slapmehoseok-blog · 5 years
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slapmehoseok-blog · 5 years
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idk he just looks so good T^T 
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slapmehoseok-blog · 5 years
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Some paintings i did
Btw im just learning😅😅
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slapmehoseok-blog · 5 years
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Namjoon for CanCam magazine (scans cr. )
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slapmehoseok-blog · 5 years
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「Geo Byeol ❀ Do not edit in any way」
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slapmehoseok-blog · 5 years
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i forgot how to breathe
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slapmehoseok-blog · 5 years
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© Truly Madly Deeply | Do not edit. (1,2,3,4)
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slapmehoseok-blog · 5 years
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Disclaimer: 99% angst / smut / nsfw  ↳ AO3 ↳ Updates & WIPs ↳ If you want to be tagged in new updates you can sign up in my subscription list for being tagged in my works here
Don’t repost or translate my stories. Uploading onto other sites (even with credit) is not allowed!
Keep reading
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slapmehoseok-blog · 5 years
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what a touching scene
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slapmehoseok-blog · 5 years
Jungkook cheated on you.
• one shot
•2,185 words
•Jungkook X Reader X Jimin
•Jungkook’s cheats on you
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
You and jungkook have been dating for 3 years. You’re guys anniversary is supposed to be in 3 days. You have never loved anyone as much as you loved him.
You took the day off work and were sitting at your local café with your best friend jimin. You always suspected he had a little crush on you, but he knew his boundaries. You guys were discussing Jungkooks and your anniversary. Last year Jungkook planned the date for you guys, so this year you guys agreed you would to plan it this time around. As you and Jimin finished looking up local restaurants to find the best one and then calling to make reservations, you decided to head out to the mall to find a cute outfit.
As you reached the mall you and Jimin went to look for the perfect dress and shoes for your date. You picked out 3 outfits and asked Jimin to pick the best one (since you couldn’t decide). He liked the second one the best. To be exact he said “ oh my god, you look beautiful” with his jaw dropped. So you thought that was the best pick. It was a skin tight silky red dress with a pair of plain black strapped heels.
After finding the perfect date night outfit you thought you would part ways with Jimin since it was around supper time and you were getting hungry. You and Jungkook usually works late into the evening and end up getting take out most of the time, so this time you thought you would make supper for him.
You arrive home and open the door, however your gut feels weird. Like something is wrong. You go to take your shoes off when you notice a pair of pink flats.
You dont own pink flats.
your heart and mind start racing
“maybe my mom or sister came for a visit and let themselves in” you said to yourself in a hushed voice
you proceed into the living room to look for them but find nobody. Weird.
maybe they’re just in the bathroom
You then decide to go to your room to drop off your shopping bags because they are getting heavy and you want to hide them before Jungkook gets home. Thats when u hear it. A female voice, you have never heard before coming from your room. You slowly push the door open not expecting what you were about to see.
frozen. Thats what you were, frozen.
You see a girl on top of Jungkook in your guys bed half clothed. You drop your shopping bags on the floor making a thud. Both Jungkook and this random girl eyes shot in your direction. He pushes the girl off him and says “ Y/N this isnt what you think”
“What is this....” you said in a quiet small voice as tears formed in your eyes. Thats all you could say before you’re heart began to race and you then began to panic. You turned around and ran for the front door. All you had on you were your car keys and your cell phone. You couldn’t believe what you just saw. Theres no way. There is no way Jeon jungkook cheated on you 3 days before your 3 year anniversary.
Not know where to go or what to do you got in your car and just started driving, and called your best friend. Jimin picked up on the 2nd ring
ring ring ...
“missed me that much already huh?” He said in a jokingly voice
you couldn’t speak. You just sobbed uncontrollably.
“Y/N?! Whats wrong? Calm down, are you okay?” He knew something was wrong.
“ Ji-Jimin...” is all you could say through your cries.
“Y/N where are you? Im coming to you.”
“at-at the park near-r my house” you said with an unsteady voice through your tears
“stay put ill be there in 5 minutes“ he said with slight panic in his voice
You hung up and looked down at your phone. 12 miss calls and 4 unread messages from Jungkook. You just cried as you opened the messages:
•Come back
• im sorry, come back baby
•i love you, im sorry please come back to me
•come back, let talk this out. I love you, i cant loose you
As you finished reading the messages you heard a knock on your car window. You look up to see Jimin with a worried face. You unlock the door and let him in. “Y/N whats wrong? What happened!?”
“h-h-he cheated on my Jimin, he cheated on me” you lost all control of yourself and sunk into Jimins arms as you started to shake because you were crying so much. Jimin just stayed there holding you for the next 30 minutes without saying anything. He couldn’t believe the words that just came out your mouth. Jungkook cheating on you? But he adores you? He would have never thought he could do something like this. Jimin was furious, so many thoughts were running around in his head.
as you finally calmed down a bit you look into Jimins eyes and thank him for coming to you so quickly. He was a true friend. You tell him everything that happened and he just looks at you with the widest eyes not knowing what to say. You show him the texts and miss calls from Jungkook and he mutters something under his breath but you couldn’t hear it. However, you could tell he was angry
Now not having anywheres to stay for the nights to come, Jimin suggested his place to you. You took the offer because you didnt really having anyone else. Plus you really didnt want to have to explain anything to your family just yet. You guys arrive at his place and he immediately goes to the bathroom to run you a bath. “maybe a warm bath will help you relax a bit? Ill get you some of my clothes for when you are done” he said so innocently. You didnt say anything but nodded your head yes.
once you were done with your bath you put on Jimins clothes. They smelled like him, which was kind of comforting. You slowly push the bathroom door open to see Jimin making you a tea. He brings it to you with a small smile (trying to cheer you up a bit).
