parieha-aa · 2 years
lunartxger asked:  here we have a small tiger child tugging on byakko's sleeve for attention. hes upset && looks as though hes been crying for some time now.
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            ❝      .        .        .          hello  ,  little  cub  .     ❞       the  woman  responds  to  her  charge  with  gentle  eyes  ,  reading  their  expression  closely  and  judging  for  herself  what  they  were  looking  for  from  her  .  most  notably  ,  byakko  took  notice  of  their  face  ,  more  specifically  around  their  eyes  ,  as  they  saw  puffiness  and  redness  surrounding  the  area  .  thinking  somewhat  quickly  ,  byakko  leaned  down  and  scooped  her  cub  up  into  her  arms  ,  pressing  him  close  to  her  chest  .  (  he  had  no  family  ,  no  mother  ,  so  that  is  what  she  became  .  )       ❝      what  happened  ?   ❞     byakko  inquires  barely  above  a  whisper  as  she  takes  some  effort  to  sway  the  child  ,  trying  to  soothe  and  ease  their  pain  as  best  they  could  .  sure  ,  she  was  by  no  means  a  human  being  who  had  trained  in  these  matters  ,  but  instinct  was  natural  ,  and  it  drove  her  actions  .    ❝      .        .        .       i  have  you  .  i  have  you  .   ❞    the  tiger  reassures  with  a  firm  but  gentle  squeeze  of  their  body  against  her’s  , slender  fingers  coming  up  to  brush  choppy  strands  away  .    other  abilities  had  to  have  dealt  with  these  troubles  ,  but  byakko  didn’t  have  the  resources  to  answer  the  inquiry  ;  so  she  would  follow  her  instincts  until  she  found  a  better  measure  of  care  .  he  was  only  a  cub  in  her  eyes  ,  yet  these  children  treated  him  like  a  monster  ,  and  the  headmaster  was  no  better  .    but  this  could  not  last  forever  ,  could  it  ?          her  nails  brush  his  forehead  as  she  tucks  strands  out  of  the  way  for  him  ,  recognizing  the  new  diagonal  shape  they  were  taking  all  the  way  to  his  ear  .  as  if  she  was  going  to  put  him  down  now  !       ❝    let’s  go  .  we  have  better  options  than  hanging  around  here  ,  don’t  we  ?   ❞
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rashamonarchive1 · 4 years
  & .  @lunartxger​ from x.
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“ our meeting before is hard to forget. it’s irregularity makes it stand out among my other memories. ” similar to this one, contrasting akutagawa’s perception of the mafia with his violent reverence for sisterhood. the mirror that hangs between them is too immense to ignore, meeting every corner of his vision. he absently wonders if his encounter with dazai had gone differently all those years ago, perhaps he would be standing in the white tiger’s place. he’s not one to consider himself lucky, but there’s a new gratitude for his circumstances when he compares them to atsushi’s. it seems they are two ends of the same crossroads.
“ i don’t make coffee often, ”  or ever for that matter, “ i’m confident it does little to compare to a shop - but, you’re not here for my brewing skills. ” akutagawa takes a seat next to the reaper, whatever animosity between them thrives in the moonlight, and dies in the dawn.
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multiipl · 4 years
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*; Bungo Stray Dogs » Modern Artists AU
I’m not going to make individual posts for all muses bc that would be too much (also simply because I don’t have enough banners on me right now). 
Courtesy to Kui @errantscriptor for kicking it off with introducing Idol!Sigma and starting to inspire Stella (@somegremlin), Dani (@iactito), Sheeb (@lunartxger) & Vega (@antigifted) and me to further fill the world around that concept.
So the general gist of this AU is that it’s a modern setting without abilities. Out of my muses, the following are part of that AU in one way or another and have some sort of relations to others: Lucy M Montgomery, (Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald), Izumi Kyouka (@akumanoyuki​), Ozaki Kouyou, Akutagawa Gin, Higuchi Ichiyo, Suehiro Tetcho
Lucy: Lucy is the adopted daughter of Fitzgerald. Fitzgerald himself is an investor/sponsor to Ougai Mori’s (Dani) Music Agency. Lucy works at Mori’s agency as a set and stage designer for music videos and shows. She gets help from Mori’s pride and joy, Kyusaku (Stella). She’s very close to them, often referring to them as her cousin, and trying to make all their realistic suggestions come true.
Fitzgerald: An investor. He invests money into Mori’s agency. He and his wife adopted Lucy after losing their own daughter.
Ozaki Kouyou & Izumi Kyouka: Ozaki Kouyou is the Marketing and PR director of Mori’s agency, as well as handling Chuuya’s (Dani) marketing and PR. Kouyou is Kyouka’s aunt who has raised the latter after her parents died in an accident and she had nowhere else to go. Kouyou is rather close to Mori, helping him raise Yumeno alongside raising Kyouka. Kyouka also is a great fan of Chuuya. As the Marketing Director, Kouyou gets a lot of merch samples which she hands down to Kyouka. 
