singularitybled · 4 years
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singularitybled · 4 years
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singularitybled · 4 years
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FRAY ASK: ‘ your first enemy is the darkness in your own heart. ’ from vis. @omniphrenia​
Darkness in your own heart --- if Fray wanted to laugh he would at the irony of it all, but maybe that’s why Visna was standing before him with her blade to his throat. ( Or in the sense, a blade to her own throat. ) ❝ Your first enemy --- are you so sure about that? ❞ His tone is as flat as possible as he steps up towards that blade and meets it, armor to steel. Scraping against an enemy that wasn’t truly there really---  At least not to anyone else but HER.
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❝ You know the truth of my existence, am I really your enemy or is it because I’m your feelings that you ignore. ❞ And he pushes that blade just a bit further, gloved hands reaching up to hold it in place as it cuts through armored cloth. Blood starting to soak through where blade met skin. ❝ Are you wanting to kill me because you want to bury those emotions, because you don’t want to face them? ❞ Golden eyes stare into cerulean ones, waiting patiently for her response.  How can he be an enemy when they were both the same, that the reason he was around  was because she created him for a need of a teacher and her own ignorance of her feelings.  And then finally, there’s a mocking tone there that was almost a mirror to her own. ❝ There’s darkness in everyone’s hearts, WARRIOR OF LIGHT. ❞
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singularitybled · 4 years
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ASK FOR REAPER: "I know you Gabriel, you are not what the anger and hurt has made you. But I cannot help you if you will not listen." ~ Ana uwu @daniwrit​
There’s a DRY laugh at her words, mocking in tone and almost -- sad in it’s own way. Sad that Gabriel lost his friends and what was his family to a war and organization that wouldn’t fully listen. Sad that they left Ana to die ( something that was one of the FINAL NAILS in Gabriel’s literal coffin ) and angry over how they just left him to suffer in that blast.  No, Ana didn’t know REAPER at all. Whatever friendship they had died when Overwatch did and now the only thing left in Gabriel Reye’s degenerating and regenerating body was bitterness and ANGER.  ❝ And where were you to listen while Jack and I argued over what should of been done? ❞ How often had Ana taken Jack’s side in the debates, but why would anyone listen to the head of BLACKWATCH  when the pretty poster-boy was giving out the orders.
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Guns drop with a cold clack onto the ground but none seemed to reappear back into his hands, a hint that he wasn’t reloading his guns. At least not yet.  ❝ You’ve seen under the MASK, Ana... ❞ Voice was a growl as he tilts his head, arms crossed against his chest. ❝ There is nothing here left in this body but ANGER. I am just a WRAITH come to haunt you all and kill you like the grim reaper. ❞ There was no more listening, no more second or third chances. All of that was lost years ago and in the end of it all if it was only three old dogs of war left standing then SO BE IT.  He’d at least make sure that they’d be the last two alive to see everyone they’d sent to their deaths without a second thought.
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singularitybled · 4 years
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But like a FOOL seeking to pluck the stars from the heavens, my every attempt to reprise their deeds fell short. And then, one day, an all but forgotten dream from my youth stood before me, in the flesh. A hero who looked to the horizon and beyond, and saw I knew not what. All I knew was that I would give anything to stand at that hero’s side.
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singularitybled · 4 years
I made a terrible decision.
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singularitybled · 4 years
     silence hung in the air, albeit selene made no movement to seemingly acknowledge fray’s presence at first other than the tentative glance of the eye every once in a while, as is the shadow’s nature.  he shifts and moves.  she hears and understands.  somewhere in the corner of the room, light shone across the edge of weathered shadowbringer   —   the trusty blade, synonymous to the dark knight, had been testimony to many, many of her adventures.  equally so to the blood that her and hers had shed.
❛    come now, fray,    ❜    it almost sounded like a chuckle when she spoke, pen momentarily put down and dipped carefully into the jar of shimmering ink,    ❛    you know what’s at risk if i ever choose the selfish option.    ❜    her eyes trail slowly around the room before meeting his, unabashedly so.  woe betide the man who stands opposed to the weapon of light.  woe betide the man who stands with the weapon of light.  makes no difference.  world dies, she dies.  everyone dies.
woe to be the weapon of light, selene thought to herself.
