sims4royalty · 4 years
Thank you so much @thesimpireblr , I’m very flattered.
@olivia-loves-sims @royalsimsinsider @royaltysim @simsimperial @deadlymodern
It was so difficult to pick just five! Sorry if you have already been tagged <3
Positivity Train🚂🧚‍♀️🧚🏾‍♂️🧚‍♀️🧚🏽‍♀️
Here is how it works!
Name five simmers that you adore! Then those five simmers have to name five simmers that they adore!
Let’s always use people who haven’t been used before but if you are used twice just name five simmers you didn’t use the first time!!!
Let’s show some love ❤️
I adore!
@ellemant @kayysimss @nothingshyofaverage @mimirue @geeky-simz
Pass on the positivity my loves 🧚‍♀️🧚🏾‍♂️🧚🏽‍♀️
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sims4royalty · 4 years
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Reporter Becky McCarthy was invited into Glenace State Palace to interview Queen Vivienne of Wimbledon.
She was greeted by palace guards, two of which led her to the room the interview would take place. Upon walking in, the Queen was politely waiting at the table they would be sitting at. They shook hands and Becky McCarthy curtseyed as a sign of gratitude.
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Queen’s text: Bold Reporter’s text: Standard
“Thank you so much for having me, my Queen” 
“It is my pleasure, thank you so much for being here.”
“So, let’s begin. This first question is one I think every citizen would like to know. When will you be getting married?”
The Queen blushed and smiled.
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“Well, I wasn’t going to reveal this to the press so soon but a few nights ago I hired a matchmaker and I’ll have you know, we have found very possible suitors.” She giggled.
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“Oh that is quite wonderful to hear. How is your family doing after you were crowned?”
“They are doing quite well. Both my mother and father have expressed how proud they are and I also have my younger brother’s full support which I find wonderful.
“How are YOU doing though?”
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“I mean, I find myself in a good place, the first month was quite difficult but I have been on the throne for almost half a year and I feel quite fine. The only thing I find a bit pressuring is the demand for heirs from the public. Not only that but many has heard of my brother stepping down from the line of succession, meaning if something happens to me, the throne will be handed to some distant cousin.”
With that, the interview is wrapped up.
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sims4royalty · 4 years
Queen Vivienne sat down across from her younger brother, Prince Maximus in the empty breakfast hall.
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“What is it you wanted to speak to me about?” She asked.
“This is quite an important matter, do you promise to not get all riled up? I know how short your temper can be.” He stated.
“I shall try to stay calm.”
She grew tense, waiting for his next words. She wondered about the outcome of the statement that is about to exit her brother’s lips.
“I would like to resign from my position in the line of succession.”
“What? Why would you do that?”
“I want to run off with my girlfriend, Fari. I am planning to propose to her.” He answered while he watched Queen Vivienne’s face grow angrier.”
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“Well!” She scowled. “Can’t you literally do that while keeping your spot in line? I’m not stopping you from marrying this girl.
“But we want to give our children normal childhoods.”
“You’re children are NEVER going to have normal childhoods! Don’t you see that? You’re the Prince for God’s sake!”
“But-” He muttered.”
“And who in the world will take the throne if something happens to me? All of our previous monarchs have been only-children for about three generation! We would probably have to go back as far as King Arthur!”
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He frowned. “I just thought you of all people would understand since you’ve never wanted to be queen in the first place..”
She then responded with more shouting “This is not good for the monarchy! You’re popular among the people. You resigning makes it seem like you’re running way from me. If you haven’t noticed with all of the false rumours about me lately, I’m not the most popular person.
“Vivienne I understand that-”
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She quieted down. “I’m sorry. I give you my permission. I hope you two are very happy.” She remarked without sincerity. “You may leave now.”
She sat in silence, she knew that she must produce heirs as soon as she could, she couldn’t have the throne go to some stranger.
She reached into her bag and pulled out her personal cell phone.
