singingstrong · 10 years
‘bout to take a shower, get my jammies on, grab a glass of wine, and get into Beth mode.
like for starters, message for plots!
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singingstrong · 10 years
Pros to ship with me
Our ship is probably gonna be rly cute
Cons to ship with me
I’ll talk about it all the time
I’ll give you what ifs and how woulds all the time
I will think of AUs and share
I will make playlists of them a lot
It will always have pain and tears
Probably will have to ask for 983454858645794 threads
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singingstrong · 10 years
Make them cry
"I never loved you."
"You’re the reason they’re dead!"
"It’s all your fault!"
"Who could ever love you…?"
"You’re so stupid. So weak."
"Just go away. I don’t want you here."
Blackmail them
"Who would’ve thought a sweet thing like you would have such a secret?"
"I’ll tell everyone. Scream so loud the country will hear."
"I have a friend with a radio station, you know. Broadcast it all over the city."
"If you want this back, you’ll do whatever I say!"
"Be a good little slave, you don’t want your secret out, do you?"
"I know everything. I can ruin you."
"Beg me, and I might consider keeping my mouth shut."
Interrogate them
"Sing, birdie."
"I know exactly how to make you talk."
"You know some fascinating things, don’t you?"
"I’ll use your greatest weaknesses against you, and you know I know them all."
"I have means of extracting information from you."
"I might play with you a little longer after you’ve talked. You’re too cute."
"You’re tough. But I’ll break you."
Yell at them
"You idiot! You dumbass! You- you fucking moron!"
"You’re absolutely useless, aren’t you?!"
"What the fuck have you done this time!"
"You don’t care about anyone but yourself!"
"You’re not human! You’re a monster!"
"You’re a disgusting little rat!"
"You’ve fucked up for the last time!"
Physically hurt them
"What, can’t take a punch?"
"I’ll kill you!"
"It’s only a scratch, asshole!"
"Don’t move, or I’ll shoot you!"
"I’ll slit your damn throat!"
"Kiss my shoes or I’ll stomp your head in half."
"I didn’t mean to draw blood, but oh well."
"That’s going to bruise."
Torture them… gently
"You want some of this cake? C’moooon, beg for it!"
"Tickle-tickle-tickle! Kitchy kitchy koo!"
"Whaaaat? Is this yours? You can’t have it back, it’s mine now!"
"I’ll stop singing when hell freezes over!"
"Get in the locker, shorty!"
"Annoying? Me? Annoying?"
Torture my character sentence meme
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singingstrong · 10 years
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Your Beth Greene
dawnofthedusk​ said: “I really loved Beth in all her scenes in Season Three. It showed the beginnings of the character we love now like the scene where she breaks up Glenn and Merle’s fight with the gun, volunteering to go get Maggie and Glenn from Woodbury, not giving up hope that Hershel will pull through his amputation.”
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singingstrong · 10 years
A sort of strangled giggle bubbled past Beth’s lips, a noise she immediately recognized as edging on insane. She clapped her left hand over her mouth to stem the sounds, her right hand still faithfully guarding her knife. 
Something about this whole situation was just so laughable.
“Sorry!” She took a moment to catch her breath, calm her nerves.
“It’s been so long since--since I’ve found anyone else.” It was hardly a good reason for her to be laughing like a maniac, but something about how normal the exchange had been had caught her off-guard. No threatening, no guns raised, just a simple introduction. 
It made her stomach clench with hope, and at the same time, fear that the hope might be for naught.
“I’m Beth Greene,” She supplied eventually, shifting from one foot to the other. She wanted to relax slightly, to let herself believe she could have met a kind stranger, but it was unlikely. Did he have friends? Other people in the woods nearby, waiting to pounce?
“Are you alone out here? Or, uh, do you have a camp?”
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He was not a lucky person, never was. The footsteps coming closer and closer made his wolf on edge. Someone was out there and he knew it was only matter of time before they came close enough to see his camp, to see him.
His eyes found big blue ones, a porcelain face too dirty to appreciate. Long hair and a small figure, he was sure she could barely reach his shoulders. A young girl alone, if his senses didn’t betray him. She was covered in sweat and dirt just like him, like every other person. But under all of that, he could see how pretty she was, how delicate she seemed to be.
But he wasn’t a fool, there were no more delicate flowers alive in this hell.
His eyes tracked the movement of her hand, his own traveling to his own gun holster, raising an eyebrow at her. He knew what he looked like, covered in dirt and almost too wild to be a man.
“Hello.” He said, his voice breaking after so long without use. She is not a threat to us, his wolf said, and Derek knew it was right. He could see how skinny she looked and decided to risk it. It might be good to talk with someone else than his wolf all the time.
“Name’s Derek. Derek Hale.” 
He could kill her if she ended up being crazy like the others. But for now, it was better if he waited to see how the end of the world affected to this girl.
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singingstrong · 10 years
She felt lost. She’d been lost before; lost in the woods, lost in school classes, lost in emotion. She almost been so lost she’d taken the jagged edge of a broken mirror to her wrist once, but nothing quite compared to how lost she felt now, this new sort of lost. Beth felt lost, and she wasn’t quite sure she could ever be found.
