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Part 20
"Stephen you in here" sin asked walking through the front door "I'm in the tattoo room" he shouted were he was at "Why did I even ask" sin said under her breath "Sin want to get a tattoo with me" he smirked staying still as the tattoo artist puts color onto his skin "Shit why not" sin said sitting down next to him "So how come the sudden visit" Stephen said getting straight to it "My boyfriend basically said he didn't need my help when I tried to cheer him out about losing his title. I know what it meant to him so I was just trying to motivate and be there for him then he bitched at me so I left. Then taker came and heard about what happened and out roman in a casket " sin explained to him and he was stunned "You tried to be there for him and he didn't appreciate that, it's a shame" Stephen said to her "Alright well you're all done steph " the tattoos artist told him "What'd you get " sin asked "I got a crescent moon " he said sitting up and showing her "What are you getting, by the way we're having Chinese tonight " Stephen told her "I'm getting a black rose with some red in it so you can see it better and it not b a blob of nothing " sin told him and she sits down and the artist gets to work *1 hour later sin is finished with her tattoo and Stephen gets Chinese food for her * "So how've you been? How's modeling and all the girls they drool over you" sin asked "It's great I have a gig tomorrow you should come with and check me out" he said winking "I'll go but trust me I won't check you out" sin told him getting the last orange chicken *aaliyah Seth randy Roman dean last her house* " I can't believe you yelled at my sister when she tried to comfort you, you idiot. But you know that's all I have to say because you basically lost the only thing better than that damn title" aaliyah said to him walking away giving him a pillow and a blanket because he's sleeping on the couch down stairs " damn she has you sleeping on the couch" dean said laughing remembering that was him a couple months ago "I love having my own room here, oh aaliyah sams dropping alanna her in like 10 minutes she's mostly be alseep just letting you know " Randy yelled to her "That's fine she can stay in the Corey's old room, I'll fix it tomorrow with some things " aaliyah shouted from the kitchen "You're bringing your daughter to my girlfriends house really randy? Have some respect " Seth said shaking his head "Seth Seth Seth, do you really think Aaliyah cares besides this house 6 bedrooms plus the 2 in the game room " Randy said opening the door to Sam "She just fell asleep, here's her bag for the ride and this ones for aaliyahs " Sam said " alright thanks Sam see you in a couple weeks " Randy hugged her and she left "Wow for you two to be divorced and such good co parents and friends I commend you randall " dean said impressed "We were high school sweethearts what can I say" Randy says walking away like the boss *everyone goes to sleep* "Sin wake up we have to go " Stephan said knocking on the door waking her up "Alright I'm going to shower and get dressed " sin screamed through the door "We're getting breakfast on the way there " he told her back *they both get breakfast and go to his photo shoot. And hour has passed and Stephen takes a break * "Wow I didn't think taking pictures would take this long " sin said "You have to get great lighten and if ones good the others have to be better" Stephen told her "You should do some with me " Stephen said "Oh no I can't and I'm not dressed for it" sin said looking down at her clothes "Veronica can you give sin here a changed of clothes she's going to shoot with me and get her to hair and makeup please " Stephen told his stylist "Ohhhh sure no problem she's going to come back looking like a walking real life sex item " Veronica said smiling guiding sin to the dressing room and hair and makeup "How you look-" Stephen was saying before he got interrupted by Veronica "She looks like a walking sex item, very bone-able" she said looking at her proud of her work "Exactly " Stephen said looking at sin like a piece of meat "Alright let's get back to shooting " the photographer said to everyone "Alright sin in need you to sell me sexy" he told her and sin sure did deliver about 30 minutes later sin had to switched close again but something more biker ish and causal "Have fun with this one babe" Stephen said to her walking away to change and then sit down to watch her "What no no no I'm not doing this alone " sin said panicking a little "Honey if I would have known you made the camera work I would have hired you months ago. So now relax and show me what your made of " the photographer said " well I'm already here so " sin said posing for the camera "Veronica take some pictures and post it on twitter and tag her in it " Stephen told her and she did so Tweet: [ Looks like someone was born to be in front of the camera ] -Oh my god is that @sinisterraevenwwe she's so beautiful -damn she's a baddie @sinisterraevenwwe -I want to be @sinisterraevenwwe "She's blowing up on Twitter " Veronica showed Stephen "Of course she is, she's perfect " he said with lovely eyes *aaliyah and the gang * "Hey do you know your sister is blowing up on twitter " seth said out loud at the table to aaliyah " what do you mean " aaliyah asked and Seth showed her a picture of sin modeling with Stephen and one of her by herself "Damnnnnnnnn sister looking fine as fuck" aaliyah yelled "She looking good wow " dean said shocked sin looking like an actual girl "Let me see" Roman said "No I don't think you'd want to bud" dean said "Yeah I agree-" Randy said but Roman took the phone away looking at the pictures upset "Who the hell is that with my girl" Roman yelled "That my dear brother is Stephen James and he's head of heels for my sister that's newly single " aaliyah told him patting his back as she gets up to feed siberious "We need to get her come on guys road trip on me" Roman said getting a couple clothes together in the living room "this is going to be fun " Alanna said that excited while everyone nervously laughed *on the way to Stephens house as sin and Stephen finish the shoot and go back to his house*
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Part 19
