trustingthorns-blog · 9 years
✿ Rosy Cheeks {Open}
So, someone else was dead. The news didn’t particularly faze Yua. It meant, at least, that her safety was guaranteed for a little while, until the killer was executed and the cycle of murder could begin again. At the beginning, she’d considered murder, planned it, even. She’d known how easy it would be to get the contortionist or the volleyball player or the blogger to trust her, to get them alone in some secluded part of the castle, and then slit their throats. 
But she’d missed her chance. Now that she was marked as a witch, the others all suspected her, and even though she'd kept her friends, suspicion would be on her the moment anyone died who had anything to do with her. 
She wasn’t sure she’d have been able to go through with it, anyway. To plan to murder one of her friends, to justify it to herself, that was easy. To actually do it, she suspected, was something that was beyond her. She probably wouldn’t have been able to do it, she decided. She was many things, but Yua Kaneshiro, at heart, was not a cold-blooded killer. 
In the wake of the murder, she’d decided she might as well relax a little while her chances of being attacked and killed were significantly less. And so, Kaneshiro Yua could be found, sitting with her feat up, in the tea garden, sipping a refreshing peppermint tea and taking dainty bites from a small pink cupcake.  
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shsl-kunoichi · 9 years
[Task Six] If You Are Not Granted Glory, Be Content With Fame | Open
And so another falls.
It’s become so commonplace that it’s hard to even pretend to be surprised. The victim too, unsurprising. This silly fellow had even taken it upon himself to personally show off how weak he was in the trial. It probably would’ve barely taken a real blow to end him. Jinsei Yuuhara... she’d never ended up speaking to him much. He shared that in common with most of the other victims. Rinko took a breath and then prepared herself for what was fast becoming the grind around these parts though it was an odd thing to get used to. She glances at the information found on the file and tilts her head. This time it’s a broken neck... well it seems this body isn’t as gory as the others. That’s at least something. Or maybe it isn’t. It’s mostly likely too early to tell such a thing, anyway.
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"Yuuhara-shi did not deserve this.” Rinko frowns. She always does these little speeches, doesn’t she? Well, it’s deserved, she wagers. Those who have passed on deserve respect. “We should all be better than this. Dark secrets can make people do dark things, this is true, but it is inexcusable all the same. We will fight for Yuuhara-shi’s justice and the culprit will pay for their crimes.”
She glances around, wondering who exactly would be willing to tag along before just striding on ahead. Maybe someone would help out later on. “You are always free to help me find this justice.” she adds, as if to make that part clear.
Her first move is to glance around the library. It made sense to start with the scene of the crime, after all and besides, exploring the entire area on one’s own power seemed commendable but unwise in nature. It would take a frightful amount of time to say the very least.
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Task 5 || Beg! (Open)
A  lot had happened. 
The fact that there were three deaths..four, if he were to count Reiji, and five if he were to include Tsukiko-san in the fray. Two of which he was rather frond of, one he was irritated by, and another who he had not understood at all, followed by one he didn't even get to speak to. 
Sadness, anger, fear--he could feel those if he wanted to, but instead the main thing that swept over Nao was fatigue. He was tired of it all, tired of death, and he wanted to go home even though he knew he never could. This feeling, this, felt like what Monobear's goal truly was--hopelessness. 
But of course, that was all internal! On the outside he managed to conjure up a sad, yet sincere smile in it all--until they were all called to the Mystic Room. 
The picture of Yua, in his opinion, was devastating. He didn't really know who's "side" to be on, anymore. Yet, Monobear did mention it was before the whole memory situation... did the others do something similar, or was it just a lie? Either way, the photo was not  a welcoming one... and in a flash, it was torn to shreds.
Then, the bear continued on, stating that each one of the available boxes had a secret in it. Oh.
Ooooh no. No. No way. Nu-uh, negative. No. If there were nine boxes, and each had a secret.. there was a possibility that he wouldn't get his own, and..
In a flurry, he bolted over there and picked a random box, then practically zoomed out of there into the nearby hallway, close to the stairs. He would move further, but he was anxious to see which one it was.
Carefully, with clammed hands, he unlocked the box and opened it--
It wasn't his.
It wasn't his!
The box shut with a loud slam and he bit down into his lip enough for it to trickle some blood, before burying his face into his knees. "Uuugh..." Instead of sitting there for long, however, he flopped to his side, eyes glossed with threatening tears, and slowly came to a rise. "U-UuurrAAGGH! D-DAMMIT!" He punched the stone wall with his free hand, kicked it, kicked it again, and glared at it. "A-Aaagh.."
