Perhaps the Death Star wasn’t the best of places for his teenage daughter to be. He had seen how some of his generals had looked at her, the piece of his past as Anakin Skywalker that he hadn’t been able to part with when he’d found her. Not even after she had started growing and he had started to see more and more of her mother in her features. 
But he refused to leave her behind or allow her to be taken from him. 
“As soon as we can retrieve the plans the Rebels have stolen, we’ll be able to return home.“
“And when will that be?” Leia asked, as she continued to walk beside her father. Leia wanted to be useful to prove to everyone, including her father, that she was not a child anymore.
“Send me to get the plans back, I’ll use an assumed name and get the rebels to trust me, then we can go home.”
“We’re working on that now. It seems someone stowed them away inside of a droid.” A droid that had once been a faithful companion to him during the Clone Wars before Mustafar. He tried not to think about that aspect. Droids could serve many masters in their time before they were decommissioned. 
“I don’t want to risk you.“
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Leia smiled at Luke, there was something about him that she instantly liked despite his shy demeanor.
“Well, come on then, we’re supposed to meet Senator Organa on the platform.” Leia said, not releasing Luke’s hand.
“Where are you from, Luke? I’m from Naboo, but my Mother said this was a retreat for youth interested in politics from all over the galaxy.”
Luke smiled when she didn’t let go of his hand; his first day at the retreat and he had already sort of made a friend. Maybe this would be fun after all. 
He let her lead him to where they were supposed to meet the Senator. 
“I’m from Tatooine. My dad travels a lot for work so he lets my aunt and uncle watch me if I can’t go with him.“
“I’m from Naboo, my mother is the senator there.” Leia replied proudly, looking around for her godfather, spotting him across the platform, Leia waved with her free hand a pulled Luke after her.
“I’m Leia by the way!” She called back to the boy as she led them through the crowds. Only letting go of Luke’s hand so that she could give Senator Organa a hug.
“I’ve never been there before. I think my dad went there once.“ When she waved to someone on the platform, Luke was ready to stay back until she grabbed his hand. He was still a little nervous but he kept following her. 
“I’m Luke!“ He called back through the crowd, staying to the side when she hugged the senator.
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@skywalkergenerations​ gets a Vader raises Leia AU
Leia hated being stuck here, she wanted to go home, she hated the Stormtroopers, she hated the engineers that were working on the Death Star, and she hated governor Tarkin who looked at her as if she were an annoyance and a child.
Seeing a familiar figure up ahead, Leia lengthened her stride to catch up.
“Father! When are we going to go home to Mustafar?” Leia asked lowering her voice so that only her father could hear.
“I hate it here, I want to go home.”
Perhaps the Death Star wasn’t the best of places for his teenage daughter to be. He had seen how some of his generals had looked at her, the piece of his past as Anakin Skywalker that he hadn’t been able to part with when he’d found her. Not even after she had started growing and he had started to see more and more of her mother in her features. 
But he refused to leave her behind or allow her to be taken from him. 
“As soon as we can retrieve the plans the Rebels have stolen, we’ll be able to return home.“
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“You could’ve come with me,” Rey breathed out, staying close to him against her better judgement. She was drawn to him as much as he was to her; they were one and the same in a way and she didn’t want to be away from him but she knew he had to make the choice on his own, otherwise it’d be a moot point. “You can change things, make them better. You don’t have to harvest children for your ranks–Snoke’s gone,” she sighed looking up at him and taking another step moving dangerously closer to him. 
Rey couldn’t believe just how blind Ben was to the truth. “She’d take you back in a second Ben. She loves you, you’re her boy,” she whispered wanting to reach to cup his face, to run her thumb over the scar she had given him–maybe that’s what she needed to do, maybe he just needed a little nudge to the light side. 
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“She’s not feeling well and seeing you… Seeing you would really help her. She misses you. I miss you,” she admitted in a small whisper as her eyes moved from his to his lips and back up.
Her voice reminded him of the elevator ride to the throne room; she had been so certain that he would turn and he supposed in a way he had. When Snoke had ordered him to deal the death blow, he had known exactly what he had to do as she had been kneeling in front of him. It hadn’t been the first time he had been in that position and he would be damned if he let anything happen to another person he cared about. 
But to have gone with her? That much, he still wasn’t sure would have been possible. Likely he would have been shot on sight the moment he had set foot on the planet they had taken refuge. 
“I was against using the children,“ he admitted, filing that thought away for when he was alone again. Perhaps there was something he could do...
His eyes darted down to her lips again, his tongue tracing over his own until she mentioned that his mother wasn’t doing well. His chest tightened at the thought; the blaster the Resistance ship had taken had terrified him in the cockpit of his ship. The only thing that had comforted him was the Force signature he still registered as hers hanging on. 
The idea that his mother missed him...that Rey missed him...
“I don’t know how I could see her again.“
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Every role player ever…XD
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Grab a marker and write something on my muse! ( Anywhere over my muse's body. )
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The only April Fools day on this blog is that I fooled you all into following me.
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Reblog if it’s okay for anybody to message you if they’re feeling lonely during self isolation. Let’s get through this together!
