sisters-sideblog · 14 hours
And my other fill for Ravioli ship week, for that most classic trope of "Only One Bed!" Read it here or on Ao3.
Link wasn’t home much for a while. After his recovery and agreement that Ravio could use his house while he was away, he promptly found himself halfway across the country chasing clues for several weeks straight. 
He did make it back home eventually. Shaking off the dungeon dust, he staggered back to rest and resupply, so tired he’d forgotten Ravio would be there and nearly drew his sword at the enthusiastic greeting that waited for him in what he was used to thinking of as an empty house. 
In fairness, his abrupt return seemed to startle Ravio as well. 
Now he slumped over dinner, already eyeing the corner where his bed had been shoved aside. It looked like there was just enough room to push one of Ravio’s added tables out of the way and crawl in.

In fact.
There were scuff marks on the floor. New ones, as if someone had been doing exactly that for several nights. 
Link realized he’d stopped chewing, spoon dangling precariously from limp fingers. At his back, the sounds of Ravio enjoying his own meal fell suspiciously silent. 
It occurred to Link. Finally, belatedly. That he perhaps should have thought of this sooner. 
He hadn’t seen any of Ravio’s possessions aside from the stuff he sold. Wasn’t honestly sure he even had any. But the bag was obviously magical, so maybe
Link cleared his throat. Ravio twitched at the sound, spoon clattering against his bowl. 
“Where have you been sleeping?” Link asked in the most neutral tone he could manage. 
“Um. Well. You see.”
When Ravio didn’t continue, Link waited. But aside from clearing his own throat in a distinctly nervous manner, Ravio didn’t continue. Link finally turned to look at him. From the way Ravio dropped his spoon entirely, there was some kind of expression on his face.
“You’ve been sleeping in my bed.”
“I’m terribly sorry, Mister Hero!” Ravio immediately returned in a loud but not terribly sincere tone. “I had to leave home so quickly, you see, and I was sleeping on the ground with all those dreadful monsters around before you so graciously lent me your home. It isn’t very comfortable down there. As, ah. As you know. since you’ve probably been sleeping on the ground, too.” He faltered to a stop rather than try to dig himself back out of the hole he’d talked himself into. His hands were wringing together, his posture hunched in a way that made Link think he might be about to throw himself back down on the ground like he had when he was begging for a place to stay. Link couldn’t see the extraordinarily sad puppydog eyes, but he could feel them aimed right at him. 
He had spare blankets and a bedroll. The space in front of the fire would be perfectly warm. 
But Link wouldn’t get any sleep himself if he made Ravio sleep on the ground while he enjoyed the comfort of a bed mere steps away. If the guilt didn’t keep him up, the sounds of Ravio shifting around certainly would. 
He sighed. “Fine.”
Rounded shoulders immediately straightened. Link swore the fake ears on the hood perked straight up. “Really? Oh, thank you, Mister Hero! I promise you won’t even notice I’m there!”
Link doubted that. 
The problem of logistics returned once, after much arguing, they had cleared sufficient space around the bed for them to both now be standing on either side of it. The dying fire cast a dull orange glow through the room, the door locked and the shutters closed for the night. Link was halfway through trying not to think too hard as he stripped down to his nightclothes before he realized Ravio had pulled his boots off and stopped, reaching to fold back his side of the covers with the bunny hood still on.
“Are you going to sleep with that on?” Link didn’t really want those giant embroidered eyes staring at him in the middle of the night. 
“I usually don’t,” Ravio said, which wasn’t an answer. 
“I don’t care what you look like,” Link tried. 
It didn’t seem to help. Ravio faltered, wringing his hands and just standing there awkwardly. He finally cleared his throat. “Could you turn around?”
Eyes narrowed, Link gave him a suspicious visual sweep. “Why?”
“I’m going to take it off.” 
“I might roll over in my sleep,” Link warned. He still didn’t have the faintest idea why Ravio didn’t want him to know what he looked like, but obviously he cared quite a bit. It was only fair to warn him.
“I know, friend, I didn’t mean you had to stay facing away all night! I have this!” He pulled something from one voluminous sleeve; after a bit of squinting, Link first thought it a mask, then a blindfold. But it had no eyeholes to be the former and looked too padded and comfortable to be the latter. 
“I’m not wearing a blindfold!” he said hotly. 