❝ Do not pretend I do not know the truth in your heart --- ❞ Be selfish he wanted to scream at her; for once in your life be selfish. Always duty above all, always fighting above all. So WHAT if the world would fall to calamity again and again --- everyone around them would still befall a calamity in the end. That was the path they took when walking side by side by them and that was the only ending that was waiting for them at the end of it.  Calamity. Whether they liked it or not, was coming for them. ❝ Even after almost sacrificing everything you still don’t say no to them.  They are the selfish ones demanding so much of one person. ❞ They get to be selfish. They get to be demanding -- and yet the warrior of darkness gets no chance to be so as well. Anger grows in his chest as arms cross it, a sneer of an expression on his face hidden by shadow.  ❝ What would you of done if your reflection didn’t come to your aid? ❞
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singularitybled · 4 years
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❝ ‘Tis a LIE that Stark has you listed as the strongest avenger in his system. After all that has been done it is I that should be named as such. ❞
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singularitybled · 4 years
STARTER CALL: FRAY | @devilihs​
He leans against the wall there for a moment, the dark knight’s gold eyes staring at Selene as she sat at the desk in the Crystarium Pendants. Pen scratching against the paper as she writes down her adventures —- he almost sneers at this. Almost. Instead he pushes himself off the wall opposite of her and moves to grab her attention for it had been a long time since he drew his presence with her and after all they had been through again he felt it only fitting that he could ask once more. ( Though the answer he knew would be the same — ever the good one, never the fully selfish one . ) 
❝ Conflict draws in your heart once more — is your answer the same now as it was when I asked before at Whitbrim? ❞ Emet. Elidibus. Almost dying for a second world. G’raha Tia’s planned sacrifice. If he had gone through with it he just would of been another name on their long list of sacrifices and in the end all of the scions would end up there. ❝ Or are you as stubborn as you were then and you won’t listen. ❞
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singularitybled · 4 years
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singularitybled · 4 years
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nonverbal prompts   // ⪻ @singularitybled​ : g’raha ⪼      ↳     🌡 Push my muse down to give them medical attention
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crimson slashes across his torso. a resounding yell pierces the air as another blade arcs towards him, all too eager to induce further agony upon him. all too eager to provoke her.
panic ensues; nevertheless, she is a seasoned warrior - instinct and adrenaline mingle, inciting her to dance across the battlefield. oh, what a savage display she gives. delicate fingers grasp at the handle of her bloodied axe; with a devastating cry, she mercilessly carves her way through their foes.
eyes ever upon him, sapphires spark with each glance directed his way. with each glance, her dread mounts. he’s since fallen, and he has not attempted to rise - least of all move.
she burns to get closer. the desire to save him –to prevent his possible death, as he is always so ready to place himself in harm’s way for the sake of others– lashes at her, singing away all logical notions with its fierce incineration.
she nears him, finally. dropping to her knees and releasing her axe, shaking hands reach for him. there is no rise and fall of his chest; there is, however, far too much blood.
she was far too late.
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day falls beneath the umbral curtain of night. they’ve set up camp by the river, and many have urged her to sit and rest. she cannot, for despite her impatient pacing, he has not yet awakened.
as she finally gives into the insistent demands of her comrades, knees bending to allow her to finally cease being on her feet, a clamor and crash prompt her to stand again. What in the seven hells? a disgruntled, anguished moan follows the clatter. immediately, she rushes into the dim confines of the tent.
