skulcrowrites · 4 years
skellunar ---> skulcrowrites
Ignore basically everything posted before this, most of my writing projects have changed quite a bit. Not sure if I’ll be active here again, but still.
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skulcrowrites · 4 years
What are y'all allergic to I’m really curious
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skulcrowrites · 4 years
one of the most frustrating moods is Desperate Need to Create Something, Anything + persistent lack of motivation/attention/ability/time/inspiration/energy to do so 
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skulcrowrites · 4 years
hello hello i feel like im rlly not following enough writeblrs at the moment, or the ones i was following have gone inactive, so reblog/like this if you’re an active writeblr and ill check your blog out! or feel free to rec some of your faves
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skulcrowrites · 4 years
Well my internet still barely functions. No idea if it’s ever going to return to normal. I haven’t abandoned my blog, I just can’t use it. I don’t use tumblr mobile because it eats all my data and I’m on a limited plan because I’m poor. So I guess I’ll be back whenever!
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skulcrowrites · 4 years
Thanks to a wind storm on Sunday and having the worst internet provider on the planet, I’ve been without internet for almost four days. Hoping it’s stable now
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skulcrowrites · 4 years
Love the aesthetic of handwritten drafts, except when it’s my own handwriting. Mine is horrible and not pretty at all. I also love the sensory heaven that is typing on my laptop’s keyboard, and handwriting can’t compete with that :’)
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skulcrowrites · 4 years
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Thank you! I hope I can execute it well enough :’) You’re absolutely right, and I try to keep that in mind. I can make things as obvious as stating it outright in the text and there will still be people who willfully interpret it their own way anyway so it’s just not worth stressing over, unless it’s like, comments from an editor or something, but I’ll worry about that if that time ever comes :’)
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skulcrowrites · 4 years
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Oh definitely, I want there to be room for that kind of interpretation. My main concern is that I have a morally ambiguous character who eventually becomes a triple goddess, and I’m worried people will misread it as her being a villain with DID when. That is not the case. I’m hoping I can make it obvious that the inspiration for her is paganism with a cyberpunk twist, and that I’m not being an ableist shithead. But I know some people will still take it the wrong way, no matter how clear I am about my intention.
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skulcrowrites · 4 years
Unrelated to writing, but the art on tumblr is so much more inspiring than the art on twitter.
I havent used my art twitter in months because I stopped caring, and none of the work I saw there made me want to draw. It either made me envious to the point of not wanting to try, or it was boring because it all looked the same.
But since I’ve been back to writeblr, I’ve found two artists via tumblr radar and I followed them and every time I see their art it makes me want to draw. Even when I wasn’t in a drawing mood. Maybe it’s just because twitter is so crowded it’s hard to find the Good Art, but I feel like popular artists on tumblr actually deserve their popularity, as opposed to on twitter, where a lot of people are popular just because they know how to play the marketing game, and it doesn’t always reflect the quality of their work.
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skulcrowrites · 4 years
Just typed out this long rant about how I don’t want my character percieved the wrong way when people can actually read my book but then I realized I don’t care. People will perceive things however they want, whether or not it was the intention. The people who fulfull this fear of mine will be the people who didn’t actually read closely enough, and who take everything at face value, and honestly that’s not the audience I’m writing for so. Fuck em, I guess :’)
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skulcrowrites · 4 years
⚜️So, are you going to confess your feelings while we are reading Plato's symposium?
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skulcrowrites · 4 years
Really was not feeling up to writing today but I still managed to force out a little over 1k words and end the scene I was working on. The next one is going to be difficult to write, pretty pivotal plotwise, and I’m nervous but excited about it
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skulcrowrites · 4 years
Finding a blog with nice aesthetics only to see they haven’t posted in over a year 🙃
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skulcrowrites · 4 years
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cinemagraph artist: kitchenghosts
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skulcrowrites · 4 years
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I can’t quite put my finger on it, but this feels vaguely relevant…
Read the full text of It Can’t Happen Here on Project Gutenberg: X
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skulcrowrites · 4 years
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Capitolani by Jan De Vliegher
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