Ravio, Link had noticed, seemed to almost fluff up and out when he worried he’d angered someone against himself. Like a frightened cat with puffed out fur trying to make itself bigger than it was. “It’s not for you, it’s for me! And it’s a sleeping mask, not a blindfold!”
They stared at each other from across the bed. One beat. Two. 
Feeling red in the cheeks and more than a little foolish, Link turned around. Rustling sounds behind him; the covers folding back. He heard Ravio sit, then near silence for several long moments, save Ravio hissing a brief curse to himself. 
“You can turn around now,” he finally said. When Link did, he found Ravio sitting upright in the bed, hugging the far side, his hood traded for some kind of silk wrap that completely covered his hair and ears and the “sleeping mask.” Between the two, he was still nearly as covered as with the hood alone. Unlike with the hood, it was obvious he could no longer see, the direction of his head aimed somewhere more towards the middle of the room than Link himself. 
“Well. Good night, Mister Hero,” Ravio said, sounding as awkward as Link felt. 
“Good night,” Link echoed. He watched Ravio lie down and roll onto his side, facing away. 
Climbing into his bed with someone else already in it was
 odd. Link tried to lay on his back, since that seemed the safest way to not actually touch his bedmate. But he’d never been much of a back sleeper. It didn’t take long for things to start to ache, and no amount of fidgeting was making it any better. 
Ravio politely didn’t mention Link’s shifting, but his shoulders drew up under the covers. 
This wasn’t going to work. Time for Plan B. 
Trying hard to roll over without pulling any of the covers off of his bedmate, Link gave in and flipped to his side. 
This presented a new problem. His bed wasn’t terribly large. When he tried to curl up it pressed their backs together; a feeling startling in its intimacy. But more importantly, drawing his feet up meant he encountered Ravio’s own. 
“Your toes are cold!” Link yelped. 
“So are yours!” Ravio lied. 
“They are not!” Link yanked them further up regardless to get his poor innocent calves away from Ravio’s freezing toes, but that just pressed their backs more firmly together. Grumbling, he flipped over again. Onto his stomach now, head turned to the side on his pillow so he could breathe, one arm hugging the pillow and the other curled up against himself; a position Gully had found him in more than once when he was sent to see why Link wasn’t yet awake and working at his apprenticeship. He’d turned his head habitually to the left, and so now faced Ravio, his nose nearly tucked all the way up against the back of his neck. He thought he saw Ravio shiver when he exhaled. 
Link liked the way he smelled. 
“Is this okay?” He felt the need to check. 
“Perfectly fine, Mister Hero!” Ravio returned in a pitch that could accurately be described as a squeak. Link didn’t have the mental energy left to check whether he meant it. The past few weeks had been long, and now that he was finally comfortable they were catching up to him. Incoming slumber weighed down all his limbs. 
It felt nice. To fall asleep next to someone. It felt really, really nice. 
Not falling asleep on a hard dungeon floor helped, too. Ravio was right. Sleeping on the ground sucked.
Even if he did wake up in the middle of the night to find that Ravio had stolen all the covers. Ravio put them back when he rose before Link did in the morning; Link woke to the warmth of someone else’s lingering body heat in the blankets heaped up over him. It was a feeling he thought he could very quickly get used to.
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sisters-sideblog · 4 days
I’m a day late for sickfic day of Raivoli week but simply could not pass up that prompt. Read it here or on Ao3!
Link frowned, sitting up in bed. Something was off. 
No one bustled around his tiny little single room cottage. The shutters on all the windows remained closed. No lanterns lit the dark room. Only the dim glow of last night’s embers in the hearth and morning sunlight peeking around the edges of the shutters provided any light to see by. 
Ravio wasn’t up. Strange. Most mornings he beat Link to waking. 
In the darkness, someone sniffed. 
Link turned to the lump under the covers next to him. 
They’d been sharing a bed for a few weeks now, whenever Link wasn’t stuck in the depths of some dungeon. It still felt strange, but less strange than making Ravio spread a bedroll out on the hard floor while Link himself enjoyed a lumpy but soft mattress. 
Another quiet sniffle. Crying? The thought made Link’s stomach curl uncomfortably. But no, this time it was followed by a light cough and a soft, miserable little noise.
“Mister Hero?” Ravio whispered. He sounded stuffy and about as pathetic as Link had ever heard him. The times he’d talked his way into Link’s house and then his bed both included. “Are you awake?”
