sketchytychou · 2 months
Ahhhh! This is an amazing cover! I didn't see this one before! I'm glad people are getting back in the fandom!
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I love this cover so much. I'm so excited about all the new BMFM stuff coming out. I can't wait to see what new fan fics it inspires. I am loving the dramatic uptick in fanfics being written already!
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sketchytychou · 2 months
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Just got my hands on Biker Mice From Mars issue 1. Highly recommend for anyone who is a fan of the original show. It feels very in canon. Art is pretty nice and we're getting an origin of the freedom fighters on Mars. If I had to nitpick, I wish the dialog was a bit more snappy/clever/comical as it was in the original show. But over all, solid first issue and I will definitely be getting the rest.
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sketchytychou · 2 months
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My friend said this but this is a very important point that yall need to understand.
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sketchytychou · 2 months
Ask game
18 and 40 please?
Yay! More asks! You guys can keep sending me more. I LOVE talking about turtles. 18.) Who is your favorite villain? I've already answered this one, but I have many villains that I love. I love Karai, largely 2003 Karai. I also really liked 2012 Karai in the first few seasons and I am also enjoying IDW Karai. Other favorites are Bebop and Rocksteady, and the Rat King. IDW Rat King is REALLY cool though the Armageddon Game was...well, it was a thing that happened.
40.) Do you give the turtles tails? Yeah...it's kind of random when I decide to draw the tails. But sometimes I get a pose where my brain is like "Add the Tail" in the Dark Kermit voice. And I LOVE when I see it in other people's art. Thank you for the asks!
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sketchytychou · 2 months
TMNT Anniversary asks!! 😂
2, 21, 33 and 36! Have a great day!! 😊
Thank you for the asks and for tagging me in this game! <3 2.) What was your first exposure to [TMNT iteration]? I think you were supposed to specify an iteration with this, but I can still work with this question. LOL Every TMNT series, I was there when it was created. I caught the first episodes when they came out and kept watching. For 2003, I actually got tired of season 1 (It is not their best season) and it was hard to catch it on TV at the time for me because of my schedule so I dropped it. But then I saw later seasons where Karai was fighting the turtles off while Shredder was trying to leave the planet and was like WAAAAAAAT? Hol up! I need to catch up on this! And it became one of my favorite iterations. Likewise with Rise. I saw the first episode and didn't watch any more until the movie came out. I just wasn't in the mood for it. But I gave it another shake and it is also one of my favorite iterations now.
21.) What is your favorite story arc? 2003 had some great story arcs. I love the Battle Nexus. The Good Genes story arc. Leo's angsty character arc. I also actually liked the Ninja Tribunal season, as weird as it was. You saw Leo's growth in this. When his brothers out-shined him, when he didn't even get a mystical weapon, he was very calm and humble about it. A far cry from the angry, anxious turtle he used to be. 2012, I don't really remember much of it. I saw it when it came out and very little of it stayed in my brain. I need to watch it again. Rise had very little story arcs, but I loved the whole thing with Karai. IDW: The Foot Leo story arc was far too short for my liking. I wanted more.
33.) What is your favorite thing you've made for TMNT?
Currently, my favorite fan work is my Brotherhood comic. It is in my thoughts constantly. I hope my love for the turtles shows in this story and it inspires fans and shares the love. I'm putting my whole heart into it. (I wish I was a better artist for this project, but I do what I can.)
36.) Which character do you have the hardest time writing/drawing?
I would say April across the board. She's never been a character where I've truly been able to get into her headspace. Our only common ground is we both love the turtles and I try to go from there.
Though I do adore writing Bayverse April. She is a lot of fun because she is both tenacious and kind of a dumbass and I love her.
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sketchytychou · 2 months
Hi! I just really wanted to let you know that I’ve loved your Small Problem series for so long now. I’ve read it three different times and it’s always stuck with me.
Each part of the series stands alone so well, I hope this message doesn’t make you feel like you have to finish it or whatever, I just truly think it is such a good story and frankly am fascinated that I technically grew up reading it.
Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm glad this story has touched people, made them feel or inspired them to create. I too wish it was finished LOL. Maybe one day. If the fire ever hits me again, I intend to tackle it with the heat of 1,000 suns and finish that monster. Thank you again for the lovely note!
