sigynfic · 2 years
perhaps I got too ambitious for my first fic
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sigynfic · 3 years
Do I wanna know, doll? [chapter 3]
Pairing: Bucky x fem!OC
Summary: Juliette and Bucky get to the informal welcome party for her. The team learns more about her relationship with her questionable boyfriend, and attempt to find a solution.
Warnings: swearing, implied controlling behaviour of a current romantic relationship (not Bucky). Will eventually be smut.
Author's note: Nat and Steve are dating in this series.
Word count: 840
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
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The rest of the team were already lounging with drinks by the time Bucky and Jules joined them.
“You want a drink?” Bucky asked as he approached the bar, leaving her at the remaining open couch.
“Oh, uh, yes please.” Jules called after him.
“What’s your poison?”
“Anything is good. Whatever’s easiest.” She took a seat as he shot her a skeptical look.
“Tony, what’s she drink?”
“You think I want to get my darling niece drunk in front of you heathens?” her uncle paused, “She loves cosmos.”
Bucky smirked, mumbling, “Cosmo, it is.”
“Is Bucky playing bartender now? Can I have another beer?” Natasha joked as she lay with her head in Steve’s lap.
“No, no, no! This is a one-time thing, to welcome our new teammate.” He winked at Jules as he approached with their drinks, taking the seat next to her.
She thanked him quietly, which he waved away, before taking a sip of the drink. ‘Damn, he’s a real heavy-handed bartender.’
“Now don’t drink it all at once!” Tony chirped from where he sat.
“Even if I did, I’m sure I could handle it, uncle Tony.”
“I know you can, kid. Speaking of handling things, how did Frank’s fracture heal up?”
“Fracture?” Nat questioned, sitting up straight, attention piqued.
“It’s-“ Jules began.
“The kid’s boyfriend fractured his joystick, did you know that’s possible? I was their ride to the hospital.” Tony interjected.
Jules’ face flooded with hear as she hid it by taking another swig of her drink.
“Yikes…” Nat grimaced, “ Might I suggest finding yourself a more durable man?”
Jules nearly choked on her drink, “Nat!”
“Hey Buck, how’s that drink tasting?” Nat continued, causing Jules to actually choke on her drink, Bucky chuckling next to her. “I’d offer Steve, but he’s not as spry as he used to be.” She smirked at Steve’s playfully shocked expression.
“Give him the benefit of the doubt, I don’t blame Frank for being so opposed to my abilities, considering that happened… people just seem to get hurt whenever I use them.” Juliette said staring into her glass before summoning a lighthearted smile to her face as she looked up at the others, “Besides, it’s not like I’ll be doing more than research for you, so my abilities won’t even be necessary.”
Their faces hinted confusion and concern, Bruce was the first to break the silence as he spoke up from where he had been lurking, “If I may, Jules… In my experience, life gets better when you don’t deny parts of yourself.”
Bucky nudged her leg with his, “And you’d have an easier time avoiding accidents if you had more practice.”
Steve shifted forward in his seat next to Nat, “What if you invited Frank over to meet us all, perhaps we could slowly expose him.”
“You know, I’m not particularly keen on seeing a fractured dick.” Nat joked.
Steve let out a laugh, “That’s not what I-“ Steve let out a laugh, gesturing his hands as he searched for the right words, “What if we acclimated him to above average abilities.”
Nat snapped excitedly, “Then she wouldn’t have to hold back so much… outside of the bedroom, of course.”
Jules bit her lip nervously as she listened to them forming a plan, considering it, “I think I might be able to convince him to come here… it might work.”
“Great, it’s decided then! Hey, while we’re at it, let’s kill two unpleasant birds with one stone, and make it your official welcome party to the team? I’ll notify the S.H.I.E.L.D. monkeys. How does one week from now sound?” Tony spoke up.
It wasn’t a question, but it would also likely be the best excuse to convince Frank to come to the compound.
“That means best behaviour, boys.” Nat said, pointing around the group before emptying her bottle. “I’m calling it a 'night, we’ve got an early morning tomorrow.”
A chorus of mumbled agreement arose, followed by echoing goodnights as they took their leave until only Bucky remained. He stood, offering to take her now empty glass, which she fumbled before his hand steadied her own.
