slasherpegger · 7 months
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the character ever. to me.
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slasherpegger · 7 months
when making a character, u have to ask urself:
are they bloody?
will they ever be bloody?
is it their blood or somebody elses blood theyre covered in?
why are they bloody?
how drenched in blood are they going to be from a scale of 1-10, with 1 being ''barely drenched'' and 10 being ''so covered we shld ask where there ISNT any blood on them''?
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slasherpegger · 7 months
Slashers with a Thicc S/O
Basically, a few slashers with a plus sized S/o- some basic relationship HCs sprinkled in- kinda requested by a friend?
Some body dysmorphia
Mainly fluff :)))
Pronouns=They/Them (G/N reader)
I am a plus sized person myself- but I’m still not the best writer! Bare with me if something’s don’t make sense!
Kinda OOC
Bo Sinclair
Holy shit-
Loves your thighs- wether squishy or muscle, loves them
Will pinch your fat, thinks it’s cute
* Lays his head on your legs, a lot…maybe play with his hair???
* He definitely won’t complain…
* If your self couscous about your size? This man will go ham on anyone that says a w o r d.
* He will hype you up to the best of his one tracked southern mind-
* Chubby chaser!!!
* You have stretch marks? Nice! He likes tiger stripes!
* Bo doesn’t say words much to show how he feels, but he try’s his damn best- “Darlin’ I’ll love you, no matter how you feel about yourself.”
* Lots…. I mean… lots of hickeys.
* Your both pretty warm natured,, so summer cuddles are usually a no go- rip.
Lester Sinclair
* Type of mf to squish your cheeks
* “Sorry honey, you just look so cute!”
* Another chubby chaser!
* Pick him up and cuddle him- we know this man is a stick, and couldn’t even pick up one of his brothers if he tried-
* Thigh appreciator, amen.
* Will glow in pride with you by his side!
* Will fight a hoe if they make any comment towards you what so ever-
* Hopes you’d do the same!
* “LOOK AT MY PARTNER!” Lookin ass
* Shows you off, knows he scored big!
* Lots of kisses, all over your body, won’t stop- seriously, you think you have marks on your forehead from him.
* Secretly wants you to crush his head between your thighs… don’t tell anyone.
Vincent Sinclair
* Yet again, like his brothers- a chubby chaser.
* Yes, he draws you a lot, obviously- he thinks your fucking stunning!
* Will ask for you to pose for him, if your comfortable with that of course. If your not good at staying still? Don’t worry! He has a camera!
* Squeezes you- a lot, but he’s gentle-
* Loves how warm you are! His hands are normally cold, he enjoys when you hold them :)
* Will cry if you call him beautiful-
* Literally a whore for your attention, pay attention to him- please- he’ll do anything!
* Likes to touch and feel you a lot, it isn’t inherently sexual? But if that’s what it turns into…
* Makes you little trinkets to carry :)
* Will blush r e d if you play with his hair in anyway
* “I will cherish you will all my heart, Love.”
* Please- please- call him a pretty boy- he will d i e.
Thomas Hewitt
* Enamored. Loves you a normal amount… totally.
* Thomas, as a chubby person himself- actually appreciates the chub more on you then himself!
* Caresses you a lot, just likes physical touch- just being near him makes him happy.
* Likes the way your stretch marks feel under his fingers- odd fixation- but still.
* Not the best at showing how he feels- he just holds you and hopes you get the message-
* Actually will pummel Hoyt if he ever makes any derogatory comment towards you.
* Doesn’t let you near the ‘visitors’ very much, he deems them as a threat to your safety.
* The family likes you, your cool 👍
* Give this man a massage, he’s very tense all the time… he will greatly appreciate it!
* Not a PDA person, but in private- he’s all over you.
* Likes to play with your hair, no matter the texture, it’s you, and he likes that.
* Doesn’t say much, but when he does, he means it. “I Love You.”
Bubba Sawyer
* You??? Love him??? It still surprises him everyday!
* Dotes and fusses over you a lot, very worried about you- for no real reason- he just wants you safe and happy.
* Your bigger like him!!! Now he won’t crush you! :D
* like Thomas, he likes to caress and touch you a lot, he will mumble incoherent things to you, in hopes you get what he’s trying to say.
* Squeals at you a lot, thinks your the most beautiful thing ever, won’t let his brothers even THINK of being mean to you.
* Has actually hit Drayton over the head for an out of pocket comment.
* Kiss him, anywhere, he’ll be so happy!
* Tried to make you a mask at one point- realized you probably won’t like another persons skin on your face- so he used fabric.
* Will cuddle with you no matter the weather- freezing? Holding his arms open. 100+ degrees? Shut up and cuddle, you can sweat it out.
* Likes to sleep with you on top of him, like a weighted blanket.
* Very hyperactive! Wants to do everything with you!
* Excited when you want to do anything with him! Wether it be something like cleaning the house or something like taking a shower together!
This layout sucks- I apologize lmao
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slasherpegger · 7 months
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I think they would be friends :D
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slasherpegger · 7 months
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often i am tortured by visions
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slasherpegger · 7 months
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Real photo of my wife we have two kids
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slasherpegger · 7 months
he's soooooo. geugh
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slasherpegger · 8 months
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slasherpegger · 8 months
Out of curiosity do you have any drawings or sketches of Bubba in a wedding dress? For research purposes of course-
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Lmfaooo I love super specific requests like this 😌 Here is a quick sketch of wedding dress Bubba! Perhaps it’s too simple, but I think a vintage slip dress would suit him and his curves well
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slasherpegger · 11 months
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this is why you cant go to the roast sessions nubbins…
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slasherpegger · 11 months
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“Let’s go gamers!!”
Nubbins Twitch icon waist up lineart commission for @chainzofhate
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slasherpegger · 11 months
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slasherpegger · 11 months
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slasherpegger · 1 year
you're in his dms im on his meat hook we are not the same
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slasherpegger · 1 year
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slasherpegger · 1 year
If I saw a twink getting pounded I would rescue him
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slasherpegger · 1 year
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@scolo-evil-centipede ♡♡♡
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