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sketchytychou · 4 months
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“Sneaker and ankle drawing techniques”
Source: Twitter at takuya_kakikata
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sketchytychou · 4 months
Cute trailer for a mermaid anime that may or may not be in production? Not sure.
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sketchytychou · 5 months
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Buttload of Posters
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Lots of stickers, post cards, convention lanyards and other odds and ends now get their own box.
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A lot of pretty box art I kept because it was too nice to throw away.
Most of what was ruining the under-the-bed box was a big pile of craft paper I bought for a project and then never did anything with it. The tragedy of projects undone.
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Cleaning out this random box of nerd shit as there's so much stuff in here, it was ruining this box with the weight of it.
Let's see what's in here.
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sketchytychou · 5 months
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Cleaning out this random box of nerd shit as there's so much stuff in here, it was ruining this box with the weight of it.
Let's see what's in here.
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sketchytychou · 5 months
Imma have to buy this. This art is AMAZING!
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Biker Mice From Mars #1 cover! Plus the complete #1-3 connecting cover image. Out: July 2024.
My NUMBER ONE concern in doing this image was for your childhood. It should have atrophied away long ago, but we want to keep it alive and well as long as possible.
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sketchytychou · 5 months
Hello! All good? Recently I've been seeing (or reading?) your story "Swat Kats: Kat's Eye" and I felt very inspired and decided to make a story too! (Just one thing, I'm still in the first few pages, so no spoilers please ;))
It will be written and I will probably only start writing when I finish reading your story, but I already have ideas and I wanted to ask if you could give me some writing tips
For now, I've already thought about some scenes, the name of the "episode" and synopsis, the synopsis goes like this: "When Pastmaster tries to summon his monsters from the past, a knight ended up coming along, and now the Swat Kats try to help the knight Joynia Feral!" basically it's the episode "bride of the Pastmaster" but in reverse and focusing on the ancestors of Feral and the Swat Kats, yes, they appear, their names are Sapphire (Jack's ancestor) and Ruby (Chance's ancestor) both boys
I have some scenes ready, but some don't have much narrative sense, I won't give spoilers so I'll leave it shallow, and that's why I wanted some tips from you, anyway, before I go, I'll say that I really liked your story!! and I'm sorry for any inconvenience, bye bye
Hello! I'm so happy to hear I have inspired you to write! Thank you for checking on my story/storyboard for that episode. One of the most useful things I learned as a budding writer was to write summaries of your story before you get started. It REALLY sped up my writing process. If I'm really struggling to get a story put together, I'll writing a very short, basic summary first with the main points. Then I'll write a longer summary with bits of dialog and other things I want to make sure go in the various scenes.
By then, you should have a good idea of how the story is going to go so sitting down to write, storyboard, or draw a comic should flow a lot easier. Good luck!
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sketchytychou · 5 months
Hello! I just wanted to say I really really love your small problems verse, the tf one; it's so good, with how you write the characters (i adore crystal/blitzangel, she's such fun and i love her interactions with the bots, especially the twins, prowl, jazz, drift, optimus, ratchet and the dinobots... basically everyone actually) and the story arcs, and one of my favorite tf series of all time. thank you so much for writing it, i still love to go back and reread it a lot, and you have such a talent for writing. <3
Thank you so much for sending me this lovely message. I'm glad people are still enjoying it. I think one of my greatest regrets in my fanfiction career is not finishing this. I still haven't given up on finishing it, but I have yet to get back that passion for Transformers I once had. I do bounce around fandoms a lot and I keep hoping getting back to Transformers is just around the corner. But in the meantime, it means a lot to me that people are still enjoying my fic series. I put a lot of years and love into it. I still hope to finish it one day.
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sketchytychou · 6 months
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I have been fascinated with the Willy Wonka Experience that happened in Glasgow. For those not familiar, this was an event put together by, as we later found out, a person who is known for trying to get away with schemes like this to make money. It was an event that, apparently, a lot of people showed up for and some even drove quite a ways to attend. And upon arrival, it was so disappointing to those attending, police were called as people demanded their money back. I won't go into too many details. Many youtube videos and news sites have covered the event if you want to learn more. My fascination with this failed event comes from my experience of building a whole ass convention from the ground up and being involved with running it for over a decade. And I just can't fathom how this event failed so badly when it could have been immensely improved by one simple word:
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I don't know how you overlook this one easy thing. A, they fill up space so you're not in a giant, empty warehouse. B, they give your attendees something to do without you having to pay extra staff. And C, THEY PAY YOU to have a booth spot at your event. Going to a Willy Wonka event, I would expect it to be at least 75% about food and candy. Willy Wonka has a CHOCOLATE FACTORY. I better be able to buy some mother fucking chocolate while I'm here. For some reason, this coo-coo event planner thought providing treats to his attendees was an expense. He had told staff each child could have ONE jellybean. (It was revealed one staff member was giving out two or three because she felt bad. ) They also were giving out measly cups of this very questionable lemon-aid.
