shslmikoism-blog · 10 years
✖ task three - privileges {yui/ nao/ jinsei}
Well this was unexpected. Mika Tsukiko didn't believe in Monokuma's words, more or less she didn't believe in anything a lot of people said. Her life moral was to only trust thyself, meaning that she could only trust her own words. A couple of days had passed since Mika had proceeded to shove paper into her mouth and eat it, she had spent her days sleeping in way too late, waking up beyond the time Monokuma had played his regular morning announcements. With hunger and tiredness, she did daily cycles of checking for any exits, eating stale bread and kicking the walls of this place in the hopes of finding any loose bricks. 
It was a regular day, until she had heard commotion around the rooms that had opened up for them. Walking over to the area, she pushed past a couple of people to see what they were all gaping at. 
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"..Oh, Kamisama.." She couldn't believe it, right in front of her was a corpse, someone she had seen around the castle. It was the small person, ironically roommates with the tallest girl in the group. From passing her by, Mika could always hear something about caterpillars and finding lost things. She ignored this usually, never questioning how odd they were. Now, she couldn't question them at all.
Taking deep and shallow breathes, Mika stepped away as Monokuma spoke, she held the wall next to her as she glanced over at the floor. "No, not..one of us.." She had a hard time believing it before, but now it was real and they needed to find out who had killed Shizue. "..If it was one of us then.." Her expression darkened as she wandered back over to the group, placing her hands on her hips. Raising an eyebrow, she spoke out with a bossy tone in her voice,
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"Hey, one of you nerd lords. Investigate with me, finding the murderer is our freakin' goal, right?"
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shslblogprincess-blog · 10 years
shslseiyuu replied to your post:(are we making mentions of our shipping...
I ship our ocs just not these ones (yet)
knowing our track record we're going to end up in intensely platonic different-gender friendbond hell again. we shall see. . . . . 
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drdescent · 10 years
Found in the Luck and Skill Minigames room.
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Found by Jinsei Yuuhara.
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knightlyprowess-blog · 11 years
In his anxiousness to move, Alphonse drifted from his dorm to the gymnasium. He had been told that his equipment had been moved there, and naturally, he was excited to see it!
Since the time he entered, the young man had been training with his swords for nearly three hours. Two training dummies had suffered gruesome fates, and his fencing foil had been, sadly, snapped in two. He would have to find a way to mend it later.
He stood in the center of the gym with another dummy in front of him, panting as he leaned against his basket-hilted sword, down to naught but his track pants with his hair tied up in a knot. 
Alphonse found it prudent to take a short break.
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drdescent · 10 years
Jinsei slam dunks his EDOcoin in to the regular-flavour machine - what the hell do you think he is, some kind of Super High School Level Good Luck?
Jinsei has entered 1 EDOcoin into the EDOmachine.
Ribbon Ties
Bow-shaped hair ties that would look right at home on any cute girl. Or boy, or anyone of any other gender, for that matter. Go wild!
Jinsei's current EDOcoin count is 0.
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drdescent · 10 years
Late one evening a few days after the announcement, Jinsei stood on the promenade with something approaching despair written all over his face.  His focus flitted back and forth between the two restaurant windows, and their rapidly depleting supplies of food; his stomach was so empty it ached, clenching uncomfortably every time he laid eyes on anything edible.  Beyond the (thankfully large) lunch he’d shared with Setsuko a couple days ago, and the apple turnover he’d pinched not long after, all he’d eaten since the motive was dried fruit - high sugar, it would keep him going on very little, that was his reasoning.  It seemed most of the others had not been so frugal.
 He squeezed the bottle of water in his fist hard - the last of what he’d managed to hoard.  The rest was all gone.  Hunger was one thing, but thirst was quite another, by his reckoning.  Pretty soon, people were going to start getting desperate, and then it would only be a matter of time ‘til someone snapped.  Jinsei grit his teeth, fury and helplessness bubbling up inside him.
 Sleeping on an empty stomach was hard enough, but if he went to bed like this he’d lie awake half the night.  He needed something to help him calm down.  If the infirmary was still with them, he’d have just taken a couple sleeping pills and gone to lie down… but that wasn’t an option any more, he remembered, bitterly.
 What was an option… was music.  He liked the city environment, in general - the place was full of music.  Jinsei would feel right at home, were he not trapped here.  Not long after investigating the record store, he’d stumbled upon some kind of studio, decked out to the nines with recording equipment, massive amps… and iPods, complete with sweet headphones. That was what he needed: loud music, and lots of it.  There was nothing better for relaxing.  He’d swing by the studio, pick up one of the iPods and take it back to his room with him.  No one would miss it for a night.
 He swallowed thickly.  That’s what he would do.
 Spinning on his heel, he turned his back on all thoughts of food, and as he strode through the empty skate park found himself cheered, if only a little.  His pulse settled a little, the pounding in his temples easing.  He opened the door of the hiphop studio - and in the next moment, his heart plummeted like a stone.  
  Jinsei’s throat seized as the bottle slipped from his hand, clattering to the ground.  He opened and closed his mouth like a fish out of a water, drowning on air.  Monitors crackled to life across the whole complex - a horrific call to arms for the rest of his class - as he fumbled for a scream that would never come.
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drdescent · 10 years
Jinsei drops his coin into the machine, muttering something about 'the goods'.
Jinsei has entered 1 EDOcoin into the EDOmachine.
Skin Tone Pantyhose
If you’re going to be hopping around in a short skirt, you’ll want to get a pair of these- maybe a few pairs, considering how easily they rip. This particular pair is one size fits all, but would fit taller folk better.
Jinsei’s current EDOcoin count is 0.
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knightlyprowess-blog · 11 years
New headcanon: Tomiko and Alphonse watch a lot of anime together.
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knightlyprowess-blog · 11 years
shsl-seiyuu replied to your post: a wild TOMATO has appeared
((what if her hair drill pierced through marcus’ armor))
alphonse picks her up by both legs and starts spinning her in his hands, hair pointed towards marcus. they drill through marcus' sand castles. through the fort. through the armor. oh god. sand everywhere.
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