One knee hit the ground, and then the other, followed by squeezing his eyes shut. He'd hoped no one had heart that outburst--though it was loud enough. "Hhrk.."
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shslblogprincess-blog · 10 years
[Task 5] All manner of splendour... || OPEN
The appeal of the treasure room was rapidly beginning to wear off, Himeko was finding. The corpses they had found in here were one thing, of course -- dreadful, and enough to tarnish the safe nature of the place in her mind. Pulling out a chisel, a huge book, and a foil-wrapped stick of vaguely suspect looking chicken from chests so grand is another.
It goes directly in the bin after only a cursory nibble; as for the other two gifts, well -- she has an idea of who might like them, but right now, so shortly after the mess of a trial... she can't summon the energy to be a generous, giving soul. All she wants to do is be by herself, the way it's always been. So she takes her items, and explores, looking to find a little solitude.
One of the rooms upstairs provides the perfect place.
When she comes up to the library, laying her eyes on the walls and walls of books and the content within... she looks like a child on Christmas morning. Every book she runs her fingers over, pulls out to leaf through, is a beautiful story, a wonderful dream. She picks one out, then sets herself to the maze of bookshelves until she finds a solitary little corner hemmed in by shelves on all sides; she's not visible from the entrance at all, just the way she wants it.
Himeko sits down, skirts pooling on the floor around her, and immerses herself in a land better than this, for a while -- her lips form around the words, as her eyes follow them.
"...'But we must part', said the young man, 'your brother does not like our engagement, and therefore he sends me so far away on business, over mountains and seas. Farewell, sweet bride, for you are so dear to me...'"
The wicked are always truly wicked in tales, the good always truly good. There was no crying, no moral quandary -- no wondering whether you did the right thing if you pushed the button.
In tales, it was better.
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ultimatepushover-blog · 10 years
[Investigation 2] Bitter Cold
The scent of blood seemed thicker than last time. It burned Akira's nostrils and made his mouth taste acrid. He turned away from the two deceased students and faced those who were still living, eyes unusually hard. First poor Shizue... then Reiji, who he could admit he wasn't fond of, but still.
The reality of the situation hit him hard, taking the knot in his stomach and twisting it around twice more for good measure. Tired.
"There's no excuse for this," he said. "Whoever did this is going to die, too. That's all there is to it."
Worn out, Akira sauntered away from the treasure room and eyed everyone who left subsequently. They received his best I'm not mad, just disappointed look. Then he cleared his throat.
"Who wants to investigate." Deadpan. "I mean," he couldn't bring himself to offer anyone his usual simper, "Wherever, but I don't really want to be around the bodies right now..."
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shslmikoism-blog · 10 years
✖ motive two - aggression [open]
She wasn't exactly the most fit person in the world, she kept on running though. Each break she took to make sure to actually breathe, the more Reiji's body was getting away. She saw his hair, matted with the dirt of the floor and blood, his body left a small trail for her to follow as he was dragged away by Monobear. "Jiji!" She called out, her breathing getting heavier as she ran on with her shoes. "No..please, don't leave me here alone.." Mika would only beg and sob, the more she ran, the more her getas hurt as it scraped along the stone floor. Cursing, she took a brief moment to throw her shoes aside, running with her socks only as she felt herself pick up the pace.
That was, until she saw Reiji's body vanish into the maze. "Reiji!" As if calling out would make him magically wake up and hop to his feet, she swallowed nervously as she entered the maze. At first, she could follow the floor, the turns, the curves of the maze by following the trials of blood his body left on the flooring. Soon, the blood was going away, the more she ran, the less she saw. It was very possible, that she got herself lost. Cursing under her breath, she slammed her fist into the wall in anger. "Damnit!" She punched harder, feeling the wall eat at her skin as blood sprouted from her wounds. Now that her burst of frustration was gone, she breathed out slowly, taking her bleeding knuckles away from the wall. "Kamisama..if you're listening.." She closed her eyes, intertwining her fingers. "..Please, make sure Reiji frees himself of this world, his soul will remain unbound to this world in which he will not become an evil spirit." She sighed, turning around to retrace her steps in her blood stained socks.