Ravio still insisted on covering his face, even at night. At least he took off the hood, turning his back to Link for long enough to cover both hair and ears with a wrap and an oversized, brilliantly purple sleeping mask to dwarf most of the rest of his features. The bunny hood lay in a heap on the floor; usually he woke before Link to put it on. 
Covered eyes turned towards Link in the darkness. Was it his imagination that the very tip of the nose just barely visible under the lower edge of the mask looked a little red? 
“I’m awake,” he whispered back.
“Mister Hero, I feel terribly unwell,” Ravio moaned, laying on the drama now that he knew he had an audience. Link rolled his eyes, secure in the knowledge that it would remain unseen. “I think I need a healing potion. Maybe a fairy? I definitely need a fairy. Oh, but what if there aren’t any? You’ll take care of Sheerow, won’t you? I - what are you doing?”
Between the turban and the sleeping mask, a sliver of Ravio’s forehead remained exposed to open air. The palm of Link’s hand immediately started to feel a little sweaty, but Link knew perfectly well that wasn’t because of Ravio. 
“Checking for fever,” he said as casually as he could, pulling his hand back. The skin seemed to tingle with the remembered warmth of Ravio’s skin. It was the normal amount of warmth. “You don’t have one.” 
“I can’t possibly open the shop today,” Ravio bemoaned. He coughed again. Link listened carefully, but it sounded dry, no rattling of phlegm. He sounded stuffy, yes, but he hadn’t yet coughed himself hoarse. “I can’t talk to people like this! An entire day of lost profits!”
Link wasn’t impressed. “It’s just a cold. I’m renting your entire stock. And if I want to buy something, you don’t need to open the shop for me. I live here.” He still felt the need to remind Ravio of that from time to time. 
Ravio’s hands flailed blindly. Link jerked his head back to avoid getting smacked in the nose. “I get other customers! One of them still has the sand rod!” Ravio declared with such a loudly dramatic hiss that he set himself into a true coughing fit, the first Link had heard from him that morning. Link grabbed his hand and pulled him to sit upright, patting his back until the fit passed. 
“I’ll make you some tea,” he decided. The audible dryness in his throat did sound painful, and the steam would be good for his sinuses. 
He heard the whisper of fabric across the floor as soon as he headed towards the kitchen and kept his head politely turned away while Ravio swapped his sleeping mask for the hood he could, theoretically, see out of. 
“And breakfast?” Ravio added hopefully, clogged nose adding to the overall air of pathetic neediness. 
“Don’t push your luck.” 
But once he had the kettle on, Link pulled out a pan and some eggs. Ravio nursed him back to health a time or two, after all; that was how they met. He could afford to return the favor. 
(Brought to you by the headcanon that Ravio gets terribly dramatic over the mildest of colds and is the most demanding patient he can possibly be.)
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sisters-sideblog · 7 days
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Hyrule Warriors Link of @ageless-soul-au! I love that she grows her hair out in the future. <3
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sisters-sideblog · 21 days
Ooooooh I really want to know about the WIP titled “oot Link leaving.”
OK I thought this was going to be the idea for what leads to the pairing discussed here, which is an alternate ending to OoT where Sheik's attempt to send Link back to his childhood ends up going awry. But what it actually had in it is the start of a scene of OoT Link saying goodbye to Ganondorf and Sheik (who are his established husband and qpp, respectively) before he sets out to travel through the eras with all the other Links. I'm still pretty fond of the dialogue, even if I never got around to the sex scene it was supposed to lead to. Here's the entire contents of that document, false start and all!
“Over a dozen foreign warriors loose in my fortress,” Ganondorf huffed. 
“Best warn them away from the sparring halls unless they want (sexual offers),” Sheik contributed, amused. 
Ganondorf grunted, flicking a negligent hand. “Warriors of strong blood? Let them. A few less wishing mothers risking the road.”
"Years of tradition undone; you have influenced me enough to allow an entire host of outsiders into my fortress."
Link snorted, poking Ganondorf's ribs. 
"That policy has been in place for three short decades, since the most recent
 conflict with Hyrule began," Sheik added helpfully.
"Years of tradition," Ganondorf continued blithely. (Long pause.) He peered down at Link through narrowed eyes. "They will be leaving the moment they are able."
