skeletonrecs · 3 years
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It’s finally here! This is the collaborative collection of My Chem fanfic recommendations!!
This is meant to act as both an appreciation of you brilliant authors and for everything you bring to this fandom; even today, with SO little to work with!! As well as an archive of sorts to keep these works available for everyone to enjoy. 
This is still an on-going project, as I am always accepting submissions!
I want to thank every single person who submitted their faves and helped out with this little project! 
and a HUGE thank you to Vyn @bringmoreknives for the beautiful graphic. 
Please take a look and ENJOY!!!!!!
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skeletonrecs · 3 years
Hey bestie, I saw you accept fic recs. Dark Blue, I Love You by nsfwfrerardx is one I never see talked about despite being around awhile. It's great and I still go back to it. IMO it's much too underrated. And I just finished reading Before The Second Show by CharredLips. It's very sweet and I love the characterization. really good
ahhh sorry late reply!! Thank you! I'll check them out!!!
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skeletonrecs · 3 years
Show Me, Show Me, Show Me - wakingup alternate universe - canon divergence, drag, established realtionship, pwf
“What the—” he inhaled, unable to tear his eyes away from the back of Frank. As if he could feel it, Frank turned and looked through the crowd. It didn’t occur to Gerard that Frank could be looking for him until Frank’s eyes found him. A wicked smile spread across his red-painted lips when he saw Gerard watching him. Or Frank casually shows up to Hambone's show in drag and Gerard loses his shit.
Rating: Explicit | Words: 4,047 | POV: Gerard | Status: Complete
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skeletonrecs · 3 years
✩ Versions of Us - stoplightglow
alternate universe - modern setting, unresolved tension
Maybe there are versions of them where things went the right way.
Rating: Teen | Words: 1,475 | POV: Gerard | Status: Complete
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skeletonrecs · 3 years
To Solve a Paradox - stoplightglow alternate universe - paranormal, modern setting, unresolved tension
Mikey pushes his glasses up with his hand and breaks the silence. “You can go see my brother.” Everyone turns to look at him. Frank isn’t even sure if he heard him right. “Your brother?” “Gerard,” Mikey says, like that explains a damn thing. Frank doesn’t know anything about Mikey’s brother; he barely knows of the dude’s existence. “He sort of — he works with a lot of grief-stricken people.” Frank rolls his eyes at the phrase grief-stricken. “What, another fucking shrink?” “No.” Mikey gives him a sharp look. “He’s a medium.”
Rating: Mature | Words: 35,216 | POV: Frank | Status: Complete
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skeletonrecs · 3 years
✩ Soft and Wild - runandgo alternate universe - magic realism, modern setting
“I should have known that I’d mess up my first blessing,” the guy was saying anxiously, wringing his hands. “I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to-” “Wait,” Frank interrupted. “What’s your name?” The frantic movements stopped and the curious head-tilt came back. “I’m Gerard.” In situations like this, Frank found, familiarity and honesty often helped. “Gerard,” Frank said. “I have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about.”
Rating: Mature | Words: 16,111+ | POV: Frank | Status: WIP
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skeletonrecs · 3 years
Like It's Only Been a Day Since - runandgo alternate universe - time travel, pwf. era - bullets, solo
“You were never, ever bad at this, Gerard,” Frank says bluntly. “I like anything you do because I like you, okay? And if it makes you feel better, I’ll, I don’t know, tell you what I like, but honestly, you don’t have to worry about it. Just let me take care of things. Let me take care of you.” His throat dry, Gerard swallows, and he’s leaning in before he even realizes it, Frank’s hand cupping his jaw. - Current Frank and Basement Gerard. *shrug*
Rating: Explicit | Words: 5,860 | POV: Gerard | Status: Complete
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skeletonrecs · 3 years
If the Fates Allow - runandgo alternate universe - career/work, modern setting, rom com
Frank needs a favor. Gerard can't say no to Frank. Or, the story of how Christmas carols very nearly ruined Gerard's life.
Rating: Explicit | Words: 9,260 | POV: Gerard | Status: Complete
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skeletonrecs · 3 years
The First Annual Belleville, New Jersey Harvest Festival - runandgo alternate universe - career/work, modern setting, rom com
When Ray and Frank had gotten to Belleville a few weeks before, they’d laid out the situation in no uncertain terms: the city government was broke. Extremely broke. On-the-verge-of-bankruptcy broke. Which meant that all of the programs Gerard had worked so hard to implement in his years working his way excruciatingly slow through the ranks of the Belleville Parks and Recreation Department — free art clinics and music classes for at-risk kids, bike exchanges with the Department of Transportation, all the things closest to his heart — had to stop immediately.
