skyfirecn · 2 years
Okay so I’ve been gone for like a few months now but I need to just get this out here -
Evanatsu is the most underrated rarepair (? Can it really still be called that?) I’ve ever encountered and it’s potential is unrivaled. You can fit literally anything into this relationship. Star-crossed lovers? Of course! Toxic/unhealthy dynamics? You bet! Straight up canon-be-damned-I-do-what-I-want? 100%. Even squeezing it into canon is far from impossible :0 It just… I don’t get how a ton of people don’t see the potential??? Though I am somewhat of a femslash rarepair specialist, I could probably do logic-acrobatics between most, if not any female characters and find some dynamic that works. Not sure if that’s a gift or a curse ^^’
But anyway sorry for the sudden, random post. If anyone wants to hear some weird, like year old Evanatsu AUs I brainstormed once upon a time, I will gladly share them! I probably won’t get around to writing like 99% of them anyway XP Honestly this applies to any rarepair stuff of mine for the most part, I have a lot of those for Danganronpa weirdly enough :/ Also I did an Evanatsu thing a while back on A03, it should be under the same user name, good ol’ Hanahaki fic if that interests any of you
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skyfirecn · 2 years
Guys just imagine that the new continent is just the home of the caecilian :0
They go there expecting fancy runes and ancient architecture, and instead they get a bunch of weird worm people lol
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skyfirecn · 2 years
Okay so not an AU but somewhat of a follow-up to my thoughts on the Amphibia ending. I think I finally understand part of why the whole trio drifting apart thing bugged me.
So, the calamity trio drifting apart in high school and into their early adult lives was framed as, in a way, the intended goal all along. They chat and stuff from time to time - assumedly - but they need time apart to grow as individuals. However, what bothers me about this is that it completely ignores the validity of collaborative growth; that is, growing as a person with the help of others.
I thoroughly couldn’t, and still can’t, understand the idea of separating the core trio to such a degree because I believe very firmly in the power of collaborative growth. You may argue that the girls can still benefit from time apart, and sure, I’m not saying that they needed to be all they had. However, the three had their time apart in Amphibia. They’ve grown individually. It makes much more sense for them to move to growing together in order to figure out how their friendship dynamics have changed with their individual progress.
I think this is also why I, personally, found the small handful of interactions between the three in the ten year time skip to be oddly disjointed. They felt both closer than they should, and simultaneously more detached than they should, and it was kind of jarring. I think it’s because the story attempted to reap the benefits of collaborative growth, something the three would contribute to over time that would help them re-establish their bonds and reinvent their relationships with each other, while not actually committing to it. I can’t say for sure what the team behind Amphibia had in mind when writing this, but I have a suspicion that this outcome was influenced in part by the surge of the self-help craze - or more broadly, the strange cultural phenomenon that only we can help ourselves, and that while we may learn from others, we can’t define ourselves through others to any degree.
I’ve always found it to be a bit of an odd concept, since it seems to actively discourage people from pursuing and maintaining outside relationships, especially in the way of compromise and navigating shifting dynamics. Judging by how ingrained it is in our culture by now, I wouldn’t find it at all surprising if the writers genuinely thought that collaborative growth was out of the question in Amphibia’s ending. It’s too bad, too, because that felt like the natural progression of the girls’ relationship to me.
There’s nothing wrong with relating who you are to the people you care about - you see it in media all the time, really. Characters will often find value in their lives through who they are to other people. Who will look after this person if I don’t? Who will play with this kid if I’m not there? Who will break the ice at family get-togethers if not me? Again, this isn’t a bad thing. It also isn’t a bad thing to define yourself outside of what you mean to others, as self-help dictates. I think it’s just a matter of balance. You shouldn’t let other people’s opinions of you completely dictate your life, but you shouldn’t deny how you impact others entirely either.
It’s just too bad that Amphibia doesn’t seem to maintain that balance, and treats the very idea of collaborative growth among the three girls as if it’s impossible, because I think it’s very possible and would be amazing content to see. What makes it strange is that the three’s individual growth is actually done through collaborative growth with side characters and the secondary cast. Clearly this was on the table for the writers, but apparently it just didn’t work for the calamity trio? I have no idea why this was the answer they arrived at, but I believe that’s the root of my problem with the three girls drifting apart in the time skip.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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skyfirecn · 2 years
Little Mermaid AU -
Marcy is the crown princess to King Leviathan, but she’s taken with humans and their technology, especially these two girls she admires from afar, Anne and Sasha. Wanting to be human herself, she seeks out an ancient sea serpent known only by the title Dark as the Night, or The Night. The Night turns out to be a shapeshifter, turning into a twisted form of whoever seeks them out, thus taking on a form they dub Darcy. Darcy agrees to turn Marcy human, but only if she gives up her voice, and she has three days to get one of her two loves to kiss her. Marcy asks what would happen should she fail, and Darcy merely laughs and says some questions are better left unanswered. Marcy agrees, and falls head over heels for Sasha and Anne even more, settling into a mediator role between the two eager, stubborn girls. In the end, Marcy fails to get either to kiss her, and while the three are hanging out, The Night’s power steals away Marcy in front of her human loves and pulls her into the deep sea. Anne and Sasha give chase of course, the two manning a ship, as Marcy is transformed back into her mermaid self. She finds her father, Andrias, negotiating with The Night, trying to convince it not to steal away his daughter as it’s next vessel. It agrees, but only on the term that it takes him as it’s next vessel instead. With the power of the trident, The Night rises out of the ocean as a giant black kraken with countless piercing orange eyes. With her newly regained voice and the helpful arrival of Anne and Sasha, she implores them to help her in bringing The Night down. It ends happily, with King Andrias allowing Marcy to come and go in mermaid and human form, and she relishes the time she spends with her girlfriends. They’re surprised to hear how chatty she is with a voice, but find it endearing and love her all the more for it.
