scaldleth · 5 years
I wanted my witchy blog to be my main, so I’m moving to Ravenspeare! @ravenspeare will have some vulture culture and crowcore as well cuz that’s just who I am as a person lol so if any of my followers wanna keep up with me, that’s where you’ll find me!
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scaldleth · 5 years
Historical Warrior Hair
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scaldleth · 5 years
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death manifesting as a forest spirit! this is concept art for an idea for a short one off comic story, one i’d like to eventually get into in the future…
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scaldleth · 5 years
Do you believe working with the fae to be inherently foolish? Or beneficial within the right hands and knowledgeable minds?
Absolutely beneficial. This isn’t to say that working with the Fae does not come without its hazards. They can be mischievous on a good day and malevolent on a bad one.
I have heard witches use this example before and I will use it here. It’s practically a cliché, but working with the Fae is much like working with electricity. It has the potential to be extremely dangerous, but can be beneficial if done by a well-educated craftsman.
When working with the Fae, do remember the classic precautions - do not take their food or drink, do not give them your name, do not step inside a ring or circle, do not agree to dance with them, and do not say “thank you” for their service (this implies bondage). In some regard, nearly every person has been training to work with the Fae since childhood. Remember the folk tales and fairy tales you were told as a child. They are full of secret wisdom.
The Fae tend to be good for a number of things. They enjoy the sensual elements of life and spend much of their time eating, drinking, dancing, and making love. Naturally, they enjoy spreading these things to others. Matters of wealth, love, and sex are their domain. Because they are spirits, they can help with the removal of disease. This is something I have done with them many, many times. They can be haggled with and I always give them a good offering. They may request the simple foods of yore - bread, butter, milk - but in my experience they sometimes make bizarre demands. I can recall one spirit who demanded 200 banana-flavored Runt candies. Easy enough to acquire, but a strange request to be sure.
They can also be quite useful for household chores, but this is something I have never dealt with. I believe in hard work and like to do these things myself.
They can be teachers of plant lore and if you should befriend any one of the Fae, they may help you better understand the unseen world. That being said, some of them are given to mischief and you must be careful. I find it best to be upfront, stern, and honest with them. Never lie to the Fae.
But I fear I may have already said too much. I hope this is helpful.
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scaldleth · 5 years
Good stuff to do all the time
Listen to the rain
Sit in the sunlight
Open the windows
Hold the grass
Dance in a storm
Breath in the earth
Walk barefoot in the dew
Follow some ladybirds
Lay down on the moss
Run through the leaves
Climb up a tree
Look at the view
Collect pine cones
Put twigs in your hair
Look at cobwebs
Indulge on apples
Play with tree sap
Ramble in the rain
Sing to the birds
Eat a spoon of honey
Sleep on some straw
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scaldleth · 5 years
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Always be yourself. Unless you can be a Viking. Then always be a Viking.
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scaldleth · 5 years
Could you please reblog this if you are a witch who isn’t Wiccan?
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scaldleth · 5 years
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“With a good woman, if you wish to enjoy Her words and her good will, Pledge her fairly and be faithful to it: Enjoy the good you are given” -The Hávamál
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scaldleth · 5 years
Britain's answer to 'King Tut's tomb' found on roadside
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Excited archaeologists on Thursday hailed an ancient burial site found on the side of a road near a pub and a budget supermarket as Britain’s answer to the tomb of Egypt’s King Tutankhamun.
The small bump on a patch of grass in the county of Essex just northeast of London did not look like much when UK researchers first spotted it in 2003.
“The thing that’s so strange about it is that it was such an unpromising-looking site,” Museum of London Archaeology’s (MOLA) director of research Sophie Jackson said.
But a team of 40 MOLA archaeologists still decided to give it a shot.
Years of meticulous digging and carbon dating have now led them to conclude that they have stumbled onto an Anglo-Saxon burial chamber of a prince whose likes have never before been found in Britain. 
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Read more.
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scaldleth · 5 years
Hail Laufey, mother of Loki, Lady who is full of leaves. May You bless this Earth with Your abundance of life-giving nature.
Hail Loki, mother of Sleipnir, the mighty steed. May You continue to bless my life with Your lessons and Your love.
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scaldleth · 5 years
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“(…) and Odin hurled the young snake into the ocean”
One of the earliest versions of the myths I read, this was the words they chose, and I just think its super funny
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scaldleth · 5 years
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Nine Worlds Travel Postcards
(I finally finished them!)
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scaldleth · 5 years
I taught my daughter to use a pendulum. She immediately turned her back on me, silently asked it a question, giggled at the answer, then refused to tell me what she asked. I’m very proud.
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scaldleth · 5 years
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“So long, we’d become the flowers”
happy lesbian visibility day, from me, a lesbian incapable of drawing anything that isn’t gay
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scaldleth · 5 years
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This is what I’m called.
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scaldleth · 5 years
I’m wishing everyone a most magical Walpurgisnacht/Beltane!
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scaldleth · 5 years
I know you're in the midst of fixing your blog from being deleted, but do you happen to have/plan on making a Freyja devotional post?
I just posted this one ~ enjoy!🌟
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