silxntrabiddog · 5 years
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//Hello... it’s been eternity huh :’)))  Well, I thought that maybe I will return here one day but... tumblr just made me nope away with how dysfunctional it is. I will most likely delete even my cosplay blog here. This one I’ll keep but I will be no longer active. My dash is dead, people I rped with aren’t active as well and with some I moved to rp over discord which became much more comfortable for me.  So, this is my goodbye if there even is someone who is still here and knows me.  If you wanted to keep in contact with me or wanted to rp (actively), I am on twitter and I have discord, just hmu, write a comment, send a DM, I’ll give you my contact.  Thanks for nice time over here, I had a lot of fun <3 
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silxntrabiddog · 5 years
"Happy birthday, Atsushi," Akutagawa said silently, pulling Atsu into a warm, tight hug. He wanted to spent some peaceful moments with his partner before they leave for a birthday party at the agency - and give him his present. It was a simple box with a small bow on the top of it. He sat Atsushi on a couch then, putting the box on his knees. Inside, there was a tiny white black patched kitten sleeping on fluffy warm cloth. "I hope you'll take a good care of her." (For Beast AU) ^w^
     ❝ Ah…T-thank you, Ryu. ❞ 
     came a small voice, muffled a bit by the hug ( former reaper always finding some level of comfort in those hugs ), wrapping his arms around for a brief moment before the two pulled away. it had been the first time being able to celebrate with someone other than Kyouka-can, as well as being able to look forward to the day without worry. a nice change of pace: one he welcomed whole without complaints. now what he wasn’t prepared for—a present from the other ( fully expecting to not receive anything at all ). 
     being sat down on the couch; box placed on his lap with small purrs emanating from within: only so few animals made that distinct sound. gentle hands undid the bow, along with removing the lid only to be met with the sight of a small feline sleeping so comfortably. little care in the world; absolutely adorable, especially with the color scheme. 
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     ❝ She…she looks really beautiful. I..I don’t want to touch her and wake her up. ❞ even though his voice was breaking & his hands shook; atsushi gently reached in: lifting the kitten from underneath & holding her close, being incredibly careful—listening to her small whines at being woken up. ❝ I love her. She’s perfect..I — thank you. ❞
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silxntrabiddog · 5 years
"Happy birthday, Chuuya-san." Akutagawa smiled (for once), a subtle but pleasant smile as he shoved a wooden box into Chuuya's hands. Inside of it was a bottle of old, quite expensive french wine. He hoped, he chose well - and he really took his time with picking the best for the executive.
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      He looked at the wooden box with slight surprise, Chuuya wasn’t expecting to be gifted by his young subordinate. The redhead smiled sheepishly as he carefully took the box into his hands, looking at it with mild curious, he opened it and looked at the expensive french wine, oh god, it was one of his favorite ones! ”ah, this is—you really didn’t have to buy this Akutagawa but—” his smile got widened with gentleness and he got closer to pat his head lightly.
” thank you so much, I know you’re older enough to drink, right? so—if you’d like we can drink this together.”
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silxntrabiddog · 5 years
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Happy Birthday, Chuuya Nakahara! (29/4) Here are some of my best photos we made last year ^w^  I am already looking forward to shoot some more, Chuuya is my beloved character and I worked very hard on this cosplay and did a huge progress along those 2 years of cosplaying him! 
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silxntrabiddog · 5 years
Akutagawa: Why is he screaming?
Dazai: Just ignore him-
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silxntrabiddog · 5 years
Dazai: If you could bring one person to a deserted island with you, who would it be?
Akutagawa: Jinko.
Atsushi: … but why?
Akutagawa: Because if I have to suffer, then so do you.
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silxntrabiddog · 5 years
Akutagawa: My neutral expression makes me look like I’m in a bad mood.
Akutagawa: Which is convenient because it’s usually true.
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silxntrabiddog · 5 years
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BSD Rarepair Week 2019
Day 1: Hands in Hair
“The moon will listen in on us, And will even dip a bit, Will be just above our heads When we begin to kiss.”