It just fits so well, I couldn’t not
Cody Lyoko AU -
Sasha, Anne and Marcy find a super computer in a run-down factory and inadvertently wind up stuck inside the digital world of Amphibia housed within, trapped with a dark AI, The Core. Years later, Ivy, Sprig and Maddie stumble across the factory while attending a private school despite their meager upbringings and open the world of Amphibia back up, exposing the three girls who went missing years ago. Sprig, Ivy and Maddie resolve go help Anne, Sasha and Marcy get out of Amphibia and deal with The Core once and for all. Meanwhile, Maddie’s sisters get jealous of all the time she’s dedicating to her friends and school, and Polly’s more than just a little suspicious of what Sprig’s been doing in his free time.
When a tower is activated, one of the school trio turns into their frog form; it’s their best signal of when The Core is active in their world. However, it also leads to lots of hijinks in trying to hide their transformations. Maddie fills the role of Yumi in the group, Ivy is like a more badass Aelita-Yumi fusion and Sprig is the Odd of the group. Sasha would be Ulrich’s stand-in, Anne would be some combination of Odd and Aelita despite aspects of those roles being fulfilled, and Marcy would act as the Jeremy of the group while also being comedic. In seasons, the girls would be recovered from the digital world by the end of season one, though they’d be tied to the supercomputer, necessitating keeping it online otherwise they’d die. Season two would reveal the mysterious previous principal, Andrias Leviathan, and his ties to the machine and Amphibia, and Polly would join the team as William’s stand-in while Marcy would fall under the influence of The Core, finally giving it a voice with which to speak; as Darcy. Season three would see The Core spread and try it’s hand at conquering the world to do with as it pleases, but it would be thwarted at every turn by the team. Darcy would be taken out by Sasha, Polly and Ivy, while Sprig, Maddie and Anne would defeat The Core’s colossus. Five years would’ve passed since the girls disappeared; they’re still somewhat known about, but because they didn’t age in Amphibia, people can’t really believe it’s them. Anne’s parents are just glad to have her back in one piece, but Sasha and Marcy’s parents aren’t so happy about it all and the two find themselves crashing with different staff members; Sasha with the eccentric PE teacher Grime and Marcy with the level-headed principal Olivia. The three do return to school, though, Olivia having received a mysterious letter from one A. Leviathan shortly after their disappearance predicting their eventual return and detailing the outline of where they were stuck. Olivia, as it turns out, has some experience with The Core; Andrias’ father Aldrich created the program and was on the run from the government when they shut the project down. Andrias managed to get through his childhood bouncing between foster families and an orphanage and became generally successful, however he decided to restart the supercomputer to try and solve his missing father’s disappearance. He instead found that his father had uploaded himself into Amphibia and The Core had merged with and overtaken his code, corrupting him and giving The Core a taste of the real world. Olivia and Yunan got involved as new hires for the school, and Yunan got sucked into Amphibia while Olivia and Andrias worked to save her. Andrias ended up sacrificing himself to break her free of The Core’s hold, disappearing into the digital sea, never to be seen again. So, Olivia and Yunan are in on the secret and help the kids get to Amphibia when strange happenings begin to occur, though they initially appear suspicious.
Andrias met and befriended Barrel and Leif after becoming an orphan, the three finding their way back to each other as they moved between various homes and lodgings. They had a falling out in high school when Andrias was getting more and more into his research and obsession with recreating his father’s brilliant programming, and so drifted apart. However, Leif is Sprig and Polly’s mom and Barrel is Grime’s step-brother, so they’re all connected again anyway.
I definitely can see large elements of this changing if/when I expand upon this AU, but for now this is the best I got. Anyways, if any of you haven’t watched Code Lyoko, ignore the giant foreheads and give it a try! It’s a really fun series!!
Dojo AU -
When Sasha and Anne find themselves at dead ends of their careers, they decide to open up and run a kendo dojo in their spare time. Not a lot of ideas, but every first class they’d spar with their very real swords and impress the class before going on to point out how dangerous it is and noting Sasha’s scar to prove it.
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skyfirecn · 2 years
More Amphibia AUs because I have brainrot and probably need help
Time Halted AU -
Being in the rejuvenation tank had unintended consequences for Marcy. Though she can still get sick and injured, her body no longer ages. Thus, she goes through life feeling eternally stuck in the past. Though Sasha and Anne help a lot in the beginning, when they drift apart right before high school, she’s forced to confront this on her own, unsure of what to make of her situation. When she reconnects with Sasha years later, she’s afraid to meet up with her in person, knowing she looks exactly the same as she did ten years prior, hence a big part of why she has a webcomic instead of going to college. When the two finally do meet up, Sasha is shocked beyond words as Marcy tries to explain without breaking into a panic attack or sobbing, and Sasha comforts her. They talk about it on the ride over to pick up Anne, where Sasha commends Marcy for coming in the first place, and the two speculate why Marcy’s still physically the same age as she originally was. They come to the conclusion that the rejuvenation tank plus the full power of the wit calamity stone messed her body up, trapping it in time. Themes of learning to keep moving even when it feels like you’re unable to, and accepting that others around you may change more than you yourself.
Yeah this one is a lot like the immortal Marcy AU I’ve seen floating around :0 But I have no idea where to take it so if anyone wants to use this for anything, please do. That extends to like all my AUs too
Supernatural/Gift AU -
Marcy is a spirit medium and Anne is a seer. Not sure about Sasha - Sasha is a dream walker. The Core is a twisted amalgamation of souls imprisoned inside a mechanical server, luring those it deems worthy into the same cruel fate. Once a person dies, they lose their gift (the sight, etc), never to recover it. The three girls use their gifts to navigate Amphibia, seeing that those with the gifts are rarer here compared to Earth. Anne’s seer abilities come in handy when it comes to avoiding major injuries or potential deaths, aiding her on the various misadventures she finds herself in. Marcy’s spirit medium powers attune her to those around her and allow for maximum understanding and teamwork (somewhat empathy-focused), while also alerting her to any serious threats fairly easily. Sasha’s dream walking comes into play in getting people to like her, manipulating their dreams into suiting her best interests, and giving her the capability to amass a cult-like following fairly quickly. Anne loses her seer gift after The Hardest Thing, but in her last moments before death she catches a glimpse of the future in which the girls are all settled and okay together with kids, often called the final sight. Marcy loses her spirit medium gift when she’s stabbed, the dissonance from losing it part of why she’s so out of it when Olivia and Yunan try to rescue her. Sasha keeps her dream walking gift, using it during the war and post-Amphibia to keep in contact with Anne and Marcy, as well as keep their spirits high despite everything. It’s revealed that Leif was a seer as well, making Barrel a dream walker and Andrias a spirit medium, which was part of why Andrias initially disliked The Core, even if he eventually bought into the idea that the gifts were holding people down and not to be trusted.
