simeon-simp · 2 years
Hello! Idk if you write Farena but if you do may I request this with Farena and Leona. If not then it's ok
I've never written Farena before. This is interesting.
Y/n and Leona are 16, Farena is 17. Y/n grew up in afterglow Savannah. Cheka is 4 in the end.
How you get Cheka is up to you.
Takes place while Farena is on break from school. Let me know if you want to know/read more.
GN!Y/n x Farena Kingscholar
I've got you
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“Ah~! Wait, not there...!”
“Tone it down a little. You’re a loud one, aren’t you?”
Y/n covered their mouth, afraid they’d let out a scream if they didn’t. They had left on a 3-day trip that Leona couldn’t go on because he had suddenly fallen ill. They returned from the trip with a handful of gifts, only to be greeted by the sight of their beloved boyfriend making out with one of the maids.
Y/n let the tears fall but didn’t dare make a sound. They turned around, ready to storm out of the castle until they were pushed against the wall.
“What the f-”
“Shh,” someone pinned them against Leona’s door and kissed the roughly, desperately, a silent plea for them not to leave. Y/n unconsciously wrapped their arms around the person’s neck, no longer caring what happened. They didn’t even have to open their eyes to know it was the future king of afterglow savannah, Leona’s older brother, Farena Kingscholar.
“Oh fuck,” he groaned, “you have no idea how long I’ve waited to do that.” Farena sighed as he rested his forehead against theirs. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry for doing that and I’m sorry my brother didn’t realize just how much you are worth. I’m sorry he cheated, and I completely understand if you want to leave. If you want, I’ll arrange for you to leave to another country if that is what you wish.”
Y/n shook their head, “No...no it’s fine. Can we go somewhere else? I... I don’t want to be here anymore.”
“Of course, come on.” Farena led them to his room, not saying anything as they broke down crying again. He genuinely had no idea how his brother could have cheated on Y/n. Leona had always been self-sabotaging, but he honestly did not expect his little brother to ruin a perfect future with Y/n.
Farena would never do that to Y/n. He’d make sure that for as long as he lives, whether it be with them or not, he’d make their life as comfortable and easy as possible. So, he pulled them close to him for the rest of the walk to his room.
“Don’t worry,” Farena whispered in their ear, “I’ve got you.”
“If I were to be honest, I think fell for you the minute Leona introduced you to us. I know it’s wrong, but how could I resist someone as kind as you?”
“And... when did you realize?”
“Hm... I’d say the day you argued with Leona about treating me better. He had destroyed something valuable to me and I had felt so happy when you stood up for me. Seeing you mad was kind of hot too...” Farena murmured the last part.
Y/n looked down sheepishly, “I’m sorry, I just don’t think I’m going to be ready for a relationship anytime soon. I’m not saying I wouldn’t want to! Just...not yet. You’re a really nice guy, so I want to give you a chance. Eventually.”
“No, I understand. I wasn’t expecting you to accept right away. Plus, I want to properly ask you out. Get to know you more than I already do, you know?” Farena smiled, “However, you still need to heal from my brother’s betrayal, and I will be here every step of the way.”
Y/n’s eyes widened. “I... Thank you. You’ve done so much for me...I-”
“OPEN THE DOOR FARENA!” Leona banged on the door furiously, desperately. “I KNOW THEY’RE IN THERE!”
“Leave Leona, haven’t you done enough already?”
“Why didn’t you tell me you were back? Y/n, come out already, I have to talk to you! I swear they didn’t mean anything to me, you know I only love you!” Leona kept banging on the door, “Come out, I will destroy the door!”
Y/n glanced at Farena nervously. Farena quickly rushed them to his closet and hid them there, just as his door turned into sand.
“Where are they?” Leona looked around Farena’s room, carelessly tossing things around.
“Haven’t you hurt them enough? Leona, please calm down and think about what you are doing You’re scaring them!”
This caused Leona to freeze.
“They’ll talk to you eventually. For now, just leave. They’ll come to you when they are ready. But promise me you won’t be upset with their decision, you caused this after all.”