Link rolled his eyes; yes, they'd been over this once already.
"And you will be going with them," he continued in a quieter tone. 
Link blinked up at him. Brought his marked hand up to his chest. Ganondorf's eyes narrowed. 
"The whims of the goddesses mean little to me, you know this."
Link huffed. 
“I am aware they mean more to you. I am also aware that sometimes you bow to fate when you shouldn’t, because you think you have to.”
Link narrowed his eyes, tapping his marked hand with more force.
“If you will not choose to stay, then I choose to remind you what you are leaving behind and what you have to come back to. And you,” he glared down at Sheik, the furrow in his brow one of worry. “Join us?” (And then Link and Ganondorf have sex while Sheik watches, possibly with Sheik on the same bed with them as they go)
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sisters-sideblog · 21 days
rhythm for the WIP folder game?
Rhythm! My fav little enby! Rhythm is Link from Cadence of Hyrule. And okay a lot of this document is both spoilery and deserves some content warnings. The following contains non-graphic discussion of a teenage character deliberately triggering a (temporary) game over scenario and for story spoilers. If you haven't played Cadence of Hyrule, it's a game that *relies* on the fact that it's so difficult that you are likely to game over multiple times. When the player character dies, you meet one of the fates, portrayed as old women who are perpetually knitting, and get to choose something to take back with you when you start over from the last save point. You HAVE to do this to get some of the game's heart containers, for example, but it's also one of the ways you pick up weapons, tools, and other items in the game. In short, I decided that Rhythm deciding xe needed to talk to one of the fates in order to acquire the item xe need to serve as a magical anchor to xir own world would make for some very solid drama. Super rough, early draft writing ahead! - “What courage, to bring you here.” Rhythm touched the spot where xe took the blow. “I may have pulled a few strings to make sure you got here.” (winked at her own pun.) “you know how this goes. pick what you need/something to take back with you, dear.” the usual spread lay before xem. a heart container, a weapon, a (thing.) rhythm ignored them, looked instead at her knitting. it felt
 almost disrespectful. xey usually averted xir eyes. (tapping fingers together, wringing their hands.) “Well, dear? what will it be?” terrified, rhythm bowed, hoping to appease her. the knitting needles did not cease their unending motion. watching them felt like being sucked in. caught up. rhythm looked away, eyes catching on the heart container. that would be a wise choice. xey hadn’t seen one of those on offer in some time. xey started to step towards it, stopped xemself. looked up. fate watched xem back, keen eyes over needles working tirelessly. trembling, terrified, rhythm held her gaze. xey knew what xey needed. a shaking finger raised to point. the knitting needles stopped. rhythm froze. cut to rhythm waking up, on the ground, surrounded by shouting, by someone yelling about fairies, bandages, anything, only to stop in shock. rhythm pats their hand, holds up xir prize.
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sisters-sideblog · 21 days
WIP Folder ask: Clothes shopping: Four??? Intrigued
That one is a story idea that eventually lead to this artwork! But then the art distracted me, I wrote something for the scenario depicted in it first, and haven't come back to this one.
Basically, because I cannot pin down a look I like for Four in my own AU, and because the setup happens to allow for it, Four is going to end up collecting bits and pieces of clothing from every era they go to. In this, Four and the Hero of Men are meant to be looking for something specific in Warriors' era when Red gets sidetracked by clothes. <3 -
Four’s feet abruptly stopped moving in the middle of a crowded street. “Clothes!” Red exclaimed, veering to the left. “Look at all the colors!”
‘Don’t forget about Men,’ Green’s voice sounded in cer head. Red flinched, guilty, turning to see Men making his stately way inside the building. The shopkeep, seeing the cane and silver-streaked hair, turned from greeting Four towards Men instead. 
“Would you like a chair, sir?”
That just made Red feel more guilty, since finding a portable chair for him was the reason they were out in the first place. 
“Yes, please. It’s quite alright, Four, take your time. Did you need clothing?”
“Um.” Red swished cer skirt somewhat guiltily. They’d picked up the long, flowing dress in Time’s era because they’d all been roasting in their silk brocade and wool underlayers and none of them wanted to ruin their expensive court dress with daily wear anyway. Red was really the only one of them who preferred frills, but they didn’t, strictly speaking, need anything more. 