Also didn’t know where to take this one, but I like it a lot :00
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skyfirecn · 2 years
So I’m not sure if anyone really cares, but I wanna talk about Amphibia’s ending and my thoughts on it. Warning, there be some hot, and quite possibly bad, takes ahead -
I think, as a blanket statement, I’ll start off with the fact that I think The Hardest Thing was extremely rushed in pacing. This is probably most notable in the battle against the moon. We go from the girls kicking butt, to the moon gaining on Amphibia, to Andrias’ robots helping to push it back, to it not being enough and Anne having to go pseudo-god-mode and destroy the dang thing in the span of like seven minutes or less. I get the flow they were going for, but it’s just too fast that the little ground they gain mid-battle, before Anne makes her sacrifice, feels like a useless addition. I also feel this in how suddenly Valeriana and Mother Olm pop up, and in how quick the goodbyes are. The goodbyes aren’t nearly as bad as characters randomly appearing for plot convenience, but what bugs me is that Anne is sad about leaving, yeah, but she isn’t even torn on her decision. We don’t even see her mull it over; she’s just like, welp, better head back home. Bye found family, ‘till we meet again when I’m god or whatever. It feels like all the bonding Anne did with the people of Amphibia was just for nothing? It taught her good life lessons, but she doesn’t even consider staying with them for a second. Sprig is way more torn up about it than her, and the way she just says this is the way it has to be felt… wrong to me. She should be more upset imo
On the matter of the Earth stuff; I’m torn. I understand the argument that real life friend groups drift apart and that’s just how it is sometimes, but these three went through a ton of trauma and wonderful adventures together. As realistic as it is for them to drift apart, it makes no sense given what they’ve experienced together. Thematically sure, they can drift apart all they want to really hammer that message home. But logically? Yeah, I can’t really green-light that. If this was somehow a real story, there’s no way those three would let themselves be torn apart by little things like distance or different social groups. But, I digress. I’m not against the hard ending of the girls never going to Amphibia ever again, it’s not a concept I’m inherently opposed to. It bothers me because, again, it feels like all the characters had these intense bonding moments with people in Amphibia - Marcy was literally willing to give up her life on Earth to travel the multiverse when she got Andrias’ proposal - but then at the end, when the hard choice is there, none of them even think about actually staying behind. Like, when the chips are down and they get one choice, no take-backs, they all choose to willingly leave behind their friends and family in Amphibia. It just feels kinda cruel to me. A small moment of Sprig trying to convince Anne that he can come with her, that he can make living on Earth work for him, would’ve gone a long way. Or even something so simple as Marcy remarking to Olivia and Yunan that she sincerely wishes she could stay, but she knows she has a life to get back to and needs to grow as a person before she can make the choice to stay in good faith. It’s like the characters are all on autopilot, just being like yeah sure time to go back now because that’s what the writers said. I dunno, the whole leaving Amphibia forever with only some teary farewells came across as stiff and manufactured to me, but maybe I’m just weird.
Now, if I may, a look into the absolute bs that is the girls in the ten year time skip. Their careers make perfect sense, the way they come back together again is great, I don’t have complaints about any of that. I actually love Sasha and Anne’s jobs; Sasha helping kids not repeat her mistakes and Anne working at a place that gave her comfort in two worlds, I love it. No, the part that irks me is how flippant everything is. Judging by the dialogue alone, the three girls haven’t seen each other in person, all together, since before high school. I infer this because Marcy asks if Sasha and Anne hung out a lot in high school. Obviously, if they had like a yearly visit set up, Marcy would’ve asked them that much sooner. And her asking it now implies that the three had minimal to no contact leading up to the Frogvasion anniversary. Them drifting apart is whatever, it’s just sort of meh for me. But I’m supposed to believe that, in less than half a year after the end of the show, they were basically just not even talking anymore??? They were in seventh grade when they got sent to Amphibia, and apparently Amphibia’s story is almost a whole year’s worth of time. That means they were in eighth grade when Marcy moved, and probably like mid-year at that. Which means that by the end of that school year, they straight weren’t talking at all anymore. Wtf?!? What happened to Anne’s whole speech about how they’d stay friends no matter what, about how their friendship would endure even in the face of change and distance? I guess that meant nothing? Like, I just don’t get it. Why make it such a focal point of the show to pose this question - will the girls repair their friendship and stay friends despite everything? - if you’re just gonna turn around and say, nah things didn’t work out too great anyway even if they’re starting to reconnect now?? I just… I know I’m biased on things like this, but it really gets to me.
Real talk; I have a lot of firsthand experience with friendships crumbling apart. I basically had a new social group every school year because we wouldn’t talk all summer and then we just didn’t start talking again when school started back up. I always felt like I was being left behind, though. I wanted the relationship to continue, to come back, but everyone else seemed to move on. I had to learn to fight for my friendships. I’m not gonna fight if the other person clearly doesn’t care of course, but if a friendship means a lot to me, I give everything I have to keep it. So I think I get uniquely upset at Amphibia’s ending in that the trio splitting up going into adulthood is something I could never see myself allowing to happen. It’s a very specific trigger (?) I guess? And I’m aware that other people can be totally fine with letting friendships do whatever they’re gonna do, and I’m fine with that. But I think that’s the other reason why it bothers me so much. Sorry, didn’t mean to make this all personal but I guess 2 am brain is ready to just spill some guts up in here.
