sidthedarklord · 16 hours
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To celebrate @rwrbficrecs 1st birthday and RWRB's 5th birthday last month we asked for a double fic rec submission based on the following theme:
'Then & Now'  Get nostalgic and rec the first fic that brought you into the RWRB fandom. Then rec a fic you've recently read and loved 💕
Thank you so much to everyone who submitted a rec! Also a big thank you to all the volunteers who help out with this blog, hopefully we'll be here giving recs for many more years to come 🥰 (& shout out to @rmd-writes and @inexplicablymine who came up with the fun theme for this readers' choice ❤️)
Enjoy the recs! ✨
the poem you make of me by @omgcmere
I Knew You Were Trouble When You Walked In by doeyedgirlyevil
all that glitters (is not gold) by @indomitable-love I found this fic at a time when I literally couldn't understand what to do with myself after I had watched the film and read the book. I've read this story so many times now, it's basically canon. Also, the "yrs." tag in the fic is EVERYTHING. That's all I have to say!
Screw your courage to the sticking place (and forget Macbeth is a fucking tragedy) by @celaestis1 The angst in this fic is DELICIOUS and I've always been soft for kidfic. The author does a wonderful job of getting into firstprince's heads and the alternating povs make it so much more interesting!
Interrupted by TerezFox8989 I had to go way back into my ao3 history to find this one but it was worth it: in this collection of one shots, Alex and Henry get interrupted in various hilarious ways. It's both sexy and funny, which is what i love about RWRB.
They Take Their Shots, We're Bulletproof by @three-drink-amy Lots of drama, romance, hot smut, and all of that is incredibly well written. I've been obsessed with this Bodyguard AU fic for weeks, and now that it's all posted I want to read it all over again.
Let Loose Your Glow by @athousandrooms This fic was one of the first ones, if not the first one, I started following back in the day. It had everything I was looking for and it made me fall in love with this fandom. It's still my absolute fave fic and it brings me so much joy. It's pure fluff and the slowest of burns, but the flirting is amazing.
Wine and Song, Fire and Lust by SinSong Soulmate AU where the first interaction between them doesn't go well and Alex pushes Henry away. The writing is amazing and Alex's tumultuous thought process is so well done. I think about this fic A LOT.
Show Me What You're Working With by @clottedcreamfudge I don't know if it's the first fic I READ but it's the first one I bookmarked for sure. It's just such a delicious example of what makes an amazing AU -- perfectly in character despite the different circumstances and such a fun, sexy ride
Like loving the stars themselves by @kiwiana-writes I don't understand why EVERYONE hasn't read this fic, but if you're scared of the fact that it's a fusion DON'T BE. As someone who doesn't know a single thing about Doctor Who this was still the perfect fic, silly and sexy and heartwarming all at once. Our boys are at their best in this fic and I can't recommend it enough.
three grubs in a trench coat + gay brit wizard by @clottedcreamfudge I'm pretty sure this wasn't the first RWRB fic I read but I when I think back to the beginning this is Always the one I think of. I love the banter, and the fact that even lifted completely out of the plot of the original novel the author nails who both Alex and Henry are in such a way that you forget that this isn't their original story.
A Fire In His Hands by KingCaspianX I just really loved their relationship in this one. It's so well written and enjoyable and believable.
@seanchaidh7 :
Electives by floatingaway4 Cute domestic moment!
The Foxs Bargain by @orchidscript Set in the 1920s, Archeology, Henry & Alex in Mexico! This one absolutely BLEW ME AWAY
Red, White, and Royal Blue Balls by @queerwolfsstuff For those who like a bit more NSFW - the sex scenes from RWRB have been reimagined from Henry's perspective, and made more explicit! The writing style is very similar to the original and it's great for the lovers of smut 😁
God Save the Blessed American President Mom by @zipadeea This one is gut-wrenching and heartbreaking, but it is so good! I cried but I loved every word 😭 Alex gets shot and hospitalised during a failed assassination attempt on his mother's life and we realise exactly how much everyone loves him
it started out with a kiss by @clottedcreamfudge I'd read other rwrb fics before, but this one was the one that truly for me into the fandom. The puns! The references! The dynamic! Truly a spectacular work (although anything by clottedcreamfudge is true to be amazing). I come back to this fic every time I'm feeling down.
