#{{ dragon boy | isms. }}
gemkun · 1 year
anemone : how does your muse view the world ; as a cruel & unforgiving place , a land full of wonders , or something in - between ? where does that world view come from ( what experiences , life lessons , etc . ) ?
// for dan heng.
anemone : how does your muse view the world ; as a cruel & unforgiving place , a land full of wonders , or something in - between ? where does that world view come from ( what experiences , life lessons , etc . ) ?
( you really had to go and choose this one. . . )
dan heng doesn't necessarily view the world as cruel & unforgiving, but he is aware that the world CAN be. if he were pessimistic in his outlook, there would be no reason to travel with the astral express. exploration is something he values immensely and learning about the world littered amongst the stars is held quite dear to his heart. there are times of awe and wonderment but there are also times where it feels as if the odds are against himself and the crew and there is little to no room to surmise a resolution.
his views largely come from experience and his past traumas. but he strives to move beyond and not let his actions and future be determined by prior mishaps. though as always, trauma does come with hindrances and this includes having an underlying bias and predilection. many of his interactions and approaches with people have been severed greatly and this does feed into his perception of the world.
in his travels with the astral express, he hopes to be liberated of the shackles he was bound to in all its entirety. physically, mentally and emotionally.
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idanazaldrizes · 2 years
tag drop!
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I have the most random and oddball question... What would be some expletive type language in Welsh?
I'm playing a dragon in my D&D group who is from this fantasy world's equivalent of Wales and I want to add some flavor when he is fighting that he starts using bits of his mother-tongue instead of Common.
It's easy enough to find a random list of words, but without cultural context I have no clue what would be a proper equivalent of, for example "fuck off you asshole"... I probably am putting "too much" thought into it, but I'm a cultural anthropologist, so it bugs me to not think too much about it.
A funny quirk of Welsh is that we actually tend to swear in English when we need to - because one of the social arenas it survived in was through the chapels, the closest you'd get are things that in English you'd probably associate with your granny saying, or those sad little Christian youth camps in America. One of my favourites is Nêfi blŵ, which is literally just the Welsh transliteration of the words 'navy blue' said in a Welsh accent. Why is this a swear? Unknown. I presume someone somewhere hated the colour.
However, there are a couple:
Sguthan/ysguthan: this is probably equivalent to 'bitch', it's certainly gendered the same way and has similar weight. Except much as 'bitch' literally just means a dog, sguthan means 'woodpigeon'. Why is this a swear? Unknown
Cach i fant: fuck off. 'Shit off', literally. Tbh though I don't actually know anyone who would actually use this. Mileage can and will vary wildly (keep an eye on the notes for other Welsh speakers chiming in), but this one always felt a bit like a sheep's eyeball to me, to use a Pratchett-ism. Like something Golwg would use to Appeal To The Youth. But, it is real, and does work.
Dos i ffwcio dy hunan: go fuck yourself. Now THIS one I use
Twll tin bob ____: Every ____ is an asshole. Naturally, the phrase in Wales is 'Twll tin bob Sais', but substitute Sais for the group of your choice.
Cêr y diawl: go to hell. Literally, 'go to the devil', with devil there being a reasonable stand-in for any devil you wish, not just, like, Satan.
And of course, Wenglish can provide:
Be'r ffyc 'dy hwnna: what the fuck is that
Pwy'r ffyc 'dy hwnna: who the fuck is that
Bois bach a mawr: okay listen this is going to sound like I'm joshing you but I swear this is real. It's used by an older generation, admittedly, but even younger generations will say 'Bois bach' sometimes. It, uh. It literally means "Big and little boys". Or just "little boys". Just a sort of general mild exclamation. Or what you say when you sit down and your knees complain. Um.
Ych a fi: gross. Can also be Wenglished to 'Ych a ffycin fi' which is, you know, fucking gross.
Be' ti 'di 'neud?: what have you done?
Be' sy'n bod 'da ti?: What is wrong with you?
Cô ni off, bois!: Off we go, lads (gender neutral)!
There's probably a million I'm forgetting and will think of as I try to sleep tonight, but hopefully these will tide you over. Keep an eye on the notes, I expect others will chime in with further suggestions!
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farm-witches-fic-recs · 4 months
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The witches love to see all the familial fondness! Check out these community recs for some wonderful moments with some of favorite family members.
Golden Days (AWorldofDreams/ @a-noble-dragon) “The fall imagery and writing style is gorgeous! Marcy bakes pies for all her sweet boys, including Clint. It also features reminiscing over old photos and David basking in the Brewers' love for him.”
Growing Up Brewer (pandorasdaydream) “A big, beautiful, detailed world that is Patrick’s backstory. Marcy and Clint raised a remarkable, loving son. This fic tells us how that happened.” 
“400k words of Marcy and Clint from when they started dating till they are old and gray. It’s a beautiful story!!” 
He shines ( @smallumbrella369) “I love that it's from Marcy's point of view. I love how she loves her son and lets him grow.” 
Real life fairytale ( @blackandwhiteandrose) "This is my favorite Brewer one shot, probably. I love the conversation that they have and everything that we learn through them talking and there's so much love and warmth and affection. It's a good read when you need a quick hit of happiness.”
Season with love ( @lastchancecafe) “I love nothing more than a David and Marcy fic and this one just hits my sweet spot right. Love and food and family.”
Stevie & Patrick are Buds ( @weathereyehorizon) “This series of seven short fics is a go-to for me. There’s antics and bestie-ism in peak form. Patrick and Stevie’s imbalanced social dynamic cannot be beat.”
we'll take the world together ( @landofsonlali) “This 5+1 sibling feels fic is a gut punch followed by a warm hug. It's amazing to think how much David & Alexis went through and how their relationship gets strengthened over time. I miss them!”
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moonyasnow · 5 months
~Info stuff~
Hello! My name is Moonyasnow; call me Moony for short!
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{ Image template Here! }
Non-OC Masterlist! OC Masterlist!
Also I have an Ao3!
~ T A G S ~ #moony reblog #moony's writing #moony's art #saving for future writing use #sending this to my friend #moony yaps #moony thoughts
#👁️👁️hngggg…dragon boy [ Moony Malleus-posting, reblog or not ] #whiny little goblin baby funny 'ism' man yandere pyromaniac choir boy my beloved [ Moony Rollo-posting, reblog or not ]
~ O C T A G S ~ (please ask about them I am on the floor begging OTL) #moony's ocs #moony's oc writing #🌻tomoe #🐰irina #🥊spike #🐚junia #😇lisle #🐝veronica #🩸victor #🦢artemisia
W r i t i n g s t u f f !