Anyway, to wrap this all up, I don’t say any of this to offend or belittle, or imply that what we got was inherently a terrible ending because it rubbed me the wrong way in a few places. It’s still a good ending and suits the themes well while being pretty believable and fairly true to life. These are just my stipulations with it, and if any of you guys would like to add your own two cents go ahead and reply to this :0 I’ll probably respond, I like chatting about this sort of stuff. If not, I hope this made some amount of sense and didn’t come across as too mean-spirited XP But if it did, oh well, I guess that’s just how it’s gonna be
Now I should probably go to sleep -.-
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skyfirecn · 2 years
I made the bare bones of some kind of weird omnitrix amphibia AU
Behold -
Three different alien races all made omnitrixes after hearing of the success of the original, trying to recreate the magic so to speak. They end up fighting over it and the devices get sent off to an uncharted world. Anne, Sasha and Marcy are only about a month in to their stay in Amphibia - Sasha’s just gotten out of prison - when they each see a shooting star and wonder if the others are seeing it to before realizing that something’s crashing down. They go and check, and find omnitrixes, these strange watch-like devices that transform them into alien creatures and won’t come off of their wrists.
Anne gets a blue omnitrix and her first set of ten aliens are a kineceleran (xlr8), florauna (wildvine), loboan (blitzwolfer), necrofriggian (big chill), arachnichimp (spider monkey), amperi (ampfibian), methanosian (swampfire), conductoid (feedback), uxorite and lenopan (sludgepuppy). She unlocks a celestialsapien (alien x) in her fight with Andrias during All In. Her omnitrix doesn’t show an image of the alien she’ll be turning into, Anne having to memorize the sequence in which they’re laid out manually. Can backfire in high stress situations where she doesn’t have the time to recall which aliens are which.
Sasha gets a red omnitrix and her first set of ten aliens are a tetramand (four arms), vulpimancer (wildmutt), appoplexian (rath), pyronite (heatblast), merlinisapien (chamalien), geochelone aerio (terraspin), thep khufan (snare-oh), incursean (bullfrag), nemuina and to’kustar (way big). She unlocks a prypiatosian-b (nrg) in the third temple. Her omnitrix has a bug where it doesn’t allow her to choose what she wants to turn into, usually putting her in her incursean or appoplexian form. Every once in a while when she hits it right it behaves for a day or so, but it’s prone to getting just as bad just as quickly, causing her no end of frustration.
Marcy gets a green omnitrix and her first set of ten aliens are a splixson (ditto), piscciss volann (ripjaws), nosedeenian (buzzshock), nanomech, orishan (water hazard), planchakule (juryrigg), biot-savartian (lodestar), mechamorph (upgrade) and polymorph (goop). She unlocks a crystalsapien (chromastone) in the first temple. When she returns after The Core is defeated, the remains of the crystalsapien dna have fused with the dna of a petrosapien (diamondhead), like that cool moment in Alien Force. The timer on her omnitrix is constantly fluctuating, due in large part to her messing with it in her spare time. This means transformations can be as long as multiple days, or as short as a minute.
The calamity stones are still at play and things largely turn out about the same, but the three are able to keep their omnitrixes and even register the dna of the Amphibian citizens (frog for Anne, toad for Sasha, newt for Marcy) on their omnitrixes so they can assume those forms to remind them of their other homes, since they’re technically aliens.
I plan to expand on this more, but this is the most I could think of today XP I definitely think things would get complicated with the alien transformations, I’m mostly concerned about what Darcy could do with them << I could also see this working with just one of the girls getting an omnitrix, I just like the story potential of all three getting them. If anyone has better ideas for who should get which aliens, let me know :0 Some of these I really had to rationalize to myself
There’s an Amphibia clip I saw once - don’t know which episode it’s from, but it’s the one where Anne says “Marcy said she was gonna be working on Frobo all day today. I wonder how that’s going” and then it cuts to the outside of a shed, then there’s a flash of green light followed by Marcy coughing and saying “Fascinating!”
Anyway, I’m bringing this up because the sound effect that played before and during the flash of green light was almost exactly the same as the Omnitrix sound effect from the original Ben 10 series, and I know that for a fact because I watched that show all the time and have the sound effects memorised, and ever since I watched that clip my brain’s been periodically bringing up the idea of Marcy somehow getting her own Omnitrix
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skyfirecn · 2 years
Fourth part of s3 No Patience AU -
Marcy, knowing that she has to do something, would call on the power of the other two stones once more. She’d regain her god-like form one last time, smiling at a worried Anne and distraught Sasha and telling them that she’ll be back before flying up to the moon. She exchanges words with remnants of The Core, mostly about how it’s holding onto the past, defining itself through who it knows and who it used to be, how it refuses to confront the changing future and how it lost it’s brilliance to obsession and corruption. She then blasts it into dust, falling back down to Earth. As she falls, Sprig and Maddie come up on Frobo to catch her and bring her back down safely. Marcy goes unconscious and meets the Three Stones Deity, who’s revamped in this a bit. It’s apathetic to the corruption of The Core, but congratulates Marcy on using the stones for good rather than selfishness and greed, and grants her it’s blessing to have the capacity to house the power of all three stones within her, being named the Mortal Guardian of the Stones, as she’s proven herself worthy to wield their power in willingly giving them up to work together with her friends to save Amphibia (as well as her other progress on controlling it). The Deity says she’s one of it’s favorites and that it’s anticipating how she’ll grow from then on, promptly reviving her with the stones’ power healing her almost destroyed body. Everyone is amazed at her miraculous recovery, so much so that her recounting meeting literal god doesn’t surprise them all too much. She decides to leave Amphibia, but promises to return often to keep in touch, and offers to let the other girls return if/when they want. Yunan and Maddie say their goodbyes for the moment to Marcy, Maddie trying to come with Marcy, but she’s shot down when she’s reminded that magic doesn’t exist on Earth because the flora and fauna is different, and Marcy doesn’t want to take her away from her passion. Yunan would resolve to rebuild Newtopia with Olivia and Tritonio, remarking that it might be about time for her to retire from being a general. Marcy and the Plantars get a final farewell as well, the frogs equally upset but just glad that Marcy’s goodbye isn’t forever. The story would conclude with a time skip anywhere from a few months to a year in the future; Wartwood is preparing for Marcy’s visit and Grime announces that a new continent has been discovered, Sprig remarking happily that he knows what he, Maddie and Marcy are doing this summer, and Marcy herself flies onto the scene in her cursed anthro crow form, preferring the practical use of magic when available over her calamity powers. She, Sprig, Polly and Maddie all get hyped to explore the new continent, Marcy especially going to start prepping for the trip early, and the story ends on a bright, sunny day with Hop Pop’s successful avocado farm and Marcy’s many friends and family members enjoying themselves.