"Dean show some manners" Roman Mother said slapping his his hands away from the food. She took the plate handing it to sin. "Ladies First Especially the one giving me grandchildren." Roman mother said stacking sin plate with food. Dean pouted. "I can give him kids." Dean mumbled and everyone wide eyes stared at him like what the hell? "Not Seriously guys." Dean Yelled and everyone slightly laughed. "Well then deano. its okay i still love you." Aaliyah said hugging him. "Will you make me food then?" He asked aaliyah busted out laughing "Yeah if u want to die sure.:" She said Dean rolled his eyes getting food. *Everyone ate While dean glared at sin and Sin smiled happily getting pumpkin pie.* *Raw* "I feel like the food from roman mom didnt leave my soul yet." Aaliyah said seth chuckled holding aaliyah to him as they strolled the halls. "Yeah thats how I felt when we first started going to Roman mother house. You get use to it after awhile" Seth said kissing the top of her head. She smiled before seeing the new day carry black roses. " Hey where are you guys going?" Aaliyahasked "Um Sinister asked us if we can set these up for her. She said someone coming." Big E Said aaliyah looked at the roses before smiling brightly. "OMG hes here!" Aaliyah said happy. "Gotta go Sethie See you later got to go meet sinny DeadFather." Aaliyah said "You mean God Father Right?" Xavier asked. Aaliyah shook her head skipping off "Hes Dead and hes in Death Vally So its DeadFather." She said leaving they all looked at seth and he shrugged. * Sin and Aaliyah.* "And i want that there and this here and WHO IN THE FUCK LEFT THIS HERE?" Sin said picking up the battle axe. Everyone cringed. "Sinny!" Aaliyah said bouncing in "Aaliyah great guess what dad is coming too, and i need your help you remember last time. they were together they nearly killed each other can you keep dad and Paul away from this side please. " Sin said "Yeah sure but whats your offer?" Aaliyah said sin rolled her eyes. "I cook I clean and Im Cute what else do you want from me?" Sin said waving her hands Aaliyah raised her eye brow like the rock. Sin sighed. "Fine, I will buy you three days worth of In and Out and I wont complain about you dying on me. " Sin muttered. "Yay!" She said hugging her sister who cringed. "Get off me go get changed i got new gear for tonight." Sin said "Oh your the best!" Aaliyah said going to get changed into wrestling gear. *Undertaker And Brock come and they are on two different sides. Roman has a match against Jericho and Loses the title Sin is trying to comfort him.* "Roman Please Calm down." Sin said dodging a lot of things before dodging some more. "That wasnt even planned how the hell?" He roared. Pretty Pissed before slumping on the couch with his head in hands. Sin took it as a sign to come hug him. "it will be alright. WE can get it back we will do something im the women Champ and You can.." Sin was thrown off falling on the coffee table hitting her head. "You think I really need your help. because i don't I got the title by my self and I can get it by my self. " Roman yelled fury in his eyes. She knew he didn't really mean it but his anger wasn't justified. Sin glared up to Him Feeling a cut on head head from the coffee table. "Malikia " Sin whispered. In that moment her henched men appeared. "My lady." He kneeled next to her. "Restrain him." She said glaring up to Roman while Malikia quickly zoomed holding roman back while she helped her self off the ground. The room became colder. Roman started to notice. Sin head bowed while her hair covered her face. She started to walk out the room. "Where do you think your going?" He hollered She said nothing. " sin you can leave me!" Roman said. She turned to look at him Her eyes cold. " Get your title back Roman. But you won't be getting me back." Sin said nodding to Malikia She closed the door. Walking down the hallway hearing roman beat at the door while Malikia threw him around. Then leaving locking the door behind him. He caught up with Sin who was on her way to her medical. " your pale Mi Lady." Malikia said " I guess I'm loosing too much blood huh?" Sin said touching the cut that was seeping into her gear. " I will carry..." she held her hands up. "No need, let Aaliyah know of my where abouts but DO NOT let the undertaker or Brock Lesnar Know ." She commanded. The henchmen nodded. Sin went into the room. While Malikia smirked knowingly not going to tell the undertaker and Brock but was going to show Then instead. *sin went into medic getting stitches Malikia let Aaliyah know showing her to Sin.* " you okay sis?" Aaliyah said with Seth. Sin nodded staring into the wall. Thinking. "You shouldn't just stare it causes wrinkles." Aaliyah said Sin sighed." I'm going to Stephen for awhile." She said "You mean Stephen James." Aaliyah said Sin nodded. "Well. " Aaliyah said sin shook her head. " he's not a rebound I promise Just a friend that has romantic feelings for me but he can help." Sin said. Aaliyah sighed hugging her sister before the tv cut on with the undertaker and Brock in the ring together. " so much for distance." Aaliyah said sin nodded watching. "They arnt killing each other." Seth said they nodded again. "They are just looking at the casket?" Sin said before Aaliyah looked at each other. "When did they get a casket?" They shouted. "Rest in Peace." The undertaker said opening it showing Roman. Sin couldn't feel a thing. It was a numb feeling . " well shit." Aaliyah said. " I hope they cement it close." Sin said . Aaliyah looked worried. " sin you don't mean that." Aaliyah said she raised an eye brow like yes I do. Aaliyah sighed before leaving with Seth. Thinking about breaking roman free *sin goes to Stephan James House while they do what ever*
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Part 18
" but seriously look at it I'm a champ of the continents " she said showing Seth her title " basically the whole world liyah " kofi said to her " supreme ruler of the world " aaliyah whispers with crazy eyes " alright that's enough vegeta " Seth said calming her down " hey by the way deans here, he practically helped us get you back " Seth told her " yeah spending 365 days literally day and night with that man he knows me more than I know myself.. freaaaaaakyyyy" she said to Seth *30 minutes later* " oh look she's talking to us again" sin said walking up looking at aaliyah at catering with everyone "Cuddle session over guys " she asked her sister "You know I was really hoping that when I bought the in n out you'd crawl back " sin told her surprised " would have worked but randy bought me it earlier " she smiled big wiggling her eyebrows " sup bitches " dean said sitting down in front of Roman with a whole lemon cake "Are you eating that all by yourself " Roman asked " yessir " dean said about to dig in "Dude you have to wrestle plus you can't eat all of that be more healthy dean seriously " Roman said scolding dean like a big brother " dean pass that over here " Aaliyah said and he did so and she helps him eat some " alright listen up we're going to film an episode of swerved and ride along so everyone don't crash or die, I don't have money for all your deaths nor do I want to lose money and end up looking like dean " triple h said to everyone " oh this is going to be interesting " dean laughed *swerved with dean and sin* " uncle trips I think you need to retract your decision on swerved" aaliyah said "Sin and dean.. roaming around prancing people that dangerous " Roman said " it's anger and unpredictability.... do you understand that " Seth asked him " I do that's why I set it up" he said back to Seth not worried "Oh my god people are going to die that's like giving the hulk the presidency and the missile codes " aaliyah said dramatically " doesn't he turn into a doctor " triple h said signing papers "Unbelievable " she said throwing her hands in the air then walking away with roman and Seth *dean and sin has been pranking everyone on swerved and some of the pranks are completely complicated. Some people have itchy powder, syrup in their shampoo and habanero seeds in the food* "Hot hot so caliente " calisto said running drinking milk "Calisto why is it always you getting hit with the spicy stuff " Seth said "Okay we need to get them back in check because they ruined all the food and we can kind our clothes and why the fuck is there brown stuff on my bags " aaliyah yelled "They put something in my conditioner " Roman