He smirked at her, “You sober enough to make it home, doll?”
Her mind felt fuzzy, but whether from the cosmo or the contact, she didn’t know. ‘Home? Home!’ she thought, as reality came crashing back and her gaze darted frantically to her watch. ‘What time is it?’
1:30 AM
“Shit.” She hissed, her heart jumping into her throat as she rapidly turned away. “Tony! Uncle Tony! DO you still have that self-driving car?!”
After an eternity of silence, his voice rang out in the atrium, “You know I do, make sure she’s back by 8.”
Relief washed over her like a breath of crisp morning air, “Thank god,” she exhaled, turning back to face Bucky to surrender her glass. “Sorry to leave you with dishes, I’ve gotta run.”
“I think I can handle it… You owe me one though.” He called teasingly after her as she sped to the garage.
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sigynfic · 3 years
Do I wanna know, doll? [chapter 2]
Pairing: Bucky x fem!OC
Summary: Tony wants to make sure Jules feels welcome at the Avengers compound, against the efforts of Frank (her boyfriend). Jules tries to reason Frank's actions and treatment of her. Bucky isn't buying it.
Warnings: swearing, mental and (implied) physical abuse in a current romantic relationship. Will eventually be smut.
Word Count: 832
Chapter 1
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Jules followed Tony for the tour, with Nat and this Bucky guy behind her. Her room was on the second floor, along with the rest of them apparently, near the back of the building with a beautiful view of the nearby lake.
“I feel guilty taking a room with such a nice view. I likely won’t be here many nights. Frank wants me to stay at his place.” Jules admitted.
Tony groaned, “So you’re still with that guy? Seems like you’re still pretty serious about him, despite what I heard the last time your mother and I talked.”
“Tony! Yes, oh my god, it was just a silly mistake!”
“Black eyes don’t seem very silly, sweetheart.”
Jules paused, taking a deep breath, and wishing he would shut up. You wished Natasha and Bucky, a practical stranger, weren’t here to witness this at least. It was so embarrassing being lectured by Tony, of all people, about bad choices. “… It was just an accident, I meant…”
She stole a glance at Nat and Bucky behind her. Nat was concerned, while the stranger’s, Bucky’s, brow was furrowed in confusion.
“Yeah, seems like he has a lot of those.”
“Tony… please…” you begged him to be quiet.
“I’m just saying, you could kill this guy with a single punch and yet you put a least around your neck to make his balls feel bigger.”
She sighed in resignation.
“Does it?”
“Does it what?”
“Does it make his balls feel bigger?”
“Okay, thank you, that’s enough. I’m an adult, and I can decide what’s best for me.”
Tony chewed the inside of his cheek as the two of you stared each other down, before he shrugged, “This is your room, whether you decide to stay here or not. Let’s go see the lab, shall we?”
The lab was on the third floor, literally, it was the entire third floor.
‘This place must’ve been Tony’s wet dream to design’ Jules thought.
There were various sections of the lab; chemicals, tech and engineering, particle accelerators, a reference library and more than she could possibly remember. Though she would primarily be running research on potential threats, so while she could use the space, she wouldn’t need it.
By evening she was settled in. She knew Uncle Tony wanted to hold some sort of welcome celebration, but she insisted it be small, so she would have a chance to meet the other avengers officially, rather than being passed from bureaucrat to politician and back again. Though it was inevitable that the politicians would want to meet the newest addition to the team, even if she insisted that she only do research. No missions, that was her rule.
“We’ll do something bigger soon.” Tony had said playfully, winking over his glass of whiskey.
Now that she was fully unpacked, and the team was waiting downstairs, she knew she would have to check in with Frank, because she probably wouldn’t make it home tonight. Taking a deep breath, she picked up her phone and dialed him.
“Hey babe! When will you be home tonight?” Frank’s voice range through the speaker.
“Bad news, it’s looking like it���ll be a late night tonight… and so I won’t be home tonight. You know, meeting the team and ice breakers and all that…” she laughed nervously, pacing around the room while she wrung her hands in anticipation of his response. “But don’t worry, I have my own room and everything here! So, it’s not like I’ll be sleeping on the couch or sharing a bed or anything like that!”