Note - Marcy did still move, but since she can access her calamity powers, she can visit her friends whenever. I’d like to think her parents would at least be offended that she never told them she returned the first time, and she’d be apologetic because she was just afraid that they’d pry her away from the conflict at hand or turn Sprig and Polly in to the government.
Woot! Last part!
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skyfirecn · 2 years
Third part of s3 No Patience AU!
The two humans discuss saving Anne and Sasha apologizes for being so stupid about Amphibia, because human or not, they’re still people and still matter, and the two vow to get Anne and Maddie out of there and stop King Andrias. Yunan and Marcy’s discussion is after; Marcy is actually the one to bring it up and apologizes properly for lying to Yunan, explaining her reasoning but going on to say that if still wasn’t the right course of action, and that she’ll try to do better. Yunan accepts this apology for the moment, but refrains from forgiving Marcy completely. They arrive and the plan, derived straight from War of the Warlocks, goes about as well as canon. They fight a mind-controlled Anne guarding the throne room and set her free before continuing in trying to find the music box, but are tricked by Magi, finally revealing themselves. Knowing about the plan thanks to Marcy gushing to Maddie about the movie (and possibly showing her), they lock the group up and use robots to keep the rest of the army busy while Andrias comes in and locks them all up in the contraption from canon. He explains that they need the energy inside Marcy to open a portal large enough for the castle to go through, and that this was all bait to get her right where they wanted her. Using the box, they draw Marcy’s power out to be used with the power in the stones themselves and use it to open a giant portal in the sky, the action knocking Marcy out as they go through. The invasion kicks off in much the same manner, the group having to use Frobo to break free of their constraints and waking Marcy up after they land safely. They regroup with Mr. X alongside Dr. Jan all decked out in high-tech gear and ready to kick butt, getting themselves in order at Saint James Middle School. Their plan is for Sasha, Yunan, Grime and Olivia to attack and weaken Andrias while Marcy and Sprig go to confront Magi - they hope that by targeting the brains behind the operation, Andrias will be easier to take down and that their failings will lead to openings to take down both figureheads. Yunan insists, however, that she join Marcy in fighting Magi, disgusted at The Core for how it’s puppeteering Maddie. With Sasha and her crew alongside Polly going for Andrias, Marcy, Yunan and Sprig find and confront Magi once again in the throne room. Marcy accesses her powers, but Magi proves more than capable of going toe to toe with her, until the three are all beaten down and Marcy uses sheer force of will to get back up. This draws the remaining energy out of the stones and back into Marcy, powering her back up to her god-like state with her putting a hand to Magi’s helmet and instantly shutting it down. Sasha and Grime tag team it to deal as much damage to Andrias as possible, but Olivia deals the final blow with a laser gun Mr. X gave her to use, right through the heart, instantly killing him. Yunan and Marcy would have a teary reunion with Maddie, the frog bringing Yunan to fully forgive Marcy, just wanting to be friends again after everything, which the other girls are all for. Maddie also apologizes for lying to Yunan, but she assures them that Andrias was the one to truly betray her, by way of her scar. After putting a stop to the invasion, they’d head back, stopping the Rebellion by announcing their victory, Marcy celebrating with both of her friend groups. However, the final protocol would be enacted thanks to The Core being offline for a set amount of time, and they would be forced to confront the moon. Mother Olm would appear and tell them that this is what the prophecy referred to, but that it’s their choice, Anne and Sasha agreeing if only to keep the world Marcy cares about safe. Valeriana would use the box as a conduit to channel the power out of Marcy to give each girl their intended power, the three assuming their calamity forms. They’d fight the moon, Andrias’ robots helping a lot with pushing it back at Olivia’s command, but it would land a blow that sends them careening back down to Amphibia’s surface, battered and losing power.
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skyfirecn · 2 years
Second part of s3 No Patience AU!
