shxnlxng · 7 years
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xiaoli was probably the last person in the world anyone should turn to for relationship advice, and shen technically wasn’t turning to her at all, but she couldn’t just leave things as they were. ‘it sounds like you want to date, just from the way you’re talking about it.’
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shen pouted up at the girl, hoping she could see the hopelessness in his eyes. “ i -- i think i might. but i don’t know if she wants to. and i’ve never done stuff like this before !! what if this is just how regular people act ?? i’d believe auradon had strange customs like this.”
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shxnlxng · 7 years
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shen just watched, having already ordered his roast pork before kirsa, knowing she would need some time. he leaned his head against his hand and let her do her thing. he didn’t want to say he looked fond as he watched her, but that’s exactly what he was. fond and so, so nervous. and hungry. always hungry.
shen just grinned at the waiter, shrugging and muttering a small ‘sorry man, but thank you’ in cantonese. “ nah, the whole on the side thing is cute. it’s all g, pretty girl. ” he let the nickname slip, before freezing for a bit. he wasn’t sure if she was still okay with him calling her that. “ but, uh, i feel you. i’m hungry too. i’m always hungry to be honest, but you know. ”
( @shxnlxng )
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“ – and then i’ll just have the chinese broccoli, please, but with the oyster sauce on the side. and, oh, for dessert – ” kirsa flipped through the menu to look at the correct page. “i’ll have the fried banana fritters but i don’t want to have the ice-cream on top of it, i’ll have it on the side and if you have chocolate instead of vanilla, that would be great, thank you, but otherwise just vanilla is fine,” she finished, all smiles. 
the waiter blinked at her, looked to shen, and then nodded, muttering under his breath as he wrote down the rest of the order and retreated to the back. kirsa pressed her lips together, twiddling her thumbs on the table. “sorry,” she said suddenly, “i love this place and, um, i’m really hungry.”
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shxnlxng · 7 years
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‘those two things don’t usually go together.’ but this was auradon. she’d believe anything at this point. ‘so you two are dating?’
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“ i know they don’t !! ” he cried. he was still torn up about the event, and his injury only served to remind him of it. “ i don’t.....i don’t know ?? we’ve gone on dates and we call each other our favorites and we danced, but....but nothing. ”
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shxnlxng · 7 years
too good for me, too good for anyone, the most stable, solid person i know, one of the best people i know, holy shit, too good just too good --
“ -- not too good for you, pretty girl. definitely not enough for you. ” 
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shxnlxng · 7 years
i really don't understand why he's still scared of me, it's not as though i've done anything to him yet, but he's a good friend, even if he's overly dramatic.
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shxnlxng · 7 years
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xiaoli’s eyebrow was raised so high that she was sure it had reached the ceiling. ‘no, i don’t know. please explain.’
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shen pouted and made a whining noise in the back of his throat. “ we’re just - ” he made vague hand gestures. “ we - we’ve gone on dates. but i also attacked her. we’re just.....you know !! ”
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shxnlxng · 7 years
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justice blinked a bit when the boy suddenly appeared in frount of her. there was something about him — her dragon senses told her that much, though she wasn’t entirely sure what it was. she briefly wondered why he was out so late, but she didn’t question it, really. she opened her mouth to speak, but ultimately ended up closing it again — she did this a few times. the boy seemed to be a bit of a rambler. once he finally stopped speaking, she offered the slightest of smiles, though it was short-lived. “i don’t need hospital help at all, don’t worry,” she laughed. “however, help getting up would be grand — also, is arcadia’s office open at this hour? i can’t really …” she gestured to her legs. “… walk.”
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shen was about to add something else, but his mouth snapped shut with and audible click as he realized that he was giving her room to speak. he tried to give a small smile back to her, but he was still a little shook up from watching her fall from the sky. “ i - uh - are you sure ?? i mean, of course i don’t wanna like doubt you or something, but you’re on the floor, you know ?? ” he furrowed his eyebrows at the question. “ uh, no ?? i think they close at a certain time during the day. are you - are you just getting here now ?? ” he asked. his eyes widened for a moment. “ you can’t walk ?? i mean, of course i can help you walk, but are you sure you’re okay ?? maybe you should go to the hospital if you can’t walk after your fall. ”
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shxnlxng · 7 years
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Kiba beamed when the other boy started getting JUST as excited as he was. His enthusiasm was hard to match, at least back on the Isle, and it was refreshing to see someone who’d high five back. He jumped onto his heels for a second, his smile reaching from ear to ear. “Yo, I KNOW!” he shouted, before bouncing a moment and then leaning forward, his hands on his knees. “It was! Man, I’ve NEVER shapeshifted before. It was— man, it was freaking amazing! Hey, do you shapeshift? Apparently, everybody shapeshifts around here, it’s not even a surprising thing anymore.” 
A small ‘oh’ sound, somewhere in between a gasp and a hum, escaped the siren’s lips when he realized what the other had. “What… is that? Is that food? What kind of food is it? Can I see?”