brow creases as consternation settles upon her pretty features. palms alight upon the flare of her hips, digits curling into the supple leather encasing her lower half; she struggles to not voice her ever ascending ire at the sight before her: collapsed from his cot, already staining the clean bandages she’d just placed, and he’s trying to stand. relief soothes the majority of her exasperation, but only enough to temper the volume of her voice, ❝  By the gods, what are you attempting to do?  ❞
crossing the scant distance to him, she places her hands upon his shoulders and gently eases him to sit. a sigh passes through the part of her lips. ❝  Just look at the state of you… You re-opened your wound; even after expending healing magics on the worst of your wounds, still you insist on acting as if all is fine and well.  ❞ without allowing him a single word for argument, she all but lifts him back into his cot. a solitary hand remains upon his bare chest - a means of keeping him in place. sternly, she pins him with her blue eyes, the beginnings of vexation evident,  ❝  Stay. I need to gather clean bindings to dress your wounds again. If you so much as move, I will add to your injuries.  ❞
Weak hands grasp golden hued staff as he tries to stand with an healthy flourish -- in the end all it grants him is his knees giving out on him. His free hand outstretched in a panic as he tries to catch himself before there’s too much noise made to draw unneeded attention. He feels like he did before after waking up in that CRYSTAL TOWER. Weak and powerless for a brief period of time --- Visna of all people having to carry him down on her back as he FAILED to even accomplish the task of walking.  But what was one to expect when you haven’t eaten in years and woke up from a sleep that was supposed to last centuries. The PAIN comes shortly after his knees hit the ground and it’s only by the grace of the god’s that it’s MASKED by the grumble of his stomach ( the whole reason he rose in the first place ). Once again he forgot to eat, once again it cost him in battle. 
❝ With all your memories and experience you’d think you’d know better by now G’raha-- ❞ He lectures himself, shaky strength pushing him up to stand only to reopen his wound and blood to drip once more, the soft plops on the ground cut off only by the crashing of Visna running into his tent and promptly pushing him back down. Her hand firmly on his chest or was it the expression that caught him stuck in place? Unable to move as her bright blue eyes spoke every word that she didn’t say.  He doesn’t speak for a moment, mouth opening just a bit as he tries to form the words to explain his current state. To gather some sort of apology, to BEG that she doesn’t keep him back at the Rising Stones behind the counter safe from harms way. After all that had happened and all that he had worked towards only to lose this freedom to walk side by side by her all because of his foolhardy mistake would be the death of him. So he gather’s himself, using all those memories he had as the Crystal Exarch to his advantage, his hand laying his crystal staff against the wall before he grabs her own. Holding it for a second before carefully pushing it away from him --- his ears FLAT against his head while eyes quickly looked down at the ground. ❝ Would you forgive me if I said it was simply because I was hungry? If truth be told, I figured you all asleep and did not want to wake anyone ---  ❞ Her reaction makes him wonder how BAD it must of been as there was not much he could remember. The enemy moving in from his side as he was distracted, cutting him down his middle before he could react -- he failed, didn’t he? The very idea weighing him down even more, his tail curling in -- his right hand rubbing at his forearm in a nervous tick.  And then something clicked in his mind as her words finally registered. His ears shooting up straight, his posture going from trying to shrink  into a ball to alert and oh so AWARE.  ❝ D-dress wounds? You were the one to-- ❞ Cheeks turn PINK as he stammers in a panic only just realizing that he only had his bottom set of clothes on, his chest instead, wrapped in ruined white and red cloth. ❝ Once more saved... I do not know whether to feel embarrassment or regret that I caused you all such duress. ❞ Especially her.
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singularitybled · 4 years
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singularitybled · 4 years
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‘ i will bring you pain. ’ (visna @ estinien) | @omniphrenia​
❝  Pray tell me, do you not believe that my life has already not been filled with pain then? Though I doubt anything can bring me as much pain as those boorish parties back in the Holy See full of cowards -- NOR the kind of pain that is brought by being fused with Nidhogg and harming ones that I called allies. ❞  I will bring you pain -- I WILL BRING YOU PAIN. The Elezen scoffs at the idea, mouth twisting into a tight smile as he leans against the door frame to the rising stones. Life was pain, it was full of it and if anyone was trying to sell it otherwise they were lying.  He knew this from the what seemed at the time that was the unending Dragonson War. From the death of his FAMILY at the hands of Nidhogg. From the death of friends at the hands of dragons and monsters disguised as allies who thought they knew what was BEST for the Holy See and it’s so called sickness.
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And then he relaxes for once, arms crossed against his chest as lance clinks against the wall that tight smile giving away to something just a little bit nicer. ❝ Or -- ‘tis simply a worry that you have? That you will bring me pain specifically, Visna because I promise you that I am tougher then your average scion. ❞
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singularitybled · 4 years
❝  Yet your tale will continue, and my role in it will scarcely be remembered.  ❞
fissures of light spread along her body; each scar lengthens and threatens to break her - each cracks as the light yearns to escape its confines.