I like writing! :) I wanna write more, but figuring out what to write is usually my Achilles' Heel— so that's why I'm taking writing requests! Only really writing for Twisted Wonderland, as well as my OCs!
State of writing request box: CLOSED!
I can write either short fics or headcanons
VERY open to just straight up out-there requests. The more specific the better honestly! I welcome all the freaks here!
No NSFW (Suggestive/implied is ok tho!)
No breaking-up style prompts. But Angst is VERY welcome! I’m also very very open to writing prompts that include things like past abuse, mental illness stuff, and generally darker topics. Yandere stuff, too!
Lilia, Ortho, Grim, NRC staff, Gidel and any Family Characters will always be platonic
I won't currently write for: Epel, Lilia, Che'nya, Rollo, Fellow Honest, Gidel or any Book 7 characters — I just don't feel like I have a good enough understanding of them to write them yet.
A request is always allowed no matter the subject material! Just know I might not write some that make me uncomfortable. ADHD + school (+perfectionism) means requests could take a little while, so please be patient— it doesn't mean I've forgotten about it or am ignoring it; I'm just a slow writer, hehe…
Below the cut are the other fandoms I'm in!
My fandoms + faves:
Twisted Wonderland My faves: Malleus, Rollo, Jamil, Sebek, Kalim
Fire Emblem (Three Houses/Fates/Awakening) FE3H: Claude, Dimitri, Dedue Fates: The Nohrian Siblings(particularly Xander), Jakob Awakening: Henry
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Parts 1-6-- I am purely an anime watcher and have not read past that) Favorite Part: Vento Aureo (I LOVE ALL THE CHARACTERS. Particularly La Squadra) Some other faves: Mikitaka
Dungeon Meshi (anime only!) Marcille, Kabru
Otomes in general: Hakuoki (Okita my beloved) Diabolik Lovers: Haunted Dark Bridal, More Blood (Reiji, Azusa) Cinderella Phenomenon (Fritz) Birushana: Rising Flower of Genpei (Noritsune, Yoritomo) Dandelion: Wishes Brought to You (Jieun) Nameless: The One Thing You Must Recall (Lance) Rose of Segunda (Leopold) Royal Alchemist (Serin) Seven Kingdoms: The Princess Problem (Lyon) Oathbreaker Series (Argandea) Dark Nights (Junoru) Amnesia: Memories (Toma) Our Life: Beginnings & Always, Now & Forever (Derek)
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Similar to this post that I posted earlier but slightly different. Instead of Sukugo with Baby Luffy; we're getting baby Sukugo dumped on the Strawhats!
Satoru is first. The Strawhats either land on an island where Luffy decides to kidnap Satoru after Shenanigans(TM) or Satoru is actually Luffy's child. Somehow. I dunno- it's either Iva-chan's fault or Devil Fruit bullshittery.
If it's the first then that island has some Noble (but not Tenryuubito/World Noble/Celestial Dragons) presence but it's generally ignore-able because what are they gonna do? Try and fight a Yonkou's crew (or the Pirate King's- timeline is wibbly in this one since it can be placed whenever) who've proved themselves able to defeat whole-ass armies before they even got to double digits crew-wise???
(Well, there are people stupid enough to do that but we know they're either entirely forgettable or important for the whole crew's growth/reputation/coffers.)
Anyway, shenanigans happen (as they always do with the Strawhats) and then Luffy comes across baby Satoru in his pretty cage home. Held at arm's length; worshiped and isolated; loved and hated- not for himself but for what he symbolizes. What he can be used for or aimed at or bartered for. He has no one and no one has him.
And he's reminded of Ace; of Sabo; of himself.
Being alone hurts worse than pain.
Luffy was so lucky to have his brothers, his crew, the friends he met and left behind- they all made the loneliness go away. And now there's a little boy in front of him that reminds him of his brothers and him and, impulsive as always, he decides to kidnap Satoru and take him away. Because he (and his brothers) decided to live with no regrets- and while he might regret raising a child on a pirate ship, he'd regret it more if he'd left Satoru behind, all by himself with no one to chase the loneliness away.
So now Luffy, unexpectedly, is the first person on the crew with a child. It blows everyone's mind and while there is some screaming and hits aplenty, everyone accepts Luffy's decision and Satoru is now shelved as 'Baby' and 'Luffy's Kid'. It doesn't take long for the latter to become very apt title because for all they lack a shared blood, Satoru seems to, somehow, be very much Luffy's kid.
(Sabo is screaming when he finds out he's an uncle. Is it excitement? Is it disbelief? Or something else? Who knows. But what he does know is that he wants to spoil his new nephew shitless, ditto for Dragon for his new grandson.)
Sukuna, on the other hand, is picked up by Robin who takes ...exception to people shunning/beating a child who physically looks like chimera-ism taken to the extreme. It is ridiculous to forsake a child for something they cannot control- be it for how they look or a consequence of what they ate- and so after Robin breaks their bodies, she decides to take Sukuna away to the Sunny.
They already have Luffy's boy, another lonely child wouldn't hurt. They may even be friends!
Sukugo are absolutely 'friends' in the way that Sanji and Zoro are friends. Well, when they're not 'friends' in the way the Kiddie Trio are. (And when they're older, they add 'One and Only' to their friendship along with a plethora of other titles.)
It takes a while for Sukuna to warm up to the rest of the crew but the one he regards the most after Robin (who he considers the closest thing to a mother he's ever had) is Zoro because 1) swordsmen/women are ridiculous in that world and Sukuna wants to be able to choose what he does and doesn't cut, and 2) he saw Zoro's Asura form. Sanji is a close third because of how he matches Zoro in strength but it's kinda spoiled by how ridiculous he gets around women.
The rest of the crew do sneak their way into his heart as well and, like Satoru, he's eventually known as 'Robin's Boy' and he rather takes pride in that. Well, when he isn't Zoro's student.
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heavensoared · 1 year
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ezrah. • bodyclaim. • headcanons. • isms. • memes. • threads.
