shuushinchuu-blog · 7 years
Send ▥ for our muses to be prisoners together.
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shuushinchuu-blog · 7 years
Their last conversation had ended poorly. Shuu was stubborn enough to hold her ground and wait for her brother to come to her to apologize, but Nana’s obvious distress had worn on it. Was it really worth it to hold onto such a petty grudge just to try to prove that she was right?
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“... Ichirou?” She knew the one-star ball was here, but that didn’t mean that her brother was going to be willing to speak to her. 
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shuushinchuu-blog · 7 years
“Oh, have you now? Well, by all means…”
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“Do tell.”
And there is a light cough as she clears her throat.
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“... I am going to make a wish. And it’s going to be so that all food tastes the same for you.”
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shuushinchuu-blog · 7 years
Hello, he is loitering in this inbox. Just to be a bother.
First three in my inbox get kisses! (2/3) | @angelfccdie
There’s fury in her gaze as her lips curve into a snarl, revealing bared teeth. She’s no threat to him and they both know it, and that knowledge only serves to further spike the rage she feels. How dare he. This wasn’t his world, these weren’t his people, and yet he was here and he was a threat and there was nothing she could do. For all the power she had, and the greater whole she was a part of, Shuu was little more than a petulant child compared to him.
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She had stalked over to him, and his height forced her to hover. Pale fingers reached out to press against his cheeks, curving along his cheekbones, and Shuu leaned in to kiss him.
Well. Technically it was a kiss. Their lips were, after all, pressing against one another’s. Only there were also teeth, there was tongue, and there was the supple front of her body pressing against his own as her hands slipped further upwards, slender fingers threading through white hair.
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shuushinchuu-blog · 7 years
"When you think of yourself, what kind of terms come to mind? Just out of curiosity, of course."
“... eh?”
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It took a moment for the question to sink in. When she thought of herself...? An odd concept to be sure. It implied a certain amount of narcissism that she wasn’t sure she had. True, she had her moments, such as when she made attempts to bully Whis (something that had, so far, spectacularly failed), but her motivation had always been ensuring the safety of others. Not herself.
“... um. Tool, I guess? Object?” That was what she was, wasn’t it? “The Sons... that isn’t really a term... why do you ask?”
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And a frown at that. “Curiosity is a lackluster explanation.”
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shuushinchuu-blog · 7 years
In the corruption verse...What if she found someone that was extremely good and pure that wanted to make a wish?
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If they were an extremely pure individual, Shuu would likely want to care for them and protect them. They would be basically her ideal for what she wants the world to be (and perhaps the biggest difference between her and Black? She doesn’t want to destroy all life, just the corrupt portions of it). 
Of course, it would... depend on the wish. Anything that would go against her Plan wouldn’t be granted, though wanting a wish like that would make them Not Pure. So there’d be no ‘I’m such a good person please stop killing all the ‘bad’ humans’.
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shuushinchuu-blog · 7 years
There's a Gohan hopping into her inbox to to give her hugs and kisses.
“!! Um! Miss-!”
It wasn’t that she was a girl. It was that she was a stranger coming to hug and kiss her. Shuu barely got affection like that from the people closest to her -- Gohan and Oona, at this point.
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“I- I’m flattered, but.” And a small, nervous laugh. “There. There are better ways to request mentorship than that.”
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shuushinchuu-blog · 7 years
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shuushinchuu-blog · 7 years
ϟ send for my muse to wake up from a terrible nightmare, and for yours to witness this.
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shuushinchuu-blog · 7 years
In the corruption verse...What would happen if an alien who's been through so much pain and suffering comes up to her and asks her for a wish?
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oooo-- It depends on the wish. If it were to be some sort of revenge against the people that had harmed them worded in a manner that made it seem like they were trying to save others pain, Shuu would likely grant it. Her main intention in the corruption verse is to rid the world of pain, albeit through incredibly misguided means.
It’s... very likely she would also twist it into a monkey paw type deal as well, though. They’ll get their wish, but just not in the way they really wanted it.
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shuushinchuu-blog · 7 years
A certain half saiyan wants kisses
First three in my inbox get kisses! (1/3) | @gohanunleashed​
He was exhausted, so could anyone truly blame her for exerting just a small portion of her power to help him sleep? A slight push against his psyche to make his exhaustion even more prominent, and the tired teacher was half-slumped against her, head on her shoulder as he finally slept.
Shuu smiled as she eased herself back, crossing her legs as she allowed him to slump even further into what was more of a stretched out and comfortable position. Slender fingers gently ran through his choppy black hair, and a light laugh escaped her. “You always put everyone before you, don’t you.” Pushing himself to this extent would eventually become too much if he didn’t pause to take care of himself first.
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The laugh turned into a sigh as Shuu allowed her hand to simply rest against his shoulder. “You’re a better person than you’d ever believe, Gohan.” And after a beat she leaned down, lips pressing lightly against one temple.
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shuushinchuu-blog · 7 years
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shuushinchuu-blog · 7 years
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Original: 落書き | ハルコ@ふんばれ [pixiv]
Edit by me.
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shuushinchuu-blog · 7 years
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–  she knows.
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shuushinchuu-blog · 7 years
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shuushinchuu-blog · 7 years
What the hell was this chick…? Six should have been able to beat her easily, yet here they were, the murderous lunatic with her hands around Six’s neck. The child struggles to draw breath, pausing ever-so-slightly at the offer of her past…
“F…uck… you…”
Even if this woman knew… Six couldn’t trust a word out of her mouth! She was a villain, someone who’d hurt innocents and destroy the very world itself! But… at the same time…
Pale hands released the girl as the woman took a step back. The motion was followed by a gesture, a lackadaisical follow me that was paired with a slight turn as the spirit began to walk away. 
As she did, the air around them began to smear, images and reflects growing hazy and thin as they were stretched out of proportion. It only took a minute for everything to snap back into place, but they were no longer where they had been just a moment prior.
They were also in a different when as well.
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A light hum escaped from Shuu as she stopped, hands clasped loosely behind her back as she rocked into her heels. “Look.” One arm was outstretched, fingers curled so that only one was pointing off into the distance. “There.”
A family. A mother, a father, and a little girl who bore an uncanny resemblance to the cybernetic child. 
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shuushinchuu-blog · 7 years
Shuu at literally any Gohan or Goku ever
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