skyperch · 6 months
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It has been many years since the cats chosen by StarClan led their Clans to the lake, saving them from starvation and a cruel death by the hands of the Twolegs. That had been their start, and now, this is their future.
This roleplay takes place 50+ years after the Clans reached the lake, and deviates from canon after the events of "The New Prophecy: Dawn." From here, you are left to make your own choices, building relationships with others while fighting for your life, against both other Clans as well as your own morals.
What we offer: 📌 Small server meant for relaxing and character-based roleplay 📌 An open, all age community welcome to all experience levels 📌 Helpful moderators and members willing to RP
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skyperch · 1 year
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Read about the roleplay here!
Here are the major events that have happened within leaf-bare!
☆ — Chamomilekit, Greenkit, and Mintkit of CedarClan have become apprentices with Flutterveil, Hazelspark, and Firbranch as their mentors.
☆ — Aspenkit and Galekit of HollowClan have become apprentices with Chiveburrow and Riversky as their mentors.
☆ — Dawnpaw and Snailpaw of HollowClan have become warriors, now known as Dawnrush and Snailpath!
☆ — Lambpaw and Shrewpaw of EmberClan have become warriors, now known as Lambspeckle and Shrewsting!
☆ — Three EmberClan kits went missing from the camp during the start of a great blizzard! Patrols were immediately sent out by Straystar, and they were eventually brought back safely, with the remaining patrols suffering slight chills after.
☆ — The Stick Seekers competition was hosted by EmberClan! Representing CedarClan was Dandelionpetal, Lionthorn, Jackdawbug, Wrenleaf, and Hazelspark. Representing HollowClan was Fernspark, Eelfang, Wolfhound, and Waspflame. Representing EmberClan was Shrewsting, Smallsparrow, Timbershade, Shiningwind, and Icestorm. Fernspark took home the win for the competition!
☆ — The Featherchasers competition was hosted by HollowClan! Representing CedarClan was Tanglesnow, Woollycloud, Ashenrain, Thymeflower, and Parsleyshine. Representing HollowClan was Cricketpaw, Snailpath, Dawnrush, Mothglade, and Fireriver. Representing EmberClan was Bayrunner, Plumrose, Lambspeckle, Dusklight, and Shellsong. Snailpath was the ultimate winner!
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skyperch · 1 year
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Frostfur Elder of ThunderClan
"Speckletail and I are too old for so much change. We'd rather die here beneath Silverpelt knowing StarClan waits for us."
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skyperch · 2 years
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Halftail Elder of ThunderClan
"The greatest hunter is one who knows how to wait."
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skyperch · 2 years
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Shadowsight Medicine Cat of ShadowClan
“As a medicine cat, I’ll never understand a parent’s feelings for their kits, but I have many cats that I care for, and worry about, and I’d do anything for them. Rootspring saved my life once, and I feel such a strong sense of duty and loyalty to him because of that. But what I feel even more is a sense that all of this—everything that’s happened—is vital for the Clans’ survival. All five of them. I could not turn my back, even if I wanted to.”
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skyperch · 2 years
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Dawncloud Elder of ShadowClan
"Thank you. I'll make sure Nightstar knows what you have done. There will be no grudges against you after this."
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skyperch · 2 years
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Darkstripe Rogue
"You can't leave this forest. I know-I've tried. But however far I walk, the trees never end, and there's no light anywhere."
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skyperch · 2 years
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Dappletail Elder of ThunderClan
"If we can't trust StarClan, then we are lost."
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skyperch · 2 years
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Rainflower Warrior of RiverClan
"If he'd stayed in camp he'd never have had the accident. Then he wouldn't be the ugly mess he is now. He'd still be my handsome young warrior."
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skyperch · 2 years
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Shellheart Elder of RiverClan
You have never flinched from your duty or shown anything but courage.
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skyperch · 2 years
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Robinwing Warrior of ThunderClan
"Kits are very forgiving. He won't remember what you didn't do, only what you did. You can change everything if you want to."