shouted " my hair is two toned again" Seth said *after everyone is done being pranked* "Wow I haven't done that in a while " sin said exhausted "You guys ruined my hair " Roman and Seth both said together " there's something on my bags that I'm too scared to even touch" aaliyah told her sister pretending to cry "Don't forget you guys have to do ride along " Stephanie told them walking by "I call driving " dean said "Shot gun" Roman said wanting dean time "Oh Roman i new you couldn't get enough of me" dean said hugging him "I love my deano time" Roman said hugging back *raw finished and then they do ride along * "Alright you bitches ready to ride" dean yelled to everyone in the car "Didn't you do that alright aaliyah " sin smirked "Ohhhhhhhh shit get got you good " Roman said laughing hysterically " I can't deny it, ride like a bus route " her sister said sipping tea " I would know" Seth told them putting his hands behind his head kicking his feet up "This is going to be great tv keep it going " triple h said "Well tomorrow's our day off so what are we going to do" sin asked "Honestly no clue I kinda just wanna be home with my boy " Aaliyah told them "Awwww babe" Seth said to her "She meant her dog " sin told him "We should all go to my moms house she wants to meet you sin and she cooks a bunch of food when people come over plus it's right by the beach soooo you can't say no" Roman pitched to them "Alright well sounds good to me" sin told him "I'm bringing siberious " aaliyah said "You already know I carry two bottles of jack everywhere I go" dean told them *they go to an hotel then the next day drive to romans moms house* "Mom I'm home and with guests " Romans said walking into the house "Everyone make yourselves at home there's plenty of food what's ours is yours enjoy " romans mom said going to the backyard where the rest of his family were " oh honey hiiiii and you brought dean and Seth oh is this sin finally you brought her, damn Seth you actually brought a good one home .... finally " romans mom said to them all "She's so adorable " sin said "I was always her favorite " dean pushed pass them and got plates to eat
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Part 18
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Part 17
So you want us to do what?" Sin said confused her brain fried from deans logic. "Corner Aaliyah." He said simply. "You know how she is when she's cornered Dean. She gets a little unpredictable." Sin said "Well do it in levels. Roman you go first, then sin and then Seth." Dean said "Why is Seth last?" Sin asked with a raised eye brow and folded arms "I don't see you giving her the dick now do I?" He said sin paled. Disgusted by that thought. "You are horrible." Sin muttered. "So how do we start?" Roman said to his best friend. "Hmm she should be at catering but we have to Randy anyway. And the viper is pretty tricky." Sin smirked evilly. "Leave it to me the viper will be put into a cage." Sin said laughed before walking away calling for someone. "Then what happenes when she leaves catering?" Seth asked "Then sin will pull her into a room." Dean said simply "hopefully she won't get dropped kicked." Dean muttered roman tensed "And if that doesn't work?" Seth said "Well buddy you better notebook it. Or do something drastic cut your hand off?" Dean suggested roman and Seth side glared. " not funny." Seth said while dean cackled. *trying to corner Aaliyah take one.🎬* Aaliyah was sitting with New Day sin sighed before forcefully smiling going over to her. "Hey guys!" Sin forced it happily. New day all looked at her before turning to Aaliyah looking again. "Hi. Need something?" Kofi asked "Yeah I just wanted to chat?"Sin said tying to hold back the anger she wanted to implode on them. "You never want to talk is it because positivity sunk in?" Big E said with a hand up. " or because your sister not talking to you?" Xavier said. Sin rolled her eyes. "Don't do it sin. Do it for Aaliyah." Sin muttered under her breath before she put them all to the table. "Never mind then." Sin said walking away glancing at Aaliyah who hasn't even glanced her direction. *roman tried take two 🎬* Aaliyah was walking down. The hall talking on her phone roman took the opportunity. "Hey Aaliyah congrats on the title." Roman said. Aaliyah wasn't listening "You should hang out with us so we can celebrate." Roman said again ignored "How about?" Roman started before Randy came bumping roman into a closet. "Sorry buddy." Randy said "Hey Randy" Aaliyah said giddy *sin 2nd attempt take 3🎬* Sin was holding Aaliyah favorite in and out Seeing her walk by with Newday "Hey I bought in and out want to eat some?" Sin asked "New day hungry?" Aaliyah asked they all smirked tackling sin. *roman attempt take four 🎬* "I'm still in the fucking closet!" He roared. *sin roman and seth all in the room sin holding her bruised eye and a ice pack to her head. While roman was picking unknown things out his hair. Seth was pacing.* "I didn't expect it to come to this." Seth said "Just do it damnit I got trampled by the power of positivity." Sin groaned " I don't even know what in my hair" roman said still picking. Seth sighed "Alright." He said huffing his chest up walking out the door. Not before coming back "What if Randy there?" He asked "Make him not Seth go!" Roman said Seth nodded" right right I got this." He said leaving again but he walked right back in. " and the new day they don't accept if u are booty. I'm not booty right?" Sin glared at him " if u don't get out this god damn room getting my sister back isn't that last thing you will be worried about." Sin yelled Seth eyes widen. Before he swung the door closed. Sin fell back into the couch. Then the door open again "Sin..." Seth called timid "Colby Lopez boi if you don't get your..." "You got a shoe imprint on your forehead." Seth said before closing the door Sin groaned. "Want to take a shower cuddle and go to bed." Sin nodded at roman suggestion. He laughed going to do that with her not far behind. *seth and Aaliyah final scene 🎬.* Seth went dancing with the new day to get then going and locked Randy with his daughter in a room to be occupied while he was with Aaliyah he breathed in and breathed out. Before knocking on the door. He didn't hear a reply so he slowly turned the knob seeing Aaliyah concentrating. More like meditating. "Princess?" Seth said he heard nothing. "Look I know you don't want to hear me but... Trips had us all neglect you. We didn't want to well maybe sin but that's your sister she's weird. He had it so we couldn't our jobs were on the line. As much as I wanted to hug you when you won and spin you around and make a congrats party. We couldn't until trips said after you had won we did say it's not going to go over well and that if u don't want to talk that's fine." Seth said turning to open the door but Aaliyah hand cover his. "Your forgiven." She whispered Seth smiled turning to see his face he was going to kiss her before she used her finger "But mistakes are forgiven once." She said seriously. Seth smiled and nodded kissing her. "Let's go see the damage done to those two." Aaliyah said pulling Seth along as he explained what happened. *seth and Aaliyah walk into sin locker room.* Sin was asleep on top of the Samoan god with his shirt on and shirts while Roman hand was locked around her waist while his hair and her hair covered both of them sound asleep roman slept shirtless with sweat pants on. "Well then?"aaliyah said "Party with new day?" Seth said Aaliyah nodded they both left to go party with New day