Rating: Teen | Words: 10,820 | POV: Gerard | Status: Complete
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skeletonrecs · 3 years
Blowing (and) Smoke - runandgo alternate universe - canon divergence, bdsm, pwf. era - danger days
“Oh my God,” Frank says again, seemingly oblivious to Gerard’s slight deer-in-headlights look. “The only thing that would make this night better is a cigarette and a blowjob.” Then he turns his head over and catches Gerard’s eye. “Hey, we can smoke in here, right?” “Of course,” Gerard scoffs. He toes off his shoes, not bothering to undo the laces, and goes to sit down on the edge of the bed, but Frank interrupts him. “Wait, wait.” There’s a glimmer in his eye, a smug look bordering on sleazy with the mustache, but it works for Gerard almost disturbingly well. “What did I just say, Gee?” He says it almost like he’s a little disappointed Gerard didn’t catch on, pushing himself up till he’s sitting against the headboard.
Rating: Explicit | Words: 2,958 | POV: Gerard | Status: Complete
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skeletonrecs · 3 years
This Deep Puzzle Moon - reclist alternate universe - canon divergence. era - bullets
The house party is at its peak, Gerard lost sight of the chick that invited them over after the show. She might be getting it on with Mikey somewhere in the house, but Gerard would rather not think about it. He goes back to the living room in search of the other members, but he can’t find any of them, so he leaves heading to the backyard. There’s a body lying flat on the ground in the far back of the backyard, Gerard realizes it’s Frank when he gets close enough to recognize the Black Flag shirt he’s wearing.
Rating: General | Words: 787 | POV: Gerard | Status: Complete
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skeletonrecs · 3 years
I've Got Something to Prove - reclist alternate universe - canon divergence. era - solo
"Oh," Ray says, kind of weirded out. "I just assumed, since Mikey is." And that's it. He talked to Mikey yesterday and he hadn't said shit. "Oh." Gerard's tone is a bit harsher than he meant. "I didn't know Mikey was going." Ray doesn't answer, he stays quiet for a few seconds before finishing with, "Well, we'll be there if you wanna join." As if Gerard needs a fucking invitation.
Rating: General | Words: 1,587 | POV: Gerard | Status: Complete
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skeletonrecs · 3 years
The Plan and The Problem - peekabooby alternate universe - rom com, modern setting
After Gerard hears of a possible squatter living in his building, he investigates, strikes a deal, and in the end, finds more than he expected.
Rating: Explicit | Words: 9,000 | POV: Gerard | Status: Complete
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skeletonrecs · 3 years
You Belong To Me, I Believe - orphan_account alternate universe - bdsm, canon divergence, modern setting Read Warnings
Frank means to keep his hands to himself, he really does, but once he sees the marred skin on Gerard's wrist he can't stop himself from touching. He drags his thumb across the mottled coloring. This time, though, Gerard's breathing stays cool and even. When Frank glances up, his movements faltering at the lack of a reaction, Gerard is looking back down at him, a hint of a smile playing at his lips. "Look," Gerard murmurs, tugging up the bottom of his shirt with his other hand. "Look at everything you've left on me." Frank does. He can't not, with an invitation like that. Gerard's variegated skin draws him in and traps him like a vice. "I think it's my turn," Gerard finally says, letting go of the hem of his shirt when Frank's taken it all in. "What do you think, Frankie?"
Rating: Mature | Words: 6,056 | POV: Frank | Status: Complete
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skeletonrecs · 3 years
And If You Stay - mutedstar (orphan_account) alternate universe - modern setting
Frank is glowing, and Gerard can't stop staring. He doesn't even know Gerard's looking at him, and that's what makes it even more sacred, a pure moment that makes Gerard feel like an outsider. He tries to ignore the howl in his chest. The fire in his lungs. The flowers growing in his stomach, unfurling, threatening to crawl up his throat and spill out of his mouth, taking his dignity with them.
Rating: Mature | Words: 881 | POV: Gerard | Status: Complete
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skeletonrecs · 3 years
Space Looks a Lot Like New Jersey - jjtaylor alternate universe - future/space
A ship's captain has a lonely job, but sometimes that's because he's chased everyone else away.
Rating: Explicit | Words: 8,321 | POV: Gerard | Status: Complete
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skeletonrecs · 3 years
Subterfuge of Tiny Proportions - J (jaywright) alternate universe - canon divergence, pwf. era: projekt rev
It usually takes Gerard hours to wind down from a show.
Rating: Explicit | Words: 1,233 | POV: Frank | Status: Complete
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