It wasn’t just a matter of being alone. She’d been alone before, and she’d made it. Heck, sometimes she even liked being alone. It was the knowledge that she had no end goal that had her dazed. 
Should she wander around until she got some hint of her family? Try and find a new family? Finally give in, and give up? Just let the walkers take her where she stood?
No, not that. She’d been there before, had given up, but something had sparked in her, some deep desire to live and be happy. She had that still, the need, the fire inside. She wouldn’t give up--couldn’t give up.
So, she wandered. She wandered long and far, and somewhere along the way forgot what it was like to see any living people.
That explained why, when she stumbled into a small clearing in the trees, and smack dab into a living man’s camp, she was stunned for a moment.
Beth’s eyes widened at the scene before her as a man--tall, muscular, dangerous looking--was clearly occupying the space she had meant to walk right through.
Her brain seemed to catch up to the situation, finally, and her right hand moved to hover over her knife holster. Her reflexes were fast, but she hadn’t eaten in a while. If this man was looking for trouble--and they almost always were, these days--there was a good chance he could over-power her.
“Hi,” Beth broke the tension, her voice sounding strange after so much silence.
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He’s been along for quite a long time. His family, his pack, all of them— They were alive. They had to be.
That’s something he wanted to believe, needed to. How can you go on for months after the world ended if you lost your pack? By believing they were all alive. He might be losing his mind, a wolf alone is not a good thing, but the memory of his family makes him keep on walking, helps him to fight even when there’s nothing left to fight for.
He’s living in misery, walking around without a direction, living day by day without knowing what could happen tomorrow. It’s not a nice life for anyone. But none can be happy in the apocalypse. Can they?
Months passed since the last time he saw someone alive, it wasn’t something worth remembering, some people just weren’t made to live like this, they lose themselves to the decay around them. Derek was still standing after their encounter, which tells about their ending. He hated having to kill others, his mother raised him to be a werewolf not a monster. But it was something that should be done at this times.
                                        Kill or be killed.
He knew his way around the woods, even if this were not the ones  he grew up in. He knew the sounds and the animals that roamed. He also knew the difference between a human and a zombie. And the steps he heard were almost silent, but not enough for his hearing, that meant a human. Someone was on this woods with him, and he crossed his fingers, hoping this one kept on walking.
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singingstrong · 10 years
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The 31st icon of your muse is their reaction upon finding out they were chosen as a tribute for the Hunger Games
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singingstrong · 10 years
It was so quiet. Well, in a figurative sense, as noise was practically bubbling out of every building around. Laughter, chatter, shuffling feet, crinkling food wrappers. Just about everything here was loud.
Which made it so strange to think it all very quiet. Not a gurgled groan, or clacking of bone to be heard. No walkers, no trouble.
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Beth stood near the wall, her back pressed against the cool of the metal, her eyes casting about the place. Maybe this could be home. Maybe they’d finally made it.
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singingstrong · 10 years
Beth’s eyes widened as the rest of her muscles tensed, knife clutched tightly in her hand. She’d been fighting a cold for the last few days, and apparently it was affecting her senses more than she thought. She hadn’t even noticed the man until he spoke.
“No, I don’t think so. I’ve made a mistake, I wasn’t--”
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She paused abruptly, raised a hand to her face, narrowed her eyes, and then let out a sudden sneeze.
singingstrong started following you
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“Can I help you?”
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singingstrong · 10 years
I’m off to work for now! I work until late tonight, and then again early tomorrow morning (yay, a clopen. ya know, close-open?) so I won’t be around until tomorrow night probably. 
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singingstrong · 10 years
The walls were high, and the people happy. It was strange, to see such an untouched oasis amid the dead. Strange, and painful. The last time she’d been anywhere even close to Alexandria had been the prison, back when her father and all those other people had been alive.
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“This’ll be good. Good for all of us.”
She turned to the woman next to her, the woman who had been like a mother to her since the farm had fallen. Lori deserved this. She deserved a place to raise Judy, a place for Carl to just be a kid.
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singingstrong · 10 years
[ like for a starter--drop me a message to plot; ]
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singingstrong · 10 years
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“So we plan for tomorrow as we live for today; Like a flower we bloom and then later fade away.”
                      Beth Greene. Teenager, older for her losses. SURVIVOR.
                                                                                                      "I am strong."                                                                                                                     "I sing. I still sing."
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singingstrong · 10 years
I feel like I should have this somewhere on my blog.
My Beth ships:
Beth/Daryl (Bethyl)
Beth/Rick (Brick)
Beth/Tara (what’s their ship name?)
Beth/anyone who will appreciate her.
It is also worth noting, that while I ship these things, it’s not necessarily in a sexy kinda way. I ship weirdly. I sort of asexual ship? like...i wanna see them together, i want them to be each other’s person, I like tension...but I’m not big on smut or even fading to black type of thing? I dunno. People need people, ya know? And I can just sorta see all these people having deep connections.
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singingstrong · 10 years
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“And to my baby sis who was always so very little… I’m sorry l let them hurt you. I’m sorry l didn’t take care of you. It was supposed to be the other way around.” MY SISTER’S KEEPER.
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singingstrong · 10 years
alright, where are my Noahs and Taras? I need you rn.
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singingstrong · 10 years
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