shy-lightning-boyo · 4 years
Nirengeki Shoda: The #1 Hero?
Shoda. Is. Overpowered.
Here’s what I’m talking about. For a little background, Shoda is a 1-B student at U.A. His Quirk is called Twin Impact. It allows him to take any force applied to him and expel a multiple of that force from the same point on his body. And while the blue hair and heavyset body might make you think he’s just a Wobbuffet, the reality is much, MUCH scarier. Two reasons.
One: He’s taking on force blasts every time he takes a step. Think about it. Putting your foot on the ground applies force to your leg, right? So he could blast off and just bodyslam you with a multiplied version of that force- which, mind you, peak humans can break METAL with their kicks, and that’s just in the REAL WORLD, let alone BNHA- at ANY GIVEN POINT, WITH NO WARNING. The thought alone terrifies me, and I’m a Shoda muse.
Two: His power is constantly building. He never loses it.
Newton’s Third Law states that every action has an equal, opposite reaction. The same can be said for action forces, which Shoda is already giving off. This means that every time he expels force, which has already been multiplied from the original application, a force of the SAME MAGNITUDE is being applied to the same spot, which starts the cycle all over again. And most characters with buildup-type Quirks don’t really have a limit that holds them back when it comes to power, so I don’t think that Shoda, a hero student, would be the exception.
Shoda is a silent menace, acting as the hero and conscience of his class, but really he’s the single greatest powerhouse the series, and perhaps ANY series, has ever SEEN. If any 1-B character gets screen time next season/volume, I WANT IT TO BE HIM.
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shy-lightning-boyo · 4 years
I’ve figured it out.
The reason why characters like Captain Falcon, Cloud, and such are considered hype.
It’s the visual effects behind their attacks.
Think about it. What are the attacks that Captain Falcon is known for? Falcon Punch and Knee of Justice. These attacks have multiple special effects behind them. First of all, the effect of the attack itself- the literal flaming falcon on CF’s fist, or the electric ring around his knee. These things have had LOTS of attention put into them, it’s clear to see. Second, the game’s slowdown- it WANTS you to know that the attack was powerful, that it’s going to do a lot. Other characters have attacks like this; DK’s Giant Punch and Byleth’s f-smash are examples. Third, the effects of the actual screen change to put more emphasis on the characters. The game zooms in on the attacker and the attackee, of course, but it goes deeper than that- the image’s contrast actually increases slightly, to make sure you KNOW that that Falcon Punch just hit. Plus, the contrast increase helps you detect what’s going on in the first place; zooming in on an image decreases the quality, so the increase in contrast helps mitigate that.
It’s not anything they do that’s hype. It’s the amount of effort and visual style that’s put into the biggest (and, in my opinion, WORST) attacks in their arsenals.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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