sicarik-blog · 9 years
absent. i’m gonna be taking a break from roleplaying for a while. i’ve kinda lost my inspiration to do it, and there’s a lot going on IRL. i’ll be back when i feel better, i don’t know when that’ll be. my kik is wolfycantle and my skype is caiinb for the mutuals who may want to keep in touch while i’m gone.
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sicarik-blog · 9 years
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absent. i’m gonna be over here for the day!
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sicarik-blog · 9 years
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absent. i apologize for disappearing, guys! i’ve been really out of it this week/weekend and didn’t have the want to actually do things untill now. i don’t believe i owe anyone anything, so expect a starter call in the future!
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sicarik-blog · 9 years
                                              Control your emotions.              If you want to survive you forget about sympathy.                  Think of it like a strategy- f o c u s on your ultimate                  goal, shut out everything else, steel your mind,                  move on instinct. Let doubt take over and despair                                                         will cripple you.
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sicarik-blog · 9 years
nightmare starters
“Wake up! Wake up! It’s just a dream!” “What were you dreaming about…? You were shouting…” “I woke up because you were screaming so loudly.” “Shh– No, no, don’t panic, love. You’re safe now.” “It was so real! I swear! He/she was here!” “I don’t ever want to sleep again. What if– what if I dream about that again?” “If you tell me, it’ll go away. That’s what my mum/dad always told me and it’s never failed me.” “Do you want to go back to sleep, or shall I make you a cup of tea?” “I don’t want to go back to sleep…” “I’m so scared… I can’t stop seeing what I just saw. It was so vivid!” “There’s really nobody here, okay? Do you need me to show you around to prove that to you?” “How do I know I’m not still dreaming? You’re acting really strangely.” “Let’s get you to the shower, you’re covered in sweat.” “There’s really nobody else here.” “You’ve got a really bad fever. That must have caused those weird dreams.” “I don’t even know what a peaceful night’s sleep is like anymore.” “I can’t do this anymore. These nightmares have to stop…” “Shh, it was just a bad dream. Just a dream, okay? None of it was real.” “I can’t go back to sleep after that. I need coffee– no, I need a drink, a stiff one.” “How long have you been having these nightmares?” “I’ve had nightmares all my life, but they’ve been really bad recently.” “You get so worked up before you go to sleep, maybe you should try to relax a bit more. Maybe then you’ll get some rest?” “I’d kill for a peaceful night’s sleep.” “A dream catcher? Honestly? I’m not a child.” “Nothing’s ever helped this. I just need to learn to live with the fact that sleeping will always be a nightmare, literally.” “I’m so tired… but there’s no way I’m going back to sleep after that.”
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sicarik-blog · 9 years
[ ♛ ] send me a url and i'll tell you the following;
my opinion on;
character in general: how they play them: the mun:
do i;
follow them: rp with them: want to rp with them: ship their character with mine:
what is my;
overall opinion:
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty.
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sicarik-blog · 9 years
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Brad Southard Compact
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sicarik-blog · 9 years
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by Mark Terrell
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sicarik-blog · 9 years
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Tom Hardy by Jeff Vespa for TIFF (2015)
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sicarik-blog · 9 years
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Tom Hardy photographed by Dustin Cohen for USA Today
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sicarik-blog · 9 years
          he’s still dead when you’re done with the BOTTLE.
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sicarik-blog · 9 years
40856 --> sicarik
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sicarik-blog · 9 years
Headcanon meme~
Put a symbol (or several) and a character/characters in my ask box, and I’ll give you a headcanon.  Yes.  Do it.
☾ - sleep headcanon
★ - sad headcanon
☆ - happy headcanon
☠ - angry/violent headcanon
✿ - Sex headcanon
■ -  Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
♡ - romantic headcanon
♥ - family headcanon
☮ - friendship headcanon
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon
▼ - childhood headcanon
∇ -. old age/aging headcanon
♒ - cooking/food headcanon
☼ - appearance headcanon
ൠ - random headcanon
◉ - Any other question of your choosing
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sicarik-blog · 9 years
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          ‘ watching what i say isn’t exactly             my strong suit, PAL. and ‘m not             one for shutting my mouth. ‘
@40856 liked THIS.
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“  i would watch your tongue if i     were you.  sarcasm is a deadly     language in times like THIS.     should you have any desire to     keep your head placed upon     its SHOULDERS …  i might     advise shutting your mouth.  “
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sicarik-blog · 9 years
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Favourite Tom Hardy images [25/?]
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sicarik-blog · 9 years
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sicarik-blog · 9 years
they made you into a weapon and told you to find peace
unfinished poems iii // s.z (via scldixr)
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