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// Thanks to COVID-19, I now find myself out of a job for the next 8 weeks
Once my brain wraps itself around that and I can get it to calm the f down, I’ll be around
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The person I reblogged this from has a quality blog and I recommend you all follow them
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‘  I  feel  like  you  always  understand  about  20%  of  what’s  happening.  ’ ‘  starting  right  now  no  one  may  go  outside  under  any  circumstances.  ’ ‘  there’s  something  wrong  about  that  but  I  can’t  put  my  finger  on  what  it  is.  ’ ‘  I  just  want  us  all  to  be  together.  separate  houses,  obviously.  ’ ‘  well,  the  nightmare  continues.  ’ ‘  that  is  the  nicest  and  only  thing  anyone  has  said  to  me  in  thirty  years.  ’ ‘  I  came  up  with  hundreds  of  plans  in  my  life  and  only  one  of  them  got  me  killed.  ’ ‘  that  wasn’t  my  fault.  I  was  texting.  ’ ‘  I’m  a  naughty  bitch.  ’ ‘  obviously,  earth  is  cancelled.  ’ ‘  do  you  have  a  second  to  eat  my  farts?  ’ ‘  first  up,  we  fill  his  acoustic  guitar  with  wet  cat  food.  ’ ‘  it’s  not  real,  and  neither  are  you.  ’ ‘  isn’t  there  someone  else  better  you  could  ask?  like  literally  anyone  else?  ’ ‘  that’s  what  I  wrote?  that’s  meaningless.  ’ ‘  I’ve  definitely  never  seen  the  word  ‘pants-tent’  used  so  many  times.  ’ ‘  now  the  thing  I  said  right  after  we  kissed  will  always  be  ‘hot  diggity  dog’!  ’ ‘  like….  why?  oh,  and  also….  how?  ’ ‘  I  once  got  lost  on  an  escalator.  ’ ‘  I  am  attractive,  yes.  ’ ‘  new  ideas  are  gross.  they  sicken  me.  ’ ‘  in  a  nutshell,  it  slaps.  ’ ‘  caring  just  seems  like  a  lot  of  work.  ’ ‘  I  can’t  high-five  that!  no  matter  how  badly  I  want  to.  ’ ‘  she  makes  the  bass  drop….  in  my  heart.  ’ ‘  I  was  dropped  into  a  cave,  and  you  were  my  flashlight.  ’ ‘  send  nude  pics  of  your  heart  to  me.  ’ ‘  are  ghosts  racist?  ’ ‘  I  am  returning  my  damn  essence  to  the  damn  fabric  of  the  damn  universe.  ’ ‘  I  thought  you  were  at  least  gonna  pretend  to  fight  me  on  that,  but  whatever.  ’ ‘  no  offense,  but  you’re  being  a  real  smooth-brain  right  now.  ’ ‘  I’m  going  to….  start  crying.  ’ ‘  hi.  shut  up.  I’m  confident  now.  ’ ‘  I’m  gonna  do  the  evil  speech  now.  ’ ‘  you  got  dreams  in  life?  that’s  lit.  ’ ‘  I  have  a  question  for  you:  are  you  out  of  your  damn  mind?  ’ ‘  you’re  like  the  pam  anderson  boob-motorcycle  of  people.  ’ ‘  sometimes  you  just  gotta  chuck  a  Moltov  cocktail  at  a  drone  and  see  what  happens.  ’ ‘  I  hope  my  early  successes  make  up  for  the  mess  I’ve  become,  like  facebook,  or  america.  ’ ‘  to  be  fair,  I  only  think  that  because  it’s  true  and  I’m  right.  ’ ‘  I’m  gonna  go  eat  a  knife.  ’ ‘  screw  this!  let’s  fight!  ’ ‘  you  really  junked  your  jeans  on  this  one,  you  butterface.  ’ ‘  yeah,  I  have  about  a  billion  objections  to  this.  ’ ‘  you  haven’t  responded  to  any  of  the  dank  memes  I’ve  sent.  ’ ‘  the  other  possible  medical  diagnosis  is  that  you’re  just  a  bit  of  a  dick.  ’ ‘  it’s  not  a  joke!  I’m  a  legit  snack!  ’ ‘  well,  I’ve  narrowed  it  down  to  two  possibilities:  yes  and  no.  ’ ‘  take  it  sleazy.  ’
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dcsertwizard replied to your post: New drinking game  Listen to the TROS audiobook...
Am I going to die?
Probably close, yeah 
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New drinking game 
Listen to the TROS audiobook and take a drink
1) Every time Finn says Rey’s name
2) Every time the Legacy saber is called Luke’s 
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Want to ship? Feel free to tell me straight off!
Yes, shipping does need chemistry between the two muses, but if you look at my muse and think ‘You know what, I’d like to ship my muse with theirs!’, feel free to tell me, even before we start threads!
I love having a direction/goal to work the characters towards – when I write fiction on my own, I like having goals and plot points, like romances, family and friend relationships, rivals and enemies.. why wouldn’t I like having the same with RP? RP is just collaborative fiction writing!
There’s no shame in liking ships, or even RPing for ships. There’s tons of people in the world who love to read romance novels, and no one tries to tell them that’s wrong or worse than liking mysteries, or fantasy adventure. Neither preference is wrong, it’s just that – a preference!
So please – if you want to ship, or work towards of ship, in any capacity : romance, family, friends, rivals, and everything in between – TELL ME! I’d love to see what we can come up with together!
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