On the way out, she found her getas tossed haphazardly onto the floor. Picking them up, she felt the edge of her thigh highs. Slowly, she took them off, balled them up and shoved it down her shirt. Slipping on her geta, she would find herself a new pair of socks later, hopefully. Mika didn't really prefer for her to be walking around in dirty socks, after all. Now that she was out of the maze she found herself in the tea garden. 
She wasn't really in the mood to talk to anyone at the moment, so she turned down a hall, entering the patio past the tea garden. Mika stared at what looked to be a long, wooden bench before sitting down, sighing as she did so. For a moment, she closed her eyes, willing herself to not burst into tears ever again. 
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Opening her eyes, she found that someone was near her, really if she wanted some real peace and quiet, she would have gone into her room. Regretting to not make that choice, she stared at the person who had approached her. "...So, you gonna ask a question, or are we playing a really intense staring contest here?"
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Moving on up | Task 4 | Open
Chiyoko Murakami was not happy.
Kaho Tsukuda was – had been – her roommate. She’d thought that she was okay enough, honestly. She might have even been able to forgive her for killing Ariga, had she not tried to push the blame onto her. But… it hardly mattered now. Ariga was dead. Tsukuda was dead. She was still alive, and so were thirteen others. The living take precedence over the dead, no matter the circumstance.
She didn’t even want to get started on that execution. Chased down by a beast that wasn’t a beast, only to fall into a knife – if Tsukuda had been just a tad more convincing, it would have been her, alone in the forest, running to her death. She’d managed to keep a cool enough head during the trial, but now that it was over, she wanted to scream. It was times like these that she’d grab her chainsaw and vent it out on an enormous chunk of ice. Lacking both tool and material, she could do nothing more than bottle it up and attempt to maintain her composure until she had an opportunity to let it out in private.
The prospect of leaving the dungeon was the best thing she’d heard of all day. She’d long since tired of the disgusting air, confined spaces, terrible foor, lack of anything hygienic - she could go on forever. Even if the next area lacked an escape route – which she suspected it would; the bear wouldn’t let them go that easily – she wasn’t planning to return anywhere near here anytime soon.
Gritting her teeth, Chiyoko snatched a monokey from the table and strode to the blocked stairs – only to realize that she hadn’t taken the iron key necessary to unlock the gate, damn it. Accused of murder, and now this – the world seemed eager to push her limits today. She hoped the next floor would have somewhere decent to sleep, feeling drained after the day’s events.
The current situation, at the very least, appealed to her dramatic side. She kicked the bars in frustration, then sat down on the steps and buried her face in her hands. She let out a sigh as she heard approaching footsteps, not looking up to see who it was.  
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[Task 1] What's This Bullshit??? - [Open]
It wasn't the damp air or the scurry of rats that awoke Risa, but the smell of must. Before she even realized that she was in a strange place, her nose was scrunching at the air damp with mold and dust, the smell of a place long untouched by humans. She frowned, gritting her teeth... and snapped her hand out, just barely missing punching the rat who had been exploring her side. Dammit.
Her head swam as she slowly sat up, squinting and allowing her eyes to adjust to the gloom, revealing... well, nothing she'd been expecting. There had been some ideas about basements or maybe just REALLY badly cleaned classrooms, but no, no, she was in some kind of gross dungeon with mold and iron and rats. Even worse... there was someone else in her cell.
It took a moment for her to find her AAC, another long pause as she booted it up, gazing about silently. They certainly weren't alone at least, no matter what had happened, though she wasn't sure that made the situation any better. Honestly, with such a cliche dungeon and broad group of (assumed) idiots, perhaps she would be better off on her own? At least SHE wouldn't be asking anyone how the weather was, HONESTLY.
At last, there was a distinctly synthetic voice ringing out, loud and somehow rather smug-seeming.
[Well then. I guess this is what we get for our tax dollars these days? God Bless Hope's Peak: top of the line educational facility and rat habitat, apparently.]
Perhaps there was more value in asking who was there, or in opening the door, or even checking to see if the figure opposite her was dead or not, but no. No, first she had to make sure everyone knew how TRULY UNAMUSED she was by this whole situation.
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trustingthorns-blog · 10 years
Task 4 ✿ It's the fresh air that does it {OPEN}
Yua had surveyed the new level of the castle for quite a while, and all in all it was a lot nicer than those grimy, horrible dungeons. The rooms were still far worse than what she was accustomed to, if only there were some way to redecorate, but she supposed she'd make do with it if it meant getting out of those horrible dungeons and finally being able to wash, even if she couldn't do it properly. 