“um, you can have my bed and ill sleep on the couch tonight. Does that sound ok?”
you still didnt really feel like talking. You felt so small right now. You just slightly shook your head and said “thank you” almost in a whisper.
You sat Jimins kitchen table with him in silence until you finished your tea. You started to yawn. You were exhausted from the excessive crying and taking a warm bath. You simply told jimin that you were going to lay down now since it was getting late. He took your tea mugs to the sink and followed you to the bed room. He took some pillows and a small blanket from his bed and brought it out the sofa in the living room. After laying them down, he peaked around the corner and asked if there was anything else he could get you before you went to bed. You replied with no thank you.
you both then went your separate ways. You laid in his king size bed curled up in a ball realizing how lonely you were and fell asleep without even trying. You started to have a bad dream remembering everything that had happened early that day which made you wake up from your sleep crying. You just laid there in silence crying. Tears just slowly falling down your face. You looked up to see the clock on Jimins wall, it was around 2:30am. Thats when you realized you heard the living room tv still on. Knowing you wouldnt be able to fall back to sleep for a while you decided to go out into the living room to see if Jimin was awake.
to your surprise he was still wide awake looking at the tv. Although he didnt really seem like he was watching it, he looked like he was thinking about something. You made a little coughing noise and it startled him. He looked in your direction
“ Y/N, you’re awake, are you ok?”
“ i just woke up from a bad dream, is it okay if i come out here for a little bit ? I dont want to be alone” You pouted
“of course you can y/n” he sat up instantly making room for you.
you guys sat and watched tv for about an hour when you started to feel sleepy again. You moved a bit closer to Jimin and rested your head on his shoulder. He leaned his towards yours and stroked your hair for you. You thought about how lucky you were to have him as a friend and dose off to sleep.
Jimin sat there silently looking at your face stroking your hair as you fell asleep. He just thought to himself about how beautiful you were and how sorry he felt for you. He kissed your forehead once he knew you were asleep and carried you to his bed. He pulled the sheet over your innocent body tucking you in. He wanted to be there for you every step of the way. He loved you, he never told you that but he truly loved you. He wanted to take care of you the way Jungkook never could . He would never hurt you the way he did. He just wanted to hold you tight and tell you everything was going to be alright.
the next morning, you woke up feeling better. Everything about the events that took place the day before settled in your brain. You felt numb, but better. You walked out to see Jimin passed out on his couch half hanging off. You slighty giggled to yourself at the sight of it. You then decided to look at your phone to see tons of missed calls and texts from Jungkook once again. You got an instant headache. You opened the texts and read all the bullsh*t he said to you. After finishing you simply replied “Goodbye Jungkook” and blocked his number.
you didnt want to wake Jimin up so you went to his kitchen to make yourself some breakfast. Cereal and toast. You ate silently until you heard Jimin groan and get up to go to the bathroom. Once again you giggled at the sight. He came back out and saw you sitting at the kitchen table with a slight smile.
“whats so funny” Jimin asked
“ oh what, um nothing.. nothing at all” you said
“okay weirdo” was all he said laughing to himself
you never really realized how much you cared for Jimin until the thoughts about the night befjungkookore came flooding back. You were so grateful that he was there for you. If it wasn’t for him you would be all alone probably still crying your eyes out. He made you feel better, his presence made you feel better. He made all the hurt go away.
~3 months after jungkook cheated on you~
Life has been better, you’re still not fully over Jungkook, but you are trying. You have only seen him once since that day to collect your belongings but didn’t speak a word to him. He watched you while tears flowed down his face. How dare he?! HE did that, not you. Disgusting was all you could think...
You spend most your days with Jimin now, he has been so kind to you and you never will be able to thank him enough for that night when he was there for you when you needed someone the most. However, he has been extra flirty these days but you don’t really mind. He is overly handsome and it puts you in a good mood. You got your own apartment in the same complex as Jimin so you guys are always together. He keeps you happy. He makes you feel certain ways that jungkook was never able to. He is the only person who allowed you to be your own person. Plus he is the one who can make you laugh and smile instantly whenever you’re sad. He has always been there for you.
You never thought you would feel this way about Jimin, but you think you may have feelings for him. You thought about telling him but are scared of ruining your relationship you have with him now. Should you tell him?!
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Authors note:
okayyy, thats all for this one shot fanfic. Ive never done this before so please dont be too harsh on it lol it took my a while to do too.
please let me know what you think! It is very unedited, i know 😅
should i do another one?
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
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slapmehoseok-blog · 5 years
it’s like their mission in life is to be adorable and consequently make us suffer (;_;)
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slapmehoseok-blog · 6 years
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Taehyungie is a whole mood 😭🥰
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slapmehoseok-blog · 6 years
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slapmehoseok-blog · 6 years
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© Bangtan_Sonyeon_Scans
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slapmehoseok-blog · 6 years
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HOPE ON THE : the 24th album
in your 24th year, you’ve given us so much. this album of your life may be complete, but we can’t wait to see what you have in store for us in the next one. 940218, happiest of birthdays to j-hope, jung hoseok, hobi, our hope.
소윤의 비밀정원 여기 있어 ♡
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slapmehoseok-blog · 6 years
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min yoongi march madness: the PREGAME ↳ the gummy smile that lights up the whole universe xxx
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slapmehoseok-blog · 6 years
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2019 Hope Day
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