Did you see that in the sky? It seems that EZRAH of House REYES, the DRAGON RIDER of ONDERA has flown in. Their dragon, SERAPHINA, is protective over the FIFTY-FIVE year old rider that looks a great deal like PEDRO PASCAL. Those that have had the honor of getting close to both dragon and rider have noted that they are PROTECTIVE & STRONG-WILLED but also CALLOUS & SHORT-TEMPERED.
basic info
full name — Ezrah Reyes
age — Fifty-Five
kingdom — Ondera
gender — cis male, (he/ him/ his pronouns)
religion —follows Daganth & Aznas
occupation — Dragon Rider for his home kingdom Ondera
living arrangements — he has a few places he can crash, but he hardly stays in one place for long & usually follows danger across the lands (any bed will do)
physical info
face claim — Pedro Pascal
hair — brown / eyes — brown
height — five foot & eleven inches
clothing style — his armor is light, if durable enough to take a few hits, but it allows him to move fast during fights & avoid getting hit in the first place. he's rarely found without his armor, but if he is, his clothing style is rather simple. leather boots, breeches and plain tunics.
special characteristics — his body's covered in scars, but the most obvious one cuts across his left eye. he earned that one protecting a friend.
sexual preference — bottom switch
ezrah was born without a name in a small village, abandoned by his mother before he opened his eyes for the first time. she fled as soon as she could & the infant was taken to the orphanage a few villages over, dropped off & forgotten. they didn't name him until he was three years old, one of the caretakers noticing his tendency to help other children escape from their locked rooms. helper. ezrah.
he prayed to the great aznas ever since he was a little boy, begging for salvation - for a life worth living, for purpose in a world that knew no mercy, but his prayers wouldn't be answered for many, many years.
the orphanage kept its children alive, but most of the caretakers had only little sympathy for those nobody wanted, especially those with an inclination to break the house rules. like ezrah. defiance grew within his heart, it festered alongside jealousy & disdain, which he let out on those who had the misfortune of crossing paths with him. violence, as inflicted upon him by older kids & caretakers alike was paid back tenfold to unsuspecting villagers & the law alike. he learned the rules of the street early on, found his own little niche to make due.
by the age of ten, ezrah had learnt the two most important rules of life. one. protect those who have your back. two. gods have mercy on those who stand between you & your next meal. three. fists are not the most effective weapons.
when the elder came into town, ezrah was not at the town square to find himself a dragon to hatch. he was there to make the haul of a lifetime. everybody who could walk had made their way over, but as the crowd surrounded the elder, he got pushed to the center with the other kids who all couldn't wait to get their hands on that stupid egg, but when it was more or less his turn he reached out for it on instinct, partially ...debating whether he could snatch it & run with it, partially .. wondering if his prayers from might've been heard after all.
& then it glowed. they took him to the magdani mountain after that. he was the only one to be taken from their small village that day. the egg that was entrusted to him hatched not long after he got settled. he was not like the other kids, he knew now boundaries, no discipline - no rules. he didn't even want that dragon. they promised him regular meals & he had to do nothing for them. literally nothing. of course he followed. the dragon entrusted into his care was born pitch black. like his soul. it fit his dark eyes & hair - almost like they were meant to be.
years of diligent training later, ezrah ... was still a little rascal, but an older one at that. the stable surrounding had done a great job at taming the wild boy the mountain once greeted into its arms, but everybody involved had come to agree that manners would forever be lost on the future dragon rider. so they did their best to succeed on all other fronts. anger management, temper control, a sense of honor, fighting skill improvement - everything ezrah would need to keep himself & his dragon alive.
ezrah had always been quick & light on his feet, a mobility that was worked into his training & choice of armor & weapons. by the time he was deemed ready to complete the ritual that would - once & for all bind him to fang, he'd come a long way. his skills honed to near perfection in the hopes of making up for the lack of social skills whatsoever, he had a decision to make. where to go?
one would think ezrah wouldn't want to return home after everything he'd seen, but the spite in the young man was strong, so when released into the world, he made his way back home to the kingdom of ondera. he ..swore his loyalty to no-one other than fang & himself, but if ..someone or something was to threaten the people of his home.. he might take it upon himself to help.
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woehor · 5 years
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Ok my internet friends and enemies, it’s time to rank the villains’ motives for being villains. To no one’s surprise, I won’t be including Le Paradox because he’d automatically take the number 1 spot, I thought it’d be unfair to the other entries. Nothing trumps some classic nonsensicality, y’know. So let’s take a look:
12. Boredom - Sir Raleigh
At the bottom of my list is boredom. Because we all feel it and those long afternoons of having nothing to do most definitely warrant you to go out, engineer a giant whale machine for whatever the fuck, and become a modern day pirate basically. Raleigh 100% earns sympathy points. The froggy privilege here is so yuck, I can’t even explain. As if he wasn’t already rich like... trash. Garbage.
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11. Pollution & Testosterone - Jean Bison
This guy went for a hike, got crashed by an avalanche, and woke up decades later to hold a grudge against nature for being frozen? You do understand that the ice literally saved your life, right? I mean, good for him for still staying motivated after so many years of being an icicle but chopping down trees? It’s a big no no. I love how bison are actually herbivores, so the idiot is literally just throwing out food.
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10. Incel-ism - General Tsao & LeFwee
This entry making it into the top 10 by no means makes it valid. The lengths these two are willing to go just to get the girl is honestly frighteningly accurate. Tsao literally unearths a dragon, vampires, and ghosts in order to protect his forced marriage. And not once does he compliment Jing King in the process, like he probably doesn’t even like her ??? Instead of self-reflecting, perhaps going to therapy, these two prefer to lead a life of crime. Also, the fact that Tsao, who can’t get a woman to fall in love with him, is a huge cock. This shit writes itself, seriously.
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9. Being Old ??? idk - Don Octavio
This is the last insanely bad one on the list but holy shit does this one make little to zero sense. Look, I’ve felt old at times. It’s not really nice when you talk about growing up watching Jungle Book on VHS and someone asks what VHS is. I’m 22 bitch not 982 look it up. Did people not knowing what VHS is make me want to blow up half of Venice and pollute its waters? It did not. What did the poor helpless fish do to you? Like why ???? There are people who still enjoy opera like I’m pretty sure Don Octavio didn’t even look for a new audience/ target demographic after the initial ticket sale drop. First not outsold gig and this bitch went to the Italian mafia to look for help.