The jousting area smelt of manure, and was quite frankly almost as dirty and horrible as the dungeons. At least there weren't any horses there. Despite both her parents offering to buy her one, Yua had never seen the appeal of horses. She'd always found them smelly and annoying, not to mention pointless. Why ride a horse when, you know, cars exist and it's not, like,  the eighteen-hundreds, was what she thought. 
The courtyard was very pleasant, reminding her of home if only a little, the foyer was pretty nice, but there was one room that Yua loved above all else, and that was the tea room. The delightful fountain, the cozy atmosphere and, of course, the beautifully maintained roses.  It was by these where she presently stood with her hands behind her back, admiring the flowers with a small, wistful smile on her face, seeming to drink in the scent more than sniff it. It wasn't enough to make her forget the situation, not by a long shot. But it was something, at least. 
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shsl-kunoichi · 10 years
[Event] Don't Speak of Secrets in Fields Full of Little Hills | Open
So that's what it's come to, has it?
Secrets.  A low blow, but she's come to expect such cowardly maneuvers from the bear. Still, it is a point of concern, how can it not be? It's not just the secrets in boxes bothering her it's that photo of Yua Kaneshiro too. That girl really is dangerous...
The polite thing to do, the righteous thing, is to leave all the boxes alone and not play this game at all but the smart thing to do is to keep informed and as such... the kunoichi takes one and reads over her new found information. She quirks an eyebrow, keeping her feelings on the written vague before deciding perhaps there is something to be done here.
She clears her throat for attention before speaking in her usual crisp voice, confident and without any sign of distress.
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"If you want to exchange information you can find me in the Meeting Room."
And that's as simple as it is in her mind.
The kunoichi leaves with a sweep of her cape and heads back the familiar set of passageways that guide her back to the meeting room. Perhaps this is a bit of a risk, formally inviting anyone to bash her head in but she's more capable than some of them might realise. Besides, they'd have to be really stupid to try and ambush her in a place she'd chosen. Well, it was too early to guess who might come and what might come of it. Better to just wait for a bit and see what'd happen. It's not like she's entirely bored here, she'd taken one of those fairy tomes from the library and was now casually flicking through it, her eyes never straying too far from the door.
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Investigation 2 || Play Dead!
It was a day like any other--or at least that is what he assumed it would be. The usual waking up, taking a so-called bath and entertaining oneself the best they can--hoping someone would find them. Small talk was his best friend at the moment; anything to take his mind off of the game.
Then--it happened. a loud wail and the roar of footsteps. He had almost left with his jacket half-off due to the loudness of the commotion.
With his puppet, rat and now plush in tow, he ran, holding down the toy so it wouldn't tumble to the floor.
Then there it was--the sight that made this day entirely abnormal. Katsuie Hagane and Risa Koezukuri, lifeless. Some were crying, others were already looking over the body, and some just left entirely. 
He was one of the ones who left entirely, heading down past the bodies and to the Stables. He looked toward the floor instead of straight ahead as tears stung the side of his eyes in anger. It was about halfway to the stables where he finally raised his head and continued to move. As soon as he entered the room he sat right down in the same spot as beforehand.
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shslblogprincess-blog · 10 years
[Motive 2] "But he sat quite still, benumbed and cold." || OPEN
It hadn't taken too long for the magical quality of 'not being in a dungeon any more' to wear off on Himeko. Yes, her new room is definitely better than a cell, the bed is more than just straw, and she's able to keep herself clean, finally. The mirror had been more of a curse than a blessing -- as soon as she'd seen how ghastly she looked, she had ran straight for the bathroom and scrubbed with the soap and water until her skin was red.
Still... with all the new 'luxuries', it only serves to hilight how much they're missing.While she's able to keep herself clean, her clothes are still dirty from their time in the dungeon, and she feels grimy every time she puts them on. The letter they had all been promised by Monobear told her nothing -- she had ripped it up like she had her diary and cast it off to a corner of her room, to be forgotten. 
She takes comfort in the small things -- she's a frequent visitor to the beautiful gardens, one of the few places she's able to feel at ease. A tiny bottle of perfume from her room at home had been on the dresser -- empty, but lovely to look at. And... the room of chests is another thing entirely.
It had been like walking into the Cave of Wonders, with shimmering treasure as far as the eye could see. The actual items she had received with her keys had been... a little underwhelming, in comparison, but the room itself is another one of her favoured haunts, now. The gloves are folded neatly on her dresser, the lantern placed beside them -- until today, she hadn't been sure what to do with them.