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Part 16
*at the arena in catering* "How are you hungry we all just ate breakfast " randy said "The four of us did. Where were you guys at" sin asked "We.. kinda borrowed the car and bought a couple snacks and breakfast.. there was a thing at IHOP" Xavier said talking about the rest of new day and randy "You mean you borrowed aaliyahs car my spare car is always in her garage so shit like this doesn't happen" sin said smiling "How cool is my car though" Aaliyah said about her viper corvette "Randy almost got you a fine and speeding ticket cool" kofi said laughing "Wouldn't be her first " sin said to him "It was was that mustangs fault wanting to race and shit. Lucky dean was there you know cops hate him because of all the shit they practically avoid his ass" Aaliyah said no worried about the law "Hey guys trips wants you in his office" rusev said to them "It seems like you four are always going to trips office" TJ Perkins said to them at catering "It's not by choice " sin told him saying bye as aaliyah dabs to tj getting the new day hype "I thought we were leaving the whole dab thing in 2016" sin told her sister rolling her eyes "Thought we were leaving the whole bitch thing in 2016" aaliyah fired back smirking "Woah woah girls no fighting " roman said stopping looking at them both and the girls stare back at him laughing both punching him in the arm "Thank god it wasn't me" Seth said before the girls punched him in the arm too "You have summoned us... again" sin said to trips "First things first.. who the hell put me in the pool" he asked looking at all of them the everyone looked at aaliyah "It was a dare and besides I'm you're you'd be able to swim out of it" she defended herself "Anyways, we have a little something special going in tonight but unfortunately aaliyah wwe creative thought it would be best if you weren't in the picture for today so you'll be doing a couple interviews and signing backstage tonight okay" triple h said "Are you kidding me that means more fun time I mean having matches is cool and all but I get to hang with new day and bayley see ya suckers " aaliyah said running out the room yelling for bayley "So tell us the real reason she's out tonight" sin said getting to business "We have the new IC title and it's for a match with aaliyah vs dolph " triple h said to them "Wow now that's going to be one hell of a match " roman said impressed and happy for his friend " this is going to be a close match " sin said but having faith in her sister "But why you couldn't tell her that" Seth asked him "It's a surprise plus we need a little drama so you guys are going to act uninterested about her match and won't go to see it and give her the cold shoulder" trips finished "You do know that that can back fire on our relationships with her right " Roman said "If you all care for eachother as it seems it wouldn't " temple h said and with that they leave "So we have to ignore aaliyah " sin said saying like it's going to be easy " she's my girlfriend " Seth said "She's always with us " Roman said knowing this a horrible idea "Yup horrible idea " sin said knowing this is going to end badly *later that night* "Aaliyah where's everyone " noam dar asked her "Probably getting ready for matches and I honestly don't know too busy signing " Aaliyah said drowning in posters and responding back to fan letters "Someone looks busy" stone cold said "Hey Austin can't really speak gotta sign " she said with a marker in her mouth and both hands *35 minutes later then aaliyah finishes and goes to look for everyone* "Hey guys" she said looking at all of them "Shouldn't you be signing " sin said "Yeah I just finished I wanted to see you guys before your match " her sister said to them "You should see if hunter wants you to do anything else we got it covered here aaliyah " Seth said to her calling her Aaliyah instead of princess "We gotta go aaliyah " Roman said moving with Seth and sin no one says bye "Well good luck guys " Aaliyah said under her breathe turning around kinda sad *sin Roman and seth* "We just sucked the light out of the little bunny " sin said "She's crushed" Roman said "The walk of sadness" Seth said remembering how that felt *randy and aaliyah* "Why are you not all cheerful today" Randy asked her "Seth Roman and sin are ignoring me or don't want me around them anymore " aaliyah said bummed "Uh oh I know what we can do.. let's prank people " Randy said with a bottle of honey in my jacket pocket " you carry a bottle of honey around.." she told him "Never know when you need it " Randy told her and they both start pouring the honey outside of the locker rooms and under the door knobs and on the car rental seats "Aaliyah you have a match against dolph tonight creative told me to tell you " Xavier said to her over the phone "Everything okay" Randy asked "Yeah I have a match tonight against dolph" she told him also hugging a him and telling him thank you for making her feel better *aaliyah gets ready then dreads to the ring to fight dolph. After the 30 minute no dq match aaliyah finally pins dolph with her holy knight finisher* "And your winner by pin fall aaliyah knight " jojo said as the crowd cheers "Hold down a minute aaliyah before you go to the back and celebrate we have a surprise for you" Stephanie said as triple h comes down with a box "For beating a former IC champion.. the authority sees it fit to have someone with balls, a kind heart, and someone who will do this title justice.. and it's you" triple h said "So if the wwe would give a big cheer for the new intercontinental champion aaliyah knight " Stephanie said unveiling the new IC title and aaliyah accepts it crying hugging both triple h and Stephanie wishing her family were there to celebrate too "You deserve it" the fans cheers and she turns around holding her title *in the back* "I'm so proud of her" sin said excited to celebrate with her sister "Sin I'm hugging her first she's my girlfriend " Seth said letting her know who's going to celebrate with aaliyah first "Uh that's going to be us she's practically apart of the new day " big e said to them "Nope sorry guys aaliyah loves me more" bayley said waiting to give aaliyah a bayley bear "Here she comes everyone " triple he said as aaliyah walks behind him "Congr-" sin said thinking aaliyah was going to run to her and Seth but she runs past everyone jumping in randy giving him a big hug "Good job out there kiddo " Randy said spinning her around "what just happened " Seth asked sin and Roman "Let's go find out " sin told him walking to randy and her sister "Princess "Seth to aaliyah who ignored him "aaliyah "sin said to her but she also ignored "Libyan congrats on-" Roman was saying before aaliyah cut him off "Oh sorry guys come here " aaliyah said giving the new day and bayley a hug after that walking away with randy "We messed up" sin said "Big time " Roman and Seth both said *aaliyah and randy* "What do you want to do to celebrate " he asked her "Let's go eat " she told him "Chevys?" He asked "I love Mexican " aaliyah said excited getting in the passenger seat driving away with randy *seth romans and sin* "Where'd