Nakahara Chuuya - On the Lake (湖上)
This artwork is inspired by @coffeebookbandbat‘s ChuuAku fanfictions, the Onsen series. I recommend reading them.
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silxntrabiddog · 5 years
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…‘cause the world has a way of tearing you down, keeps you tied to the circus,paints you up like a clown. But I’m right here Day after day, year after year ➤Bungou Stray Dogs ➤Dazai Osamu by me ➤ Nakahara Chuuya by @adriantheblack ➤Photo by Misaki
My Facebook page Support me on Ko-fi
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silxntrabiddog · 5 years
😭: What’s one of the saddest threads you’ve ever been in?
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//Oh my, it was very strong ChuuAku thread. We developed very deep relationship between Akutagawa and Chuuya with my friend here. Basically, it was about Chuuya dying in Aku’s arms after a harsh fight - that itself was already terribly sad but the misery will only come, just wait for it! :’D Since I didn’t want to let Chuuya die, because Akutagawa would either go insane or kill himself as well, I made him crawl for help to Dazai. Dazai, of course wouldn’t hesitate to save Chuuya’s life but as he was bitter about those two being together, he called Yosano to save Chuuya making a deal with Akutagawa, that he will have to leave Japan without anyone knowing it for one year as a price for Chuuya’s life. Now the most angsty thing about it was Chuuya waking up all healthy but with Aku nowhere to be found, no one know where he was, if he was alive or dead. Chuuya was waiting for him, week, two, month, two months, all that year, slowly becoming more and more desperate, losing physical and also mental strength. After a year, Chuuya was a wreck, who held together only because he needed to do his work. On the other side, Aku was drowning in guilt and grief from how much he missed his lover, counting not days but hours until he could finally come back to him. And slowly losing hope that Chuuya will ever forgive him, maybe even forget about him after that time. This thing was so bad (but so good XD) that I had tears in my eyes even now when I was writing about it. Like really, it killed me inside a few times. I think I also got a drabble for ??Aku’s birthday, about how Chuuya was convinced that it will be the day he will come back, made a dinner for two and then…. waited. Until the meal got clod along with his mood. Edit: OH! I forgot that Chuuya gave Aku an engagement rig before he lost conscious - and Aku never put it down from his finger from that moment. 
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silxntrabiddog · 5 years
🤗 gimme ur angst
🤗: Could you give us an angsty excerpt about your muse?
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//Okay, this actually made me dig DEEP into this blog, because I had a few very angsty things here. One of them resulted in Insanity verse and it was… well, look at it~ (the whole thing is here)
Faster, faster!    It was just minutes ago, when a sudden report came to the Mafia headquarters. One of the dangerous missions they were leading went wrong. No one knew what happened, they lost all contacts.    Gin was there. Oh god. Gin was there with them…    Akutagawa refused to even think that something bad happened to his sister. She was Akutagawa. She was strong. There was no way someone could hurt her or kill her. No fucking way.However, there was a very bad feeling, clutching the Mafia Dog’s chest. It was suffocating him even more than the cold air biting into his lungs as he was running as for dear life. May it be his sixth sense, he hoped, he prayed, it was just an overreaction.    He was nearing the places, causing the pain only by a single look. There were memories tied to them, the ones he suppressed and buried deep into the darkest depths of his mind. They were now screeching, clawing, trying to get on the surface. He passed the place where he was born for the second time. The ravenette remembered that tree near the road… They both, him and his dear sister were given a new life right in this place. Akutagawa couldn’t even think of their lives - both or just the one of them - ending in that place. It wasn’t right.