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“Hello? I would like to be set up a matchmaker. I expect them at the palace doors tomorrow morning at nine.”
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sims4royalty · 4 years
Hi! This may seem like a stupid question but I was wondering where you found the crown for King Adrian when he was a child? Love your work
This is probably from a while ago but I think I got it from @thesimpireblr
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sims4royalty · 4 years
Where did you make your crest/coat of arms
I just took a few pictures from the internet and put them together using canva.com . Hope this helps!
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sims4royalty · 4 years
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HRH Prince Maximus, younger brother to Queen Vivienne of Wimbledon and first in line to the throne has been photographed walking alongside an unnamed woman on Monday at 12:58 pm. 
Later that evening, Prince Maximus was questioned about such matter and witnesses describe him grinning yet not saying a word.
Royal superfans did some digging and found a picture of her seated in the chapel where Queen Vivienne’s coronation had taken place.
This is just the news royal enthusiasts need. The Royal family choose to not speak of the girl just yet so we are excited for the possible announcement His Royal Highness may release in the foreseeable future.
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sims4royalty · 4 years
This evening, journalists at “Glendon Daily Newspaper” received a story from one who prefers remaining anonymous which involves our beloved, newly coronated queen.
A few months earlier as a princess, Queen Vivienne gained access to the royal weaponry after and act of terrorism was threatened to occur in the palace she lived in. 
Of course, the threats were false but it opened her father’s eyes that, if something else happens to her, she will be able to protect herslef in some situations.
he provided her with a small gun that she carries around in her purse whenever she travels without bodyguards.
Fast forward a while, the King falls a bit ill and he abdicates from the throne just a day later. Quite peculiar.
That is, until this story was leaked to us
“Sources report The Crown princess Vivinee holding her personal gun to her father’s head and threatening him to abdicate from the throne as she wanted to make personal-”
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Queen Vivienne abruptly closed the news article.
“Why in the world are people believing this-”
She put her head down on the desk in irritation.
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“I was JUST crowned not even a month, I can not afford all of these people literally trying to de-throne me.” she mumbled.
“Vivienne- Vivienne, you will not believe what I just read about y-”
Queen Vivienne lifted her head.
“Yes mother, I saw the article.”
Her mother, former Queen Consort Margaret stumbled into the room.
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“Well, what are you going to do about it?” Margaret asked.
“I will just wait for the claims to die down, mother. If it gets out of hand, father and i can publicly dismiss the rumours.”
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“It just feels horrible, I have hardly gotten used to this role and obstacles are deliberately being thrown my way.”
“Be true to yourself darling, false allegations shouldn’t be your kryptonite.” Her mother answered before quietly exiting.
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sims4royalty · 4 years
So we left off with The Crown Princess Amalia, since I have lost the save file, in this storyline, she is long dead from old age.
Some back up. 
A descendant from our former royal family, Princess Vivienne was crowned queen at her coronation a few weeks prior, making her the Queen of Wimbledon. Her father stepped down a few months prior after he suffered from major fatigue as he aged into his late 50s. Now this 22 year old is thrown into a spotlight and must learn to rule.
Our current monarch. (Princess Amalia’s great-granddaughter) Queen Vivienne Lilliana Amalia of The House of Emerlyn and Kingdom of Wimbledon
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Now, her father, King Adrian Francesco Johnathan II of The House of Emerlyn and Kingdom of Wimbledon (He is still named king though he has stepped down.)
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Her mother, Queen Consort Margaret of Wimbledon.
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And the former monarchs’ youngest child, Prince Maximus Adrien Bartholomew of The House of Emerlyn and Kingdom of Wimbledon. 
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sims4royalty · 4 years
Hi everyone, I’m back, again.
So as some of you may know I have stopped posting. Why? I was lazy.
 I really want to start back again because I really miss this blog. UNFORTUNATELY, I have lost my royal save file but I will be making a new one so please stay tuned for such.
Thank you so much for everyone who still follows me, it’s wonderful to see you all again.
See you guys soon.