they go" Seth asked worried and a little jealous " don't worry I have her location " sin said checking Aaliyah's location which her sister turned off "She turned it off didn't she" Roman said and sin nodded "Well she's with Randy what could possibly happen she safe and with someone we know" sin said "What could happen is your sister never talk to any of us again" Seth yelled walking away to the car he shared with aaliyah driving off " what are you doing " Roman asked sin "Calling the only person who can help us" sin said calling dean "Hello" dean said answering the phone "We had to make aaliyah believe we were ignoring her and make her think we weren't interested in her match for the new ic title tonight and now she's not talking to us " sin explained to dean "Shit I wouldn't either, you all knew what the title means to her " dean said shaking his head "So are you going to help us or not" sin said "Yeah yeah meet me in Boston tomorrow the next show is there " dean said hanging up "Who was that" Roman asked "Dean" sin said sighing feeling bad getting in the car and driving off with roman *the next day*
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Part 15
Roman look worried looking at Sin from the balcony. "What's got you all crazy Roman?" Aaliyah asked "Your sister high off pain meds and she's more crazier then before." Roman said watching "What's the worse thing she can do brothas." Dean said slapping their backs with shots of whiskey. "Oh their is plenty." Aaliyah said *sin rented out the whole hotel.* " well she did it." Aaliyah said seeing sin have workers make a slope slide to the 10 ft deep pool. From the 2nd floor. "I like medicated sin." Dean said "SAME." Aaliyah said smiling. "Hey fuckers get dressed we got a party to throw I'm FUCKING WOMEN CHAMP!" Sin shouted. *sin filled the pool with soaps and suds having a slip and slide to the the pool everyone came.drinking and partying till they all went to sleep. Except sin roman and Aaliyah Seth.* "Truth or dare?" Sin said to Seth "Truth." Seth said "Did you ever rip your suit." Sin asked "Twice at least." Seth said they laughed "Roman truth or dare." Seth asked "I'm All dares boy." Roman said Seth laughed "Well I dare you to drink one cup Of whiskey." Damn sin and Aaliyah said together measuring the drink. He drunk it all roaring from the burn in his throat. " well then." Aaliyah said "Alright Aaliyah truth or dare?" Roman said " dare give me your best." Roman grinned " go put trips body on a floatation in the pool." Aaliyah said puf before doing it. "Easy as shit. Sin ." Aaliyah said "Truth or Dare." Aaliyah said "Well sister, I already tell the truth so dare."she rolled her eyes. " I dare you to jump off he second floor into the pool." Sin looked wide eyes "Boy you wild. But fuck it." They went up to the second floor. "Babe u probably shouldn't." Roamnsaid "Nah mama ain't raise no bitch." Sin said before running and jumping off. "Do a flip!" Aaliyah said while her sister just showed her her middle finger before falling into the water. * sin got out laughing while roman was not happy but he will get over it.* "Seth truth or dare." Sin said grabbing a towel. Drying off some. "Dare." He said " Seth I dare you to strip. Magic Mike Style." Sin said smirking evilly at Aaliyah who was all happy for it. "Well then." Seth said Sin grabbed her phone plugging it in. To the speaker. "Well fucking A " roman said while Sin Set up Chairs for the show putting Aaliyah closer to Seth. Sin put on Cookie by R. Kelly. So Rollins can start stripping. " Aaliyah keep your mouth closed " sin barked as Aaliyah was drooling at Seth.he was about to go done to His shorts before. Sin yelled at him and roman covered her eyes. " no more seeing the dic" sin said "Yeah 2016 seen enough." Roman said "Shit 2017 need to see it all. Da Fuq u mean." Aaliyah said sin busted out laughing. Seth kissed her before switching the seat so she was sitting on him with her legs around his hips. "Shit Roman truth or Dare" Seth said looking back from over the chair. " Dare." Roman said. " bring that ass here boi." Seth said calling roman whispering and roman shook his head. Aaliyah laughed evilly before getting off. So roman can do the dare. "Alright sinny." Aaliyah said spinning the chairs so it was facing the pool. " your turn." She said before they both heard a splash. *roman took his hair out a bun and he was only wearing Cargo Shorts but he was swimming to the edge of the pool. Walking up the steps Jason Mamoa type of way.* "Fucking A" Sin said while roman ran his hands through his wet hair. " your welcome." Aaliyah said. Before roman took her Hand pulling her into the pool. " I think they are going to be busy" Aaliyah said. " so are you princess." Seth said kissing her. "What do u mean." Aaliyah said laughing. Seth leaned over before whispering in her ear " I'm going to Show you reasons why you are my Princess only." Aaliyah was blushing before being pulled upstairs. *🤗* Next morning Trips was floating in the pool still. While everyone was already up stairs. A bird landed on top of him but he swated it away. "Stop." He said before opening his eyes screaming. "AALIYAH SINISTER!" He yelled. *Seth knocked on Roman and Sin door.* Roman answered. " yeah." He yawned just getting up.. "You want to grab breakfast." Seth said. Roman looked back at where Sin was laying on the bed asleep. "Yeah we can bring stuff up also." Roman said going down. They ate a little before bringing breakfast up. * Aaliyah and Sin wake up eat and head to the arena.*
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Part 14
*the next day* "How you feelings sis" Aaliyah said asking Sin at the table eating breakfast " eh sore all over you " Sin asked back "I can't feel half my stomach bc the meds so I'm 80% chillin" she said texting dean " someone's in her phone more than normal " Seth said to aaliyah " just talking to dean he's coming to stay a couple weeks with us.. Randy and they new day are coming too.. " she said running away before they start to protest. After 15 minutes she comes back "So why are they all coming " Roman asked "Just to hangout and have fun " aaliyah said *the front door opens and closes * "Honeys I'm homeee" dean said walking in Aaliyah's condo " you brought the cold ones" Roman asked dean and he showed him the beers "It's going to be Lowkey, aaliyah and I are still hurt" sin told dean very seriously "Yes sin yes " dean yells like a military man "As long as you guys don't break anything I honestly don't care " aaliyah said going out to get cookies *later on that day Randy and the new day came* "Sin what are you cooking for dinner " Randy asked "Randall I am hurt the fuck you mean what am I making for dinner" sin said to him " well shit I guess we can order pizza " Randy said getting his phone "Double pepperoni and cheese " dean and aaliyah both say "You guys are going to die young watch " Xavier said to them *they all have a great time and all sleep in the living room together all cuddled up* "What do you guys want to do today" big e asked "Let's go down the strip " kofi said "I wanna visit the m&m shop" Roman said smiling big "You eat candy Roman?" Sin asked "Hell yeah" he said "Wow.. i that was unexpected " aaliyah said surprised Romans giggling for candy *they got to the candy place* "Sin look they have some many flavored m&m " Roman says jogging around with the