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Ryan Character Info, UPDATED
Name: Aurora Ryan Hales 
DOB: July 27th (Leo) 
Age: 17 
Height: 5′10″ 
Weight: 130 lbs (somewhat lanky and petite despite her height, subject to change) 
Hair: Dark brown, wavy 
Eyes: Dark Hazel (will provide picture example) 
Race: Half black, half Colombian 
Codename: Smarty Pants (non-official) 
Personality: Naive, Emotionally Distant, Practical, Stubborn, Tenacious 
Personality con’t– 
Naive: Despite her genius-level intellect, Ryan is somewhat naive to the ways of the world. She is partially easily manipulated and often taken advantage due to years of emotional and verbal abuse as well as being pushed to her mental and physical peak by her parents, Floyd Hales and Verla Hales (nee Serrano). 
Emotionally Distant: Ryan was never properly socialized; neither with children nor other people, which leads to a lot of unnecessary confrontation. Ryan only ever opened up to her maternal Grandmother (and Rosearah Stratton), who was murdered in front of her in a botched robbery attempt. 
Practical: Ryan is down to earth and works surprisingly well under pressure. Despite her emotional outbursts (or lack thereof), Ryan is able to complete necessary tasks while keeping calm, cool, and collected. 
Stubborn: More parent-related drama! Ryan may sometimes take issue with being told what to do, especially if the command is harsh. Rarely is it triggering, and it will usually result in anger/noncompliance. 
Adventurous: Ryan enjoys her freedom to its fullest when she has it. She has become more outgoing as years of therapy have passed in an attempt to separate herself from how her parents treated her and to make an attempt at socialization. Sometimes her adventurousness borders on recklessness, which leaves Rosearah with constant annoyance. 
Tenacious: Refer to “stubborn.” Ryan is an incredibly hardworking person and does not settle. She feels best when her work has constant results. Ryan doesn’t tolerate laziness (unless it is her own laziness) and gets fidgety when there is nothing to do. Idleness may also trigger her PTSD. 
PTSD: Ryan had PTSD in one case. 
Case #1, Parents 
–Ryan may be prone to crying fits, anxiety attacks, or may react with unbridled anger if she is unable to complete a task right away. Her parents prided her on only her smarts, but failed to nurture her emotions. 
Brief History: 
Aurora “Ryan” Hales was born to Floyd Hales and Verla Serrano. Their daughter’s development was much faster than that of a normal baby, having learned to speak at only six months and reading at one year. Fast forward, Aurora is a child genius that her parents enjoy showing off. Aurora was always interested in coding, medicine, engineering, and various forms of technology, and despie her parents’ attempt to stifle this interest, they were unsuccessful. 
The stress of constant shows, interviews, and appearances stressed Aurora to no end, but still her parents pushed her, often forcing her to go without basic needs (food, water, bathing, stimulation, etc.) as punishment. Denial eventually lead to physical abuse. Finishing college at age twelve, Aurora’s parents tried to force her into more schooling, which eventually led to her removal from their care and into the care of her maternal Grandmother, Katherine DaCosta. 
At thirteen, Aurora became interested in hacking and began to hack small-time businesses for easy cash to provide for her and her grandmother. Eventually her grandmother began asking questions, but Aurora had learned to become a pretty good liar, and she chalked it up to late royalty checks from published books about her life of live appearances. Eventually, Aurora’s Grandmother was put on emergency bedrest due to the onset of Lou Gherig’s disease, aka ALS, which was caught far too late to be treated. Her grandmother died three months after her thirteenth birthday. 
Aurora was able to hide her Grandmother’s death for some time, forging signatures and using video adaptation technology to falsify her appearance in other cases. Eventually Aurora was caught, removed from her home, and put into foster care. Aurora ran away from her foster family at age fourteen, creating fake documents and going by her middle name, Ryan. She falsified both her birth certificate and identification card so that she could “legally” work, an impressive feat that was nearly impossible to catch. Ryan was good at covering her tracks, but the group that had been following her had been after her for some time. 
Eventually Ryan was adopted by Arlene and Steven Dwyer, another family that exploited her genius and basically used her for free labor. Ryan was at a loss and attempted suicide at age fifteen, believing it to be her only means of escape, only to be caught in the act, removed from her home once more and thrown into a mental health facility, where she would be for three months. She was able to persuade a kind, pervy, male orderly to smuggle in an iPad for her, and from then, escape was easy. 