Yunan’s has changed to a nightmarish, centipede-like grubhog with Marcy’s hair that whispers lies to her, while Maddie’s is her friends and family turning their backs on her, not wanting her around and being disgusted by her presence. They discover the eyes by complete accident and barely manage to destroy them all before Andrias barges in. Maddie ends up being taken over by The Core, forming the being known as Magi. Yunan holds off Magi and Andrias to allow Olivia to escape, heading to Wartwood to warn the town of the news on Joe Sparrow. Mr. X gets involved just as the portal is nearing completion, Dr. Jan thwarting him as Marcy, Sprig and Polly sneak out of the apartment and to the complex the portal is being held in. They open it, but find they need Marcy’s power to make it any larger than a hand, and the trio jump through to land back in Amphibia while Mr. X finally catches up and takes Terri and Dr. Jan in for questioning. They return to Wartwood, finding the town deserted, until they’re rescued from harm by Bessie and Hop Pop. Finding the Rebellion and joining, they learn of Maddie’s fate from Olivia who’s been there for a few weeks now, and though they’re impressed with Hop Pop’s skill in leadership, it becomes clear to them that they need more hands on board to lead if they want to stand a fighting chance. They go out to find Tritonio and Grime for aid, Tritonio joining after Marcy helps him overcome his childhood trauma and being bested in a sword fighting duel and Grime joining, reluctantly, after he’s beat once again in one on one combat and Marcy formally apologizes for making him have to live on the run, being branded a traitor by Andrias through no fault of his own. Things are shaky between the Frog, Toad and Newt forces, the three only able to get along under the unified respect they have for Marcy. They seek out Mother Olm thanks to the urn on Earth and learn the prophecy. Mother Olm goes on to explain that it’s less of a certainty and more of a possibility, and when Marcy describes her situation, Mother Olm is shocked to hear that she essentially used the secret spell and lived to tell the tale, saying that whatever entity made the stones must not have wanted her to die prematurely. They come to the understanding that Anne and Sasha were meant to get powers from the stones and initially were meant to accompany Marcy to Amphibia, but she expresses thankfulness that she didn’t end up dragging them into another world without their consent, unsure of where she’d be now if she had. They meet Sasha and Anne on the wrong side of the battlefield a few times, Sasha trying to usurp Andrias by temporarily complying while Anne is just trying to live to see a day where she can escape his grip. Marcy is able to rescue Sasha, who is initially very dismissive of the Rebellion and Amphibia in general, claiming that they don’t matter. She ends up being paired with Grime and Olivia on a highly dangerous mission, Tritonio’s planning that Sasha insisted on agreeing to, where Sasha attempts to escape, still convinced that she can rise above Andrias if she plays nice, but Anne shows up collared and Sasha barely escapes with her life thanks to Grime’s intervention. This is her wake-up call and hammers in just how real and dangerous this all is for her. As Sasha really gets into training and sword fighting, taking this all much more seriously, they manage to free Yunan when they learn that breaking the strange gems on the collars undoes the mind control. She’s hesitant to fully open back up to Marcy, but Yunan does agree to join the Rebellion, where Grime inadvertently cheers her up, sporting a similar eye scar to Yunan. This is just in time, too, as Mother Olm comes to tell them just a little later that the invasion is happening by the next night. On the flight over to Newtopia, Sasha and Marcy ride with Yunan.
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skyfirecn · 2 years
Season three of my No Patience AU! :0 This may be more than three parts, we’ll see
Season three is all about facing difficult problems and owning up to your mistakes, learning who you are outside of others. Marcy, Sprig and Polly are all shaken after the events of season two and so wander, eventually coming across Marcy’s house, vacated with her family having moved without her. Unsure of where to go, the three are found by Dr. Jan when they try to shelter in the museum at night during a storm. She’s fascinated by the amphibians, offering the trio a place to stay in her apartment, and in exchange they’ll let her study them without exposing them to the government. They agree, and settle into something resembling normalcy. Polly tries to rebuild Frobo, meeting the IT girls along the way, and they help bust Terri out of her miserable old job. While going to the library to try and find Dr. P’s book, Marcy stumbles into Anne, who’s shocked to see her after her four month long disappearance. Marcy falls into familiar behavior with Anne, but finds that there’s some unspoken tension there, she can tell that Anne isn’t sure what to make of her and her new attitude and outlook. Anne drags Marcy out to see Sasha, and while things seem great on the surface, Marcy increasingly feels like the odd one out in the old trio. Sasha pressures her into hanging out and doing what she wants all day, and at the end she tries to force Marcy to tell her where she’s been. Marcy lies, but Sasha sees right through it, pushing for the truth. This is the last straw for Marcy, who goes pink on Sasha and vents about how she hates that Sasha pushes her and especially Anne into doing things without considering their feelings, how she makes Marcy lie to her when she doesn’t want to tell her the truth, because in this case she definitely wouldn’t believe her. They also remind her too much of Maddie at the moment, which brings her out of her enraged pink form and makes her break into tears, lamenting how she could’ve done something, anything to help Maddie, but she didn’t, and now her closest friend is probably dead thanks to her. Sasha gets pissy and storms off, disliking the push-back and loss of control while dismissing the supernatural part as freaky, while Anne stays put but hints at her jealousy and hurt that Marcy has a new closest friend. Marcy ends up spilling the whole thing to Anne, and while Anne herself admits to thinking it must be a lie, she also makes it clear that she wants to believe Marcy is telling the truth and tells her to call or visit if she ever needs help, and Marcy extends the same to her. As they slowly gather all the necessary components for the portal, careful not to bring Sprig and Polly any more than they have to for fear of getting discovered, Cloakbot makes their first appearance. Tracking Marcy through the heart stone’s power, it tries to get in the way of their every move, needing to be sent packing usually with a couple good hits from Marcy or the gang. Marcy does get a call from Anne; her and Sasha were hanging out, Sasha complaining about Marcy’s behavior last time they talked, when they were attacked by something invisible that pulled Sasha away. It turns out to be Cloakbot, who similarly kidnaps Anne despite Marcy’s efforts and drags her through a portal into Amphibia. Somewhere in here, Marcy accidentally calls Dr. Jan mom and has to confront her family leaving her behind after she went to Amphibia. Around this time, Yunan is adjusting to her new injury when Olivia suggests treason. Yunan isn’t sure, unwilling to trust Marcy again after she was made a fool of and tricked, but when forced to pick between Andrias and Marcy, they both have to go with the ladder. So, as a show to get in her good graces, they attempt to free Maddie like Marcy in canon in Olivia and Yunan. Yunan is less bold and brash here, instead being quiet and kind of forlorn, but Olivia is the one to break her out of her funk and get her jovial again. They get Maddie out, finding her in a strange suit, when they see projections of their greatest fears made manifest.
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skyfirecn · 2 years
Sooo... Since Amphibia and The Owl House share the same universe but a crossover won't happen since Disney decided to cut short The Owl House... How about an AU where the Boiling Isles and Amphibia are on the same planet? How would the two series interact and how would they change?