Leona’s eyes widened before he slowly started laughing, “Hah! Right... I caused this. This is my fault. It’s always me, I just never seem to do anything right, huh?” He ran a hand through his messy hair before sighing, “Y/n, just know that I am sorry. I truly am.” Leona left the room and Farena let out a relieved sigh.
“He’s gone now, Y/n. You may come out.” He looked around his room and frowned, “I have no idea what’s gotten into him. I’m so sorry. I will personally escort you to your home, you should be better there. I will make sure he doesn’t bother you again.”
Y/n shook their head, “No, it’s fine. This isn’t your fault. I’m sorry you had to get involved in this.”
“No, I insist. I will feel more at ease if I know you got home safely.” Farena held out his hand, and for the first time in what felt like forever, Y/n smiled. They took his hand and walked with him. As they walked to Y/n’s house, they got to know each other a little better. They told each other their preferences and funny stories they had to share. Farena couldn’t help but smile fondly every time Y/n got excited as they told him something stupid they had done as a child. This truly was the best day of his life.
“And so I thought Ruggie was dead, but he was actually just pretending. I still can’t believe I had cried my eyes out thinking I had killed him. I tried to run away from home, thinking I would be arrested or something. I had my- oh. We’re here.” Y/n frowned, “Well, it was nice talking to you. It really improved my mood. I’ll see you tomorrow...?”
“Of course! I’d love to hear more of your wonderful stories!” Farena smiled, which caused Y/n to smile in return as they headed inside their home.
Farena had a stupid smile on his face the whole walk back to the castle. If the people noticed his swishing tail, well, they just decided not to comment on it. If Farena was happy, they were happy.
“Should I buy them something? Wait, maybe it’s too soon? Ugh, I have no clue what I’m doing,” Farena groaned.
“Oji-tan! Oji-tan!”
Leona’s eyes twitched, “What are you doing here? Where are your guards? They are probably losing their minds looking for you.”
“I wanted to come visit you, Oji-tan! Daddy said you weren’t feeling well and I wanted to see if that was true.”
Leona groaned, “Well I’m clearly fine, so scra-”
“Cheka! Come back here! Your father almost had a heart attack when he realized you were missing! Please don’t do that, it can be very dangerous for our cute little future king to be roaming around all alone, right?”
“I’m sorry momma/papa/parent. I didn’t mean to...” Cheka seemed close to tears and Y/n instantly ran over to him.
“Oh no no no, please don’t cry, baby! It’s okay, let’s just up to daddy so he won’t faint, ok?”
Cheka nodded and Y/n turned to Leona, “I’m so sorry about him, he was just really looking forward to seeing his Oji-tan. Please come visit more often, we really miss you.”
Cheka started impatiently pulling Y/n’s shirt and they sighed. “Alright, fine, let’s go. Good job today, Leona. Take care, alright?” They grabbed Cheka and started walking towards where Farena was waiting for them.
All Leona could do was watch as Y/n left him behind once again.
“Who was that?” Deuce asked.
“A milf/dilf if you ask me. Mind introducing me, Leona?” Ace asked playfully.
“That...” Leona closed his eyes, “was my first and only love.”
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simeon-simp · 2 years
I could a better boyfriend than him
Leona Kingscholar × GN!Reader
Description: After your boyfriend Idia lets you go to a party, Leona takes that chance talk to you. Only to realize how much better he would be compared to your current boyfriend.
Warnings: Cursing, OOC Idia, bad boyfriend Idia, Violence
Around 2.2k words, re-upload after deleting the previous one by accident 😭, not edited
“You sure you don’t want to come? It’ll be fun, I promise!”
“No... I’m fine. There’s a new event and I MUST get the new SSR card.” Idia waved them off.
“Alright, suit yourself. I’ll be back at 8.” Y/n grabbed their keys and leaned down to kiss their boyfriend. He didn’t seem to notice though, too focused on his game. Y/n frowned and waited a few seconds before deciding to bid him goodbye and leave. They couldn’t be upset with him, that’s just how he was. Still, that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt sometimes.