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What was he thinking? You go to every local store you can: candy stores, chocolate stores, bakeries, specialty popcorn. Hell, maybe even a brewery or two for the adults. You bring all those people to your event to set up booths. (Which again, does not cost you.) And THEY pay YOU to show up. Find anyone you can who has a food-handlers license and a small business. Ask them to come and demonstrate something: chocolate or candy making, cake decorating, anything. Let them hand out business cards if they show up to do a demonstration. Maybe put together a few more games for the kids where they can win some cheap bulk candy and have some volunteers run those. Have an actor dressed as Wonka just wandering around, acting like an eccentric candy maker and interacting with the kids instead of making some weird AI script. (Though the Unknown was kind of a cool result of a weird and terrible situation.) Now, a lot of this failure was because this event was meant as a money-making scam. It wasn't put together to be successful, it was put together so this dude could make out with as much of people's cash as possible. But it would have been so easy to make this so much better. My event-planning sensitivities were offended and I wanted to rant.
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sketchytychou · 6 months
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Me watching X-Men '97.
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sketchytychou · 6 months
My current fan project. TMNT got me out of a big depression a while ago and I wanted to give back. The comic can be found on Webtoons here.
What is Ninja Turtles: Brotherhood?
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Brotherhood came into conception February 2023 when we started to see more of the Mutant Mayhem movie set to release later in August. While I don't mind the franchise skewing young--I myself first saw Ninja Turtles as a child-- I found myself wishing there was also some TMNT animated content for older fans. At the time I was watching DC animated series like Young Justice and Harley Quinn. It was nice they recognized that there were fans of all ages and they were putting out animated content for older audiences while also making content for kids. I found myself wishing that TMNT would follow that example. And then I asked myself, if I had the opportunity to make a TMNT animated series for older fans, what would it be about? At first, I had nothing and wasn't intending to explore the idea further. Then, one day, I was driving home from work and I suddenly had an idea.
For most of 2023 I explored the concept. Since animation is my background, that was the medium I had in mind when putting it together. Of course, there's no way I could animate a whole series by myself as a fan project. I first thought about maybe trying animatics, but that also seemed a bit overwhelming. For a time, I thought maybe I would let it go as it seemed too big of a project for one person. But then the 40th anniversary came around and I decided I wanted to do it for them. For a lifetime of turtles. So I decided on a web toons type format. It seemed easier as a one-person project than the typical comic book format. So here I am after a year of development, attempting my best at putting out a TMNT fan comic for the anniversary. It's meant as a love letter to both the franchise as a whole and the fans. It pulls from many different iterations while also telling its own story. As such, it's meant for not just fans of one iteration, but for fans of any of the iterations. Just Ninja Turtle fans in general. And I'm aiming to provide a full character arc for each turtle so, no matter who's your favorite, you'll get some good content.
Plot: The series takes place five years after the defeat of the Shredder. In a story meant for older fans, I decided the turtles should be older, too. No longer teenagers, they are now 25. The idea is that everything that you expect to see in a typical TMNT series has already happened to them, and now they are navigating their world and experiencing new adventures as adults, trying to find meaning after their main adversary is gone.
You can find development art I've done over the year by checking out the #ntbrotherhood tag. I post new parts every Monday. And I usually post here on Tumblr unless I feel they are too big. You can find the full comic collected on Webtoons (for as long as they'll put up with hosting a fan comic.)
The Boys:
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sketchytychou · 6 months
I found this article fascinating. I just learned about the term "proshippers" recently myself and what it means. It's so bizarre that I wondered for a long time if I understood the meaning correctly. Especially with a certain fandom I am in right now. Apparently, a lot of the "Proshippers DNI" people can't even agree on which ships are problematic. So it's like a guessing game for each one of these clowns on what exactly might trigger them. Feelings Yakuza, indeed!
I have never read a more excellent article
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