boys getting loads and loads of candy "Wow this is embarrassing " sin said looking at the boys act like kids " okay that's enough you slugs let's go" sin said and they all left together *later on during the week at the rumble* *During Romans match between kevin dean comes out taking a fans popcorn and soda. Roman goes to dean after his match he goes to dean and picks up the cup smelling it looking to see if dean spiked it. Seth can see then from the titaron and he's laughing st them both* "Why did you think I spiked the drink " dean said to Roman "Because knowing you, you would " Roman said "Well our match is next fellas good job out there you did good " sin said to them and The girls leave to the ring *dana and Charlotte vs sin and aaliyah * *dana started the match against aaliyah and aaliyah hit her with an upper cut and 6 german suplexes. Dana tagged in Charlotte so aaliyah tagged sin and sin was dominating Charlotte. Sin hit Charlotte with the sinful sorrow and Charlotte became dazed then sin gave her a running bulldog and another sinful sorrow and went for the pin making her the women's champ* "You killed it out there babe" Roman said spinning sin around "Didn't she I was like holy shit the entire time " aaliyah said jumping on her sisters back " now you'll have rover that title from her princess " Seth told aaliyah wrapping his arm around her "Nah I'm chillin right now plus what's the fun in that. I want a women's IC title " aaliyah said with crazy eyes *later that ppl with the the shield new day and the club * "We are the best tag team in this division no one can and did any better than us" Xavier said "We've been the best around the world and we own this division " Karl Anderson said "The best? You guys think you're the best" Seth said questioning them "Do you believe that" dean said looking to Roman as Seth looks at Roman also "Naaaah" Roman says laughing and walking away with the boys shaking his head *they all go to the hotel *
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Part 13
breakfast at the hotel* Sin was sipping coffee half awake Aaliyah was eating waffles Seth was eating and watching twitter and Roman was watching something outside the window. "Hey Aaliyah." Sin said her sister stopped her eating. "Yeah?" She said " I got a bad vibe." Sin said sipping coffee "Is it from the coffee?" She asked half heartedly Sin side glared her. "I guess not." She said "look don't let it get to you. It's just a feeling maybe from Your shoulder." Aaliyah said referencing to the injury. Sin rolled her eyes " speaking of your injury." Roman said " you have a match and you are vale." Roman said pointing to Aaliyah and Sin "Me?" Aaliyah said. "Vale?" Sin said "Yup according to Trips. It's to bring home the big bucks." Seth said scrolling still "Shouldn't it be backwards you know Aaliyah more like my Hype." Sin said "Yeah sin doesn't do the hyping I do hyping." Seth and Roman shook their heads. " nope Aaliyah is Fighting and Sin is Valeting" roman said "Who are we fighting?" Sin asked " Well Aaliyah is fighting Dana Brooke." Seth said "Well what am I supposed to do put Dana back into the ring?" Sin said raising her hands in a wtf motion. Roman and Seth shrugged while the girls sighed "I guess" they said together "I can't give over that." Seth and romans said "Great now we are doing it." Romans said they both laughed. *show tonight checkup with doctors * "Alright girls your good to go. No tears, no pain." The doctors said. " cool." Aaliyah said getting up stretching while Sin rotated her shoulder. " just try not to strain too much. Don't get hit too hard and don't try to throw anyone too far you too. I don't want another visit from Brock or Sable." He said " We won't." They said together barley listening. "Mhm of course." He said they both laughed leaving. "Hey I'm going to see roman before the match." Sin said to her sister. "Alright I'm going to grab Seth and get dressed see you during the match." Aaliyah said "Of course yeah." Sin said giving the secret handshake that's complicated as hell. * they separate and split for a little bit until Aaliyah get to The gorilla with Seth.* "Where's sin?" Aaliyah asked Seth shrugged trying to calm his girlfriend. "She's not usually late probably with Roman." Aaliyah muttered. Kind of upset that her sister going to miss some of the match. " hey don't worry about her. She will be here you got to worry about how your going to submission hold Dana." Seth said Aaliyah smiled. "Thanks Monkey." Aaliyah said " any time princess." Seth said " Aaliyah your on in 20 seconds." One stage crew member said. She nodded ask roman Walked by. "Hey roman where's sin?" He looked at her confused. " I thought she was coming here. I got side tracked by Dana. " Roman said. They both shook their head. " She's not here." Aaliyah said " Aaliyah 5 seconds." Stage Crew Said " Find her please. She doesn't just disappear off the face of the earth." Aaliyah said. She could hear Jo Jo announce her name " we will look but you got to go princess." Seth said. Pushing her to the gorilla as her theme music came on. * Dana was already in the ring smirking while Aaliyah was jumping around giving high fives doing the most. She slide into the ring getting the crowd to scream but she was worried about her sister inside. The bell rang signaling the match to begin Dana ran full speed to Aaliyah who step back pulling the rope down Dana Flying over. Aaliyah laughed pointing.before Dana huffed rolling back in. Doing a lock to Each other Aaliyah had the upper hand before shoving her back. Dana went down. But kicked Aaliyah knee causing her to go down also. Dana quickly moved above Aaliyah going ahead stomping in her mid section. Aaliyah cringe from her bruised ribs that were still healing. Grabbing Dana foot she twisted it making her fall to the mat rolling on to her stomach Aaliyah grabbed both her feet going to use Natalya Sharp Shooter. But Dana Kicked out harder then she expected which has her pull away.* "What was that!" The announcement table said "Aaliyah knight was about to do a sharp shooter. " they hollered Dana and Aaliyah were back up locking up again before Dana took a boot to Aaliyah mid Section "Low blow form Dana Brooke's take them down while they are injured." The announce table said Aaliyah huffed over before Dana Grabbed her hair laughing. " what now Princess." She mocked. Aaliyah smirked before elbowing her. To her nose she grabbed her nose in pain. Setting up for an RKO "She's just all Over the place with these moves." The announcement table said " omg! She's going to RKO Dana ." They yelled. The Crowed was going crazy before the triton turned on. Crashing Chairs were heard before a lot of slamming and bashing was done. Charlotte Flair and Sin were fighting against each other in the parking lot. And Sin wasn't looking too good. Charlotte Grabbed a chair smacking her head on with it. " ITS MY TITLE." She yelled as sin fell to the floor. Sin smirked " it's going to be my title." Sin said blood in her mouth. Charlotte look like she been through hell. You can see fire rage in Charlotte eyes. Before she grabbed a kendo Stick. Slapping sin over and over with it as she cringed on the floor. Charlotte Screaming over and Over it's her title. She's champ. When Charlotte knew her Job was done. She stopped going down to her level on the floor. " next one is your sister." Sin