i wanna get skinny so i can dress like this without looking weird
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Normal teenage nostalgia: school dances ✨ hanging out with your besties 🥰 your first crushes 🤭
My teenage nostalgia:
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Hi yes, can my period please fuck off?!? I keep overeating, and I’ve already gained 3lbs. I can’t do this!!
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The thing is I don’t just have a morning weigh in anymore. I have:
- a morning weigh in
- a post shit weight in
- an after showering weigh in because somehow showering can make me drop up to .5lbs
- a before I eat weigh in to see if I’m at a low enough weight to eat/ see if I’ve dropped anymore weight through the day
- a final before bed weigh in to see if I’ve gained through the day and so I can see how much I drop overnight.
I genuinely don’t know when it got this bad, and when weighing myself became this excessive.
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Catch me making an OnlyFans at my next goal weight so I can post body checks disguised as lewds. If this disorder’s going to kill me I’m damn well going to profit off of it first.
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I wish people would stop making food for me without telling me prior. I had my whole day planned out and now I have to readjust because my mum made me a jacket potato for lunch and didn’t tell me. I have no intention of eating it but the anxiety I get from having food thrust upon me like that is so frustrating. I was planning on going out soon and walking all afternoon but now I have to wait an extra hour for this stupid potato I’m not gonna eat to finish cooking. 🙄
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Binged for the first time in a long time and I’m so close to having a panic attack. I’ve got an audition in the morning but I can’t go to sleep until I’ve walked enough to burn this stupid pasta off. I hate myself so much, why of all days did I have to binge today.
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I just want to be thin enough that I break tumblrs community guidelines. 😅
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I’m going back home for the Easter break on Saturday and currently I am 132.5lbs. Going to restrict super hard and try and get into the 120s by the time I have to leave. I’m super scared to go home though because my birthdays this week and my mum said she’s going to bake a cake when I get home. I don’t want to be funny about it and turn it down because it will upset her, but I don’t know if I can stomach something as sickly and filling as cake.
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🌱🌿green thinspo🌿🌱
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green thinspo
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I’m so glad I live alone. There’s no one here to question why I am compulsively doing laps around the living room while dinners cooking. 😅
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some oddly specific thinspo pictures that i adore
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The thing is the longer I do this the easier it gets. When I first started I would have to force myself not to eat and would have to physically distract myself all day and stay away from food. Now it’s so easy, like I barely even notice that I haven’t eaten and suddenly it’s 6pm and I only eat because I know if I don’t eat anything at all I end up binging after a few days.
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Going home for the Easter break next week and I need to find a way to take all my safe foods back with me so that I don’t end up binging on the crap they always have in the house. Gonna turn up back home with a suitcase full of rice cakes, 0 cal noodles, monster ultra, and Pom bears.
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Binged badly last night and thought I’d fucked everything up. I thought I was restricting too low and that caused me to binge; woke up this morning to find I’d started my period. Not quite sure how I feel about it. On the one hand it’s nice to know everything’s still working down there, but I’m also terrified of binging this week. Might have to up my calorie intake for the week to stop myself binging. Not ideal but I really want to avoid binging.
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Food Log Day Three
Weight in: 134.2lbs
Calorie limit: 500 calories
Food log:
Breakfast: N/A
Lunch: N/A
Dinner: Thin sliced bagel (122 calories), small tin of tuna (61 calories)
Snacks: 10 Cal jelly (6 calories), milk chocolate mini rice cakes (104 calories), Ritz Breaks (146 calories)
Total Intake: 439 calories
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