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8. Financial Gain - Dimitri
Crime for money is so zzz snooze fest, late 90s/ early 00s Powerpuff Girls villain, The Dark Knight opening scene but not really because that wasn’t really the point of it... that being said, it’s not lower on the list because I often think of what I’d do if I lived a life of wealth and luxury. Crime as a source of income is not fully respectable but not an abysmal motive like boredom for example. And I fully understand how Dimitri’s occupation as an artist could lead to him being in need for money - it’s tough as many of y’all already know. On the other hand, minus points for potentially causing inflation with his counterfeit operation.
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7. Childhood Trauma + Rejection - Muggshot, Mz Ruby & Panda King
Boy do I feel for them. Probably the most relatable entry on the list because everyone has experienced this in one way or another. It’s not their fault society spat in their faces. The first game was out there trying to make a point about bullying’s long term effects with 3/5 of its villains displaying so. Does it justify their crimes? No. But lowkey good for them, I hope they’re thriving in prison.
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6. Immortality - Neyla
Getting down to the big ones now. I’m happy SP scrapped their initial plan of making Neyla Rajan’s daughter because that might have made her a bit more humane or explained her motivations a bit better. But as it is, she’s batshit crazy. She loves no one, that’s why she doesn’t care about being immortal and witnessing everyone die around her. Her motive fits in with her plan so well, it’s so simple and yet so effective. The reason it’s not higher on the list is because immortality has been done so many times before and there was no new spin or anything. Her plan and her character are top-notch examples of writing, but, as much as I adore her being trigger-happy and un’inged with no villain origins or explanation, I would still like some sort of hint to it. She’s like the Joker of the series, an absolute enigma.
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5. In Search for a (New) Body - Arpeggio & The Mask of Dark Earth
Is it stupid to think that we’ve all experienced some dissatisfaction with our appearance in the past? Even a single instance of any form of body dysmorphia? Maybe it’s a bit exaggerated of a claim but even so, I do feel for these two. Muggshot, Mz Ruby and Panda King experienced bullying because of stuff that was different but could change, like their interests and fitness. But body type and size isn’t adaptable like that. I do think Arpeggio took it to a bit of an extreme but that just shows the hurt he has over being smaller than the average bird. It’s sad how he was unable to embrace the permanence of his size, like he could be the Danny Devito of the series but eh whatever.
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4. Misogyny - Penelope
Do I even need to explain this one? Girlboss. What a legend.
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3. Something Too Complicated for Us Simple-Minded Fools - Rajan & The Contessa
I’ve tried to wrap my head around the motive for these two and I have failed. Rajan was initially in the financial gain entry but then I thought, he’s already rich? Same goes for the Contessa, who steals her prisoners’ hidden loot but is already a wealthy widow? The way these two carry themselves, what they say and the way they say it, as well as their crimes, just indicates that they think they have a higher purpose. And maybe they do, like maybe furry God spoke to them and told them they were meant for more. Sure, they were both underlings for Arpeggio, and in the end Neyla, but their side-hustles are so bizarre. I’m referring to Rajan’s reason for having the Clockwerk heart on his staff and the Contessa’s psychoanalysis of Sly. I’m like ????
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2. Good Ol’ Revenge - Dr M
I know I said Neyla’s was overdone and it doesn’t get more overdone than revenge, but this one nabs the second spot because it initially starts as ‘Dr M is so evil he’s trying to open the Cooper Vault !!’ and then the way Dr Martin explains it makes us think he was actually the victim. And of course he was the victim. He was playing second fiddle to Connor and in the end got nothing. We practically know nothing about Sly’s dad but I choose to believe that he was the absolute worst, and that more than justifies Dr Milo’s motive. And I’m in love with stories that portray the protégé being blindly naive until they realise they’re fighting for an invalid cause. Except this never happens and Dr Mustafa dies, and I felt really bad for him like he and Sly should’ve negotiated something along the lines of splitting the Cooper Vault’s loot ?? He deserved better for sure because, unlike Muggshot, Mz Ruby and Panda King, he didn’t stray away from his path of revenge. He was solely interested in cracking open the vault like no world domination, no nothing (apart from maybe fusing innocent civilians together to make monsters).
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1. Pure Hatred - Clockwerk
It doesn’t get any more evil than this. Clockwerk is the perfect balance between Neyla and Dr Matthew’s motives because it’s so ambiguous but we also receive little clues along the way. Frankly, we don’t know what kicked off the feud between him and the Coopers, but we know it’s spanned for centuries and his dialogue hints that it’s something more personal than just ‘i wanna kill an entire lineage of raccoons’. It’s up for interpretation but it makes him such an excellent villain. Like it’s pure hate, it’s uncontrollable and it’s such a big grudge that it’s been eternal. There’s no other crimes like illegal spice distribution or financial gain. He’s solely focused on destroying Sly and he’s assembled a team for it, he’s stolen the Thievius Raccoonus, and he’s built the most evil lair there is. Number 1 undoubtedly.
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winniethepoohx · 7 years
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cinnamonest · 3 years
The slut Kokomi ask- I was literally thinking to myself while wandering around the sangonomiya shrine that, Kokomi when not being a girl boss is definitely sitting in there getting absolutely railed by her little boy toy Gorou, I definitely see her as the brains of the duo, and he really is just a dumb thing with a big dick to her, at first she just uses him as a stress reliever, this is just casual sex to her and nothing more, but to Gorou he believes that she loves him and he already worships her so there’s not a doubt in his mind that it’s love. Eventually Kokomi will have to explain to him that it’s not love, she knew this conversation would be coming but chose to hold off because if it went wrong where else was she going to get good dick? Effectively making her situation worse by letting his feelings fester, when she first tells him he’s taken aback, probably in denial that her excellency would play with his feelings like that and not be truthful with him. At the end of the conversation she’ll probably try to break it off saying that it was her mistake and unprofessional in the first place, and I can imagine him snapping after hearing that, lunges at her and drags her to the nearest wall just to fuck her against it, she’s always encouraged him to be a bit rough because she knew he would never actually hurt her, oh how that backfires on her now, he thinks to himself, “he’s the dominant one in this one sided relationship of his, even if he’s worshipped Kokomi for a while, he gets to call the shots and how dare she think that she can just abandon him like that.”She won’t have time to protest when her face is shoved against the wall with her ass up, by the end of it she truly will be fucked out, every hole was used and abused by her sweet little general Gorou. From that point on, Kokomi may be the grand strategist that leads her army, but behind closed doors she’s just his dumb little cock slut, honestly he prefers her this way, it feels nice to be on the receiving end of all that worship he blindly gave her, he deserves it at this point, at least from his pov.