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skyperch · 2 years
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Fuzzypelt Elder of ThunderClan
"From now on you'll be called Patchpaw, and I give you Fuzzypelt as your mentor. Listen to him carefully because, though he is young, he is clever enough to teach you how to use your courage wisely."
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skyperch · 2 years
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Straystar Leader of EmberClan
Straystar sees “honor” in living the simple life, hunting and patrolling and possibly finding a mate someday. While the idea might seem boring or routine, the tom finds it incredibly appealing, being able to enjoy the small things as much as the big.
At a young age, he showed an affinity for pranks and mischief, but nothing major enough to get him into real trouble. This was and still is about as far as he is willing to go, although it is questionable about how much he truly cares about rules.
Straystar is an intelligent cat, if not a private one. He doesn’t share his troubles often, but he also isn’t the type to purposely keep things to himself out of secrecy. He will share when he wishes, and listen when needed. The tom is passive in all sense of the word, but still manages to attract some cats with his friendly and open appearance. He willingly follows those who show determination to lead, and rarely questions decisions made by them.
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skyperch · 2 years
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Ashenrain Warrior of CedarClan
Ashenrain is, in short, a cat who wishes to be much more than he is, but isn’t quite sure how to achieve his goals. This is a cat who will make friends with anybody if given the chance, and will do so with the willingness of a young kit first let out of the nursery. He knows how to get on a cat’s good side, but is often genuine with doing so, hoping to form legitimate bonds that will last rather than one-off interactions that only work to serve him and no one else.
As a kit, Ashenrain made the impulsive decision to become a healer apprentice. He entered into the world of herbs with no true drive to learn them. He comforted cats and did decently well at treating them, but his scattered thoughts and his tendency to wander caused more trouble.
With the healer growing old, he needed an apprentice much more than Ashenrain needed him, and so Ashenrain's brother unwillingly took his place in order to spare the Clan of further stress. This experience combined with their conflicting personalities have often left them at odds with each other as well as other cats.
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skyperch · 2 years
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Firbranch Warrior of CedarClan
Firbranch is a kind cat, open to helping others when it is needed and all the more willing to listen when someone needs a friend. However, this comes at a cost, as her primary motivating factor is following the rules no matter their value.
Firbranch prefers structure in her life, believing it is what truly makes them warriors. She holds a fair amount of disdain for rogues and kittypets, unable to believe that they are even remotely similar. She is a naïve cat for sure, which it makes it much harder for her to truly understand different perspectives.
When she found her sister, Myrtletuft, breaking the warrior code by meeting with a loner in secret, Firbranch ended up telling the leader. Her admission brought the exile of her sister, something that she has felt weighed down by since that day.
While Firbranch often acts on her naivety, she cannot be absolved from blame entirely. Her simplistic world view makes it hard to have deep, meaningful discussions that will make her truly consider her beliefs. When things get hard, she would much rather turn away and ignore her problems rather than face them head on.
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skyperch · 2 years
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Flamesoul Healer of HollowClan
Flamesoul refuses to give up any part of herself, even to those she is most loyal to. She believes that you must respect yourself before anyone else, and that a life where you give everything up to someone else is not a life worth living.
Her overconfidence often led to bullying on her end, although she will argue that her actions made other cats stronger and more able to stand on their own four paws. It is clear that she gives little thought to others’ feelings, although she does care about maintaining relationships with those she is close to.
As an unruly kit, she was often the source of trouble for her mother especially. She became a healer apprentice early on, with her motives unknown to many. She and her mentor often fought, and when he croaked, Flamesoul had little sympathy for him.
The she-cat is possessive above all else, holding her wants close and her relationships even closer. Her family is her highest priority, although she does make room for others at times. She is a cat who cares little for rules, and will sometimes break them with no care for how she comes across.
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skyperch · 2 years
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Moonflower Warrior of ThunderClan
"All warriors are nervous before battle—if not for themselves, then for their denmates and their whole Clan. It makes their senses sharper and their claws fiercer, and it gives them hunger for victory."
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