Once Ryan got herself out of the mental health facility, she was met not by her parents, but by Slayer Operative Rosearah Stratton with a proposition. She trained from fifteen to age seventeen, where she is still undergoing training while also deploying and managing her own missions and she is currently in the process of perfecting “SOH,” a “Safely Operated Home” that responds to only her or Rosearah’s vocal commands for safety. Her job is to maintain servers, make sure money is going to the right places, and send her partners on missions (subject to change/add-ons). 
Ryan has two faint scars remaining from her attempted suicide which she covers up with bracelets from her Grandmother and Rose, respectively. 
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Kannon Saito Takehashi
Kannon Saito Takehashi
 Age: 30
Hair: Brown
Eyes : Brown
Dob: June 18th
Race: Japanese
High school: Musashi Junior and Senior High School
College: Tokyo University - Computer engineering major, computer science.
Occupation: Slayer I.T. Technician/ operative.
Zodiac breakdown
If you are born under the June 18 zodiac or are in any way related to this birthday here you can find all of its astrological meanings. This page reveals everything you need to know about this day and its zodiac sign that is Gemini, from ruling planet, element and personality traits to love compatibilities, famous birthdays and some other interesting facts.
The zodiac sign for June 18 is Gemini.
Astrological symbol: Twins. The sign of the Twins influences people born between May 21 and June 20, when in tropical astrology the Sun is considered to be in Gemini, the sign of duality. It refers to great communication skills and sharing.
The Gemini Constellation lies between Taurus to the West and Cancer to the East on an area of 514 sq degrees and has Pollux as its brightest star. Its visible latitudes are between +90° to -60°, this being one of the zodiac's twelve constellations.
The Latin name for the Twins, the June 18 zodiac sign is Gemini. The Spanish name it Geminis while the French call it Gémeaux.
Opposite sign: Sagittarius. This suggests tidiness and practicality and shows that cooperation between the Sagittarius and Gemini sun signs is thought to be beneficial for both sides.
Modality: Mobile. This can tell the philosophical nature of people born on June 18 and that they are a symbol of inquisitiveness and harmony.
Ruling house: The third house. This is a space of knowledge and eloquence and explains why Geminians' attention is directed towards human interaction and why they appear to be so sociable and charming. This house is also concerned with travel and broadening our horizons.
Ruling body: Mercury. This combination suggests regeneration and freedom. Mercury is known as the messenger of the gods in Greek mythology. Mercury is also representative for the adaptability of these natives' existences.
Element: Air. This element suggests a harmonious existence, often analyzing and assimilating what is going on everywhere and influences people born under June 18 zodiac. When associated with the water, this is the element to vaporize it.
Lucky day: Wednesday. This is a day ruled by Mercury, therefore deals with wisdom and dexterity. It suggests the generous nature of Gemini natives.
Lucky numbers: 7, 9, 11, 12, 21.
Motto: "I think!"
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Garrett Michael Wallace
Garrett Michael Wallace
 Age: 27
Hair: Black
Eye : Blue
Dob: December 21st
Race: White/ Caucasian
High school: Farris County High School (Maine, USA)
College: Farris County Community college - Criminal Justice Major - Drop out
Occupation: Model
Zodiac breakdown
If you are born under the December 21 zodiac or are in any way related to this birthday here you can see all of its astrology meanings. This report reveals everything you need to know about this day and its zodiac sign that is Sagittarius; such as ruling planet, house and element and even some personality traits and love behavior, compatibilities and characteristics.
The zodiac sign for December 21 is Sagittarius.
Astrological symbol: Archer. The sign of the Archer represents people born November 22 - December 21, when the Sun is placed in Sagittarius. It suggests high purpose, creativity and ambition.
The Sagittarius Constellation is one of the 12 zodiac constellations, placed between Scorpius to the West and Capricornus to the East on an area of 867 sq degrees with the brightest star being Teapot and the most visible latitudes +55° to -90°.
The name Sagittarius comes from the Latin name for Archer, in Greek the sign for December 21 zodiac sign is called Toxotis, while in Spanish is Sagitario and in French is Sagittaire.
Opposite sign: Gemini. This means that this sign and Sagittarius sun sign are in a complementary relation, suggesting directness and distraction and what one has the other lacks and the other way around.
Modality: Mobile. This quality shows the diligent nature of those born on December 21 and their thoughtfulness and detachment in taking life as it is.
Ruling house: The ninth house. This house represents human transformations through travel and education but mostly connected to long journeys rather the short ones. It is not only about life adventures but also about philosophy and life perspectives.
Ruling body: Jupiter. This connection seems to suggest responsiveness and strength. Jupiter as a planet has many bright colored clouds around it. This also shows a focus on beauty.
Element: Fire. This governs people born on December 21 who are firm, aware and bold and at the same time it suggests their interactions with the other elements, such as with air, it makes things heat up quite abruptly.