(I am a firm believer in the wife Kokomi agenda, how’s she gonna walk around in her cute little outfit, her innocent little girly aesthetic, those shorts???? There’s no way she’d last long without getting non-conned by someone, and she’s an army leader???? Gorou thinking to himself: “doesn’t she know that women are supposed to answer to men” I also believe the Gorou has the same kind of sexist mindset as Razor, the, it’s just the way things are in nature mindset)
Y'all this tweet is so cute though
Another follower of the Wife Kokomi Agenda excellent, the one true way
Can you blame her? I mean boy is basically a living bad dragon dildo with that knot, and he does all the moving too! He's the ideal sex toy! I'd use him too ngl. Poor thing, he has such a teeny tiny brain to go along with that massive cock and all 3 brain cells are consumed by Kokomi-ism. Head empty only her excellency
He has a duality, an inconsistency of thought, both sides due to his canine nature. On one hand, worship and loyalty! Like a doggie to its master, he just!!! He could spend all day talking about how much he loves her!! Poor Resistance soldiers, anyone who is like "hey Gorou why do you like Kokomi" is immediately subjected to the standard 4 hour presentation he has memorized and rehearsed to give at any given moment. His tail wags uncontrollably when she comes into a room, his eyes are wide and bright. He has the most obvious crush in the world.
But dogs can also be... Aggressive when they feel threatened. Even the sweetest, most loving dog knows how to bite. When something tries to take the person they love away from them... Even if that thing is the person themselves... But his doggie brain rationalizes that if he just shows her how much he loves her, she'll love him back. That's how it works.
The best part? It takes the knot a while to stop swelling, so even after she's thoroughly bred, twitching and panting and numb, with dazed eyes and a belly swollen (dogs cum a LOT), they're still locked together, and she couldn't pull away even if she wanted to, the knot is snugly fit inside. It keeps her plugged up so no cum spills out. That way she can be bred with all his puppies and then she'll love him forever. But for now, since he physically can't pull out, he can wrap his arms around her and hold her tight and nuzzle into her neck while she numbly twitches, his fluffy tail wagging back and forth the whole time.
And yesssss I love that he WOULD have that mentality! It's not even really intentional or derogatory, a lot of it is just pre-programmed into his brain. His human side wants to be respectful but... his instinct is to breed. He doesn't so much intentionally see her as a lesser out of disdain or arrogance (he does kinda worship her at the same time after all), so much as he just looks at her, and his brain registers only hips, thighs, waist, tiddy (which is her fault seeing as how much she shows those things off). Thighs that act like cushions for his hips, hips and waist for handlebars and holding babies on the hip, tiddies for feeding, for his pups (and him) to suckle on... How can he not look at her and see a puppy-making machine?? His animal instincts don't pay mind to feelings and all that, it just registers that there is a very much unbred, non-pregnant female who would be very suitable for breeding in front of him. So that instinct kinda takes over any rational thoughts he could have had. And she's supposed to be a puppy machine, in his instinctive brain, that should be her priority, since she's the one that carries them, she should forget about all that other stuff.
Male dogs can be aggressive towards the females, too, when it comes to forcing them to do what they want... to the point of grabbing them with their teeth and dragging them away, too. Especially if the female is trying to interact with another male dog... You can't blame him for getting mad and dragging her away. Or grabbing her and growling when she doesn't do what he wants. He apologizes later, but in the moment it's just instinct. She's the weaker mate, of course she should do what he wants.
Unfortunately, our boy's cum is highly potent... Unlike with Razor where it might be a coincidental chance, with Gorou there's a 100% guarantee he'll end up breeding her with at least four or five puppies, minimum. Poor Kokomi is gonna be a busy mom. No time left for war strategy and all that, only nursing and playing with the... Fish-dog babies.
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literateleah · 3 years
look i get the hype. i do but drew/rafe being so forcefully inserted into main character lists, fics and fandom culture, bts photos etc is just another case of chronic slimy white man love disorder and ALL of you are guilty. this happens time and time again (cough cough dragon malfunction and billy from stranger things) when an unlikeable, usually classist always racist evil white man/boy gets major screen time and people latch onto him like a leech. they get thirst tweets, “i could fix him”isms, redemption fics and rallying amounts of social media attention. this is uninteresting to me, it doesn’t provide much to the story to me, and as much as i appreciate a good SIDE ANTAGONIST (make note that neither are even the main villain) it hurts to see these reactions when black leads are being slighted and forgotten at every turn by showrunners and fans alike
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elsewhereuniversity · 4 years
My father whispered to me when he first held me, a name my mother loved, a name taken from a grandmother. Growing up, I would abandon it at the drop of a hat, in favor of a noun or the name of a character I liked, or a collection of syllables that tumbled jubilantly on my tongue. None of these lasted more than a week.
When I was nine, I read a very well-known fantasy book. It had been adapted into a very well-known movie. The protagonist had my name. She was bold (which I was not), and stubborn (which I was), and clever (which I hoped to be), and she was female.
On her, the name sounded vivid and bright, bold yellow sunshine and turquoise, like a forget-me-not. On me, it felt like things seen through a frosted-over window. Faded blue and the pale color of frozen butter, wisps of wrinkled wisteria.
When I was seventeen, the year I slipped on another set of pronouns like a beaded bracelet over my wrist (the year I learned I could have more than one set if I wanted to, the year I started collecting them as any magpie would), I slipped my given name off of my shoulders and folded it up in my cold hands. I found another name, one with a glowing orange ember nestled in twists of brown dark wood, and I brought it inside me and it warmed my core. The old name I would have returned, hung neatly on its hanger and delivered to my mother, but instead I kept it in an old dusty dressbox, to be taken out again and worn superficially, as a costume, when I attended certain family gatherings.
When I was eighteen, I went to university, a strange old college on a hill. I did not grow into a young woman, but I did not mind because I was me. For the first time no one I lived with knew my old, dead, wisteria-withered name. I burned orange, I burned bright. No one used their birth names there, which made it all the merrier, because that’s what college is for, right? Figuring out what fits you. I loved the name I’d chosen, but I still cycled through moniker after alias, just to feel the joy of the syllables.