groaned as Charlotte Smirked. Walking away. She looked directly into the camera. " watch out Aaliyah your next." Charlotte yelled. " I think the hell not." Sin yelled in the background before spearing Charlotte. She barley got up before grabbing Charlotte and Smashing her into a car window. " stay the hell away from sister!" Sin yelled a hella pissed. Charlotte started laughing While Sin just glared at her. "Stop me then!" She yelled back before Dana came behind hitting her with a chair. Dropping her unconscious. " it's about time." Charlotte said. " it's not easy keeping Roman busy from her." She said Charlotte rolled her eyes. "Right lets go." Charlotte said grabbing Dana while Aaliyah was watching Charlotte snuck Up hitting Aaliyah with a chair her and Dana beginning the assault on her. Seth music Came on before, he ran down the ramp. Dana yanked Charlotte off before sliding out the ring while Seth slide into it checking on Aaliyah who was clutching her ribs. "Seth help sin." Seth shook his head "Roman getting to her. We got to get your ribs check out. Princess Come on." Seth said picking her up the crowd was for the first time quiet they were concern. * back stage.* "Aaliyah!" Sin yelled calling for her sister "Sin!" Aaliyah yelled. " sin you got to lay down you have way too many injures and I don't know what's bleeding where." The doctor said. Trying to get her to lay down " I need to check on Aaliyah." Sin said really not giving a shit. "Sin baby please stay down." Roman begged. " no a damn chance." She said calling for Aaliyah. " Roman I have no choice I'm going to have to sedate her." The doctor said concerned for sin. " just let her check in her sister." Roman said The doctor sighed looking at Sin injured " look at her roman u want me to let her go? " doctor said " no I'll watch her just let her see that Aaliyah is fine. We promise we will come back." Roman said. The doctor sighed before nodding Sin was out the door. " you might want to be aware the energy she got going through her is going to go away soon. And then she's going to feel a lot of pain." The doctor said roman nodded following after sin. *aaliyah side of medic* " hey princess " Seth greeted "you got lucky just a few tiny fractured rib. Maybe a slightly broken one." Seth said " great!" She said raising her thumb. " it might be hard to breath but you will be fine." Seth said holding her hand. "How's sin doing?" Aaliyah asked. Seth looks a little skeptic. "Um, Well..." sin busted through the door in the same clothes she was getting tossed around in with blood dried on her. "Aaliyah your okay." Sin said relieved. "Yeah just a few fractures I'll be broken in half but okay. " she said " great." Sin said slightly woozy. " you need to lay down." Aaliyah said " hey I'm the oldest I say the orders around here." Sin said slightly holding on. "Mhm." Aaliyah said before Sin dropped. Roman having enough time caught her. " good timing roman." Aaliyah said Seth smiled before kissing her forehead. *sin and Aaliyah were sent to the hospital getting recuperated at like 95 percent Triple H came in with huge banquet of flowers* "My darlings.* he said both girls glared "I come Baring gifts." Trips said Aaliyah smiled taking them. "I love u again. What issues did i have with you?" Aaliyah said opening her Donut boxers gift " I'm not easily bought." Sin said glaring with Venom in her voice. Trips smiled. "Exactly why your gift isn't bought . You Aaliyah against Charlotte Flaire and Dana Brooke." Sin rolled her eyes hearing this "Declined." Sin said "Wait wait before u not hear everything." Trips said They both listened "You Aaliyah vs Charlotte Flaire and Dana Brooks in a Street Fight during our Royal Rumble Match No DQ no count out anything goes." The girls smirked. "I'm in."
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Part 12
Alright for tomorrow Goldberg is coming back and Roman will help him spear Braun, after they face off.. also I except you guys here early you all have fam signing to do" triple h said "Sweet I'll tell roman that tomorrow" aaliyah told him before he hung up "What did he say"Seth asked "We have to be at raw tomorrow early, we also have fan signings" Aaliyah informed him "I love fam signings they always give the coolest things plus show pictures you didn't even know existed about you " Seth says ready to mooch off of the fan free stuff "And I'm the mooch how?" Aaliyah says rolling her eyes going to siberious while Seth runs ahead of her and gets to him first *roman and sin* "I wonder what's going to happen tomorrow the rumbles in a couple weeks" sin tells Roman wondering what creative will pull out of their this time "Well Goldberg will be there so your dad has to be there too " roman making a point "I doubt that, unless he's done hunting or we're dying he won't come" she said *the next day* "wake up wake up wake the hell up" Aaliyah yelled at sin through the phone and sin already preparing her death because it's 4:30 in the morning "You're sisters going to kill you " Seth said walking into the shower "Aaliyah it's 4:30 in the morning whatever this is you better either be with half a body or suffering from a rare incurable disease " sin said with the most bitter face ever " I was going to tell you later but then it wouldn't make sense so I have to force myself awake and tell you now bier would be in big trouble later-" aaliyah said rambling to her sister on the phone "Get.to.the.point. Aaliyah. " Sin said very angry " we have to be at the venue for raw at 8am for a fan signing" aaliyah finally said "And you're telling me this now" son yelled at her sister "I'm sorry you know I have 1/3 of a brain" Aaliyah said "Your damn dog is smarter than you I'll see you at the venue " sin said hanging up the phone "I think that went better than expected to be honest" Aaliyah said out loud "She's going to kill you in person princess" Seth said laughing sending her to the shower "You can't kill what's already dead setherooine " aaliyah told him skipping to the bathroom "Everyone in this family is bother-line looney" Seth says shaking his head *later on at the venue* "Good you're all here on time, good job aaliyah didn't think you'd get it done" triple h said while sin looks at her sister with the death stare but Aaliyah looks at triple j avoiding her sisters stare sitting in the opposite end next to the door invade she needs to make a break for it " yeah no problems " aaliyah said to him back half smiling "Alright Roman you and Goldberg will be in the ring have a face off for a bit then bam both spear brain get it got it good out now" triple h said dismissing them "Wait wait wait kids uncle Shawn has a gift for you all since it's the first raw of 2017" Shawn Michaels said to them "Ouuu what is it uncle shawn gimme gimme gimme" Seth said jumping up and down "Someone gets your mans" aaliyah says looking around the office ashamed of seth "That's your mans aaliyah " everyone says to her while she fake smiles "Here you all go" Shawn giving the 4 of them something. Shawn gave Roman new gear, sin a cape with rinestones on it and a studded whip, Seth got keys to a mcclaren, aaliyah got a crown and a shocking wand/taser thing. "Where's uh Shawn where my gift" triple h said a little disappointed he got nothing "Me in your gift hunter" Shawn said jumping on his best friend and then hugging a messing around. The