❝  Worry not. Whatever should become of me, I will be happy and free, safe in the knowledge that I played my part.  ❞
digits outstretch; she reaches for him, silently beseeching him to cease this ludicrous plan. How can you mean to sacrifice yourself, just when I’ve realized… her lips part on a choked breath as she cries out his name, ❝  G’raha Tia…!  ❞
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it has been days since the revelation of his identity. it has been days since she has spoken to him - alone. any opportunity she attempts, he is far too busy to grant her an audience. the warrioress suspects it’s a truthful ruse: he’s simply hiding behind his schedule to avoid her desire for confrontation. Why the sudden shame? There is no need. though death had been imminent for her, for the tainted light she’d absorbed had proved to be too much to contain, that was no longer a concern. all was well, even if only for herself – the same could not be said for her beloved comrades.
still, she had unanswered questions. 
far too relentless for her own good, Visna can wait no longer; after all, patience never was a strong suit of hers.
entering through the Dossal Gate, she ventures upwards along the winding stairs to his study; more often than not, he holed himself away within. despite the hour being late, she opts for a “surprise visit” to catch him off guard. what better way to inspire honesty?
gently, she opens the door and steps inside. his back is to her. Good. quiet steps forward, she places herself just behind him. hands settle upon the flare of her hips, fingers curling into leather as she unceremoniously announces herself, ❝ Tell me, G’raha Tia, is it due to years of self-imposed exile as the Crystal Exarch that have made you so distant and callous to those you once called friend? Why else would you ignore me when I seek your guidance?  ❞
↳ ⪻ @singularitybled : g’raha tia​ ⪼  
Crystallized fingers press the bridge of his nose as he tries to ignore the fatigue that plagues him. The drowsiness that clung to the corners of his mind trying to drag him down into a temporary coma. No, he insisted to himself, jaw set firm as he PUSHED the need to rest away.  ❝ You slept for years, G’raha -- you can REST when your friends are safe and happy back home.... ❞ He whispers under his breath, patronizing himself for what he did in his past before red eyes opened once more to focus on the text in the book in front of him.
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Fingers SNAP the book shut, ears falling flat as he shoves it away and moves onto the next in the bookcase. Hand carding over spines as he reads the titles trying to find one that was SCREAMING out to him that it held the answers that he was seeking. This couldn’t of been all for naught. In the end he only rushed the people he cared for ( the PERSON he did this all for ) to their deaths even sooner then what he had seen. Nay, instead of the eight umbral calamity doing the scions in, it would simply be G’RAHA TIA himself who did it all because he woke up to a future he couldn’t bare.
❝ What a fool thinking you could play HERO... ❞ Voice patronizing and defeated as hands remove themselves from text to pull his hood up in shame; head resting against the bookcase in front of him as eyes slipped closed. Mind racked over every detail he knew, every memory he could muster that might be of some use; he slipped off -- not paying attention to his surroundings or if anyone was coming in to see him. ( Which why should he -- it was late at night, no one was awake but he. )   “Tell me, G’raha Tia---”  His name ALONE makes him jump in place like he was a child caught doing something. G’raha Tia — he was so sure that Visna forgot about him, that his role in her story would be fine because she wouldn’t remember that hearing her say good morning brought him to tears just a few days before. But after the jubilant displays of victory had faded from the Crystarium guilt set heavy on his chest and he avoided her. How could he face her after all if he had lied to her for that long? It was best in this way that he avoided —- else his original plan of sacrifice ended up being the only way to get everyone home. 