Until today, when a commotion brought her out of her room in the morning. Until today, when she had followed the crowd around the corner, and met with the sight of Reiji's corpse, and another motive. Her blood runs cold -- she watches, speechless, as the bear drags him away, leaving only red stains, the smell of blood, and the implications of his words hanging in the air... as well as the absence of Mika, and the mystery her words and flight imply. But the general gist of the situation, or so it seems to Himeko, is this:
There will, almost definitely,  be another murder soon. 
Two of them will be allowed to leave.
...Generosity is a virtue. Passing off the gifts to somebody else hadn't been an idea she had considered, before -- not until now.
 Unwilling to linger any longer, she flees the scene to her room, shutting herself away until she's sufficiently calm. Then she gathers the gloves and the lantern, and, carefully avoiding any trace of the blood trail, she exits to the patio, seating herself delicately at the table. She places the gloves and lantern down, laces her fingers together in her lap, and waits.
And waits, and waits -- and then there are footsteps behind her, and despite the fact she was prepared, she startles, with a gasp, and looks behind her, to see--
"--Oh -- hello there." she greets, with a tight smile, trying to ignore the residual nerves. "Um... would you care to sit with me?"
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ultimatepushover-blog · 10 years
Motive 2 | Freezing Rain
Akira felt awkwardly bare even under his three layers of clothing. His hands were near-fastened to his shoulders as he trudged away from Reiji's body to anywhere that wasn't there; a full pacing of the perimeter of the hallways eventually lead Akira to venture to the meeting room. They had all gathered there some days earlier for another one of the puzzles that the castle seemed to have an abundance of, but he hadn't gotten to just sit there and bask in bookish environment of it all. 
Leafing through a few of the tomes provided a good enough distraction to keep Akira's thoughts far away from murder games and what he thought to be his almost-inevitable death. Put him anywhere that wasn't a miserable murder castle and Akira would've spent days arguing against any cases that pinned him as a bookworm nerd, but it all seemed so trivial now, as did most things during an existential crisis.
The presence of someone else appearing in the doorway led to the book in his hands toppling to the ground with another soul-crushing thud; the binding itself remained undamaged, so Akira hoped he'd be spared any of Monobear's strange punishments. Still, he floundered for something to say before he settled for the NPC-esque dialogue that seemed burned into his brain as he crouched down to scoop the book off of the floor.
"So... how are you?"
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shslmikoism-blog · 10 years
✖ task three - privileges {yui/ nao/ jinsei}
Well this was unexpected. Mika Tsukiko didn't believe in Monokuma's words, more or less she didn't believe in anything a lot of people said. Her life moral was to only trust thyself, meaning that she could only trust her own words. A couple of days had passed since Mika had proceeded to shove paper into her mouth and eat it, she had spent her days sleeping in way too late, waking up beyond the time Monokuma had played his regular morning announcements. With hunger and tiredness, she did daily cycles of checking for any exits, eating stale bread and kicking the walls of this place in the hopes of finding any loose bricks. 
It was a regular day, until she had heard commotion around the rooms that had opened up for them. Walking over to the area, she pushed past a couple of people to see what they were all gaping at. 
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"..Oh, Kamisama.." She couldn't believe it, right in front of her was a corpse, someone she had seen around the castle. It was the small person, ironically roommates with the tallest girl in the group. From passing her by, Mika could always hear something about caterpillars and finding lost things. She ignored this usually, never questioning how odd they were. Now, she couldn't question them at all.
Taking deep and shallow breathes, Mika stepped away as Monokuma spoke, she held the wall next to her as she glanced over at the floor. "No, not..one of us.." She had a hard time believing it before, but now it was real and they needed to find out who had killed Shizue. "..If it was one of us then.." Her expression darkened as she wandered back over to the group, placing her hands on her hips. Raising an eyebrow, she spoke out with a bossy tone in her voice,
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"Hey, one of you nerd lords. Investigate with me, finding the murderer is our freakin' goal, right?"
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Destroy the Evidence || Chiyoko || Open
First of all, what the fuck.
Being kidnapped and held for ransom, she could deal with. Trapped in a dungeon with nothing else to do but impersonate a priestess, she could deal with. But this? It was starting to cross the proverbial line into a little thing that Chiyoko liked to refer to as complete bullshit. And then there was that bear. That stupid, animatronic piece of garbage with its stupid voice and its stupid face and its stupid ‘I’m your headmaster blah blah blah kill each other’ speech.
