silverstrike · 2 months
while it was really cool to see a les mis tribute + Liberty Leading The People in olympics 2024 it feels in REALLY poor taste considering Israel is allowed to compete this year
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silverstrike · 2 months
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They did it! They included 'Do You Hear the People Sing' in the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games! I'm glad they did!
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silverstrike · 2 months
I wish Anon here would be as offended about Israel practically committing genocide, as they are about a fictional character wearing watermelon kippah. :))
That's just me tho. :))
im sorry making a jewish coded character played by a jew palestinian is actually insane what the fuck is wrong with you. and while hes doing the vulcan salute (inspired by a jewish prayer ritual) as well?? are you stupid?
Hello! Thank you for an ask, glad to educate you on this question
First of all - there are jewish people of diffrent nationalities! There are russian jews, spanish jews, american jews, ethiopian jews, egiptian jews and many many more! And, surprise surprise, there are palestinian jews! They lived in Palestine prior to isnotreal occupation and during it, as well as christians and muslims! Palestine is a multi confessional state. You can learn about history of jewish diaspora in Palestine just by googling it, even wikipedia has an article on that.
Second - you don't have to be a palestinian to wear keffiyeh or watermellon kippah! It can be a sign of solidarity with palestinian people. Many jewish people(who are not palestinian themselves) wear these items in solidarity or as a way to financially support palestinians. Wearing keiffiyeh doesn't make you a palestinian as it doesn't magically make you less jewish
The more you know! I hope you learned something new today, here, you can have this little sketch of spock in kippah and keiffiyeh
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And if you want to help palestine, you can always go to https://arab.org/click-to-help/ and do your daily clicks
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silverstrike · 4 months
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silverstrike · 4 months
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this year while we all celebrate pride month and celebrate ourselves as well as those who came before us and paved the way for us to do so, we must also think of those in gaza, queer or not, who live every day under a brutal occupation and don’t have that same privilege. happy pride, and may we see a free palestine in this lifetime.
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silverstrike · 4 months
Wow... You're a fucking idiot.
Ukraine is a western colony on stolen russian land. They will be on "Israel" and the US side always, cuz they know they will be dissolved if "Israel" is.
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silverstrike · 4 months
i want nothing to do with anyone who isn't completely altered by the events of the last eight months
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silverstrike · 4 months
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remember to do your daily clicks on arab.org and please donate esims if you can
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silverstrike · 4 months
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silverstrike · 4 months
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silverstrike · 4 months
Ah, yes. So very "brave" of these people to destroy desperately needed aid going into Gaza. Only the hostages matter. Millions of Palestinians are all H*mas and deserve to starve to death, apparently. Just evil shit. Pure evil.
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silverstrike · 4 months
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Super EASY way to support Palestine - BLOCK all the celebrities, influencers and brands that profit from our attention but have not said a word about the genocide happening in Palestine. FOLLOW @blockoutnow | @2024blockout_ar |@chopping.block2024 BLOCK all the accounts they currently follow.
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silverstrike · 4 months
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silverstrike · 4 months
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silverstrike · 4 months
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Rich Siegel, Jewish resident of Teaneck, NJ, at Township Council meeting
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silverstrike · 4 months
On April 30th while reporting on the Students Revolution at Columbia University, CNN anchor Kasie Hunt made reference to Hind Rajab as 'A Woman Who Was Killed in Gaza." Hind Rajab was six years old.
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silverstrike · 4 months
The only person lacking media literacy here is you.
The creators themselves (and there is proof of that in form of documentaries) admitted that the Jewish diaspora weren't the only ones they based Bajorans on, but other oppressed groups as well, such as Palestinians or Kurds.
As for DS9 showrunners (Ira Behr specifically) are pro-Israel... Well, if they're willing to support a state that commits genocide of a native population by bombing their homes, murdering civilians (including kids), denying this population access to medical aide, food and running water, destroying their cultural and educational centers...
... Then fuck them.
And fuck you too. Fuck all who support this.
Sometimes I think about how Star Trek Deep Space Nine depicted the Bajorans as having just come out of a 50 yr long brutal fascist, colonial, genocidal occupation that they used terrorism (the show explicitly used this word) to kick out.
And how the show depicts this as unquestionably a good thing.
One of the lead characters in the show, Major Kira, was a "terrorist", and we're not meant to think less of her because of it. She was resisting the occupation of her home!
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