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even back home, the only person who would match shen’s loud exuberance was his pops. and jin. for the most part, people either liked his excitable or barely tolerated it. but as soon as this dude started talking, shen knew he had found another like him. “ woah, you’re first time ?? my man, that’s way cool !! ” shen himself had had a bit of a struggle his first time shifting once he had acquired his human body. he nodded excitedly at the question. “ yo, i don’t think anyone can do what you just did, my dude. i mean, i can shapeshift, but it’s only the one thing, you know ?? you were changing into all kinds of things just now, man. that’s wicked !! ” 
he perked up a bit as the boy mentioned food. “ bro, totally !! give a sec. ” he popped the bao into his mouth, holding it with his teeth as he opened up the box next to him and held it out. “ mfm, take your pick, man !! ” he exclaimed, though it was muffled. “ you got steamed pork buns, baked ones, and then some rice cake here. oh, and there’s some dumplings here. ” he explained, pointing out each one in turn.
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shxnlxng · 7 years
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‘i suppose it never came up,’ she wrote. ‘kirsa and i are friends. she sort of pulled me into it.’ she wasn’t complaining, though.
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“ weird. ” he sniffled. “ oh. well, kirsa and i are- ” he paused, thinking. what would they call they’re smatterings of dates ?? “ we’re....you know. ”
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shxnlxng · 7 years
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shxnlxng · 7 years
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shen let out a happy little snuffle as he bit into his pork bao. this time, he hadn’t even needed to go out to go get them as the little chinese woman who ran the singular chinese resturant in auradon had taken a liking to him. she liked being able to speak with him in her native tongue, and enjoyed how excitable he always was when he visited. so she had popped by the university with a box of goodies for him, just to make sure he was doing alright. 
shen happily tore into the food as he caught sight of the....shapeshifter ?? whatever it was, shen watched with interest. he gave the boy a small round of applause when he landed and enthusiastically gave a high five to the hand that was offered. “ that was awesome, dude !! you were just all over the place. you were there and then you were here, and WOW, was that cool. ” he breathed, a bit in awe.
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And another one– and another one! Kiba was honestly having TOO much fun shifting between one form and the other. His dad’s favourite form was a crocodile where he had gained infamy for eating a clock and chasing after a captain. All of that was a bit too “yikes” for the siren, who was forced to stay human as he grew up because of the Isle’s magic barrier. 
He was in the form of a salamander, running on a ledge of the campus before he jumped off of it and shapeshifted into a skua, cawing as he did so. He flew a couple feet in the air, the entire EXHILARATION of just shifting exciting. The skua made a dive before he shape-shifted one last time into a human. He landed on the sidewalk in a superhero position before giddily getting to his feet and holding his hand up to the person closest to him. “Holy man! Up top! Did you see that?! I was all like– WHOA! And then I was just– WAH! And then the landing and– it was AWESOME!”
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shxnlxng · 7 years
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shxnlxng · 7 years
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xiaoli was genuinely surprised at the answer. ‘i didn’t know you knew kirsa.’ she briefly went back on her own conversations with kirsa, wondering if she’d mentioned him.
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a quick scan of her words had his head shooting up from the pillow. “ i didn’t know you knew kirsa. ” he frowned. “ how did we not know this ?? ”
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shxnlxng · 7 years
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“ well, i’m a dragon. fire-proof and all that. ” he said, waving a hand vaguely. “ i could always help you out when you needed it. ”
@shxnlxng said:  ❝ playing with fire doesn’t necessarily get you burned. ❞
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“but staying in the flames might. sometimes you gotta know when to stop playing.” kirsa paused, looking down at her cup of tea. “and…honestly, i suck at knowing when to stop.”
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shxnlxng · 7 years
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Simon had wanted to believe him but he couldn’t bring himself to. He had heard about what happened even if he wasn’t aware of it in the moment. “No it’s true. I.. I heard that I hurt someone.” he said, swallowing hard.  
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shen let out a long, weary sigh. “ doesn’t mean you yourself did it. ” he swallowed, leaning forward on his knees and resting his head on his hands. “ i mean.....i attacked the girl that i like. i legit jumped into a knife. ”
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shxnlxng · 7 years
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shen watched, shell-shocked, as yet another huge, dragon-like creature swooped over his head and nearly made him drop his haw flakes. he did, however, drop his haw flakes when the dragon turned into a girl. a testament to how shocked he was that he dropped his food and the reason he was even out that late. but he rushed towards the girl, worry mixing in with his initial excitement as he hovered nervously. “ uh -- are you, like, okay ?? do you need help ?? and i mean help getting up but also hospital help ?? please tell me you don’t need hospital help. ”
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justice swooped down from the sky unseen, her scales as dark as the night itself. when she landed, she limped a bit, but quickly regained her balance — she was used to it.  however, as soon as she transformed from dragon to human, she toppled over and fell into the grass;  that, she hadn’t been expecting. “fuuuck,” the girl whined, grumbling to herself as she tried to push herself to a standing,  but alas, her paralyzed left leg made it impossible to do so. “why does it have to be so late at night … why did i have to come when everybody is asleep …”
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shxnlxng · 7 years
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xiaoli let out a huff of air as he covered his face. he wouldn’t be able to see what she wrote if he kept this up. ‘you made who stab you?’
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he waited for a response for a second, before nearly slapping himself. he peeked at her paper before groaning. “ kirsaaaaaaaa. ” he whined.
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