Which brought Chiyoko to her second point: What the actual fuck.
She wasn’t openly worried about an actual murder occurring – from what she had judged, most of the class was too moronic to pull off anything much more dramatic than shoplifting – but the very fact that the bear had ordered it in the first place was unnerving. If the bear was serious – and she could not believe she was actually taking an ugly stuffed animal seriously – then that meant that the presumed value of their lives just plummeted.
In fact, the idea of being held for ransom had almost been a compliment, a testament to her accomplishments. Being thrown into the pit with a bunch of kids that couldn’t hold a candle to her? Not so much.
She opened the book to a page in the middle long enough to take in not only the words on the page, but the disgusting penmanship as well. She shut it just as quickly, her face reddening slightly. Of course it had to be that.
In a moment, she had a plan of action: The pages of this book were never see the light of day again. Or… the light of dungeon torchfire. Whatever. Point was, she’d seen enough. She wasn’t even going to consider the implications that arose from this particular bit of information being in the book – it was going into the fire.
Book and ID card in hand, she took one step away from the coffin – sixteen coffins, how cute – and stopped, seeing someone in her way. She could go around them, probably, but she felt that she’d dealt with far more than her fair share of shit today – they were going to move.
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“You. Out of my way. I’m going to burn this.”
She wished she hadn't left her sword back in the confession booth, it would have been far more persuasive than words. She'd have to go back and get another one later.
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shslformaldehyde-blog · 10 years
[Open] - Skin and Bones [Task 1]
Dark. Damp. Everything was detestable. Waking up cold and uncomfortable was enough to put Reiji in a bad mood, though at a first glance you wouldn't be able to tell. Not only had he'd woken up in a less than comfortable position, the rat that had so daringly scampered over his hand had gotten away by only a hair's width. How simply annoying he'd so wanted to skin that rat for even daring to come near him. Who did they think they were?
Sitting up with a stiff smile on his face, Reiji crossed his arms in thought. Now that he really thought about it... Why was he here? His memories of arriving where he'd awoken was muddled and cloudy like the waters of a bog. Ah, yet another thing to add to his pile of annoyances. Now he was cold, sore, lacking a rat, and an amnesiac.
Well no use crying over his circumstances. Perhaps it was fate that led him to this point? Of all the things he'd done in the past though, he felt none really warranted such divine punishment other than perhaps a few weeks of bad luck. However, the gods could be such fucking pricks sometimes so who knows. If one thing it was, he knew them to be the fickle sorts.
Breathing in the stagnant air, Reiji shook his head, his smile still unwavering as he pushed himself to his feet. Oh, would you look at that his legs shook as he stood. Laughing at himself, Reiji leaned against the wall for a moment, jolting away as he felt the wetness that seemed to seep down from god knows where. And for a moment a look of discontent passed over his features.
As his eyes slowly adjusted to his dark surroundings, he walked out of the room he'd been in and out into what looked to be a corridor with rows upon rows of other rooms just like the one he'd been in, hands in his pockets. What a dreary looking place... Iron bars, dimly lit surroundings, all befitting that of what he'd read about in which prisoners were held captive for whatever reason. Was this the netherworld? Being trapped in this flesh vessel for such a long long time had affected his memory of his true home as well as his powers... But perhaps even if this was not the netherworld, maybe he could find more answers in a place such as this.
However... He'd thought the same of Hope's Peak Academy. Wasn't he supposed to be there today? After all he'd accepted the letter addressed to himself and had even packed what little material possessions that mattered to himself and--
Wincing at the sudden ache in his head, Reiji continued to wander away from the room of his awakening and down the hall. Only to come to a stop in front of the large iron bars that fenced the area off from the next.
"Tch... What manner of sorcery is this. A sealing spell? Can't be other demons... Even in this form, they still cower before my presence... This is bad though. The one responsible for this must be a powerful god indeed. How exciting!"
Blinking as he felt a presence behind him, he turned around to face whoever it might have been to have the gall to approach him as such without even a pardon towards him... Ah, but that's right. He'd forgotten just now, but he'd made a promise to befriend humans. Though he detested them greatly, he could not go back on his word. A contract was a contract after all and he could not go against his master's words. A wide and perhaps unnerving smile spread across Reiji's face.
"Hello! How're you? I'm Reiji Eguchi. Nice weather we're having, huh?"
Yes... Nailed it. Humans did indeed enjoy conversing on the trivial topic of the weather, right?
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