silencity · 3 years
Feeling like an alien growing up
Now, I know what you’re thinking.. but feeling like an alien does not have to be taken literally...it can HaHa..but that’s another discussion for another day.
When I say feeling like an alien, I mean feeling like you’re never at home or that you don’t belong anywhere. Growing up, that was the worst feeling because no matter how many people were around me..I always felt alone. I always felt as if I was supposed to be somewhere else or like I couldn’t relate to society. I often associated myself as a trend setter because I was always doing something different. They judge at first, then copy later. Honestly, a lil tip, if you’re doing something that is not popular but you love it. GO. FOR. IT. They might judge you for it now but they’ll copy it later.
Growing up I always felt that I did not belong on earth or just in this society. I do not like rules and all this world has is rules. The reason I continue to share my stories and be vulnerable is because I know that are other people who can relate. However, I know that there are people who will judge because they just don’t understand. Maybe they’ll understand in another lifetime and that’s okay;).
Growing up as an empath
May be the reason for this feeling but it doesn’t have to be
Hmmm, I will talk about being an empath another day but, I believe that this could part of the reason why some may feel alienated.
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silencity · 3 years
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It’s interesting speaking about spirituality to people who do not understand, because of the fact that everything you talk about goes against everything we learned growing up. Like who would have thought we were all one, separation is exaggerated in this society. When I heard we’re all one, I looked at it as though they were saying “one race, which is the human race” and not being one conscious.
I feel like I am aligning with people who understand me and I’m grateful because I don’t want to convince people. I want to speak to open minded people, people who already know. One thing about learning from other spiritual teachers is that even though what they spoke of was new to me, there was something in me that already knew what they spoke of. There was a sense of resonance and it’s beautiful because I just understood. I didn’t have to ask questions because there was no doubts about it, it just made sense. In fact, it answered questions that I had as a child. As a kid, I always questioned the world: our significance, why we’re here, what happens after death, etc. Just wanting to know WHY. And I know there are countless of other people who also feel the same way, which is why I say; I wanna speak to the ones who already know. They don’t have to already know what I speak of but people who are willing to listen and willing to give a chance to things they may not know of.
-Sincerely, your fellow alien😂
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silencity · 3 years
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silencity · 3 years
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It’s interesting speaking about spirituality to people who do not understand, because of the fact that everything you talk about goes against everything we learned growing up. Like who would have thought we were all one, separation is exaggerated in this society. When I heard we’re all one, I looked at it as though they were saying “one race, which is the human race” and not being one conscious.
I feel like I am aligning with people who understand me and I’m grateful because I don’t want to convince people. I want to speak to open minded people, people who already know. One thing about learning from other spiritual teachers is that even though what they spoke of was new to me, there was something in me that already knew what they spoke of. There was a sense of resonance and it’s beautiful because I just understood. I didn’t have to ask questions because there was no doubts about it, it just made sense. In fact, it answered questions that I had as a child. As a kid, I always questioned the world: our significance, why we’re here, what happens after death, etc. Just wanting to know WHY. And I know there are countless of other people who also feel the same way, which is why I say; I wanna speak to the ones who already know. They don’t have to already know what I speak of but people who are willing to listen and willing to give a chance to things they may not know of.
-Sincerely, your fellow alien😂
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silencity · 3 years
Feeling like an alien growing up
Now, I know what you’re thinking.. but feeling like an alien does not have to be taken literally...it can HaHa..but that’s another discussion for another day.
When I say feeling like an alien, I mean feeling like you’re never at home or that you don’t belong anywhere. Growing up, that was the worst feeling because no matter how many people were around me..I always felt alone. I always felt as if I was supposed to be somewhere else or like I couldn’t relate to society. I often associated myself as a trend setter because I was always doing something different. They judge at first, then copy later. Honestly, a lil tip, if you’re doing something that is not popular but you love it. GO. FOR. IT. They might judge you for it now but they’ll copy it later.
Growing up I always felt that I did not belong on earth or just in this society. I do not like rules and all this world has is rules. The reason I continue to share my stories and be vulnerable is because I know that are other people who can relate. However, I know that there are people who will judge because they just don’t understand. Maybe they’ll understand in another lifetime and that’s okay;).
Growing up as an empath
May be the reason for this feeling but it doesn’t have to be
Hmmm, I will talk about being an empath another day but, I believe that this could part of the reason why some may feel alienated.
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silencity · 4 years
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silencity · 4 years
Sounds heavenly , we can make other races of people but they cannot make us.
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silencity · 4 years
Feeling like an alien growing up
Now, I know what you’re thinking.. but feeling like an alien does not have to be taken literally...it can HaHa..but that’s another discussion for another day.
When I say feeling like an alien, I mean feeling like you’re never at home or that you don’t belong anywhere. Growing up, that was the worst feeling because no matter how many people were around me..I always felt alone. I always felt as if I was supposed to be somewhere else or like I couldn’t relate to society. I often associated myself as a trend setter because I was always doing something different. They judge at first, then copy later. Honestly, a lil tip, if you’re doing something that is not popular but you love it. GO. FOR. IT. They might judge you for it now but they’ll copy it later.
Growing up I always felt that I did not belong on earth or just in this society. I do not like rules and all this world has is rules. The reason I continue to share my stories and be vulnerable is because I know that are other people who can relate. However, I know that there are people who will judge because they just don’t understand. Maybe they’ll understand in another lifetime and that’s okay;).
Growing up as an empath
May be the reason for this feeling but it doesn’t have to be
Hmmm, I will talk about being an empath another day but, I believe that this could part of the reason why some may feel alienated.
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silencity · 4 years
Exactly, I was really doing the same routine expecting different and that’s when there has to be change. I’m changing up everything and see where this takes me. The message I received today was “you are the creator of your reality” that’s very true. We can create what we want to see in the world, and I’m starting today.
This definitely came right on time, divine timing is always on time💚
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Upgrade your habits
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silencity · 4 years
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It’s interesting speaking about spirituality to people who do not understand, because of the fact that everything you talk about goes against everything we learned growing up. Like who would have thought we were all one, separation is exaggerated in this society. When I heard we’re all one, I looked at it as though they were saying “one race, which is the human race” and not being one conscious.
I feel like I am aligning with people who understand me and I’m grateful because I don’t want to convince people. I want to speak to open minded people, people who already know. One thing about learning from other spiritual teachers is that even though what they spoke of was new to me, there was something in me that already knew what they spoke of. There was a sense of resonance and it’s beautiful because I just understood. I didn’t have to ask questions because there was no doubts about it, it just made sense. In fact, it answered questions that I had as a child. As a kid, I always questioned the world: our significance, why we’re here, what happens after death, etc. Just wanting to know WHY. And I know there are countless of other people who also feel the same way, which is why I say; I wanna speak to the ones who already know. They don’t have to already know what I speak of but people who are willing to listen and willing to give a chance to things they may not know of.
-Sincerely, your fellow alien😂
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silencity · 4 years
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Side characters will really try to aim for the spotlight in your life and that’s when it’s like umm know your role cause that ain’t your lines😭.
I step into the timeline of love and attract people who are genuine with good intentions. I release those who are not for me. I release everything that does not serve me and my best interests. Asé
I learned that no one can hurt me unless I give consent, I learned to conceal and protect my energy because I know my power. I refuse to give away my power to anyone💚
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silencity · 4 years
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