I learned many things while I was there. I asked people before taking their pictures. I carried a supply of my own food. Iron washers from my thieving friends in the scene shop clangled joyfully around my neck (I experimented with personal style, queer as the self I was). I was kind to insects and I left milk outside my dorm room door at night, and I was delighted that no one chastised me, as my parents had, for being overfriendly to the wild animals. (You know, almost every animal likes attention at some point, and reading my stories out loud is a great way to justify quality time.)
I met people. I met professors who cared about my learning, fellow students with stories to share, RAs fiercer than any dragon to defend their charges. There was the sick new boy to whom I fed soup once, on a whim, when I was feeling homesick and making use of the kitchen, and later he gave me a blown glass flower. There was the kid who borrowed some of my baking butter, and was so profusely and profoundly grateful without ever quite saying “thank you.” There was the girl I met in my sophomore year, with the long black hair and five ear piercings, and we became best friends and we talked about names.
Her name started out rock-black, though I could never tell if that was simply an association with the color of her hair. In the middle, there sparkled the vowels and the twists of consonants, bright metal and stone in the depths of a cave. I didn’t quite believe all the stories she told, but then I read her some ones of mine that were not true. She’d named herself for a bird of the sea, plucked her girl’s name from one no one meant for a girl. We talked about ways one might come to know these things, and the kinds of things one could learn on the edges.
She liked the edges; she learned things. She bartered and gambled for changes of the kind she needed most. I worried for her rarely, because I knew she was so careful. But careful doesn’t always cut it out here.
The second week before graduation, I went looking for her. I found, readily enough, a place where she had been, and I found someone who didn’t want to give her back. I asked them what they wanted, and they asked what she was worth.
I would have said, “my life,” but then I would never see her again.
I would have said, “my heart,” but I needed that to love her.
So instead I said, “A name,” and I watched moon eyes glow with an unearthly-wide smile.
“Not any name will do,” said the mouth, and maybe something behind it.
“I will give you my birth Name, the one my mother gave me and my father whispered as I cried.”
They stretched out themself, and curled loose around me, and I knew I would have to sell this. So I said the name I hadn’t used in years, said it with all the cornflower and yellowyellowyellow of that heroine from long ago.
They gibbered, and they stretched out one palm, and my best friend in the entire world stood on the cobbles to my left, and, no time for happy reunions, we ran like hell across the sprinkler-soaked sidewalk for the saltlick safety of our dorm, because I didn’t know how long it would take the creature in the courtyard to realize all I’d given them was a handful of dried-up wisteria.
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🎂 Happy birthday, Epel! 🎂
What do you get for the country boy bad seed and poison apple of Pomefiore?
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Epel’s not as dainty as he might appear! Though Vil drills etiquette and macarons into him, Epel’s a pure country boy through and through, with aspirations of manliness and chowing down on grilled meat in his head. He’ll take anything that’ll make him seem cooler or stronger, or whatever apple treats you have on hand... Just be careful not to be caught by Vil!
It’s tricky to throw together a bash that both meets Vil’s standards and clicks with Epel’s tastes. They clash so blatantly, so Rook has to interject as the moderator, oftentimes pointing out the rustic charm of certain decorations and food choices to his queen. You help at times, offering your own insight as you slice and stew apples in cinnamon and sugar, or string up fairy lights shaped like rampaging dragons. Somehow, the chaotic in-fighting gives way to a reasonably balanced venue.
Today’s the day Epel can cut loose and ditch his stiff-lipped lessons. Letting out an excited holler, he rushes to join his friends in merrymaking, stuffing his cheeks with food, and playing party games. He gets a little rough with his actions and words, mussing his hair and makeup along the way, and pulling all sorts of novel expressions and country-isms. Though Vil scolds Epel for this, he’s a little more lenient than usual, allowing the freshman to have his fun.
After all... every apple has to leave its family eventually, and sprout a new tree of its own.
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Okay, it’s time for some deep nerdery to speculate about Overwatch 2
Overwatch 2 has 30+ characters. That’s one hell of a large ensemble. If Blizzard had any brain cells, they would probably try and take a similar approach to how Marvel handled their large cast in Avengers: Infinity War.
Remember Infinity War? It functioned as a movie by keeping its groups of characters small (at most five people per group) but also by choosing ‘main characters’ that it focused most of its emotional energy on (most notably, Ironman, Dr. Strange, Vision, Thor, Thanos, and Gamora). The main characters were the ones with emotional arcs and therefore had the most screentime. The rest of the cast was quite static. Also, characters in different groups rarely, if ever got to interact with any characters outside of their group, with the rare exception of a quip or two.
My suspicion is that Overwatch 2 is going to do a VERY similar thing. This means that the roster of Overwatch heroes are going to be divided up into groups and assigned either main character or side character status.
So who’s going to be in each group? That I can’t tell you. As Marvel has shown, characters are grouped up not based on character compatibility, or even arc potential, but instead on what would best make the plot go forward. (For example, raise your hand if you predicted that Ironman, Spiderman, and Dr. Strange would team up with Starlord, Mantis, and Drax for the climax. No one? That’s what I thought.)
What I can predict, however, is whether each Overwatch hero is going to be given main character status or not. My predictions are going to be based on lore importance and current emotional arcs that have been set up the Overwatch continuity. Unfortunately, fan favoritism or previous screen time is not a good indicator (again, as shown in Infinity War.: raise your hand if you predicted that Captain F*cking America would have less than fifteen minutes screentime?) and therefore will not be counted in my evaluation.
NOTE: It is assumed that the plot of Overwatch 2 will be the plot that was introduced in the Zero Hour short, along with the gameplay trailer.
I’ll go tank/damage/support, alphabetically through each section.
D.va- Oh, poor D.va. Unfortunately, I think she’s just going to be a side character. Being so unconnected with the rest of the cast is a death sentence for plot importance. The only way I can see her being a major player is in an indirect way- if Blizzard decides to focus on the “Omnic From the Sea” they teased at in the short Shooting Star.
Orisa- Orisa is not so cleanly cut. Given that she was created to defeat Doomfist, she has potential to be the one who takes him down. They’re narrative and thematic rivals (an analysis of which could be a whole other post) which made me finally decide that she’ll be main character status. I know that seems like a cop-out, but given how Doomfist is the main face of villainy, her connection with him makes her important.
Reinhardt- I’m going to be massacred for this, but I don’t see any universe where Reinhardt is a main character. His character is static, his connection with old Overwatch is the most flimsy out of the oldies, and most of his backstory has already been explored. He’s going to be a side character, relegated to a mentor to Brigitte.
