siriusbl-ack · 11 years
Don't believe me and my honest intentions? I'm hurt, you tosser. Of course you do. It's genius, 'cides having a fat head doesn't usually fly with the ladies very well, you know?
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It's too bloody early for this.
So you’ll keep my secret just out of the goodness of your heart? I find that hard to believe. My hair’s so big because my head is. But I like your excuse better.
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siriusbl-ack · 11 years
Acting like you're not a complete scumbag and- oh, wait, that's not possible for you lot, is it?
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Oh joy.
I finished my book early… now what’s supposed to occupy my time?
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siriusbl-ack · 11 years
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Firewhiskey. Took Pettigrew up on a bet. 
It's too bloody early for this.
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siriusbl-ack · 11 years
Good thing I'm good at keeping them then. Maybe that's why my hair's so big in the first place. S'full of secrets.
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It's too bloody early for this.
Hey now. Taking care of one’s hair is serious business. Don’t tell anyone I said that.
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siriusbl-ack · 11 years
Yeah, uh, not really my priority right now. 
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It's too bloody early for this.
You need a haircut, mate.
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siriusbl-ack · 11 years
Exactly. Too bloody early.
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It's too bloody early for this.
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siriusbl-ack · 11 years
Hey, now, why so grouchy? Normally you're all too enthusiastic, McKitten. 
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Doesn't take a lot to spook Pete anyway sometimes. Guess you were just a bit too much for him to handle, love.
Am I the only one not bloody surprised?
I’m definitely going for the eyes first now.
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Marlene rolls her eyes, a small smirk appearing on her face. They weren’t even anything personal, I just asked him if he always talked the way he talked. Honest. 
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siriusbl-ack · 11 years
It's too bloody early for this.
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Not like Slughorn's going to fail me even if I don't show up to class. Maybe accepting Wormy's Firewhiskey challenge wasn't a good idea.
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siriusbl-ack · 11 years
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siriusbl-ack · 11 years
Exactly. Just like Moony's is obviously 'bookworm'. 
Yeah, yeah, I get it. No apologies owed here. I'm a big boy. I can handle getting by on my own you know. Really? It's a good thing I'll be back for Christmas break then. Socks and all. He chuckled quietly, shaking his head a little at James' words. Well, you didn't get your stubborn git trait from thin air, mate. Merlin's balls, does this mean I need to dig out some prissy dress robes to match the occasion? 
Maybe he finally eloped with the giant squid. Can't say I'd be too bloody surprised, seems like a perfect match. Sirius snorted. When isn't she pissed at you, Prongs?
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Am I the only one not bloody surprised?
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siriusbl-ack · 11 years
Suppose it would make a change, normally I'm the one leaving marks on you. How's that hickey from the other day doing, love?
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Sounds like Wormy alright. Sirius snickered, making no effort to hide the amusement on his face. Do I even want to know what kind of questions?
Am I the only one not bloody surprised?
Sensational, really? We’ll see about that. And I’m not going down at all this time, my dear Sirius. All you’re doing is angering me. The claws would scratch that pretty face of yours. 
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Nah, but he may have been a bit twitchy? She presses her lips together trying to suppress a smirk. I sort of just stared at him and asked him questions. 
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siriusbl-ack · 11 years
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siriusbl-ack · 11 years
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siriusbl-ack · 11 years
It's my middle name, surely you should know that by now, mate. 
If I'd have known I probably would have, even if it meant sneaking out of the castle. He shrugged, taking a slow drag before replying any further. It sounds like your dad is still burning the midnight oil. I'm surprised you or your mum haven't tied him to that bloody armchair to get him to slow it down already. At least they're doing alright, though. 
Fantastic. The house-elves here don't have anything on your mum's mince pies. Time to crack out the good elf wine again, is it?
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They're probably just tucked away in the nooks and crannies, you know. I haven't even seen Snivelly in a while, not that I'm complaining. Sirius snorted, shaking his head. Like you wouldn't be able to spot her even in the most crowded of places.
Am I the only one not bloody surprised?
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siriusbl-ack · 11 years
Prongs, how could you talk about Wormy like that?
I hope you sent my love too. You know, as the beloved son they never had and all that. How are they? Nothing I get the feeling you want me to give you the details of.  
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It's been pretty quiet. You'd think half the students left along with you.
Am I the only one not bloody surprised?
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siriusbl-ack · 11 years
But I have some sensational things planned. I'm not going down without a fight, McKitten. Better get those claws ready, yeah?
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Did he squeak? He grinned, sniggering. How'd you manage that one?
Am I the only one not bloody surprised?
You may have won that time, but according to the tally, I’m still in the lead. I’m not going to give that up, Sirius.
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Well, I just seem to be be hurting everyone as of late. First, Jamesy. Now you. I might as well go for Remus and Peter while I’m at it. Though, I did frighten Peter the other day.
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siriusbl-ack · 11 years
Why bother when my rich best mate can get them for me? Especially if he doesn't even smoke 'em all. Reaching up with one hand, Sirius caught the packet tossed his way easily with a grin. He fumbled it open, slipping a cigarette out. We're not all made of money, you know.
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So, what's the down-low Prongsy? You've been a little MIA.
Am I the only one not bloody surprised?
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