IX. THE HERMIT by @14carrotghoul I'm a sucker for side character POV and I ADORED this glimpse into Oscar's perspective. Really a gorgeous work and not nearly appreciated enough. I love 14carrotgold's writing style, this was such a good find!
The Perils of Midsomer Residency by @clottedcreamfudge There are often fics set in America but this fic was solidly British. Alex was an amazing fish out of water, the background characters had rich and deep backstory, and of course we see the macro dynamics of the book play out in a more micro form in that most English of institutions - murder. And I was like “she’s written MORE???”
The full spectrum of human emotion by @firenati0n Henry with the ice queen dial right up there. The incorporation of mixed media in the texts! Just absolutely stonking great characterisation, and a hell of a reason not to be scared of WIPs.
Heartaches and Cupcakes and Sunshine Boys by @everwitch-magiks Enemies to lovers, Henry being a writer, one of the best slow burns I've read in this fandom- this fic has it all, and it's the best!
History, Huh? (Bet We Could Teach Some) by @henryhenhazza This fic is so cute! Alex discovering his sexuality, slowburn, and the best original characters I've read in a firstprince fic make this a new favorite!
love dares you, to change our way of caring about ourselves by @kapplebougher Henry pov the morning after Kensington fight
Give 'em hell by th0ughts Martha and Alex's friendship
A Sporting Chance by @clottedcreamfudge just EVERYTHING. The emotions, the feels. Kills me to this day
My Rose-Coloured Boy (Lowkey, No Pressure) by @bitsnpisces Florist alex…smut…FUNNY. Living for it
The Arrangement by @omgcmere I was gushing to my friend about RWRB after finishing it and she sent me this link. I was deep in Schitts creek fanfic at the time and wasn't sure I needed more but I read this in a day whilst I was supposed to be working and I've been hooked on RWRB fanfic ever since! I just adore how cmere writes Alex and Henry and how they navigated this situation, the angst, the love. Need to reread tbh.
it happened on a lake by @porcelainmortal I just discovered their fics and binged them all. This was such a warm and lovely summer romance fic, a touch of angst but so much happiness and joy! And I loved each POV, I thought they wrote how they both dealt with the uncertainty and rapidness with which they fell for each other so well, really captured their personalities.
God Save the Blessed American President Mom by @zipadeea thinking about this fic is the emotional equivalent of walking into a door
i've forgotten if they're green or they're blue by metacrisis i adore the movie but i love the book as well, this felt like a love letter to both of them
Am I The Asshole? by @everwitch-magiks Something I love about the RWRB fandom is how much fun people have with stuff like memes, texting, Reddit, etc. This cute story is a great example of that and I'm not surprised that it was my entry point into the fandom!
Foxden Park by @myheartalivewrites A Victorian era romance AU! This charming ongoing WIP is being posted as part of the RWRB Royally Big Bang and it's fun to follow along with each chapter weekly, it feels like a classic serial novel!
Never Did Run Smooth by @clottedcreamfudge I didn't think I could tolerate ANYTHING related to reality TV.... but then clottedcreamfudge came along :)
there were pages turned with the bridges burned (everything you lose is a step you take) by @anincompletelist
25 Questions by @clottedcreamfudge First I need to say that I feel so lucky that the first fic I read in this fandom was by clottedcreamfudge because they are, imo, one of the absolute best writers in this fandom. I was HOOKED! This is a social media fic in which Alex challenges Henry to answer 25 questions about him—and chapter 2 turns the tables and Henry asks Alex the questions.
pull me out of the fire, from my lowest take me higher by @anincompletelist Alex is a fighter in an underground world where he fights at The Pit. Pez brings Henry to The Pit because it’s a place where nobody cares who he is-he can be himself. After a fight Henry catches Alex’s eye and holy shit. Absolutely some of the best intimacy/sex scenes I’ve ever read. Currently obsessed with everything this author has written!