“It’s getting late. Maybe that’s why more people are dancing? They’re probably about to leave or something...” Y/n shrugged. Kalim nodded in realization before deciding to go join his friends in the next room.
Y/n scanned the room only to realize there was only one person left.
I can’t believe we’re finally alone
I can’t believe I almost went home
He seemed to be gathering his things before sitting back down, staring at them awkwardly.
What are the chances? Everyone’s dancing and he’s not with you...
“So, that boyfriend of yours finally let you leave for once? There are no cameras, right? He seems to always be watching you.” Leona laid back on the couch once again, closing his eyes as he waited for a reply.
“Ah...no. He seemed busy today. And that’s just how he is. He gets paranoid about me leaving him. He doesn’t seem to mind leaving me for his games though...” Y/n scooted closer to where Leona was resting. They probably thought he didn’t hear the last part, but with his sharp hearing, he caught it easily. What upset him the most though, was sad tone they had.
Idia didn’t deserve them. It was funny though, the one time he decided to attend one of Kalim’s parties, Y/n was there. All alone.
The universe must have divined this
Y/n sat still, focusing on all the sounds around them as they thought about their relationship with Idia. At first, he started leaving his room more often, just so they wouldn’t be alone. They always had his undivided attention. However, that slowly changed. He started going back to his old ways, not leaving the dorm unless necessary. He seemed to forget they were there until he got up for a break. Still, no matter how much he couldn’t care less about what Y/n was doing, he always insisted they stayed in his room. There was no reason for them to leave when their boyfriend was there, he was all they needed.
This wasn’t the time for this though. Y/n focused on the music, then the talking around them. All the couples laughing and talking. At last, Leona’s breathing. They leaned back and rested their head on the pillow beside them. That could have been y/n, dancing and laughing, but no. They let out a sigh and just like Leona, closed their eyes.
Suddenly, Leona let out a sigh and sat up.
What am I gonna do?
He stood up, the noise causing Y/n to open their eyes and sit up. He walked towards them.
Not grab your wrist?
He grabbed their wrist and pulled them up.
“Enough feeling bad for yourself. Come on, you like this song, don’t you?” He asked while looking away, pulling them towards the dance floor and acting impatient. He couldn’t fool Y/n though. They let out a giggle before letting themselves be pulled towards the dance floor.
I could be a better boyfriend than him
I could do the shit that he never did
Y/n didn’t know shit about dancing though. They never had a reason to learn, and Idia didn’t care. As someone from an important family, Idia knew how to dance. Yet, every time he was going to teach them, a new event happened in one of his games and he promised that next time. Next time he would teach them. Next time never happened though, and so now they had no clue what to do.
Like Idia, as someone important, a prince, Leona knew how to dance. He laughed at their confusion while still giving them tips. He had no time to give them a lesson, but he helped them where he could. (If they weren’t surrounded by others though, he would gladly teach them. He’d prepare a whole lesson, add unnecessary moves just to keep them to himself for a few more minutes. Y/n did not have to know that though.)
Up all night, I won’t quit
Nonetheless, Idia would never allow that. No matter how much Y/n denied it, it was clear Idia kept them on a short leash. He was strict about them leaving. Having said that. strict was an understatement when it came to Leona. Anyone but Leona.
Thinking I’m gonna steal you from him
“Wow, where has this Leona been all along? Leading me to dance, teaching me to dance. You even brought me a drink. Where’d you get it? I have no clue but it’s here, so thank you.”
I could be such a gentleman
“Your hoodie? I mean, it’s not that cold. But whatever.” Y/n paused to put it on, which caused them to not see Leona’s little smirk.
Plus all my clothes would fit
“Idia...I know he was like this when he was single, but one would think he would have changed at least a little now that he has a partner.” Leona scoffed, slamming down his cup on the table.
I could be a better boyfriend
I don’t need to tell you twice
All the ways he can’t suffice
“He was different at first. It doesn’t matter, though. I’m happy with him, no one else could love me like he does.” Y/N didn’t even finish their sentence before a frown formed on Leona’s face.
“If you were my partner, I would pay more attention to you. It’s literally the bare minimum.”