The shopkeep came back with a folding chair. Men examined it as he sat down. “Where did you get this, if I may ask? We were in fact looking for something just like it.” To Four, he added, “Take your time, Four. I am quite comfortable,” before returning his attention to the shopkeep saying something about a woodworker just up the street.
(clothes shopping commences!)
They didn't even know how some of these things were meant to be worn. Some were more obvious, like the skirts similar to what Warriors and this era’s Zelda both wore; covering the back but not the front, meant to be put on over something else. Red's attention kept coming back to the walking skirts. There were a small handful in the collection less frilly than what they currently had on.
‘We should be buying practical things,’ Blue argued. 
Vio, who would normally be the one agreeing with her, remained suspiciously silent. They were the one who hadn't been able to resist a long, extravagant jacket in a vibrant plum color. 
‘The shirt you picked out is practical!’ Red cheerily returned.
‘And the skirt would be easier to move in than our court attire. We've fought in that before,’ Green reminded. 
Blue grumbled about being outnumbered. 
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sisters-sideblog · 22 days
Come Back to Bed Rated: Teen Pairing: Link/Ravio Characters: Ravio, Legend, Hyrule Fandom: Sister's Untitled Links Meet AU
Ravio wakes alone, goes looking for his husband, finds him in the care of one Hero of Hyrule, and brings him back to bed.
Rating for implied sex and its aftereffects
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sisters-sideblog · 1 month
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Did anyone ever do this meme with these two
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sisters-sideblog · 1 month
What if ALBW but it’s Ravio’s POV, Lorule is an island nation, and all Hylians, including Link, are merpeople. Mer!Link/Ravio, rated teen.
Chapter 3!
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sisters-sideblog · 2 months
Links Meet AU Morning Routines:
Wind and Wars: Shave together. Wars puts his hair up in a little topknot for it every time. Wind gave up on keeping his curls out of the shaving cream long ago. Wars keeps his appearance meticulous but has it down to an art form so it doesn't take long. Wind only combs out the worst of the tangles.
Hyrule: Fluffs out his hair. 
Spirit: Morning person. How is she already that awake. How is she already dressed. Ugh. Skips the prosthetic most days but if she’s going to wear it that’s part of getting dressed.
Legend: Clings to Ravio until Ravio pries himself free. Just five more minutes. 
Ravio: Was awake long before Legend and wants his tea now. Makes sure he’s dressed before too many of the late risers are up and things get really hectic. Pries Legend out of bed with tea or breakfast. 
Wild: Redoes her bun only if it’s falling apart, puts her brace on if it’s a bad pain day or if they might be fighting, takes meds, and gets water for tea and warm breakfast going cuz she’s one of the first up and she might as well. 
Men: immediately gets dressed, brushes out his hair, shaves if he needs to. He'll help with food later but he must appear presentable before anything else.
Minish: Was awake and playing (or snooping through someone else's stuff) a long time ago. Eventually brings her hair things to whoever she’s decided is going to do that for her today. Only gets dressed once someone shoves day-clothes at her.
Twilight: Spends .2 seconds on his appearance, looks for ways he can help get everyone else moving since he’s used to having to run off and take care of animals first thing and gets restless. Usually sets himself the task of corralling the younger ones.
Sky: Doesn’t move from his bed until someone comes and jumps on him. Maintaining his locs usually happens on the go or in the evening, when he's more awake.
Mask: Would prefer to sleep in but Minish has probably bothered him awake and now their ruckus is waking up everyone else.
Rhythm: VERY bleary until xe’s had breakfast. That hat hides a multitude of tangles.
Four: Would have an easier time getting ready if not for Shadow. Very often seen staggering around, attempting to brush their hair and get dressed with Shadow hanging off their shoulders. Shadow doesn’t need a morning routine, though it won’t turn down breakfast.
Ocarina: Missing his husband and QPP is keeping him in bed much later than he usually would, but he still takes the time to thoroughly brush his hair every day, pick out jewelry, maybe put on some makeup... One of the most likely to delay everyone in the morning.
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sisters-sideblog · 2 months
what if

link could use magic to temporarily make ravio a mer? ????????
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Thank you so much for the ask!
If Ravio somehow became a mer, he would be very very excited to see Link's world and also very very nervous because there's all sorts of dangerous critters down here! (Link will keep him safe.)
Link would be absolutely ecstatic at getting to swim with Ravio properly. Once he figures out his fins, Ravio will be delighted to find that he's actually faster than Link!
