whenthexstormends · 10 years
i'm not feeling well suddenly so i'm gonna curl up. i'll be back later
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whenthexstormends · 10 years
brooklyn nine-nine inspired sentence meme
"I kinda wish something could happen, between us, romantic styles."
"You can’t handle the me!"
"Forget your ex, have meaningless sex. It rhymes because it’s true."
"The English language cannot fully capture the depth and complexity of my thoughts, so I’m incorporating Emoji into my speech to better express myself. Winky-face."
"Yay, enemies for life!"
"It’s the most fun day of the year, something you wouldn’t understand because you’re not programmed to feel joy."
"Almost makes me wanna take things seriously all the time, but then I’m like, ‘boobs, farts, boobs, whatever.’"
"He is a sea-witch in disguise, do not sing into his shell!"
"I cannot believe that I’m considering a non-violent option."
"I’m gonna punch him so hard in the mouth that he bites his own heart."
"Blink twice if you’d like me to mercy kill you."
"I feel like I’m the Paris of people."
"My mother cried when I was born because she knew that she’d never be better than me."
"I am flummoxed! That’s a word I learned for this party, and I am it!"
"No staring at your phone, no rolling in two hours late, no sweatpants, no jeans, no shorts."
"I’m fine at parties. I just stand in the middle of the room and don’t say anything."
"The greatest thing that could ever happen has just happened."
"Chop-chop. There’s plenty of embarrassing to do and only a few hours to do it in."
"What’s the safest way to set a car on fire?"
"Space is scary! You saw what it did to Sandy Bullock!"
"Fear is a powerful aphrodisiac."
"Ugh, she never smiles. Is her mouth broken!?"
"Hey, you like spaghetti? And weed?"
"I mean, why would a death threat be a big deal? Oh, that’s right, ‘cause it threatens death!"
"That’s right! Just kicked Santa in the testicles."
"Guaranteed train-wreck. Thanks for the invite."
"Can we please eat?! My body is starting to digest itself."
"Yeah, but that was before I knew I could get up on this high horse. Love the view up here. Clip clop!"
"Turn your greatest weakness into your greatest strength. Like Paris Hilton re: her sex tape."
"Don’t give candy to a baby! They can’t brush their teeth!"
"The inside of your cheeks are very sensitive. It’s like the inside of your thighs, but with tongue."
"But seriously, what’s your favourite Jay-Z song?"
"Shhhhh…turn off your mouth siren…"
"You look like a corpse we just pulled out of the river."
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whenthexstormends · 10 years
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"Thanks! I appreciate it. Or, well, Liz will anyway. She’s mad about cars. I don’t get it, but she puts up with me so I don’t have to." She held out a card a second later. "This is my contact info — er, if you do get word, or the thing itself and are willing to share the info." 
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"They are complicated and interesting machines. I can see how one would be obsessed with it." He offered a small, while strained, smile before taking the card and slipping it into his backpocket without sparing so much as a glance. "Of course. I shall do my best."
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whenthexstormends · 10 years
timlinx replied to your post:timlinx started following you well hello there...
howdy howdy howdy
welcome to the realm of the thunder god
enjoy yer stay
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whenthexstormends · 10 years
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there’s a word at the edge of his thoughts, a place of home and war and a monarchy that he has left to come here. why? she closed her eyes, searching for his home.
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There are many things the Aesir is, but one of them is, and has never been, dumb. As soon as the name of his birthplace, his home, his kingdom leave the woman's mouth--he is on guard. Normal deep blue eyes have brightened considerably, and there's a distant roll of thunder in the sky. Far away, but still audible.
"Who, may I ask, are you?"
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whenthexstormends · 10 years
timlinx started following you
well hello there friend Bl
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whenthexstormends · 10 years
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"I was…I was kidding. I’m sorry. I was just trying to say I don’t normally mess with other people’s things.”
red. h a m m e r. brother.
"You are not a normal man."
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"That was not a very good joke, ma'am." Annoyance was seeping through now into his voice, and while he tried to fight it, the next statement caught his attention. Blue eyes narrowed and his jaw clenched, "And what proof do you have to support such a claim?"
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whenthexstormends · 10 years
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"Point taken." Tes dug around in her messenger bag for a few seconds, before pulling out a much abused sheet of yellow memo paper. Which was written on in red sharpie. "Okay so, apparently she’s been trying to find a —" here it became clear that to her the words might as well have been latin as she read them out loud. "12 Volt Negative Ground, 1/2 Pulley, With Offset Left Hinge Mount, Chrome, from 1956 to ‘55 —?"
