silkie-soft · 3 months
I know you're going through hard times Silkie, but I suppose...there's some consolation to what's happened.
You have the ability to do whatever imaginable now... without worrying about Heaven's thoughts.
//heh :]
//Auryn projecting on Silkie rn
”Why does everyone insist on saying that as if it is some wonder? I would prefer to not do that… everything imaginable does not mean nice.”
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silkie-soft · 3 months
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”The pleasure is mine, sir!”
Silkie looks at his hand for a few seconds, before bonking her head into it. Seems she misunderstood the cue. Her feathers were incredibly soft, like how you would imagine a cloud feels like.
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[After spending some time at the studio, and getting a personal tour from the Entertainer himself, The Entertainer has the Driver take himself and Silkie both, in a much more discreet car with tinted windows, to a small apartment complex not far from the studio. He steps out of the vehicle and offers a hand to help Silkie hop out of the car.]
This is the residence of my dear friend, Joe! He is my mechanic, and a friend of mine. He keeps many animals, although most of them are at his farm out in the country. Here is where he keeps his dogs.
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Silkie lightly grabs T.E’s hand, leaping out of the car with a brisk hop!
The studio was wonderous, and so was everything else shes seen of the earth! ..Though she did not expect a “bath” to be so wet.
The chicken angel looks up at T.E, eyes wide.
“He lives in such a towering place?”
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silkie-soft · 3 months
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Silkie hops through the building after him, looking around the elevator.
“Up to the third floor.”
She parrots him, nodding. She knew what floors were. It was very interesting how humans always built up.
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[After spending some time at the studio, and getting a personal tour from the Entertainer himself, The Entertainer has the Driver take himself and Silkie both, in a much more discreet car with tinted windows, to a small apartment complex not far from the studio. He steps out of the vehicle and offers a hand to help Silkie hop out of the car.]
This is the residence of my dear friend, Joe! He is my mechanic, and a friend of mine. He keeps many animals, although most of them are at his farm out in the country. Here is where he keeps his dogs.
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Silkie lightly grabs T.E’s hand, leaping out of the car with a brisk hop!
The studio was wonderous, and so was everything else shes seen of the earth! ..Though she did not expect a “bath” to be so wet.
The chicken angel looks up at T.E, eyes wide.
“He lives in such a towering place?”
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silkie-soft · 3 months
[After spending some time at the studio, and getting a personal tour from the Entertainer himself, The Entertainer has the Driver take himself and Silkie both, in a much more discreet car with tinted windows, to a small apartment complex not far from the studio. He steps out of the vehicle and offers a hand to help Silkie hop out of the car.]
This is the residence of my dear friend, Joe! He is my mechanic, and a friend of mine. He keeps many animals, although most of them are at his farm out in the country. Here is where he keeps his dogs.
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Silkie lightly grabs T.E’s hand, leaping out of the car with a brisk hop!
The studio was wonderous, and so was everything else shes seen of the earth! ..Though she did not expect a “bath” to be so wet.
The chicken angel looks up at T.E, eyes wide.
“He lives in such a towering place?”
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silkie-soft · 3 months
[Cindy rolls into the main studio as the Entertainer is leaned back in his chair, drinking... something out of a mug with the logo of the show on it. Although he doesn't have a physical mouth... His screen is dimmed down.The studio is dark, and the cameras and lights are off for once. Joe sits a few feet away from the Entertainer, fiddling with some kind of fidget toy.]
Entertainer, there is a report of an angel falling soon from one of your above contacts. Would you like to report on it?
[The Entertainer's screen goes back to full brightness, and he laughs. The light from his screen reveals that Joe is almost asleep. He seems unconcerned with this new development.]
Cindy, I don't bother with angel reports, you know this!
It's a low-level angel; you would not be at any kind of risk of catching the wrong attention.
[The Entertainer seems to consider this for a few moments, then stands up abruptly. Joe startles.]
Cindy! Get the van! Get the crew! I've never reported on an angel fall; this'll be a fun new treat for the viewers! And maybe Angel Fall Network will finally stop stealing my views...
[Very cool time skip...]
[The Entertainer's camera crew van rolls out to what seems to be a field in the middle of nowhere. There is nothing there, yet. The Entertainer and the camera crew slowly all get out of the van, with the Entertainer directing the camera crew where to point their cameras. A director is there as well. After a few minutes, Everything is set up. The director speaks.]
We'll go live in 3... 2... 1...
[The Entertainer is in front of a camera with a microphone, although his voice box is loud enough on its own.]
Welcome, dear viewers! Today we are here at the site of where an angel fall will occur shortly! We will attempt to interview the fallen angel, and we'll also be doing call-ins if anyone can guess why the angel has fallen before the interview starts!