Y/N was aware of this, still, they couldn’t help but get a little defensive, “We’re fine. And like I said, I’m completely happy with my relationship.” They got up which caused Leona to shoot up.
“Wait, I didn’t mean it like that. Please stay.” Leona couldn’t help but cringe at how desperate he sounded. However, that seemed to do the trick as Y/N sat back down.
“I guess I could stay a little longer. But it’s 9:33...I promised Idia I would be home by 8.” They said, looking away, feeling guilty.
“Be honest, herbivore. Do you think he would really care if you were 2 hours late?”
“Maybe...but still.”
If I could give you some advice
I would leave with me tonight
“How about this. Let’s leave the party and chill in my dorm for the last 30 minutes. Then I’ll walk you to your dorm and tell Idia it was my fault.”
“Oh no, no he would not like to know I was with you the whole time.”
Leona walked closer to them until they were mere inches away from eachother. “What’s the worse he could do. Keep you from seeing me for another 3 months? If you’re scared of him doing anything when you get home, I’ll be there. Right behind you. I’ll always be there when you need me.”
“He would never touch me...but that makes me feel better. Sure, let’s go. But only 30 minutes.”
The universe must have divined this, mmm, mmm
Ladies first, baby, I insist
I could be a better boyfriend than him
I could do the shit that he never did
Up all night, I won’t quit
Thinking I'm gonna steal you from him
I could be such a gentleman
Plus all my clothes would fit
"Alright, we’re here. Thank you so much, you made tonight really fun.” Y/N smiled at Leona before starting to walk towards Ignihide.
Leona stuffed his hands into his pockets before turning around to walk back to Savanaclaw.
However, he paused. Was he really about to let this chance slip away? He’s done it before. When he watched behind a tree as Idia confessed his love to Y/N, seconds before Leona could even ask to talk to them. There was no guarantee it would change anything. But could he really go the rest of his life, knowing how miserable Y/N was with Idia. Could he really sit down at Y/N’s wedding, feeling bad for himself while knowing that it could have been him had he opened his damn mouth?
Y/N turned around and waited till Leona caught up with them.
“Y/n... I know you could hate me after this, but I’m serious. I could be a better boyfriend than him. I never would have left you alone, back there on your own, glued to your phone. Never would have left you alone, for someone else to take you home. I could be a better boyfriend than him, I could and would do the shit that he never did. I would stay up all night, you know I wouldn’t quit. Idia didn’t let me talk to you for 3 whole months because he knew I was gonna steal you from him. Despite what you think, I showed you tonight that I could be such a gentleman. Plus-” he gestured to the hoodie they were still wearing, “you know my clothes would fit.”
Y/N was speechless. They know that at one point they liked him, but they quickly forgot about that with how happy they were with Idia. Those feelings resurfaced though. Still, they couldn’t just leave Idia, this was the reason he didn’t let them leave in the first place, he was afraid something like this would happen. Y/N always got offended by the fact that he didn’t seem to trust them. Now they can see why though. If they didn’t feel bad for suddenly leaving Idia then they would have agreed with Leona that he would be better and jumped into his arms. But that wasn’t the case.
“I-...I’m sorry.” They turned around and walked into Ignihyde, straight to Idia’s room. Leona could feel his heart shatter. Before, he could make himself feel better by telling himself that he simply didn’t get a chance to ask. However, this time he did ask, and he got rejected. But he understood, and so he turned back around to Savanaclaw. Not turning back this time.
Once he got home, he would just sleep. Sleep the pain away. Sleep away the realization that he was always meant to be second. Second place to everything, the other option that no one wanted.
“Where were you all night?” Idia asked.
“I was-...I was with someone else...” They replied, not meeting his eyes.
“Someone else...?” He let out a hollow laugh. “Ah, of course. I’m just not good enough for you, huh? You need to have someone else because you are just oh, so greedy. And then you ask why I don’t let you leave. Why I don’t let you hang out with anyone. More specifically, that bastard. Tonight, you proved that I was right with all of my childish fears.”
“We were just talking, catching up with each other.”