Akutagawa Gin & Higuchi Ichiyo: Both Gin and Ichiyo are models. They work and act separately from each other but sometimes are cast to model together. Gin lives with her brother Ryunosuke (Dani), who is a twitch streamer, however they tend to stay out of each other’s business. Ichiyo coincidentally happens to be a huge fan of Ryunosuke and regularly donates money to him. Ichiyo usually models for fashion, swimsuits or stock photos. Gin usually models for promotions or portraits, often leaning towards abstract, goth or punk aesthetics, as well as breaking gender norms. She’s known for her androgynous look in most of her model jobs. Tho she occasionally does fashion modelling, which is when she is most likely to run into Ichiyo. Unknown to the public, Gin’s also dating Tachihara Michizo (Birb @errantinfinity​).
Suehiro Tetcho: He works at the “Hunting Dogs” Talent Scout Agency. He is dating the Agency’s diva Saigiku Jono (Birb @errantinfinity​) while also being his personal trainer and occasional stage hand acting in the background. Whereever Jono goes Tetcho isn’t far to follow.
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somegremlin · 4 years
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@lunartxger​ asked: ❝ happy birthday, yumeno-kun~ ❞ atsushi smiled as he crouched down & handed the child a bright blue box with a green ribbon on top. in it containing a stuffed bear that he'd altered a bit to resemble yumeno. 
            ↳  BABEY HOURS EXTENDED.
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               ‘ Thank you, Onii - chan ! ‘ 
「 ★ 」   ⋮     𝐀 𝐍 𝐀 𝐓 𝐇 𝐄 𝐌 𝐀 .  ⋮  ━━   With those words, the child takes the present in hand; marveling at just how well wrapped it was alone. What a pretty little gift ! It’s almost too cute to open ! But they must if they want to see what’s inside. Little hands pull away the cute green ribbon as they make a mental note to at least save the ribbon FOREVER. They pull away the lid and ...
              It’s a teddy bear !  An adorable, soft teddy bear ! But what made it really cute was that it had a pretty blue hat and jacket just like THEM. It’s obvious that crafting was their Onii - chan’s making.
              ‘ Did you make this ? It looks really, REALLY good Onii - chan ! Thank you ! ‘ 
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yokohamaweretiger · 4 years
@lunartxger​ liked for a starter
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“I hope you’re coming to Tokyo for Christmas,” Arata said.
He hadn’t had a Christmas with his twin since they were children. Now that they back together, though, he was planning on spoiling the shit out of his brother.
“Kyouka is welcome to come, too, if you’re worried about leaving her home alone.”
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voidveined · 4 years
continued from x.  
          and thus, his GOOD KARMA for the month has been generated! not that bribing the gods ever feels too much like work when atsushi is subject of his once-in-a-blue-moon holy behaviour. that, and he’s always up for the excuse to BLOW KISSES at the waitress downstairs. 
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          ❛    not a problem, atsushi-kun! now that you have a snack, you won’t mind writing my report for me~.   ❜ 
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silentaint · 4 years
lunartxger said: “i brought you a blanket.” ( beast au!! )
post - trauma sentence starters | accepting.
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❝ thank you, aniki. ❞ nimble fingers reach to pull the blanket closer around herself as he drapes it over her shoulders. atsushi’s voice brings the calm after the storm. serenity returns, and already she feels safer. so dependent, so loyal . . not to be by his side often brought the girl anxiety.              not that she showed it. 
she never expressed anything. the young ability user would’ve been considered weak if she did, and she had worked far too hard to slip up now.
❝ . . . was your mission a success ? ❞
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★  ༺ @lunartxger​ ༻ ★
                   ↪ 『  𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋   』 
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「 ★ 」   ⋮     𝐀 𝐍 𝐀 𝐓 𝐇 𝐄 𝐌 𝐀 .  ⋮  ━━     Though the child was living under the Agency roofs; their responsibilities hardly matched that of those OLDER than them. They were just a little kid after all; a kid getting used to fighting on the side of GOOD rather than being used and abused by the side of EVIL.
               But unfortunately with that alongside the fact the Agency mainly SAT AT THEIR DESKS rather than have to constantly fight and train day and night made them fail to understand how busy they ACTUALLY WERE. 
              A hand reaches out; tugging upon the white sleeves of the older boy. They had NO IDEA if the boy was working or not but … they weren’t exactly thinking about that at the moment.