Lucky day: Thursday. This is a day ruled by Jupiter, therefore deals with receptivity and development. It suggests the working nature of Sagittarius natives.
Lucky numbers: 4, 7, 12, 16, 20.
Motto: "I seek!"
More info on December 21 Zodiac below ▼
   People born on December 21 are poised and confident and have a great sense of self control. They are unhesitating and avant-garde but also show some sort of noble behavior in their gestures. They enjoy being in aiding positions and offer advice helping hand, especially if this involves some journeying as well. They hate nothing more than being held down or having to deal with common and inartistic people.
 Positive traits: These natives are convivial but also frank and ethical, so they are sometimes misjudged by others. Sagittarius people are usually altruistic and introspective with most people they know, unless someone disappoints them. That's when they turn a cold shoulder and move on. Those born under this sign are also funny and energetic, they never seem to get any rest and are the spirit of every social gathering.
 Negative traits: Idealists but accommodating, these natives often set utopian objectives that they then try to pursue, only to end being all disconcerted and not accepting what happen. They need to stop overestimating themselves and at the same time realize that those around them need a lot more dignity consideration and scrutiny. They are conceit and impulsive and this sure posses a risk on their relationships.
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Research Character Profile
Rosearah Marie Stratton
 Age: 26
Hair: Blonde
Eye : Blue
Dob: January 3rd
Race: White/Caucasian
High school: (Slayer High school)  (NAME TBA)
College: (Slayer University) (NAME TBA)
Master's Degree  in secondary education (High School/ College)
Occupation: High school Science Teacher/ Slayer Agent
Zodiac breakdown
January 3 Zodiac is Capricorn - Full Horoscope Personality January 3, Capricorn If you are born under the January 3 zodiac or are in any way related to this birthday here you can find all of its astrological meanings. This page reveals everything you need to know about this day and its zodiac sign that is Capricorn, from ruling planet, element and personality traits to love compatibilities, famous birthdays and some other interesting facts. The zodiac sign for January 3 is Capricorn. Astrological symbol: Goat. This relates to the simplicity and ambition in the nature of these stubborn but caring natives. This is the symbol for people born between December 22 and January 19 when the Sun is considered to be in Capricorn. The Capricorn Constellation is one of the 12 zodiac constellations, placed between Sagittarius to the West and Aquarius to the East on an area of 414 sq degrees with the brightest star being delta Capricorni and the most visible latitudes +60° to -90°. The Latin name for the Goat, the January 3 zodiac sign is Capricorn. The French name it Capricorne while the Greeks say it is Aegokeros. Opposite sign: Cancer. This reflects upon structure and affection and the fact that a cooperation between the Capricorn and Cancer sun signs, whether in business or love is beneficial for both parts. Modality: Cardinal. This can reveal how much nostalgia and dynamism exists in the lives of those born on January 3 and how neat they are in general. Ruling house: The tenth house. This is a space of virility, paternity and empowerment. It is often related with the search of a career and all our professional roles in life. It suggests the willful and fertile male figure of Capricorns who aim high. Ruling body: Saturn. This celestial planet reveals education and remarkability and also highlights flexibility. The name of Saturn comes from the god of agriculture in Roman mythology. Element: Earth. This element symbolizes structure and a sense of justice and is considered to influence people connected to January 3 zodiac. Earth also gets new meanings in association with the other elements, modeling things with water and fire and incorporating air. Lucky day: Saturday. This day is representative for the humorous nature of Capricorn, is ruled by Saturn and suggests labor and strength. Lucky numbers: 7, 9, 15, 17, 22. Motto: "I utilize!" More info on January 3 Zodiac below ▼ January 3 zodiac, Capricorn People born on January 3 are caring and generous but also very motivated in succeeding through their own forces. They enjoy traveling and try to discover as many things as possible about the world surrounding us. They try to stay away from deceit both from their part and that of those around them and are never disappointed more by something than when they discover some kind of betrayal. They are practical beings and are mostly attracted by such endeavors. Positive traits: Perseverant, neat and organized, these natives have great self control. Capricorn people are usually energetic task achievers but also very calm and patient persons. Those born under this sign are also intelligent and sincere. They tackle everything they have to do with care and always having in mind the people around them. Negative traits: Overly cautious and pessimistic, these natives often get caught in their own dark thoughts. They find it very hard to embrace change and are often suspicious of the smallest things. They are frustrated by their inability to enjoy fun and adventurous activities but at the same time they don't do anything about it. They are overly idealistic at times and behave in such a naive way that others take advantage of them.
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