden who grew up to become a legend of Shinto religion, this was her story-- a page was torn slowly, downwards as she watched the paper bend to her will. 
Without blinking, she proceeded to tear more pages, ripping them into pages and pages, letting the now empty book fall to the ground as she held the papers on her arms. Mika took one page and shoved the entire thing in her mouth, if she was going to do this, she was going to go all the way. Chewing the paper, she spat out a soggy wad, crushing it into the floor. She took another piece, consuming it, chewing and spitting it out. Rinse and repeat. 
She was in the process of eating another when someone bumped into her back, she stumbled a bit, papers falling onto the floor. "..Hey!" She shouted, turning around with her arms on her hips, paper in her mouth. Mika spat it out, tossing it to the side as she narrowed her eyes at the person before her. Oh, it was him.
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"You idiot-- watch where you're going."  Despite her monotone voice, she looked pissed off, she really meant what she said. "Whatever, stop apologizin', it makes things more awkward." She bent down to pick up the fallen papers on the floor, looking at him, "...So, what are you gonna do now, lover boy?" 
[TASK 2] Level B1: MINI BOSS! [OPEN]
It’s like being punched really hard in the stomach, he figures.  Like being ejected out of an airlock into the cold crush of space.  Struggling to suck in a breath, grasping for air, only to find yourself choking on it -
Like what drowning must feel like.  That’s probably how Jinsei would try to describe it, were he so inclined.
What went before is secondary, and something he can put aside to process later.  The bear, the knife, even the coffins and the awful stench… there’s nothing in this world that’s hard to fake, and talk is cheap.  No one knows better than he does.  He can remain calm through all that.  Logic can still win the day here: even if it is legit (and as much as he was staunchly for this theory before, he’s beginning to doubt it, what with the cheesy black comedy presentation), what good reason is there to kill them?  If some sick fuck wants their murder game, all they have to do is capture a bunch of nobodies.  Why risk their own neck by kidnapping the country’s best and brightest? They’re worth far more as ransoms, he keeps reminding himself. We’re worth far more alive.
What hits him like a train to the goddamn gut, unsurprisingly, seems to have elicited roughly the same reaction from almost everybody – but Jinsei doesn’t take any notice of that. This book… he fights to wrap his head around its very existence. It’s one thing to know the official version of his life story – anybody with an internet connection could dig up that one – but between the crimson covers of this pathetically small book lies something quite different. Unabridged, and merciless. It’s enough to make his skin crawl just to read it.
But worst is the realisation of what it means. He can’t have made this himself, and yet it contains information privy to only his family or, in some cases, restrained to the confines of his own mind.
Things he has never told another living soul.
His instinct is to destroy it, and he almost does. Instead something compels Jinsei to slam the book shut – insofar as you can slam something so tiny – and he clutches it so tight his knuckles turn white. He tries for a shaky breath. Use your brain, idiot. Very quickly, and without the further examination he’s going to need to give the situation later on, he joins up the dots. Headmaster. Vacation. ID cards.
One hand releases the book, slides down to his pocket to retrieve the card. This much is probably real – he feels safe in that assertion. The hologram looks pretty convincing. It’s definitely his face, though a photo he doesn’t remember having taken. He grits his teeth.
A small voice in his head asks: why, then, couldn’t it all be just as real?
Oh, a thousand reasons, the rest of him screams. A thousand reasons.
But probably safest to act as if it is.
He swallows thickly, his desire for a drink redoubling. Be calm. Would you kill for this book? Jinsei cringes. Wait, don’t answer that, just ask yourself: would anybody else? He glances around the room, the stricken and horrified faces of his classmates meeting his eyes. How can you know? These people are strangers to you. The last thing you want is to give them an easy target.
So for fuck’s sake, play it cool.
Slowly, he returns his ID to his jeans pocket. The book gets slightly better treatment, slipping into an inside pocket of his jacket – with any luck, no one saw. Jinsei takes the deepest breath he can manage, and turns on his heel - almost walking straight into somebody. He reels backwards, blinking.
“Shit. Sorry. I sidn’t dee… I mean, I wasn’t lookin’ where I was g-g– augh, fuck!”  His hands shoot to his face, digging the heels of his palms into his sockets again – an old trick. “Sorry. I’m sorry.”
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