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              ‘ Onii - chan ! Onii - chaaaan ! Onii - chan, I wanna play ! ‘
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errantinfinity · 4 years
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@lunartxger​ asked ; ship bias && for the last meme i sent, i forgot to say it was for dazai
send ‘ship bias’ and i will share up to five ships i have a bias for for my muse!
i actually really don’t have many ships for dazai, not romantically anyway. there are some that i’d be interested in exploring, though! for dazai, he’s very difficult and so i like to talk a lot to my ship partners to plot and build up their dynamic. i do have some ships to talk about, though!
skk. i love skk so much. dazai and chuuya have such a complex relationship and i love it so much. they have so much history and so much between them, and it’s not always healthy but there is so much chemistry there. it’s a relationship that i love to explore, dazai has been terrible to chuuya and yet somehow they just can’t stay away from each other. i am sure that i don’t have anything new to say about skk that hasn’t already been said by many others before me, i just love them so much. lucy, @multiipl​ and light of my life, is always there to plot with me and indulge me too.
an ship that was unexpected for me is sigmazai. @errantscriptor​ just came to me one day and asked about it and the rest is history. sigma hasn’t got to experience a lot of the world, and dazai really knows too much. they’re a much softer contrast to skk and i love that. sigma helps teach dazai to feel a normal happiness, to find joy in sigma finding joy, and dazai lives to give sigma new experiences and watch his face light up. they’re so sweet together and i never expected to love them as much as i do, but kui never fails to make everything she touches wonderful.
ranzai is a ship i’ve not had a big chance to explore yet, but it is one that i’d definitely be interested in exploring more! i think they would have a really interesting dynamic, two people who tend to know a lot more about the world than those around them. they’re both incredibly intelligent and i think that would make for a fun dynamic. they’d understand each other in ways no one else could.
another ship i haven’t really had the chance to explore but would like to is dazai and yosano. i think that again they could have an interesting dynamic. they have both done things and been people that they aren’t anymore, and that they don’t generally talk about, and so i think they’d understand each other in a way. writing both characters of this ship is interesting for me too. i think that dazai being the only person that yosano’s ability doesn’t work on gives them something else too, because he doesn’t want her for her ability. her ability is useless on him. i think that’s definitely an interesting point that i’d love to explore.
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storytell · 4 years
oh shit its your birthday???? happy birthday!
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hell yeah dude! thanks so much!! i can finally b the dancing queen
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rashamonarchive1 · 4 years
❝ do you have better solutions to my problems???? ❞ beast atsushi would like to have a word!!
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   “  i’m confident the president  would see something redeemable in you,  that is if you’re willing to separate from your past to move forward into the future.  break your chains and kill your masters - there are always better solutions, if you have the courage to commit to them.  ”
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errantscriptor · 4 years
@lunartxger​ replied to your post:
Atsushi is ready to shove him.
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“What purpose would that serve?”
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queensconquest · 4 years
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@reflectionbound​  &  @sweetrxthan​  really  out  here  testing  me  like  this
and  for  that  matter ,  @lunartxger​  too  for  teasing  me.
all  of  you  are  awFUL  and  bULLIES
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somegremlin · 4 years
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★ ༺  @lunartxger​  ༻ ★
                     ↳ Starter call
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「 ★ 」   ⋮     𝐀 𝐍 𝐀 𝐓 𝐇 𝐄 𝐌 𝐀 .  ⋮  ━━     To throw others under the bus was to SURVIVE. To fight to blood and bone was to LIVE. It doesn’t matter what happens to other kids. All you had to care about was getting those points and avoiding the pain of punishment. Everyone knew what happened when you were ‘ bad ‘ and they would do ANYTHING to cheat that punishment. Even if it meant forsaking your humanity and letting someone else become your scapegoat. And even a child as young as themselves had resorted to such MONSTROSITY.
              But … they’re not a monster. They’re a child. A mere victim of circumstance. They ALL were. And even then, they cannot help but wonder if what they had done back then was right. It was what had to be done. What if they hadn’t blamed that boy for the mess they had made ? The answer was too TERRIFYING to even comprehend. Even if they had avoided punishment, it felt as if the punishment was more befitting for them than that OTHER boy.
              Thin little legs slowly make their way over; stepping over to the boy that was SURELY still in pain. They wouldn’t blame the child if he HATED them now. They wouldn’t have even blamed them if one day, the tables turned and THIS boy blamed them for some problem or something. And yet …
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              ‘ Um … hi … I’m … I’m really sorry … ‘ 
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silentaint-a · 4 years
lunartxger replied to your post
i mean mood though
sorry for the delay had to make this meme real quick
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yokohamaweretiger · 4 years
❝ how do you handle your ability? ❞ ( from beast!sushi )
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“He’s my best friend,” Atsushi replied. “Our relationship helps to strengthen our bond in battle. We communicate with each other, and we work together, as partners. After all, we’re two halves of the same whole.”
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