skimbly-shanks · 1 year
Just like being trans, cosmetic surgery is misogynistic. you are completely braindead. hopefully one day the worms in your brain will bump into some neurons in a pattern that causes you to stop spewing the same old putrid takes you always do. until then, evaluate why you hate women so much
Your mom suck me good and hard though my Jorts
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skimbly-shanks · 1 year
My mental health break absolutely achieved its purpose. It also sparked a new, more final revelation on my part.
I'm fucking done lmao
I still love CATS as a show. I still love the characters and my hcs and ships. I love the friends I've made.
I want to continue enjoying those things.
So I'm done with the tumblr fandom.
I'm done with being part of a friend group to be pointed at to start drama and spread rumors no matter what we do. I'm done with having to evaluate the chances of getting anons telling me how much I love child abuse whenever I want to post shippy things. I'm done with total strangers and even friends deciding that shipping means I'm an evil abhorrent pperson.
So, antis, you win. I'm out of tumblr fandom.
I'm not leaving the fandom as a whole, and I won't be leaving tumblr, but I am leaving the fandom space on this site. Because I actually like not being on edge every day that something new is going to happen.
I'll still be on discord; I have an ig, both will be my main ways of doing anything fandom related from here on out.
I'll be making a new tumblr, so I'm not completely leaving, but if I do anything at all with cats on that account, it will be strictly between myself and my friends
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skimbly-shanks · 1 year
Re. Recently deleted post
I fucked up.
I saw someone's post, and instead of bringing it up privately, I publicly reblogged to push back.
That was immature and impulsive of me. And I regret it immensely.
Idk what else to say; I might delete the app for a bit soon, bc I just. Idk I don't like how I get sometimes on here and I don't want others to be collateral for my problems.
So consider this a mental health break
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skimbly-shanks · 1 year
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making shitposts for a 25 year old show >>>>>
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skimbly-shanks · 1 year
success! Alonzo finally got Munkustrap to notice his leggie.
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and he got a startled little skitter-hop out of it too 😌
Alexander Auler as Munkustrap and George Maniadis' foot. Vienna revival, March 2022.
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skimbly-shanks · 1 year
Bus! :3
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skimbly-shanks · 1 year
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skimbly-shanks · 1 year
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skimbly-shanks · 1 year
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Cats painting studies by Paul Rabaud
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skimbly-shanks · 1 year
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skimbly-shanks · 1 year
While I'm on my tranny hot takes roll, we know it's harmful and victim blamey to take homophobes' obsession with gay men and say that homophobes are closeted gays, yeah? Don't fucking do that with GCs internalized hatred of women and womanhood and call them closeted trans men.
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skimbly-shanks · 1 year
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skimbly-shanks · 1 year
I hate the cosmetic surgery industry for so many reasons I really do. But the line between cosmetic and medically necessary plastic surgeries is as a cloud, and we cannot sacrifice bodily autonomy for bans so. We need to dismantle white supremacy and the patriarchy in order to effectively tackle the issue. I should be able to get elective top surgery without medicalising my transness you get?
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skimbly-shanks · 1 year
I genuinely do have a lot of mixed, largely negative feelings on cosmetic surgery. But at the same time I'm aware that it's intrinsically tied up with autonomy and specifically trans Healthcare. and listen. I don't think any trans person has to get surgery to be trans or anything. That's bullshit. But while it's absolutely that non-op trans ppl deserve protection and love and understanding...if I'm never going to be able to get a mastectomy, idk what I'll do, but it won't be good. I have dysphoria, and I have other mental illnesses. The current approach to barring trans Healthcare is to make it uncoverable by insurance and/or to disallow it if you have other MH problems. This includes access to surgical procedures.
I'm not a serious proponent of ""Choice Feminism"" or its iterations in other movements; I think it's overly optimistic and ignores that choices aren't made in a vacuum. That said. I think autonomy needs to be the norm, and I think that just as choice feminism ignores wider systems, the prohibitionist side ignores that for better or for worse, ppl have truly found comfort and self empowerment through certain things due to those wider systems. Makeup can create highly toxic consumerist circles, but it's wrong to deprive prisoners of its comforts to the point they make black markets and/or are sexually exploited by guards just to get some.
Today there's a disturbing tendency to make body types themselves into trends, and there are vocal surgeons grifting and preying on insecurities, but it's wrong to bar access to these procedures from people, bc how are you going to do that? Require medical cause and prescription for reconstructive surgeries? When doctors are probably going to do everything possible to avoid surgery? When pathologizing stuff is part of what's causing trans and reproductive Healthcare crises? Both of which are tied to autonomy? When trans Healthcare in particular already only covers surgeries on insurance if they're for diagnosed gender dysphoria? When bills have already tried to ban access to procedures related to trans Healthcare with the blowback effect on cancer patients?
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skimbly-shanks · 1 year
To be clear, tho, I absolutely despise the plastic surgeons on tiktok who go around describing procedures they'd do on ppl who Did Not Ask. Absolute Grifters and part of the problem ppl think they're addressing when decrying cosmetic surgery as a whole.
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skimbly-shanks · 1 year
Yall do NOT hop on a cosmetic surgery hate train during an ongoing campaign against trans Healthcare I am fucking begging
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skimbly-shanks · 1 year
Catgirls and doggirls in SpongeBob world would be snailgirls and wormgirls
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