I could imagine it where the Boiling Isles and Amphibia are different continents in the same world :0 I can’t imagine they’d interact much, considering Amphibia at the very least seems to have no interest in traveling outside their continent, but I could see a frog or something making their way to the Boiling Isles and everyone just assuming they’re a demon lol It would be harder to explain the differences between the worlds; magic, the color of the sky and sea, boiling rain vs normal rain, etc, but I think it could be hand-waved with like a difference in where they’re located in the world, and what places magic can be/is present. If the worlds were smushed together like SVTFOE, it would be a lot of adjusting but I think things could settle down for sure. And in terms of how that would effect the stories of TOH and Amphibia, it would probably mean that Luz and Anne would be proper friends and hang out together and stuff, and would most likely intertwine their stories and character arcs with each other. Honestly, since seeing The Collector in the flesh, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about them interacting with Marcy from my No Patience AU (by the end of it, it gets wild) like it’s genuinely been giving me brain rot even though I have no idea how I’d handle writing The Collector in any capacity to make it work XD So for now, it’s a really neat idea to throw around, but I have no solid thoughts of what to do with it myself, though I have considered it
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skyfirecn · 2 years
What do you think of an AU where the box sends the girls to Amphibia… but a thousand years back in the past, right before the events that kickstarted the series had place?
That’d be a neat concept! They could potentially prevent the falling out of Andrias, Leif and Barrel. I mean, it’d rewrite a ton of stuff, but they’d be none the wiser. Though I would hope that they’d end up together at the very least. I have doubts that Aldrich would be as lenient with letting one human roam about, but three would be a bit more of a handful. Though maybe Andrias and his gang could befriend them when they go down to hang out with the moss men and stuff? I think it’d be fun to see the modern calamity trio interact with the divorced trio, since the members of each could help their counterparts see their own flaws and work on them.
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skyfirecn · 2 years
A continuation of the time loop idea: Grime realizes that he's stuck in a time loop by himself and decides to act nicer to the other toads. Everyone thinks he went insane and Sasha, who hasn't had the same realization, manages to coinvince the toads to depose him and takes control ot the Tower.
Man poor Grime XP It would be interesting to see how Sasha would react after becoming aware of the looping, but in the meantime I bet Grime would have a lot of mixed feelings. It could be an interesting twist to introduce to a story that otherwise seems to be following canon. Like, we’re following Anne in Wartwood but cut to a chapter that’s supposed to essentially be Prison Break and it’s actually the toads getting rid of Grime, and him being like welp better find that other human before Sasha tries the coup again. It could be a really good twist
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skyfirecn · 2 years
Part three of my No Patience season 2!
The two actually create their own stand together after creating a healing elixir that can instantly repair small wounds and temper things like bug bites and bruises, but the rest of their stock is an assortment of odds and ends for all kinds of strange scenarios. Catching up with Ivy, she notes that Marcy seems more aware, but that her reflexes have actually regressed, being much more prone to not only ambushes but also her usual clumsiness. Though Marcy puts this largely out of mind, after talking things through with Hop Pop he mentions wanting to be someone she can come to about anything someday, and so she thinks a little deeper about what’s going on. She and Maddie formulate a theory and prep accordingly, refusing to tell even the Plantar’s what’s going on. Yunan arrives to help them with the third trial, Andrias aware that it concerns strength in some way, and with her aid and a little help from Marcy’s remaining pink power, they get through the trial. When the time comes to charge the stone, Maddie knocks out Yunan with a concoction and the two reveal that they suspect Andrias has led them on this quest in the name of getting the stones all to himself. So, they don’t recharge the pink stone at all, instead using a potion to color it the appropriate shade of pink and giving it a reflective sheen before dragging Yunan out of the temple and waking her up on their way back to Wartwood to recuperate. Their cover-up is that the temple surged with power, and a stray bolt struck her, knocking her out before they charged the stone, which she ends up believing. Battle of the Bands comes around, Marcy initially wanting to perform with Maddie or the Plantars, but with the Plantars in a band already and Maddie not participating, Marcy ends up performing by herself, singing a song from War of the Warlocks when Yunan sees how lonely she looks and joins in, inspiring Maddie to join as well (Maddie plays keytar, Yunan plays trumpet) and earning the number one prize. They make some last-minute prep before heading to Newtopia, where Marcy instructs Hop Pop to stay behind in case things go wrong, him being the best candidate not only because he’s a decent leader, but also because they can play up his old age as an excuse. They go back to Newtopia where Andrias betrays them. He smashes Frobo like in canon (yes, Frobo is here I just didn’t mention him) and Polly gets her legs. Andrias grabs Maddie and drops her out the window in place of Sprig, and Yunan is the one to save her, calling on Joe Sparrow to catch her. Andrias reveals his family’s dark lineage and boasts his victory before Marcy loses her cool and goes a combo of pink and blue, using what little blue powers she has left, and starts taking shots at him. He’s baffled before Marcy falls to her knees, weakly laughing about how he’s been duped too, with the gems not even being fully charged. Yunan returns with Maddie and Andrias demands an answer out of her as soon as he sees her, giving Polly the opportunity to grab the box and open a portal. They all rush inside, but Maddie goes back to help Yunan, who’s been hurt by Andrias in his rage, blinding her in one eye. Maddie ends up getting stabbed by Andrias and the portal closes, leaving Marcy, Sprig and Polly (with Frobo’s remains) on Earth while Yunan and Maddie are severely injured on Amphibia, and Hop Pop gets the signal that things went awry in Newtopia from a messenger bird (animated origami maybe?), and thus the Rebellion is formed.
Yay, it all fit! :D
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skyfirecn · 2 years
Part two of my notes on my No Patience season 2!