How wonderful life is (while you're in the world) by mlvdybug This one is SUCH an emotional rollercoaster and the writer does an amazing job at having incredible cathartic and sweet moments amidst all of the angst!
same as it ever was by @smc-27 Very creative and cool exploration of Alex and Henry being in love in several alternate universes!
it's in the stars, it's who we are by @indomitable-love Classic canon divergence 'what if' take that's perfect to read just after the book, but I've been coming back to it again and again
the full spectrum of human emotion by @firenati0n One of several ongoing fics that I currently read. It has me absolutely hooked and dying from laughter in public places
Nova, Baby by @cha-melodius Smartly-plotted, delicious whump!
it happened on a lake by @porcelainmortal
The Perils of Midsomer Residence by @clottedcreamfudge An English countryside set AU where Alex is a detective and Henry is one of the people involved in a murder investigation. This was a perfect introduction to RWRB fic for me, I love classic English crime novels and those sort of cosy country murder shows like Midsomer Murders. Almost two years on, RWRB fics (AUs especially) are still my favourite to read!
all so human with our guards down by @maxbegone I loved this post-apocalypse fic: light on the apocalypse and big on the recovering from it. There's something comforting and somehow cosy about the world the author build (and the life Alex and Henry make for themselves in it), and I promise you don't have to worry about zombie jumpscares.
all that glitters (is not gold) by @indomitable-love I read the fic name on TikTok, had no idea what Ao3 was, but googled it and started reading. It opened a whole new world for me! To this day, it's hands down one of my favorites!!
funny you should ask by articmaggie Very entertaining canon divergence: starts off really sweet in Rio, gets a little bit cringe in the middle (but in the best way), and ends super lovely. Absolutely iconic!
You're Everything I Want (But I Never Thought I'd Find) by that_was_tedious when i read this fic, i hadn't even read the book yet (i had only watched the movie) and it encouraged me to finally do it. it also brought me back to reading fanfiction more frequently! i love soulmate!aus and this one has a place in my heart forever
This Is More of a Comment Than a Question by @caterpills this is a WIP i read recently and i'm currently loving. this is SO well written! i don't know if i even have the words to express how much i love the writing style of this author. it brings you into the story and it has a charm to it that literally doesn't let you look away. i love it so much!
Am i worth fighting for? by @arand0mdutchgirl I think I read this fic when I was still reading the book? I couldn't get enough of them so I started to look for missing scenes, canon compliant things, canon rewrite and stumble upon this drabble! By now I've read MANY aRandomDutchGirl fics! And MANY fics in general haha
the full spectrum of human emotion by @firenati0n I'm currently reading this wip that I've been wating for SO long. The Proposal is one of my absolute favorite romcoms and Roop is making an AMAZING job in adpating it! I'm incredibly excited to continue it.
(baby) don't make me spell it out by @extasiswings
This Is More of a Comment Than a Question by @caterpills
The Honeymoon Suite by @clottedcreamfudge
1:23am, white house by @cricketnationrise this author is always brilliant and this fic is no exception. david is just a lil sweetie pie
Red, White & Navy Blue by jedusaur The first fic I remember connecting with, and I re-read it regularly!
The Tea Shop on Verbena Street by @dumbpeachjuice "Recent" is a relative term for me, given that I've not been reading a lot of late, but this is one of my most recent bookmarks for a REASON. It has left a lasting imprint on my mind and heart.
Lifelines by @indomitable-love I’m so lucky that this was the first RWRB author I found. This fic is a retelling of the email leak, from many different perspectives. It’s heartbreaking but somehow uplifting as well. Highly recommend everything indomitablelove writes!