“Mhm. Because talking involves having his hands all over your body while you danced, right? Because talking involves-” He tugged harshly at the hoodie they were wearing. “- wearing his things? Shit, you even smell like him. I have no clue what you did once you left to his dorm. I wouldn’t be surprised if you offered yourself to him, I’m sure he didn’t even have to ask, you just spread your legs like the little whore you are. But that’s fine.” Idia pulled them into a hug, whispering into their ear, “I forgive you.”
Y/N closed their eyes, breathing in his scent. Ready to let him have his way with them as an apology. But this had gone on for too long.
“No, not today, Idia. Not ever. I’ve turned a blind eye to your toxicity, hoping that you would change for the better. But you only got worse and worse, and I’m done.” Y/N tried to push him off, but he seemed to tighten his grip instead. “A-Are you leaving me?” He whimpered. “After everything I’ve done for you?! How dare you! You truly are ungrateful.” He growled.
“Take back what you said. Right. Now.” His grip on their neck tightened. “This is your last chance. Apologize for what you said.”
“Fuck! Let-… g-go of me, bastard! Mother fucker, I said I-I'm...done with your shit!” They clawed at the hands tightening around their neck.
“Oh, you’ve done it now!” He hissed. He was too busy with Y/N to notice the other person who entered the room.
“Hah. No, you fucking don’t!” Leona punched Idia across the face, causing Idia to let go of Y/N. Leona forced Y/N out the door before Idia could realize what was going on.
“I’m sorry...I just didn’t want to leav-” Y/N started before being stopped by Leona. “Shh. I understand, no need to apologize.” “But I-” “No, I don’t want to hear it, I know what you’re going to say. Confessions can wait. Let’s just get to my dorm, then I can make sure you’re fine and stop worrying.”
I could be a better boyfriend than him
I could do the shit that he never did
Up all night, I won’t quit
Thinking I’m gonna steal you from him
I could be such a gentleman
Plus all my clothes would fit
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simeon-simp · 2 years
What if Gregory wasn't the only one trapped in the pizzaplex???
Self insert ig
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Without flashlight on:
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108 notes · View notes
simeon-simp · 3 years
Perfect Mate
Diavolo × GN!MC
Warnings: none
A/n: Please excuse any mistakes. English isn't my first language and this is my first time writing in a while. Also, no beta so...yeah
"What in the Devildom am I doing?"
Throwing his D.D.D across the room, Diavolo groaned. Shame and embarrassment quickly caught up to him as a small blush formed on his face.
Barbatos had told him multiple times to go to bed or else he wouldn’t be able to stay awake long enough for the meeting.
But did he listen?
He didn’t listen, opting to stalk MC’s Devilgram instead. He had seen all their posts and stories, even going as far as to look at brother's pages to see who had been with MC for the day.
Diavolo sighed as he realized; Barbatos was right. He was obsessed with MC. He couldn’t be blamed though as it was in his nature to try and claim the perfect mate when he found them. He would have claimed MC by now if it weren’t for a small problem.
MC was human.
Now that didn’t seem like such a big deal, but it was. The courting process and traditions for Demons were different from what they were for humans. Human noses weren’t as sharp as a demon’s nose was, therefore, humans didn’t know that every living creature had their very own scent. But Demons did.
No matter how much he thought about it, there wasn’t a single person that smelled as good as MC did. It was the first thing Diavolo noticed when they arrived to the Devildom, he’s sure the brothers noticed it too. It helped him relax when he was anxious and calm down when he got too worked up. He never seemed to get enough of it, always craving more of their scent.
The problem was, with how much he craved it, he could easily notice the smallest change when he was around them. Meaning: he instantly knew who had been with MC for the day. It annoyed him to no end when they would hang out with him, and he was able to smell Mammon’s or someone else's lingering scent on them.  
Just the thought about it made him let out an involuntary growl. He couldn’t stand it, the way he would be looking forward to spending time with his MC just for them to walk in smelling like someone else. It truly made him angry. But no matter how mad it made him, he could never be mad at his MC. It’s not like they knew.
Diavolo laid back on his bed. MC had been the only thing on his mind lately, always managing to distract him no matter what he was doing. It always happened, and always would until he got his hands on MC or they were taken by someone else.  
