simssssloverr · 1 month
this is an edited version of @quiverfullsims duggar family challenge. this is inspired by quiverfull, IBLP (institute of basic life principles), fundamentalist christian’s, the duggar family, the bate’s family, and much more. for more information on this topic, i recommend watching ‘shiny happy people’ a documentary on amazon prime video and ‘fundie fridays’ a youtube channel that discusses different aspects of christian fundamentalism, american conservative politics, pop culture, and gay stuff. jen (the creator of fundie fridays) was also featured on the shiny happy people documentary.
all these rules mainly apply to the first generation. it is your choice if you want the children to continue these rules, only follow some or completely abandon them.
recommended mods/cc
- rambunctious religions by lumpinou- https://lumpinoumods.com/2020/10/20/rambunctious-religions/
- education overhaul by adeepindigo (for homeschool)- https://adeepindigomods.itch.io/education-overhaul
- MC command center by deaderpool- https://deaderpool-mccc.com/
- praying posepack by teanmoon- https://quiddity-jones.tumblr.com/post/155032026162/teanmoon-actually-received-secret-santa-gifts
- around the sims 4 church items- https://sims4.aroundthesims3.com/objects/room_community_25.shtml
- neon cross build object- https://www.tumblr.com/elvissims/187959389716/elvissims-neon-haven-cross-series-v11-there
starting out
1. begin with a young adult man and woman. their names are up to you but all children will share their first initial with their father. i recommend making the man be a politician (just like jim bob)
2. unlimited money for the first generation’s house. they may start out with 20,000 simoleons and (optional) can be given 1,000 x each child born
3. i recommend setting the lifespan to long so it’s not extremely stressful
(based on the rules of IBLP, what the duggar’s follow)
no tattoos, facial + body piercings (other than ear piercings for girls), and unnatural hair colors
men must have short hair and masculine clothes. their shirts cannot be tank tops and their pants must be at least knee-length. no ear piercings
women must have long hair and wear feminine clothing. no pants, all skirts and dresses must be at least ankle length. no text can be printed on their dresses. their shirts cannot be a tank top or show midriff or cleavage. no makeup, nail polish, and high heels. no slits in skirts, no patterned stockings. basically, nothing that draws attention away from their face.
jobs and skills
- only men can have jobs. these jobs must be traditionally masculine (no flight attendants, nurses, women-dominated fields.) all children who are male that follow the fundie + IBLP ideology should become politicians (this is because IBLP’s goal was to create a lot of children and have them go into politics to further spread their ideas)
- for women, it is your decision but you can allow them to have “side hustles” such as fishing, gardening, candle-making, etc. also your choice but you can allow unmarried women to have freelance or babysitting gigs
- men must do all the repairs. women must do all the cooking, cleaning and child care. no babysitters, maids, cooks, etc. are allowed on normal occasions.
- (optional) all children must practice their chosen instrument every school day and max out that instruments skill. this also includes singing
- children should practice trade work. of course, these should be seperated based on traditional gender roles (ex. painting for women, woodworking for men)
there are two ways to homeschool your kids with mods,
1. using adeepindigo’s education overhaul mod you can enroll your children in virtual school. pros are, this allows them to get grades, electives, tasks, etc. while being at home. cons are, you have to regulate what your sims are doing on their computers since going on the internet would expose them to too many secular ideas.
2. using MC command center by deaderpool you can have the option to unenroll your children from school (MC command center -> MC career -> children can quit school -> set to true.) instead of school they can build their skills in the traditional school hours. you can pretend this is homeschooling. pros are, you don’t have to regulate what your children are doing on the computers and get a more realistic experience. you can have the mother teach the children like the duggar’s instead of an online program. cons are, they don’t get official grades, electives, tasks etc.
- since homeschooling is not an official part of the sims 4, you can just send your children to public school and pretend it’s a private christian school. if you have the get together pack, you can create a club with other children at the school and make it the christian club.
- no dating, only courting. courting is a form of dating but with the end goal of marriage.
- courting rules are: the boy must ask the girls father for permission before they begin courting. i would do this by just having a dinner with the potential “courter” (not sure of the name haha) and spinning a die to see if the father approves or not (ex. evens are yes, odds are no.) the courters must never be alone together. there should always be a chaperone, this can be literally anyone just a person to keep them accountable. courters can go on dates with eachother but a chaperone must be present. no texting between the courters. your sim can decide if they want to marry who they’re courting with.
- no kissing, woohooing, front hugging (only side hugs), hand holding, and any romantic physical touch before marriage.
- while married, only try for baby woohoo is allowed (this obviously is excluded if you have risky woohoo on in MCCC)
- (optional) daughters should have two cooking skill points and sons should have two skill points in handiness before getting married.
- a starter home for married couples will be gifted by their father
- no divorcing or eloping
buddy system
(i recommend watching this youtube clip to better understand the inspiration for this- https://youtu.be/Ml-Kll621tA?si=wkeaxixkV67OXTYG)
the mother will take care of the babies until they become infants. then the care of them will be passed on to whoever is in line to become a buddy. an older buddy is a female child or teen. each older buddy can have up to 3 younger buddies. these older buddies are in charge of taking care of their younger buddies (ex. feeding them, playing with them, putting them to sleep, potty training them, etc.)
misc. rules
- TVs, radios, and tablets are not allowed. computers are allowed for the virtual school aspect (if you’re using the education overhaul mod) but they cannot use the computer for any interactions other than schooling. otherwise, computers are not allowed for unmarried men and all women. married men may have computers and you can lock it for everyone but them.
- the children’s bedrooms should be seperated based on gender (a girls room and a boys room)
- NO to: dancing, alcohol, drugs, romance novels, social media before being engaged, halloween, “revealing” swimsuits, helping unwed mothers, and beaches for unmarried men
- i recommend adding a “prayer room” to the house and having each family member pray at least once a day or every other day (it can become difficult with so many household members)
^^^ use the MCCC mod to have more than 8 sims in a household. 🚨DO NOT GO INTO CAS WITH MORE THAN 8 SIMS BECAUSE THE EXTRA SIMS WILL BE DELETED🚨 if you don’t have the mod you can always move out extra sims into a “second house” with an adult chaperone
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