He’s embarrassed none-the-less; the hero of the hour standing close to him with her hands on her hips. Eyes staring and expecting an answer to a question that even he could not give. ❝ AHH— pray forgive me, Visna.  ❞  He stuttered nervously for a second before the tone changed and the mask of Exarch was there, thankful for his hood being up to hide away his face even more. ❝When one lives as long as I have it’s not because it’s out of cold and callous nature but often because I simply get lost in my own thoughts and responsibilities.  ❞
The miqo’te stands up straighter — not realizing he was pinned between the bookcase and her and, in his nervous actions he knocked a few over. The books splaying to the already messy ground of the study and unfurling to random pages. ❝ ‘Tis uh… a hope that I can offer some sort of guidance for the warrior of darkness, whatever that maybe.  ❞  
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singularitybled · 4 years
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singularitybled · 4 years
“from the moment they are born, everyone has the right to live.” “bah, studying is for chumps.” “i’ve lost all confidence as a man.” “just because the logic is sound, it doesn’t mean it’s right.” “what will you accomplish by dying? nothing! there is no meaning in dying!” “no matter how right your words are, you have to actually carry it out in order for them to have any meaning.” “i forgot to ask what ‘judicious’ was.” “no matter how painful things have been, you just can’t dwell on the past.” “i don’t quite get it, but i got it.” “i don’t want anyone to make the same mistake i did. no one should have to think that he has to sacrifice his own life.” “um… um… DIE!” “ha, ha. you got re-jec-ted.” “no, i don’t understand, that’s why i asked. are you stupid or something?” “my stupid actions have killed many people. i don’t know what you did, and your crime won’t go away, but when you’re suffering it’s alright to at least say so.” “men are so useless these days.” “in order to change the world, i must first change myself.” “adults are troublesome creatures. they aren’t very good at admitting their mistakes.” “i simply MUST dissect him!” “living on without hope is worse than death, don’t you think?” “i cannot die until I fulfill my duty.” “this isn’t a field trip, you know.” “don’t do anything you’ll regret.” “that’s why war is so tragic. to win means to make victims of your opponents and give birth to hatred.” “if there really is a goddess, why did she make a world like this?” “it looks like i have an strong affinity for falling down holes.” “you’re in for a world of hurt.” “whatever will be, will be.” “you’re an obnoxious brat, you know that?” “even now, to tell the truth, I get tired of all the problems. sometimes I think it’d be easier if everyone and everything were just destroyed.” “haha, i don’t know what to tell ya. i’m just a weak, lazy bum. all I want is a fun, easy life. that’s it- nothing more, nothing less!” “what you’ve done has caused suffering and death to countless people. can you feel their pain?” “the deeper the wound, the more important it is to overcome it.” “it’s easier to hate than to forgive.” “i like to think that i’m smart enough not to start trouble when i don’t understand the situation.” “with revolution comes sacrifice. if you cannot understand that, then you deserve to die with the others.” “wow, that was an amazingly corny speech. congratulations.” “is it a sin to be weak hearted? not everyone’s strong. not everyone can stand being despised.” “people are not moved by logic.” “and just who the hell are you?” “you’ve fallen right into my trap, fools!” “do you ever say anything original?” “… i just had a sudden, violent urge to abandon you.” “okay, that’s enough. you’re not allowed to apologize any more.” “i’m sorry. i didn’t realize what was going on at all. i’m sorry.”
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singularitybled · 4 years
Quite the shrine they’ve made for you. Are you dying?
You are a welcome sight.
We are both disappointed, but we will live.
It is not gambling. It is different from gambling.
Please try my suggestion. I believe it will help.
Do not make me lie for you again. I do not like lying.
Is it rude for the subject of the conversation to be present?
Did you imagine it would be like this when we first arrived?
I often think of the choices we make. Whether they are the right ones.
I can tell you that loss is a part of life’s sweetness.
What will you do when we have won?
We try, we doubt, we grow. It is all one path.
We were so close. A moment in the wrong place.
Do not romanticize this burden. We wield a weapon.
Without will? Then it would be no better than the Darkness.
I am asking only for guidance; it is a delicate game we are playing.
Will you sit with me?
Anyone you want to remember?
They thought they were going to crash in here and kill all of us.
You’re too kind. It was an honor to fight by your side.
You should be proud. Without you, we would have been lost.
Are you not hungry?
Is that what gives you purpose?
Life is hard, Those of us who can help, should.
I worry about wasted potential.
I don’t think ___ has my answers.
I don’t gamble.
I would give my life for ____.
People are better if they have a moment to breathe.
Does this taste burnt to you?
Where better to find the answers we seek?
Should they require assistance, they need only ask.
You’re a disgrace. Leave. Rethink your path.
It’s your arm or your life. Those are the rules.
Okay. Hey. ____’s not going to hurt you. Talk to me. Pretend like ___’s not here.
Some of us make choices we shouldn’t.
Why did you choose me?
I don’t have your patience, _____.
Give them hell, you crazy bastard.
I can’t die again.
You are only what you want to be.
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