   As soon as the raven man arrived at the place of the mission, a terrible image hit his eyes. As he was running through the field, he could see familiar faces staring at him from the ground. Lifeless, splattered with mud and blood. Ryunosuke Akutagawa, the ruthless killer of Port Mafia, the one whom the whole Yokohama feared was there, stumbling around the ditches, with a terrified expression ih his face, searching for a sign of his sister’s presence. He didn’t care about enemies in the front, nor the shots and yells echoing through the air. “Gin!!”     Akutagawa’s voice broke as he ran to the body lying in the grass. It was her, it was his sister! Falling on his knees beside the young woman, the mafioso carefully took the limp body into his arms.    “Gin… I.. I am here. I will take you b- …”    Her eyes… No.. NO NO NO!! Those beautiful gray eyes which used to smile at him with such  care and love were now empty, motionless, dead.    “Sister…” just a weak whisper, full of unbearable pain, Akutagawa slowly removed the mask from the girl’s face and caressed her cheek. She was already getting cold… there was no way how to save her. He failed. He didn’t make it there on time. It was his fault.    “Gin… why… we pro-… promised… so why…”    Loud sobs were shaking the man’s sickly frame as he hugged his sister’s dead body close to his chest, rocking her in his arms. He wanted to scream, but he couldn’t find a breath to do so, throat tightening more and more every second. Just silent, shakily yelps were echoing around that deadly place, however, not a single tear fell out from the Black Dog’s eyes. Dogs don’t cry, after all…
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silxntrabiddog · 5 years
😕: Do you thrive on angst, or can it get a little overwhelming after a while?
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//I will never have enough of angst!Seriously, I am a big sucker for angst and even though it kills me inside and it takes me twice as long to write something because I can’t see through tears, I love to write and read it I doubt it would become overwhelming for me.
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silxntrabiddog · 5 years
Where'd you get the jacket? I've been trying to find one like that, but I can't seem to find any.
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//Ah, that’s actually a jacket I normally wear, it just happened to be at least a bit similar to Chuuya’s so I went for trying that cosplay. I bought it like.. uh, year ago in some regular clothing shop. Tho I was also searching for it for a long time until I found the one I really liked :’) 
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silxntrabiddog · 5 years
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Long time nothing from me huh?  Well, I am working on new  cosplays, have also some new photos plus remaking old ones but today, since I am still hyped about third season of BSD starting with Fifteen, I tried to make a quick (kinda closet) cosplay of fifteen Chuuya ^w^ 
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silxntrabiddog · 5 years
Season 3: hello? 
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silxntrabiddog · 5 years
The Angst Meme
ᴬʰ, ʸᵉˢ, ᵗʰᵉ ᵍᵉⁿʳᵉ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ᶜᵒⁿˢᵗᵃⁿᵗˡʸ ˢᵉᵉᵏˢ ᵗᵒ ᵇʳᵉᵃᵏ ᵒᵘʳ ʰᵉᵃʳᵗˢ. ᴴᵃᵛᵉ ᵃᵗ ᶦᵗ, ʸᵒᵘ ᵐᵒⁿˢᵗᵉʳˢ.
😏: What angst tropes are you a sucker for?
🤔: Any angst tropes you’re not really fond of?
🎶: Is there any particular music you listen to while writing/plotting angst?
❤️‍: Developed angst, or pre-established angst? Do you prefer to get to the angst naturally, or do you rp meme your way straight to it?
😶: Got any future thread angst hidden up your sleeve?
🤗: Could you give us an angsty excerpt about your muse?
😲: Has there ever been anything on the dash you’ve seen that was super intense?
😭: What’s one of the saddest threads you’ve ever been in?
😕: Do you thrive on angst, or can it get a little overwhelming after a while?
😱: Has angst ever killed your motivation for thread(s)?
👻: Has angst ever - literally - killed your muse(s)?
😇: Fluff and angst? Or full-on angst?
😈: What are some of your favourite angst threads?
👿: What are your muse(s)’ fatal flaws? Any wishlists to do with them?
😁: So, the muse(s)… do they deserve the angst?
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silxntrabiddog · 5 years
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//Uh, okay, would be someone interested to rp with me over discord instead of here? Idk, I feel like I am more comfortable with private rps than here.
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