shield left the office excited about their gifts "Aaliyah I was going to use this on you but honestly I'd rather use it on Roman" sin said smiling and Roman spitting his drink on Xavier at catering "Oh hell no " Roman says getting the attention of everyone "Sin was always the kinky one she takes after mother" aaliyah said grateful she's going to live "Says the one with a reverse trap stamp" sin said sipping tea "What does she mean reserve tramp stamp" kofi asked and aaliyah for up showing her underwear line which has her tattoo of cherry blossoms "So anime I love it " Xavier said parting her in the back "See you get it " she said high fiving him "You know I might have to start showing it off I paid good money for it to be see once in a while " Aaliyah said thinking "Don't even think about it " Seth said looking at her smiling *they all eat and talk to our her wwe superstars * *sin has a match against Charlotte and Dana Brooke is ringside with Charlotte * "You better stand the hell back dana " aaliyah says turning on her taser wand zapping it so the crowd can see it's real and they start cheering holy shit *30 minutes into the match they are giving eachother both the best they can and then Charlotte hits sin with a super kick then Dana getting the attention of the ref while Charlotte grabs the women's titles attempting to hit sin but Aaliyah hits Dana in the back with her wand and zapping her in the ass causing the ref to go back into the match and seein Charlotte with the title and sin on the canvas with her hands in her head and the ref calls the match Charlotte losing. Sin gets up and laughing at Charlotte making the title around her waist gestures and Charlotte yelling at Dana on the floor* *roman and Goldberg have a face off talking about who's winning the rumble then Braun says he's going to kick both their asses causing Roman and Goldberg to spear braun closing the show* "What a show what a show" Shawn said hugging them all *they finish and drive to the other city and sleep at the hotel*
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Part 11
*Sin and Roman* " so this is my apartment." Sin said going up with her luggage. "An apartment it really closed in this is like a condo. Or a studio." Roman said "Yeah that's what it was called." Sin said guessing. "Anyways. This your room." Sin said opening the furnished guest room. Roman looked at it strangely "If you want we can actually sleep together, but u know if u want some space." Sin said blushing. ". Your cute." Roman said teasing her. She pushed him Away showing him the rest of her condo area. "Then the living room it has my PS4 and XBOX connected so I can alternate." Sin said smiling "You are so playing against me in the new2k" roman said Sin laughed before telling him to get comfy while she starts Dinner for the night . Roman went to go shower while Sin made chicken Parmesan and Pasta. They ate together before watching a movie *seth And aaliyah * "So Aaliyah what do?* Seth asked. Aaliyah phone rang. "Aaliyah." She answered. "Trips discussed wrestling plans have change for Goldberg Return since he destroyed Brock Lesnar.
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Part 10
“Look who decided to do some work today the 4 hooligans. You guys are so lucky you still jab a job” trips said rubbing his head
“Uncle trips you know you love us” Aaliyah said eating one of his candies from the jar
“Highly debatable, anyways we are going to reunite the shield” triple h said and the dean comes in acting all dean like
“ so the band is back together ” dean says plopping down on trips couch
“ we’ve been waiting for this since 2015, oh trips you’re the man wow ” Aaliyah says all dramatic
“Took y'all long enough damn” sin says shaking her head
“ wait are we apart of the shield too” sin asked trips
“Well since you to sucking it.. yes” he said laughing at his own joke
“You’re such a dad that was a dad joke wow ” dean said
“The girls in a vest, we can dig that” romans and Seth both said at the same time
“This is going to bring everyone a whole bunch of coins and honestly the wwe universe will stop bitching about the teasing ” triple h told them
“ who will we be fighting against ” Roman asked
“ Finn balor, aj styles, anderson, gallows, nia jax, and naomi ” he informed them
“ I want to fight Naomi” Aaliyah shouted
“Whatever well that’s all I have to say” triple h said sending them out of the room
“ I can’t believe the shields back together ” the girls say jumping up and down
*sin and aaliyah get dressed in the shields gear*
“The shield to the gorilla ” the tech guy said
*the shield vs the balor club and girls*
“The shield going on against the Baylor club this is a never before seen only wwe exclusive” Micheal cole said on commentary
“ I don’t know about this one Micheal I think the shield might lose” jbl said
“I love watching the shield but they haven been a team since mid 2014 who knows how well of a unit they are now” Corey said to the both of them
*50 minutes into the match and both teams are beaten. Sin has a bad shoulder and aaliyahs ribs are cracked. Finn dislocated his arm and Seth broke his toe. Romans nose is broken and gushing blood. Deans suffering from 2 concoction. The match ended after 20 more minutes after dean pinned Finn after the triple power bomb*
“How are you guys not dead I have no idea ” Stephanie said
“ great job ladies” she said added
“So who’s going to take care of us "sin asked in total pain
"I’m so ready to go get drugged up and sleep tonight wow” Aaliyah said
“You’ll all need someone to take care of you tonight who can do that” the doc asked
“Mom and dad are gonna be pissssssed ” aaliyah said rather having to sleep on the venue
“Who’s your mom and dad” Roman asked
“Sable and brock lesnar” dean said answering his question
“ what!! You’re joking?! Roman said all drowsy and Seth said all scared
"Nope and doc call them” sin told them and the doc did as told
*40 minutes later sable and brock came to the show*
“Girls are you okay” they both asked
“Just a little banged up but we’ll live Seth dean and Roman are all fucked up” sin told her parents
“So all you kids are coming home with us no of ands or buts "sable said
"And when you feel better you canexplain the boyfriend thing ” brock says liking between Roman and Seth
*one week later everyone 90% healed*
“I still can’t believe they’re your parents ” Seth said
“This house is bigger than yours.. who thought that was possible ” Roman said
“Dean oh how lovely to see you again” sable said hugging him
“ okay I would love to talk but I’m hungry and kinda wanna go to my own home for once” Aaliyah said getting her bags and ready to go to vegas
“Honestly same” sin said doing the same and then they all hung out some more and ate dinner then went their separate ways
*sin and Roman then dean Seth and aaliyah*
. "Make yourself at home Roman wants mine is partially yours" sin said "Why am I not surprised "Roman said putting his things away *seth and aaliyav* "Aaliyah where can I put my stuff" Seth asked "Anywhere in the room" she responded *they hangout and she shows him around Vegas with siberious while dean went home* *sin and roman*
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Imagine Seth’s reaction when you win the Women’s Championship.
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@brooklyns-scumbag 😩
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