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sims4royalty · 5 years
We will start with our main character, King Adrian.
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Now, his lovely bride, the beloved Queen Margaret.
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Now, the King and Queen’s only child, Princess Amalia.
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Now, Princess Nora the Princess Royal, younger sister to King Adrian and twin to the deceased Princess Emily. She didn’t age much. She sort of looks like she got younger.
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And now, the moment you have all been waiting for. The iconic, the original and the amazing Queen Mother Amalia.
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And that is all! I just thought you all would have liked to see how the characters progressed while I was gone.
I will start on their story again very soon.
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sims4royalty · 5 years
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Hello, my name is Amalia Margaret Adrianna Morganna, The Crown Princess of the Kingdom of Wimbledon.
Here I am, returning from the first event held by my family since I was a toddler.
Why you may ask, has my family been silent over a span of sixteen years?
All in all, we have had an issue which some remember and some do not.
My aunt, Princess Emily had run away at the age of nineteen. One possible sighting was made of her on the other side of the world.
No traces of her has been furtherly found. She has been pronounced dead about six years ago without any evidence of her being alive or dead.
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My father, King Adrian failed to bear any more children alongside my mother who had fought a deadly disease when I was seven which took away her ability to be pregnant once more.
One thing I have not mentioned is my aunt, Princess Nora The Princess Royal has two beautiful sons. Their names are Prince James Alexander and Prince Emilio who was named after my seemingly deceased aunt.
There is currently only five confirmed and alive descendants of the original King of Wimbledon, my grandfather King Arthur.
There is my father, the current king.
My aunt, Princess Nora the Princess Royal, Marchioness of Arthuran
There’s me.
And then there’s my Aunt Nora’s two sons, James Alexander and Emilio.
My grandmother, the infamous Queen Mother Amalia in which I was named after, is still alive and well. She is the heart and soul of our family. The glue keeping us together.
I am expected to be coronated soon. Not by my father stepping down but there is speculations that he is dying which scares me very much.
Being crowned as a child, his childhood was stolen from him. He had taken to products which aren’t much good for his body.
I had actually seen a downfall in his mood in recent months but I don’t like to think about anything bad happening to my father.
Much weight sits on my shoulders and I must stick to it.
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sims4royalty · 5 years
My Absence
Hi there!
If any of you haven’t noticed, I have been absent from tumblr for a number of weeks, almost a month.
I would like to apologise to any of you who regularly keep up with my posts and enjoy them.
At the start, I really enjoyed posting but after doing it for a while it started to feel like a chore.
I really do love posting and keeping track of everyone else’s sims stories so here I am, I’m back.
Thank you to everyone, you will be expecting an update post for my royal family in 20 minutes to 2 hours.
(Also guys ty for 100 followers you mean the world to me)
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sims4royalty · 5 years
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Two pictures has been spreading across the citizens of Simsdom as it is suspected we have had a Princess Emily Sighting.
It all start when a simstagram user named iiNancy_Landgraab posted on her account
“So my cousin was doing photography at a beach where he took the following photo
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He then took it at a different angle to get the girl in the picture’s face and;
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If you look at it, it looks like Princess Emily who ran away from her family.”
After the user  iiNancy_Landgraab posted that on her simstagram, it has been numerous screenshotted and reposted and eventually made its way on many simcial media platforms such as Snapsim and Simtube.
It has started a hashtag with is the #2 trending hashtag in Wimbledon.
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sims4royalty · 5 years
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The Queen Mother was photographed today walking on the outskirts of the royal gardens after watering her flowerbeds filled with tulips and roses.
But, some noticed something particular in her face.
If you look closely, you can see she has a puffy nose.
Now look wayyyyyyyy closer.
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She’s shedding tears.
The most likely answer would be that she would be quite upset over the whole Princess Emily running away situation which you have seen in my previous article.
You would be correct.
But, to lighten the mood, The Crown Princess Amalia (who shares the queen mother’s name) ran over to her giggling.