Frank sighed, “Who else lives there?”
“Oh, uh- you know, just the Uncle Tony, Natasha… the rest of the team. They’re all very professional.” The silence weighed heavy in the air.
“I’ll see you tonight, Jules. You can trust random strangers li-“
“But they’re not strangers, my Uncle is here, and our close family friend, Natasha, is here, and the rest are my soon to be teammates.”
“I’m not arguing about this, Jules,” His hardened voice turned soft, “I just want you to be safe… here, with me.”
She sucked in a breath, “Okay… I’ll- I’ll try my best… I promise.”
“See you later, Jules.”
“Yeah… I’ll see you later, Frank.”
Almost instantly there was a knock on her door. Opening it, she found, “… Bucky, right?”
The brunette avoided her eyes, nodding, “everyone is waiting downstairs. Natasha sent me to get you. You know, to make sure you didn’t get lost.”
“Yeah, of course, let’s go. I’m sorry I took so long.”
Jules shut her door, following Bucky down the hall to the elevator.
“You didn’t happen to overhear any of that, did you?” she hurriedly continued, “Because it’s not what it sounds like, he’s just… he worries about me.”
Bucky was silent for a moment, “I think… if you feel the need to tell me that it’s not what it sounded like… then you know what it sounded like, and that it’s exactly what it sounds like, doll.”
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sigynfic · 3 years
Do I wanna know, doll? [chapter 1]
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!OC
Summary: Juliette Halloway is Tony Stark's niece, and also happens to be a mutant with super strength, which you would never guess because she suppresses them at the request of her controlling and possessive boyfriend, Frank. Tony offered her a research job at the Avengers compound in the hopes of giving her space from Frank and eventually training her to use her strength as a force for good, which she doesn't believe is possible. What he didn't consider was his niece becoming a potential conquest (or more?) of Bucky Barnes, complicating her life further as she deals with her growing desires for freedom in more ways than one.
Warnings: nothing for this chapter. Will eventually be smut.
Word Count: 412
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‘What a strange place, I guess it makes sense that a warehouse would have been built in the middle of nowhere New York, but Uncle Stark must have really done a number of renovations because it looked like 80% of the outer walls were glass. Who needs privacy when you don’t have neighbours, right?’ She thought to herself.
The self-piloting helicopter had delivered her here, with no further instructions or signs of life.
‘He could have at least highlighted where the door was. Do they teleport in? That would be typical of Tony.’
The girl lightly knocked on one of the panes of glass and the force rang out along the entire wall like thunder.
‘Tempered glass, that’s good at least.’
A startled man with short brown hair, a tight leather jacket and a gun ran out from a back room into the hall leading to the main atrium where the glass wall was. Swiftly scanning the room, gun poised as he yelled something that was silence by the glass between them. Then his eyes met hers. She gave a small wave and an awkward smile. He yelled something more back into the hallway, easing a moment later as Natasha emerged. She jogged toward the glass a few meters away, speaking as she approached, causing the glass to slide to the side.
“Jules!” Tony said you’d be coming, it’s so good to see you again!” the redhead said, pulling Jules in for a hug, “Let me help you with those bags, I can’t believe Tony didn’t meet you outside.”
Jules picked up the remaining bags following Nat into the compound.
“Tony!” Nat called.
He soon appeared on the second-floor balcony, overlooking the atrium, “You’re early!” he claimed, glancing at his watch.
“Sure I am, uncle Stark.” Jules quipped back.
“Uncle?” the man in the leather jacket approached.
“Ah, Buck! This is Juliette Halloway, she’s Tony’s niece. She’s here for a job, primarily research but I’m hoping to get her fighting with us soon.” Nat winked at her. “Juliette this is Bucky.”
Juliette extended her hand to Bucky, “Is Bucky short for something?” She gave him a once over, noting his muscular build.
“James Buchanan Barnes.” He didn’t offer his hand in return, instead stuffing them into his pockets as his eyes crawled over her figure sending heat rising in her cheeks.
Ding! Tony emerged from the elevator, “I’ve got your room ready for you, we’ll start there on your tour de compound.”
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