Someone else...the thought of MC with anyone but him made him upset as there was a chance of it happening. That didn’t seem to be the case though. MC had been accepting his gifts, something seen to demons as their desired mate accepting their courting.
Diavolo would observe them, study them, just to know what they liked. He would take in their fashion sense and buy them whatever he could find that would fit it. If he happened to see them sketching or drawing during class, he would instantly buy them whatever they wanted just to so they could draw better. Diavolo would always make Barbatos make MC’s favorite dessert just so he could give it to them during their small lunch dates (MC doesn’t know it’s a date).
Diavolo basically bought whatever MC liked unless they seemed to get overwhelmed by the number of gifts given to them. If that turned out to be the case, Diavolo would instantly turn it down to simpler things. He would give them his umbrella if it was raining or give them his jacket if they were cold. Giving them his jacket was Diavolo’s favorite thing though. He was filled with pride every time he saw them wearing it or when he saw the way the brothers seemed to get annoyed by it.
There was no doubt that if things continued the way they were going, he would be able to ask them out soon. He already had a plan for how he would ask, he just needed a date. Though with Valentine’s Day only 3 months away, it seemed like the perfect day to ask.
With that final thought in mind, Diavolo closed his eyes, sleep finally overtaking him.
Valentine’s day arrived and Diavolo didn’t even bother to hide his excitement. He couldn’t stay still, and his voice was louder than usual. He would constantly check his D.D.D and ask Barbatos if it was time yet.
"My lord, please calm down. MC is probably busy with the brothers as the party doesn’t start for another 5 hours.”  
Diavolo hummed in consideration before pulling out his D.D.D once more. “No, they’re not. They just posted something on Devilgram...should I text or call them? I need to make sure that they-”  
Barbatos sighed for the first time in years and let Diavolo continue, ignoring the pain Diavolo’s words brought to him.
"Oh, they answered! I’ll be back!”
Humming a song MC had shown him from the human world, Diavolo took one last glance at himself in his bathroom mirror before running out. MC would show up soon and he wanted to be there to greet them.
He only waited for 15 minutes before he turned around and was faced with a tired looking MC. He checked them over to make sure they were fine and wondered if he should just call the whole thing off and let them rest. MC seemed to read his mind though as they instantly smiled, “I’m fine Dia, it’s just that Lucifer made Mammon and I walk all the way here as punishment for a prank we pulled earlier.”
Diavolo blushed at the nickname, looking away as he led them to a chair. “MC, you should sit down. You're probably tired from walking...Lucifer goes a little too far sometimes. Maybe I should have a talk with him...”
MC let out a nervous chuckle and waved him off, “I said I’m fine Dia. I deserved it, I should of known better than to prank the avatar of pride...”
Diavolo smiled, he loved that about MC. They would always look out for others, putting them before themselves. Though no matter how much they begged, he would still have to talk with Lucifer as he had put the future King/Queen in danger.  
Seeming to have remembered something, Diavolo ran off to Barbatos with a short “I’ll be right back! Please, stay where you are!” He seemed to ask for something as Barbatos left and then came back with a plate. Diavolo beamed at him and ran off to MC again, smile not faltering.
"MC, I... Today I tried to make your favorite dessert...Barbatos didn’t let me help much, but I tried my best! I hope you like it!” Diavolo handed them the plate, excited for them to try it. MC just stared at him before looking down at the plate on their lap, a warm smile spreading across their face. “Dia... thank you, I appreciate it. It makes me feel special, knowing that you...attempted, to make this for me.”
MC took a bite and if Diavolo had a tail, it would have been wagging around uncontrollably. He looked like an excited little puppy that had just been praised by its owner, a blush quickly spreading across his face when he realized the way he had just acted. What would people say if they saw him acting like this?
Nothing. They would say nothing as they had just seen it, but it was Lord Diavolo, so they couldn’t really comment on it. Even if they could, it wouldn’t be right for them to say anything as the side of Diavolo they had just seen was for MC, not them.