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His tongue brushed against the inside of his lip as he listened and soon lapsed into a thoughtful silence. He was impressed that he recognized the part, yet... "I do not know, but I shall keep an eye out for it. Parts come through here all the time. There is a chance word, or the part itself, may turn up."
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whenthexstormends · 10 years
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"Perhaps you should hit harder, friend. You might find that more effective."
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whenthexstormends · 10 years
An AU where there is a “species” of people that have traits that are related to certain animals (deer antlers, fox tails, bunny ears, wings, fangs, etc), and although they typically behave just like a “normal” person, when weak or exhausted or fatigued, they shift into the type of animal they possess the traits of.
They can’t control when they shift and depending on the situation they may act more or less like the animal they turn into. For example, a tiger person may turn into a tiger after an exhausting experience, but will still have the mentality of a human. But if a tiger person was shot in the shoulder and being chased by a hunter, they might become a tiger both physically and mentally, and would obviously be very dangerous.
Because of this, “normal” people view these people to be dangerous and untrustworthy, and often are treated like monsters and avoided altogether. Some stories you could use this AU for:
-Character A is a normal person and Character B is an animal person, and they fall in love, despite the fact that “interspecies” relationships like that are taboo
-Character A and B are both animal people and they run away together, or are banished, because of their species
-A war or battle between the two types of humans
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whenthexstormends · 10 years
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"I have literally never met anyone ever who actually wanted a deadly jumping spider anywhere near them. What kind of death seeking super human fearless customers do you get?"Now she was just determined to get the guy to smile. " — Actually. My friend works on cars too. She’s been looking for this part for an old Thunderbird. — You have the time for a few quick questions?"
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"You underestimate curiosity. There are those who keep deadly animals as pets, after all. Even if it leads to their ultimate demise." He paused and tilted his head for a moment, "I have time, yes, but I do not know of how much help I can be."
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whenthexstormends · 10 years
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"This may be a special occasion, yes—"
his mind swirls over her, a mass of powerwarfathergold that does not match his face. overwhelmed, she faltered, setting the machinery down and stumbling backward slightly.
“Who are you?”
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An eyebrow slowly raised, head tilting slowly to the side as he watched the woman. Concern flashed briefly, but annoyance was too far rooted into his chest. "It is a generator. Explain your special occasion, and I shall answer your question."
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whenthexstormends · 10 years
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"Put up a sign that says it’s full of deadly jumping spiders. That might help. Seriously though, sorry for bugging you. I’m actually here because I got a call about a screwed up computer?" 
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"And then people shall inquire about the spiders and wish to see them. And we are faced with the same problem. A full circle." He shook his head and ran a hand against the back of his neck. "Then you wish to speak to Gerald. He should be in the back. I work on cars; I do nothing with computers."
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whenthexstormends · 10 years
Loki shook his head as he stood outside of the autobody shop. Had Thor really sunk so low? He sighed and conjured a glamour that gave him red hair and blue eyes. He just hoped Thor wouldn't see through it. He walked into the shop, looking around as he waited for Thor to show up.
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Walking in, the Aesir masquerading as human tossed his jacket on a chair and proceeded to roll up his sleeves. And he would have gotten straight to work if he wasn't distracted by someone already in the garage. Confusion and wariness both crossed his features before he offered the stranger a friendly smile, "I am sorry, but we are not open yet. Can I offer you help?"
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whenthexstormends · 10 years
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                                            ” An intentional precaution? “
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     "I thought I heard the coming of inevitable betrayal. Hello, brother--have       we ceased playing dead?"
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whenthexstormends · 10 years
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"I wasn’t remotely tempted to touch it until you told me not to. I was just staring. — Sorry though. I mean, if it’s regular enough to make you look like that I’m clearly not picking a good time, here."
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"Today? Everyone seems to be so self-absorbed that none are listening. I have already had to herd many away from the generator, and one man was hurt earlier by it. Yet, everyone seems to be so curious as to why it is broken--as if that gives them a right to touch."
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whenthexstormends · 10 years
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"Nevermind, then. I’ve got it."
at her command, the generator levitates, rotating before her as she examines it at eye level.
"I can’t see any damage— what’s wrong with it?"
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"I do not know." His voice was level, but short. Crossing his arms, he watched the woman warily. "Do you always mess with things that are not your own or is this a special occasion?"
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