Binary Light by @leaves-of-laurelin I’m obsessed with everything this author writes, but this story has a special place in my heart. I got to follow it beginning to end, and now a sequel is in the works! It’s a movie star AU, and Alex and Henry star in a sci-fi movie together. Their relationship is bumpy at the beginning, but gradually they grow closer until the movie’s ending threatens to end everything. Such a fun and riveting story!
Little Matters by @pridepages
The Set Up by schrodingers_bee
midnight kisses and missed countdowns by viciouslyqueer
get him alone by @congee4lunch
The Poem You Make of Me by @omgcmere I love everything about this fic; the vibes, the slow-ish burn, the writing, the poetry, the characterization, the tiny dash of angst. It's perfectly written.
i want you to have me like i've never been had, you get all my wild parts by @anincompletelist Omegaverse done in a super approachable and beautiful way. The feelings are just right, the relationship feels organic and real, and it's horny without being over the top.
(baby) don't make me spell it out by @extasiswings After finishing the book I was craving some post-canon fluff and this fic was perfect for that. Such a sweet story that I find myself going back to every now and then.
Wine and Song, Fire and Lust by SinSong I love a good soulmate AU and this is definitely one of my faves
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sidthedarklord · 22 hours
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pink carnations for the floral portrait series + detail (pls do not tag as "me", thank you!!)
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sidthedarklord · 22 hours
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Henry meets a man at the market. The man is attractive, and charming, and sells delicious strawberries. His name is Alex. This, sans strawberries, has happened seventeen times before. Or: An Abundance of Alexes.
T | 2,5K | FirstPrince Oneshot
Read on AO3!
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sidthedarklord · 23 hours
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sidthedarklord · 23 hours
swallowed my feelings and gagged a little
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sidthedarklord · 1 day
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welcome back henry fox
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sidthedarklord · 3 days
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part 1 of the tiny firstprince requests im doing over on twt :D
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sidthedarklord · 4 days
she wants it bad 😏 and by “it” I mean mental stability
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sidthedarklord · 13 days
Reblog if you’re 30 or older
This is an experiment to see if there really are as few of us as people think.You can also use this to freak out your followers who think you’re 25 or something. Yay!
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sidthedarklord · 13 days
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High School Sweethearts 💕
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sidthedarklord · 13 days
girl dad not as in a dad with daughters but as in a girl who shares the tastes habits and personality traits of a middle aged father
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sidthedarklord · 13 days
i wish all my beloved followers and mutuals a very “you find a fic that has the exact premise and characterization you’ve always wanted to see but never had the energy to write yourself and it’s really good and just as long as you want to read”
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sidthedarklord · 13 days
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sidthedarklord · 13 days
Philip is quite frankly, fucked.
As you know, I had two ideas for this- hope you enjoy them!
It’s in the throne room when his mother finally makes Philip realize it: he is, as his brother’s American boyfriend would say, f**ked.
He’d gotten so caught up in being second in line to the throne ever since his father’s death that he forgot what he had always told him, especially just before his death: Look after them, Philip, because one day, I won’t be able to.
He had failed his father miserably in every sense of the word, so much so that he had even tried to force his brother to hide who he really was, just as Gran was trying to do. How could he ever make up for it?
He wasn’t sure, but he was determined to find out.
Philip was, as some here might put it, completely f**ked. They both were. 
His and Martha’s beautiful wedding, the reception Martha had spent countless hours planning with committees and advisors, was ruined, and because of his own brother, no less. It was a disgrace, a scandal worthy of the headline he can practically see now: 
Caketastrophe! First Son and HRH Prince Henry of Wales Get into Altercation at Royal Wedding 
And, of course, the American headline:
Cakegate: Who Started it, and Why
Henry owed him for this. He wasn't sure how he could ever make it up to him, or if he ever could, but someday, it would happen. 
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sidthedarklord · 13 days
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sidthedarklord · 14 days
Picked up my university’s satire paper today! You have a way with words .
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I like the "Tumblr blogger".
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sidthedarklord · 15 days
the holy trinity: bisexual, bilingual & bites u
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