This carried on for the rest of the night, Diavolo gifting MC items and them thanking and praising him, earning a similar reaction to the one prior. Eventually, the clock hit 12 and Diavolo decided it was time.
MC spun around, “Yes Di-” they paused. Diavolo made eye contact with them, an adorable blush adorning his face. “MC, may I have this dance?” He held out his left hand for them, waiting for them to take it.
Time seemed to stop for both MC and Diavolo. MC stopped to admire the beautiful image before them as Diavolo seemed to do the same. The world around them disappeared, the background noise dulling to a mere whisper. MC snapped out of it though, taking Diavolo’s hand and breaking the spell.
"Of course, I would love to.”
Diavolo smiled and lead them to the center of the dance floor. All eyes were on them, but they had gotten used to it after the stares they got the last 3 hours. Neither Diavolo nor MC could blame them though, it was the first time anyone had seen The Lord Diavolo acting all excited and cute. It almost made him seem...friendly.
It wasn’t the first time Diavolo and MC danced together. They had done a few times before, as a joke or because they were bored. But this didn’t feel like it did before, this was different. Diavolo’s gaze was serious and loving, not playful and teasing. His hands were constantly on them, not giving them space like he did before.  
MC didn’t mind though, leaning into his touch instead. They always did. They had come to terms with their feelings for the prince a long time ago. MC knew exactly what Diavolo had been doing the last few months, the brothers had taught them about mates and courting just a few weeks after they arrived in the devildom. MC knew what he was doing, yet they let it happen.  
Naturally, MC didn’t tell the brothers. They probably wouldn’t have been them allowed near Diavolo for a long time if they did find out. MC knew some of the brothers had their suspicions, but they assumed MC didn’t feel the same way Diavolo did, something they would probably regret later. That wasn’t MC’s problem though.
The song ended, and MC couldn’t help but feel disappointed. But the disappointment didn’t last long.  
Barbatos appeared from the crowd, a small red box in his hands. He handed it to Diavolo and walked away, giving Diavolo a small encouraging smile. Diavolo gave him a subtle smile in return before turning to MC and clearing his throat. He waited until they had most of the room’s attention before starting.
"MC, you know better than anyone here that I’ve been lonely my entire life. The only ones I could talk to being Barbatos and Lucifer, but that had its limits too. I’ve never had someone who I could talk to as easily as I can with you. You act normal with me, not giving me any special treatment. You’re always so kind, comforting me when I need it. You let me be myself without having to worry about what anyone else thinks. You let me vent and hug you. You just make me so happy...in fact, I didn’t even know it was possible to be this happy. You’re just so precious to me that I can barely take it. So that’s why I’m asking you here...will you be mine?”
MC didn’t know what to say. They knew he would ask soon, they just didn’t expect it to be right there, where everyone could see. But MC had thought about this many times before. So, without a doubt in mind, MC smiled and nodded. They didn’t trust themselves with words, so they decided to use actions instead.
Diavolo was caught off guard when he was pulled in for a kiss by MC. The shock didn’t last long though as he eagerly kissed back.
The room exploded with cheers and clapping. Many congratulating them and wishing them the best. Nobody looked away though as they knew what was next.
Diavolo pulled back first and opened the box in his hands. Inside rested a gold necklace with red diamonds on it. He put the box aside and turned to MC.  
MC wasn’t surprised as gifting their mate jewelry was something demons did often. It was seen as a sign of ownership and possession. MC had seen the design before on a textbook. A necklace with red diamonds was a trend among the royal family. Diavolo’s mother had one, as so did others before that.
MC nodded and Diavolo wasted no time to put it around their neck. He smiled and pulled them in for a kiss once again, not caring who was or wasn’t watching. He finally had what he had wanted for so long... he couldn’t stop smiling.
"I love you, MC. You don’t know how long I’ve dreamed of this...now that you’re mine, I don’t plan on letting you go anytime soon.”
I hope you enjoyed this! The brothers+datables reactions will be out soon. Remember, they were at the party too. They saw it all go down.
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simeon-simp · 3 years
Anyone have any courting headcanons for obey me? How about Diavolo? I'm trying to write something and I need ideas 💀
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