wisteria-academy-rp · 12 years
i'm sorry but i have to leave this rpg, i'm terrible at keeping active, due to being in so many other rpgs. but i loved this one, by far my favorite. love you guys, keep rockin. xx
We're going to miss you and Melody terribly Heather! Good luck in your roleplaying ventures and we love you. :)
Everyone, please unfollow Melody.
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wisteria-academy-rp · 12 years
And view her updated bio.
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wisteria-academy-rp · 12 years
Brittany Pierce Audition - Accepted!
Owner's Note: Because I know you and love you I'll let it slide that you didn't put in a sample para. :P Also, she'll be graduating soon because all our seniors are graduating as planned, I just haven't gotten around to setting it up.
Send in your account within 24 hours please.
OOC Name: Ginger :) (from Michelle and Barbie?) Age: 22 Timezone: EST Activity: 10 
Anything Else?: (can be left blank) If you'd like me to edit anything let me know and I will! sorry if its bad lol. im tired.
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wisteria-academy-rp · 12 years
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wisteria-academy-rp · 12 years
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Robin Berry - 18/Senior - Played by Charlie - TAKEN [awaiting link]
Ships: Faberry (OTP), Charberry, Pezberry, Robin/Chemistry
Important Things: Robin is an intelligent girl that sometimes makes what would be considered to be less than intelligent choices. She has always lived in the shadow of her sister, the Broadway bound Rachel Berry. Robin has always been a good actress, but Rachel’s tendency of being the best at everything often meant that her talent was not acknowledged. She focused on her doodles and ocassional paintings and before long found that she loved art. In order to distinguish herself from her sister, however, she hides that fact and presents herself as nothing more than a party girl that drinks herself into oblivion without remorse. Robin has ambitions of her own, but she would rather drown them out with alcohol than attempt to achieve her goals. She flirts with girls to no end, making out with any girl that is willing, but she has yet to really fall for someone for fear of actually investing herself fully in another person.
Relations: Twin to Rachel Berry, friend of the Lopez sisters and Charlie Fabray
This is an AU Glee twins roleplay focusing on the Glee ladies and their twin sisters. Will contain smut, mature language, and possible twincest.
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wisteria-academy-rp · 12 years
Berry Twin Audition - Accepted!
Owner's Note: Thank you so much for showing us your interest Charlie! It's greatly appreciated. Name change granted. All twin's names are open to change. I'll fix that all up for you.
Welcome to the group and please send in your account link within 24-48 hours!
OOC Name: Charlie Age: 20 Timezone: Pacific Activity Level: (1-10 scale) 7 to 10
Character Desired: Robin Berry Ships (make sure to mention your OTP if you have one): Faberry (OTP), Charberry, Pezberry, Robin/Chemistry Personality/Bio: Robin is an intelligent girl that sometimes makes what would be considered to be less than intelligent choices. She has always lived in the shadow of her sister, the Broadway bound Rachel Berry. Robin has always been a good actress, but Rachel's tendency of being the best at everything often meant that her talent was not acknowledged. She focused on her doodles and ocassional paintings and before long found that she loved art. In order to distinguish herself from her sister, however, she hides that fact and presents herself as nothing more than a party girl that drinks herself into oblivion without remorse. Robin has ambitions of her own, but she would rather drown them out with alcohol than attempt to achieve her goals. She flirts with girls to no end, making out with any girl that is willing, but she has yet to really fall for someone for fear of actually investing herself fully in another person.
Rachel: Rachel knew far too well that life rarely followed any sort of sensible script. Her own life was perpetually being rewritten, and it rarely worked out in her favor. She had accepted the constant torment that had followed her throughout elementary school into high school, and Quinn Fabray had merely been another person that ridiculed and taunted her. She was simply another character in the story, and she played her part well.
She had never expected the turn of events that further complicated her feelings and the girl’s role in her story. At first, she had wondered if it was some sort of masochistic fascination akin to Stockholm syndrome. Things were difficult enough without the slight hope that she felt when the girl smiled at her, or the flutter in her stomach when she read aloud in their class, her knowledge of the text evident. Rachel often practiced monologues and trained herself to be eloquent, but this girl seemed to capture the text in a way that stomped out any notions Rachel had that the girl was less than intelligent. Their tentative friendship and subsequent relationship had proved Rachel’s assumptions that she was not the monster that she made herself out to be. She realized then that, perhaps, that Quinn was nothing more than a facade. Her Quinn, the Quinn she saw in their moments with one another, was not an act.
That was all in the past, however. Rachel had to remind herself of that. They were back to the script that was written by the people of Lancaster. The love story between the charming out-of-towner and the elusive, beautiful girl next door. It tore Rachel apart, and she refused to be a part of this production. Her life was already a production in itself, and she just needed to act her way through the last few months before she left to New York and realized her dreams.
It would have been perfect, if not for Quinn asking her to play a very important role in the wedding. Rachel was slowly realizing that what she thought of as the most dilapidated state of her heart was nothing. Every time that she was sure that she couldn’t possibly feel any more hurt, another event wrenched her heart and increased the pressure upon her chest. She felt as though she may burst at any moment. The engagement alone was enough, and being Quinn’s maid of honor would certainly be the death of her. Perhaps that was a bit dramatic, but she had a right to exaggerate - she constantly felt as though she was dying.
