siostramimbli · 4 years
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All the flowers Would have very extra special powers They would sit and talk to me for hours When I’m lonely in a world of my own
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siostramimbli · 4 years
Czy razem z wiosną Ty też zakwitniesz?
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siostramimbli · 4 years
“My najbardziej lubimy to, co zmienne i kapryśne, nieoczekiwane i dziwne: brzeg morza, który jest trochę lądem i trochę wodą, zachód słońca, który jest trochę ciemnością i trochę światłem, i wiosnę, która jest trochę chłodem i trochę ciepłem.”
— Tove Jansson, Pamiętniki Tatusia Muminka
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siostramimbli · 4 years
“Szukam świata, w którym jedna jaskółka czyni wiosnę, gdzie szewc chodzi w butach, gdzie jak Cię widzą, to dzień dobry. Szukam świata, w którym człowiek człowiekowi człowiekiem.”
— Jarosław Borszewicz
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siostramimbli · 4 years
“November…another month to bloom in ways you never thought you could.”
— n.s.
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siostramimbli · 4 years
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siostramimbli · 4 years
“Every year, in November, at the season that follows the hour of the dead, the crowning and majestic hours of autumn, I go to visit the chrysanthemums … They are indeed, the most universal, the most diverse of flowers.”
— Maurice Maeterlinck  (1962-1949)
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siostramimbli · 4 years
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Quiet walks in a loud world 🍂 — @melvolkman
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siostramimbli · 4 years
“Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.”
— Nail Gaiman (b. 10 November 1960)
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siostramimbli · 4 years
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Bram Stoker — Dracula
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siostramimbli · 4 years
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Bram Stoker — Dracula
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siostramimbli · 4 years
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The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath
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siostramimbli · 4 years
“Why did grandmother have to die, I wanted to ask, but I bit down on my tongue. I / gulped hard. A funny sound came from my throat. I felt I had swallowed a bird that / couldn’t fly.”
— — Meena Alexander, from “4.” In Praise of Fragments
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siostramimbli · 4 years
“Often when you think you’re at the end of something, you’re at the beginning of something else.”
— Fred Rogers
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siostramimbli · 4 years
“The sky is so tragically beautiful. A graveyard of stars.”
— Unknown
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siostramimbli · 4 years
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siostramimbli · 4 years
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