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sims4royalty · 5 years
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Emily dialed Jordan’s number on her phone. She rang him and he picked up almost immediately.
EMILY: Jordan-
She said through tears.
EMILY: My brother, KIng Adrian, he won’t allow our marriage.
EMILY: I would rather not explain the details. I want you to meet me at the Glenace bus station in about forty minutes. Pack luggage with enough clothing to last 10 days.
JORDAN: Emily we can’t-
EMILY: We must. if our love is forbidden at home, we must travel to be wed.
JORDAN: Do you know how much trouble we could get into?
EMILY: I know, but for your love, it would be worth it.
Emily dried her eyes and walked outside, waiting at the bus stop, she soon broke down into tears once more.
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She knows of the betrayal which she is causing. She knows of the possible corruption she may cause to her family but it was her turn to be selfish for she was never allowed to do so.
Princess Nora, Emily’s (older) twin sister walks out.
NORA: Emily, I’ve heard about your plans-
EMILY: Don’t- Don’t try stop me, this is too hard as is.
NORA: I have no desire to stop you, I’m supporting you.
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Nora comforted her beloved sister and knelt down beside her.
NORA: Just know, I won’t tell the King.
EMILY: Really?
NORA: Yes but, you should also know he will do everything in his power to bring you home.
EMILY: But why me?
NORA: He’s our brother, he loves you and he wants what’s best for you. But sometimes what’s best for us isn’t what we need.
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The bus pulled up.
NORA: Goodbye, Emily. Now go get the man you love.
Emily stood up and departed on the bus.
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sims4royalty · 5 years
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Princess Emily: Can I come in? King Adrian: Of course.
HM King Adrian finished writing in his journal while he waited to see what his sister was going to say.
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Princess Emily: I have something very important to speak about which would require your full attention and understanding.
King Adrian was quite intrigued by this remark and he had a bad feeling about the next few sentences to exit his younger sister’s lips.
He stood up and faced her.
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King Adrian: Go on Emmy.
Princess Emily: I would like to ask for your blessing to marry a man I love.
King Adrian: Man you love?
Princess Emily: Why, yes.
His Majesty’s nostrils flared.
King Adrian: Go on-
Princess Emily: Well I met him at the nightclub-
King Adrian: Don’t tell me it’s that boy which you caused scandal to our family with. We have talked about this Emily! You must be wed to a responsible man!
Princess Emily: But I love him-
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King Adrian: I wont accept this utter irresponsibility, this monarchy is FAR too fragile!
Princess Emily: Adrian, please- I love him.
She spoke through her tears, then she realised she wouldn’t win with empathy. She knew too well how stubborn her brother was.
Princess Emily: You and Queen Margaret married at the same age.
King Adrian: That was accidental
Princess Emily: Oh so you’re saying you didn’t want to marry her?
King Adrian: Of course I do! She’s the love of my life!
Princess Emily: So WHY can’t you let me have mine?!
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Her voice shook as she trembled. The room fell silent.
King Adrian: Emily I would like you to leave the room.
Princess Emily: But-
King Adrian: Go.
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sims4royalty · 5 years
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HM The Queen Mother Amalia made a speech today at a love festival celebrating Valentine’s day. 
She said;
“Today, on this beautiful spring day, we celebrate love. Love for our partners which is true and just.
If one doesn’t have a romantic partner, we can celebrate love for our family and friends whom deserve as much love as the next person.
Valentine’s day is a wonderful day for those who have doubts about love are truly shown what it can be, how it can bloom and flourish in wonderful ways.
I have already found the love of my life, His Majesty King Arthur whom I ache to be torn apart from with his death 20 years ago.
Love dates back to the dawn of time, a beautiful thing shared between people, lest it be a man and woman, two men, two women or those who identify as something other than.
A little advice, do not tire yourself looking for someone to love for whoever belongs in your life will find you and stay.”
-The Queen Mother Amalia Emerlyn of Wimbledon
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