Roadhog- Nope. Side character. He and Junkrat fall into the same boat. Not being a part of Overwatch and having no connections to any characters in Overwatch makes more than passing screentime impossible.
Sigma- OUR BOY SIGMA is going to get no screentime, calling it right now. He’s going to be firmly relegated to side character status. Why? Although he might be a serious fan favorite, his lore and the conflict it introduces (the cosmic horror of the universe) doesn’t really apply to the rest of Overwatch. We know he’s affiliated with Talon, but more like a weapon than a character. He’s got serious redemption potential, but the arc would be very. . . simple. As soon as he gets to Overwatch the arc would be over. 
Winston- MAIN CHARACTER. Our mans is currently the driving force behind the majority of the plot (that isn’t whatever Talon’s doing). He’s the one who recalled Overwatch. Enough said. If he doesn’t get an arc about learning how to be a leader, I am going to be shocked.
Wrecking Ball- lol side character. Given how Blizzard hasn’t made any attempt to treat him more than a walking gimmick, he’s going to be such a side character that he might blend into the background.
Zarya- This is another character that makes me hesitate. At first glance, she’s in the same boat as D.va in that she has no personal connections with the lore or the main cast. HOWVER, she’s directly involved in the conflict of Overwatch 2 because she is currently fighting Omnics in Russia AND has been trying to track down Talon on her own for a while now. Plus, she also has a very juicy potential character arc: she’s racist towards Omnics. Her comic touched on the fact that she has the potential to outgrow her prejudice. This leads me to believe that Zarya is going to be one of the main characters, if a more minor one than the rest.
Ashe- Side character. Her connection to McCree ensures that she’ll get some juicy interactions, but not enough to be considered a main character. More than likely she’ll be contacted to help out with the plot conflict, but she’s not going to have any sort of arc or emotional connection with other characters beyond snarky one-liners.
Bastion- . . . I hate this, but I don’t trust Blizzard to give Bastion the relevance they deserve as a character. Don’t get me wrong, I think Bastion will be important to the plot of stopping the rogue Omnics, but I think Bastion themselves will be treated as a McGuffin. They’re mute and prone to acting naively, which is not conducive to character agency. I’m going treat McGuffin as a third category to my predictions.
Doomfist- literally the Thanos of this conflict. He’s going to be a main character, but I doubt he’ll get any character development, because that’s what Reaper is for.
Echo- Main character. It’s pretty much guaranteed by the fact that McCree sought her out in his animated short and that she was once the payload of Route 66. The Overwatch narrative also treats her as the “sPeCiAl OmNiC” that’s somehow more advanced/better/more sentient than the rest of the Omnic cast. As much as I think the role that they’re going to give her would be better suited for Bastion or Zenyatta, I just know that Blizzard is going to give her the full main character treatment. She’s going to be the magical bridge between Omnics and humans. Count me mad about it.
Genji- I love our ninja boy, and he’s an honorary mascot of the game, but as far as arcs go he just finished his. He’s finally found inner peace. That’s not a good sign for main-character-ism. However, he has tons and tons of connections to the rest of the cast and the lore. . . but I don’t think it’s enough. I think he’s going to end up as the character that other characters are able to bounce off of. Everybody knows him, so they’ll be talking to him a lot, but he isn’t going to drive the plot with his own struggles. He’s a side character. His brother, however. . .
Hanzo- As one of the two people in the Overwatch roster actively undergoing a serious life crisis, I suspect that Hanzo is going to be a main character. The fact that he and his goals are not connected to Talon or Overwatch is a detractor, but his emotional turmoil as established in the short Dragons is too important too ignore. His decisions, however reckless and hot-headed they will be, will significantly impact the plot. Why? Because his potential for redemption is such juicy story bait. Also, he could bring in an entire other faction, the Shimada Clan, into the plot, and that could be a game-changer.
Junkrat- Side character. The same reasoning for Roadhog applies here. He’s not connected in any way to the cast. The only potential mystery about him is the ‘treasure’ that’s been alluded to over and over again. If he has this story bait, why am I calling him a side character? Unfortunately, it’s because his ‘treasure’, whatever it is, is going to be a McGuffin. Junkrat’s going to be lucky if he avoids the same status.
McCree- A side character, but an important one. This decision was a difficult one. He’s got the lore and the connections to the other characters but not the internal character arc. He was an active player in unleashing Echo, but it’s also hinted at that he isn’t going to join the recalled Overwatch, instead striking out to do his own thing. That’s not conducive to being a major player in the story. However, his connections and conversations with other characters might, in the same way I’ve predicted Genji’s might, motivate other characters to drive the plot forward.
Mei- Side character. Nothing much else to say. Her focus on climate science isn’t going to be super relevant to the Omnic plot. She’s got only a very loose connection with other characters in the form of her Overwatch membership.
Pharah- I hate this, I hate this, I hate this, but she’s going to be a side character, calling it right now. She’s got so much potential because of her relationship with her mom, but that’s about it. Ana is her only connection to the rest of the cast. It’s important that they reconcile, but their reconciliation has nothing to do with any other plot point. It’s isolated. That’s not a good sign for her screen time, especially considering that she’s not looking for Ana and Ana is not looking for her.
Reaper- MAIN CHARACTER. You should have seen this coming. As the primary instigator of the plot (aka the reason Winston recalled Overwatch,) it should be meta-textually obvious why he’s going to have a lot of screentime. He’s directly responsible for a significant chunk of the unresolved lore conflict within old Overwatch. In order to resolve it, we’re going to be seeing him, a lot.
Soldier 76- Main character, for exactly the reasons listed above. As Reaper’s foil and the person who’s hunting him down, Soldier is going to be pretty important in concluding that unresolved conflict. It’s destiny. Like in a murder-soulmates kinda way.
Sombra- Tricky, tricky, tricky. . . it’s difficult to say. It all depends, I think, on the amount of emphasis Blizzard places on her conspiracy. If she’s the only character who knows exactly what’s going on, that could set her up to be very plot relevant. However, her relationship with other characters and to the rest of the Overwatch lore is shaky at best. I’m going to leave this one blank. There’s just too much we don’t know.
Symmetra- Here we have the other person in the Overwatch roster that is actively undergoing a serious life crisis that I alluded to. Symmetra might at first seem unrelated to everything- the lore, the characters, etc, but Blizzard has set up a surefire redemption arc for her that needs to be resolved. She is going to realize that Vishkar and Talon are connected, and she is going to make the decision to either go full villain (unlikely) or to turn over all the information she knows to Overwatch. Either way, she’s going to get involved, and she’s going to grow as a character. Main character material.