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sisters-sideblog · 2 months
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Ravio ref for the mermaid au! I will now probably continue to draw him a little differently every single time. (Whatever, he can have multiple outfits.)
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sisters-sideblog · 2 months
For the fanfic ask game you shared: I want more of your mer!Link/Ravio fic! So depending on your mood, either:
Option A (sensible idea I thought of AFTER Option B): Link's perspective of their meeting.
Option B (nonsense initial thought I had when I read the "change one small detail and imagine how the scene would play out" prompt): everything's exactly the same except that he's a reverse merman, i.e. fish part on top.
Thank you so much for the ask, these were fun options!
I laughed so damn hard at option B that it's getting an equally nonsense answer: if Ravio is as distracted as he is by pretty hair and a toned chest, he is going to have a major crisis over how hard it is to look away from those legs and what’s between them. XD
And for option A!
It hurt to breathe, and he was colder than he could ever remember being. His thoughts dragged. Freezing water stung at every rush over his gills. Open air whipped across his face; a strong wind almost as cold as the water around him.
That wasn’t right. 
What happened? Why was he at the surface? Where was he? Not Koholint's warm, welcoming waters.
Something had him. Sand dragged under his tail, the crash of the surf over him trying to pull him back home beneath the waves, but something kept him anchored half in and half out. 
Dangerous. He should– he should–
Breathe. Ouch. 
Please wake up. I’ve put too much effort into you now for you not to wake up.
Warming magic flickered at the edge of his awareness, but he might need it to get away from whatever had him instead. 
It felt like hands. But if another mer had him, why were they on the shore, and what was wrong with their tail? Something felt off.
A larger wave than the rest crashed over him, submerged him head to fin in what should have been a soothing embrace and instead sent cold biting down to his very bones.
More importantly, a startled exclamation sounded above him. Whoever had him moved in a way they shouldn’t have been able to. It almost felt like they leapt out of the waves and then somehow stayed there, taking Link’s wrist with them, a bruising band around him keeping the ocean from taking him home. 
That strange not-a-tail settled under his head again after the water receded. 
He finally noticed the heavy tremor in the hands that clutched him to an unfamiliar body. The almost frightened pace of their breathing. 
Breathing still hurt. His gills felt dry. Crackling.
That awareness of something not right finally gave him the push to gather himself and drag heavy eyelids open.
Oh. Pretty. 
And human. 
Link had only heard about humans in children’s tales. Beings in far off lands with the upper body of a mer and a lower body similar to those who lived in Animal Village, on Koholint rather than around it. 
Apparently they were real. 
Or he was dreaming.
Vague interest stirred beneath the woozy disorientation. Link dragged himself closer to full consciousness, fascinated and wanting to take in every detail.
It - he? - was swathed in the same kinds of coverings as the residents of Animal Village, visibly shivering in the freezing surf himself. Strangely blunt teeth wedged in his lower lip to still the chattering of his jaw in a way that made a different kind of interest stir. He clutched Link so tightly to himself that Link could feel every curve of the body beneath his head, but for all that he stayed carefully away from Link’s gills. 
Link wondered what his name was.
Warming magic flickered again, more insistent this time. Link ignored it.
He should say something. Try to get the human’s attention.
Words stuck in a throat that burned just as badly as his gills. He swallowed hard. 
The human looked down. The darkness of his hair made the brilliance of his green eyes even more apparent, and Link found himself captivated by this beautiful creature straight out of a fairytale, freezing right along with him on an unfamiliar shore.
“You’re awake!”
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sisters-sideblog · 2 months
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Somehow, attempts to nail down a standard full body ref for Ravio in the mer AU just keep turning into sketches of him on the beach.
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sisters-sideblog · 3 months
What if ALBW but it’s Ravio’s POV, Lorule is an island nation, and all Hylians, including Link, are merpeople.
Chapter 2! Moving ahead with my plan to make this a complete retelling of ALBW.
Mer!Link/Ravio, rated teen.
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sisters-sideblog · 3 months
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Link's trying to show off his fins but they're a little floppy on dry land and Ravio's distracted by his lack of shirt anyway.
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sisters-sideblog · 4 months
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First of the ALBW vintage pinups! You all voted for Link sans pants, and here he is! Ravio soon to follow, reference art by Gil Elvgren under the cut.
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