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silkie-soft · 3 months
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She nods. There was much to learn about the earth, and she had to be prepared!
“A studio…”
She thinks outloud to herself in wonder.
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[Cindy rolls into the main studio as the Entertainer is leaned back in his chair, drinking... something out of a mug with the logo of the show on it. Although he doesn't have a physical mouth... His screen is dimmed down.The studio is dark, and the cameras and lights are off for once. Joe sits a few feet away from the Entertainer, fiddling with some kind of fidget toy.]
Entertainer, there is a report of an angel falling soon from one of your above contacts. Would you like to report on it?
[The Entertainer's screen goes back to full brightness, and he laughs. The light from his screen reveals that Joe is almost asleep. He seems unconcerned with this new development.]
Cindy, I don't bother with angel reports, you know this!
It's a low-level angel; you would not be at any kind of risk of catching the wrong attention.
[The Entertainer seems to consider this for a few moments, then stands up abruptly. Joe startles.]
Cindy! Get the van! Get the crew! I've never reported on an angel fall; this'll be a fun new treat for the viewers! And maybe Angel Fall Network will finally stop stealing my views...
[Very cool time skip...]
[The Entertainer's camera crew van rolls out to what seems to be a field in the middle of nowhere. There is nothing there, yet. The Entertainer and the camera crew slowly all get out of the van, with the Entertainer directing the camera crew where to point their cameras. A director is there as well. After a few minutes, Everything is set up. The director speaks.]
We'll go live in 3... 2... 1...
[The Entertainer is in front of a camera with a microphone, although his voice box is loud enough on its own.]
Welcome, dear viewers! Today we are here at the site of where an angel fall will occur shortly! We will attempt to interview the fallen angel, and we'll also be doing call-ins if anyone can guess why the angel has fallen before the interview starts!
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silkie-soft · 4 months
Why-? Explain.
”I am meant to serve others, others are not meant to serve me. I am equal with other angels.”
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silkie-soft · 4 months
I.....Our duty is to serve others, which you have. But others did not serve you as well.
”But that is not expected of them. It is different.”
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silkie-soft · 4 months
[The anon thinks for a few moments, before snapping its fingers for more anon magic. Suddenly, there is a pile of dinosaur plushies, with a variety of the different species.]
Here you go!
Silkie’s wings flap in excitement. Many dinos. She could hardly comprehend.
“Thank you!!”
She starts picking them up one by one, repeatedly going for the parasaurolpholousus.
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silkie-soft · 4 months
Hm? Oh, that's a stuffed animal. That one is called a dinosaur. They roamed the Earth millions of years ago.
[The asker hands you the dinosaur plushie.]
”I know what a dinosaur was… they were the first birds, and the first reptiles. They are incredibly important to the earth.”
Silkie takes it from the anon, holding it out and staring at it.
“It is soft. I like it.”
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silkie-soft · 4 months
Which do you wanna do first?
[There are bicycles, puzzles, children's toys... the amount of options is dizzyingly overwhelming.]
Silkie looks around at everything, considering going back into fetal position… before something catches her eye! In the pile of toys, she points at a plush dinosaur with wide eyes.
“What kind of plaything is that? It looks soft.”
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silkie-soft · 4 months
That's. That.
Isn't fair.
I'm so sorry this has happened to you.
Silkie smiles, looking up at you with a comforting expression.
“it’s alright. I have served my purpose.”
0 notes
silkie-soft · 4 months
[The asker seems unsure now.]
Well, you're new to this, I guess. I can help you figure it out!
[The asker stands proudly, its characteristic sunglasses glinting in the lighting.]
It's time to do activities!
[Through the power of anon magic, the room is suddenly filled with various activities- drawing, music, writing, and more.]
”What do you mean by tha-“
Silkie peeps! She’s shocked by all the objects! She had never seen the majority of these before.
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silkie-soft · 4 months
Did you ask to take their sins as your own?
”It was simply put onto me, and I am not one to refuse.” Silkie has a solemn air about her.
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silkie-soft · 4 months
....Were they your sins or-?
Silkie shakes her head.
“My choir’s sins. They were growing too restless, and I was the weakest amongst their ranks, so I had to go.”
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silkie-soft · 4 months
You don't have to fake a smile here, either. This is a whole new place! I'm just an asker, in the end. You don't belong to my whims. Sorry I kept pushing.. What do you want to do?
Silkie just stares.
“I don’t know. I really do not.
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silkie-soft · 4 months
What did you-
Why are you fallen, if I may ask?
Silkie sighs… clucks?… well, her equivalent of a sigh.
“I was an example made of the other angels. I was lowest in my harmony. I was chosen to bear the sins of my own.”
0 notes