Torbjorn- Torbjorn, oh Torbjorn. Here’s a case that makes me upset. For all intents and purposes, he should be a main character. He’s the one who helped develop the Omnics, and he’s got an active character arc where he’s trying to undo the damage Omnics have caused. This ties him pretty damn directly to what we know of the plot of Overwatch 2. However, Blizzard lately has refused to treat him with respect, reducing him to a joke character because of his height and accent. Not only that, but they diminished his importance in the lore with the invention of Mina Liao and Echo. I could write and entire post about how the Mina Liao/Echo introduction was made to replace Torbjorn and Bastion’s importance in the potential plot, but all of three people would read it.
Tracer- As the literal face of Overwatch it’s pretty damn obvious that she’s going to be a main character. If you need a reminder, look at the London Calling comics and then the cover art for your copy of Overwatch.
Widowmaker- Widowmaker has literally zero character agency and only very very very loose connections with the lore/characters. HOWEVER, she does have the potential to be redeemed by death (I could make a whole other post on this) but it’s not enough to bring her into major character territory. Side character.
Ana- Side character. Given that she’s avoiding her potential emotional arc by avoiding Pharah and the rest of recalled Overwatch, she’s flat out of luck for main-character-ism. She’s going to be very important to Soldier 76 and Reaper but she won’t be the one instigating any plot points. Unfortunate.
Baptiste- Another tally for the side characters. The fact that it took him a year to even get voice interactions with the rest of the cast reflects this. His arc of leaving Talon is already done, the idea of Mauga being added to the game is history by now, and he has few connections with the current cast and plot. Big F, my dude.
Brigitte- With both her dad and her mentor being important former Overwatch members, it makes sense that she should be a main character, right? Right? Unfortunately, I think she falls into the same pitfalls as Reinhardt. Her backstory is already mostly explored and her dad is better at any plot-relevant mechanics that might be needed. She’ll help her dad, no doubt, but she’s a side character.
Lucio- I really want Lucio to be a main, really, I do, but he’s a side character. He suffers the same exact problem that D.va does. He has very little to involve him with the rest of the main caste. He’ll join Overwatch, sure, but I think it’ll be more of a decorative declaration than anything. His connection with Symmetra is his only saving grace, but even that just relegates him as a side character in her emotional arc.
Mercy- I think she’s going to be a side character, because all of her current content has her separated from everyone else and unsure about going back to recalled Overwatch. I don’t see the narrative following her inner emotional turmoil about this decision very much. She also doesn’t add anything to the potential plot.
Moira- Okay, Moira is tricky, so hear me out: her lore importance is off the CHARTS, and she’s a lot like Doomfist in the aspect that she is quite clearly villainous. She brainwashed Widowmaker. She turned Reaper into what he is today (physically, mind you,) and she probably has something to do with manipulating Sigma. But is being a villain enough? She’s not the one directly orchestrating Talon’s plan, like Doomfist is. And she’s not so directly connected to the fall of Overwatch like Reaper is. I hesitate to call her a main. Narratively, she’s going to get her comeuppance, but. . . (I’m going to leave this one blank.)
Zenyatta- The only true wild card on this list. Sure, I’ve left Sombra and Moira blank, but Zenny boy? He’s literally got nothing. There’s nothing to base predictions off of. No lore to speak of. We know that he mentored Genji. We know that he knew Mondatta. We know that he defends Omnics’ rights to exist. However, I doubt Blizzard has the nuance to tackle his perspective on the impending Omnic war in Overwatch 2. He could be a seriously major player if he was treated with the respect that his character deserves, though! He could potentially have an active role in trying to figure out what’s making the Omnic uprising occur and stopping it in its tracks! There is so much potential there! It’s all in Blizzard’s hands. It’s all about how Blizzard chooses to finally flesh out his character. . . IF they flesh out his character at all.
Total tally out of 32
Main characters: 11
Side characters: 17
Undecided: 3
McGuffin: 1 (poor Bastion)
And that’s the results! It’s important to note that I am far from infallible and that these are just my opinions/speculations on the future. Please please please argue with me in the tags/reblogs. That would make my day.
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violetsbaudelaire · 4 years
asoue/atwq characters as things i've said/typed
violet: [shakes the brain juice around in my skull so it gets all frothy and bubbles come outta my ears] klaus: do u think there’s a word for the concept of saying a word enough times that it doesn’t sound like a word any more? can we make that word not sound like a word any more? does it not even sound or look like a word in the first place? do you think they thought that through, sunny: [bonks u over the head with a very long piece of bread] duncan: twitter be like "I'm gonna piss someone off and it's gonna be funny. :)" isadora: motherfucker of bitch     quigley: katamari: roll that shit up boi !!!!!!!!!!! fiona: i legit just had a hugeass fucking brainshit from trying to remember how to spell visible. carmelita: imagine being a dumb and gay little bitch (i don’t have to) friday: oh... frickafrack. beatrice ii: [toddler noises][eats shell][more toddler noises] kit: pls look in2 my eyes and tell me we cock dick ballin 😔 jacques: there is things that are happening, currently lemony: ykno that edit of all star where it just keeps saying "and they don't stop coming" ? bc im.... rlly feeling tht rn. beatrice: [shatters the ramune bottle to get the lil marble inside] bertrand: here are some of my favorite uwu-isms, ellington: me at my friends: we've all got trauma, bitch, let's get u some FRUIT!! moxie: to be fair, penis ridiculous, penis stupendous, and penis extremous all sound like wizard spells. cleo: i swallowed i penny once when i was little pip/squeak: being alive is fucking stupid i just wanna eat grass josephine: thou and tho are two completely different things, you FOOL. hugo: denny’s are ominous. colette: roll up five blunts call that a high five kevin: i know how to be stupid.... professionally. olaf: sun’s on fire. esme: my gray matter does not support higher thinking olivia: you've heard of Big Dick Energy... but now it's time for... Cute Pussy Energy. jacquelyn: skate slow, drink pussy. monty: dude i’d shit if dragons were real gustav: do you think he has something called a mariguana georgina: THOSE EYES CAN SEE GOD jerome: yikes on bikes
asoue as a whole: my life has been just a bunch of varying degrees of inconveniences.
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