Hop Pop begins really sweating, since they’ll need the box for the first temple but he buried it in Wartwood, so he asks Andrias to lend them a ride back to Wartwood to pick it up from his “contacts” so they can get moving. What follows is essentially After the Rain, but Marcy is less angry and more dejected, losing motivation and trust for Hop Pop, which vicariously forces her to re-question her friendship with Sasha and Anne, as she sees a lot of Sasha in Hop Pop and they’d often do things for her own good without consulting her beforehand, especially Sasha. Though the box would be recovered, Marcy would remain quiet to anyone but Maddie as they’d return to Newtopia and finish up the preparations for the first temple. The first temple would go with Marcy sort of forcing herself to focus solely on the puzzles, not wanting to think about what Hop Pop did. However, during the Flipwart game Maddie would be forced to attack everyone else on the board, and she’d end up confessing that she was angry on Marcy’s part for what Hop Pop did to her, saying that it was really messed up to hide that without the intention of ever revealing the truth, but that she’d refrained from cursing him or anything because she knew only Marcy could make that call. This would force Marcy to confront the situation and make it truly real to her, and she’d get angry and cry about it, citing how Hop Pop was deciding for himself what was best for her just like Anne and Sasha, revealing the root of the problem. They’d talk it out as she’d reevaluate her strategy to win without any casualties, but as Maddie would come for Hop Pop, Marcy would throw the game and they’d make a break for it. She’d go on to say that she’s still upset and needs time to forgive him, but she apologizes for being so childish about things and refusing to talk about it. Hop Pop would propose they take some time apart from each other, organize things they can do by themselves or in the company of others and keep their one on one interactions to a minimum until they were ready to talk it out fully, which Marcy agrees with easily. They recharge the wit stone, everyone feeling better about the whole ordeal and letting Andrias know that they’ll be heading back to Wartwood while they try to figure out how to reach the next temple. Marcy feels oddly possessive of the wit stone, a strange kinship she can’t fully describe, but with it charged she’s already less pale and sickly and more energetic than she’s been in a long while. They follow the green stone to the second temple, where Marcy is singled out by Valeriana, the two meeting once again after the bizarre bazaar fiasco, and the gang is very confused when the second temple just doesn’t seem to exist. Marcy is confronted by Valeriana for her past misdeeds, especially in stealing the music box and leaving her friends and family behind. Marcy admits to her wrongdoing and acknowledges that, though her friends weren’t great to her, she wasn’t all too good back always dragging them into things without thinking to ask if they wanted or not. Valeriana flings herself at Marcy in a last ditch effort, falling over the edge, but Marcy catches her and pulls her back up, passing the trial. Valeriana charges the heart stone, but Marcy can hear the screams of the frogs dealing with the giant cardinals and fidgets, unsure of what to do. In the end, she grabs the gem early and rushes off to save her friends, earning her a mysterious smile from the one-armed newt as the strange other realm crumbles away. The gang leave with the gem partially charged; they try looking for Valeriana again to finish the process, but she’s mysteriously vanished. So, they press on. They take a bit of a breather between temples, getting back on track with the farm, and Marcy doing even more part-time jobs than before thanks to her better health, her main one being selling potions with Maddie.
Yup, I’mma need three parts at least
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skyfirecn · 2 years
So, this is essentially the season 2 of my No Patience AU. It’s still a bit rough, but this is where the ideas are a bit clearer. Also I’m 90% sure this is going to have to be split up so fair warning!
Second act is about establishing healthy boundaries, differentiating between protection and coddling, interest and obsession. Marcy would begin the season still being somewhat passive to her friends’ desires and interests, just along for the ride to Newtopia, as she’d feel indebted to them for helping her so much and so would avoid sounding ungrateful to a fault. The Plantars would sideline her a fair deal, not wanting her to get hurt or her condition to worsen, including leaving her out of hunting and not teaching her the Plantar family hunting dance. She and Maddie, who’d be watching her at the Plantar’s request, would have to bail them out of trouble when they get rounded up by the scorpileo, and Marcy would sit down and have a talk with them, thanking them for wanting to keep her safe but imploring them to let her pull her own weight at the very least. She’d begin gathering food for Bessie when they run out and, with Maddie, the two would keep the snail healthy and the fwagon road ready. The information she’d have gained from days spent at the archive would serve her well, and would inspire her to try creative approaches for their problems. She’d employ insta-vines to overcome broken bridges, use various potions to ward off wild animals and even try out a few curses in the spirit of temporarily altering the frogs (and herself) to give them an advantage when it came to hunting or similar such necessities. Marcy would be similarly capable compared to canon, just less physically inclined thanks to the all-consuming power inside her. Her progress with the Plantars and with magic is shown when they reach the Newtopin gates and are employed by Yunan to aid in defeating the barbariants if they want to be let into the city. Marcy is able to use her insta-vines, a spur of the moment explosive potion and her knowledge of barbariant biology to defeat them in similar fashion to canon, impressing Yunan. They’re all impressed with Newtopia, Marcy in particular gushing over the city and begging the rest of the group to let her explore. They agree despite not wanting to themselves, Marcy’d excitement making them not want to hurt her feelings by saying no. After dragging them around all day, Marcy realizes that they didn’t really want to come and apologizes for not noticing sooner, thanking them for putting up with her whims in spite of themselves. Sprig would be quick to assure her that they were glad to see her so happy and full of life after the Grime incident, and Maddie would chime in with saying that friends do things they might not want to make their other friend happy, and that it’s not asking too much for them to give it a try. The group ends up being approached by Lady Olivia by the end of their sightseeing, with an urgent summons from the king. They meet Andrias, who asks them what they’ve got going on and becomes giddy at the sight of Marcy, knowing that she’s not of this world. When she demonstrates her powers for him, he comes to the conclusion that she’s gotten entangled with a strange power when she was transported over, and when she mentions the music box and shows him a picture he’s quick to explain what the calamity stones are and that their power is most likely inside of her, citing a picture of her Sprig or Maddie took one time when she was powered up and pointing out the three colors glowing on her chest. He explains that there’s an ancient ritual to drain the energy from her body and back into the stones, in the form of three temples. However, only the location of the first is known, and it’s a fair distance away and would require a deal of prep before they’d be safe to make the journey. So the gang hang out in Newtopia for about two weeks while everything is prepared by Andrias. Maddie points out how oddly fixated on Marcy he was, which Marcy just brushes off as her being another species from a different world.
Scratch that, maybe three parts to this lol
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