Despite the pain that dress shopping was sure to bring her, Rachel had acquiesced. She missed Quinn, and as much as she tried to act as though she was angry with and detested the woman, she would simply never feel anything other than a deep love toward her. It was stupid of her to agree to this, but she knew that there was no use in avoiding the girl. As she walked into the boutique, hands trembling from the cold and from fear, she reminded herself that she could get through this unscathed if she played her role. She was the supportive best friend of the bride.
She imagined what lines her character might have in this story, and she was mumbling such a line to herself as the blonde entered the boutique. Rachel donned a weary smile as Quinn greeted her (though she was sure it was more of a grimace), and nodded. “You asked me to be here.” She gulped, hating the waver in her voice. It was difficult to be her friend again, she felt safer when she played the role of the bitter ex-lover. This what not the time nor the place for that, however. Rachel stood, moving hesitantly toward the other girl and protecting herself with crossed arms. A hug would undo her, so she simply stood there and waited for further instruction.
Anything Else?: Could we possibly change her name to Robin? I wrote her personality with the name she has now, I didn't want to be presumptuous and write it with the name Robin, just in case the name cannot be changed.
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wisteria-academy-rp · 12 years
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Original characters needed for AU Glee lesbians group!
[Open Name] Puckerman - 16/Junior - FC: Dakota Blue Richards - OPEN
Important Things: (incorporate into bio)
Same backstory as Jude's (found here) except she always lived in Lima and does not have Asperger's syndrome
Suggested personality: nothing specific, ask Zari for ideas if you'd like!
Relations: Twin to Jude Puckerman; cousin of Noah, Natasha, and Amira Puckerman
[Open Name] Evans - 17/Junior - FC: Taylor Swift - OPEN
Important Things: (incorporate into bio)
Same backstory as Alex's (found here)
Suggested personality: slightly more confident
Relations: Twin to Alex Evans, adopted sister to Sam Evans
This is an AU Glee twins roleplay focusing on the Glee ladies and their twin sisters. Will contain smut, mature language, and possible twincest.
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wisteria-academy-rp · 12 years
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Pierce twins needed for AU Glee lesbians group!
Brittany Pierce - 18/Senior - OPEN
Important Things: (incorporate into bio)
Sweet, calm, and very caring
Most often found in the dance studio, on the roof, or in Santana Lopez's dorm room
Closest to her twin, Santana Lopez, and Quinn Fabray
Relations: Twin to Brianna Pierce, friend of Santana Lopez and Quinn Fabray
Brianna Pierce - 18/Senior - OPEN [Name can be changed]
Important Things: (incorporate into bio)
Quiet and shy, but likes to reach out to people in need
Usually found in the library and her main passion is writing poetry or short stories
Closest to her twin, Sasha Lopez, and Charlie Fabray
Relations: Twin to Brittany Pierce, friend of Sasha Lopez and Charlie Fabray
This is an AU Glee twins roleplay focusing on the Glee ladies and their twin sisters. Will contain smut, mature language, and possible twincest.
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wisteria-academy-rp · 12 years
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Motta twins needed for AU Glee lesbians group!
Sugar Motta - 17/Junior - OPEN
Important Things: (incorporate into bio)
Loud, bossy, and always says what's on her mind so she's not always well-liked
Is at Wisteria to become a fashion designer after she was kicked out of the singing department
Closest to her twin, Harmony Winters, and Charlie Fabray
Relations: Twin to Honey Motta, friend of Charlie Fabray and Harmony Winters
Honey Motta - 17/Junior - OPEN [Name can be changed]
Important Things: (incorporate into bio)
Talkative to the point where she ignores anyone who tries to interrupt, but she loves being surrounded by others
Is at Wisteria to become an actress so some people consider her overly dramatic
Closest to her twin and Charlie Fabray
Relations: Twin to Honey Motta, friend of Charlie Fabray
This is an AU Glee twins roleplay focusing on the Glee ladies and their twin sisters. Will contain smut, mature language, and possible twincest.
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wisteria-academy-rp · 12 years
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Lopez twins needed for AU Glee lesbians group!
Santana Lopez - 18/Senior - OPEN
Important Things: (Incorporate into bio)
Flirtatious, proud, protective, and confrontational
Has a beautiful and sultry voice and wants to take a chance in the music industry
Is afraid her parents will cut her off if she doesn't take the chance to go Julliard with the full-ride scholarship she was offered
Closest to her twin, the Fabray sisters, and Brittany Pierce
Relations: Twin to Sasha Lopez, crushing on Melody Winters, best friend of Quinn and Charlie Fabray and Brittany Pierce
Sasha Lopez - 18/Senior - OPEN [Name can be changed]
Important Things: (incorporate into bio)
Passionate, honest, and hardworking
Plans on becoming a film director, maybe even a screenwriter
Closest to her twin, Charlie Fabray, and Brianna Pierce
Relations: Twin to Santana Lopez, friend of Charlie Fabray and Brianna Pierce
This is an AU Glee twins roleplay focusing on the Glee ladies and their twin sisters. Will contain smut, mature language, and possible twincest.
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wisteria-academy-rp · 12 years
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Rebecca Berry and Harmony Winters needed for AU Glee lesbians group!
Rebecca 'Becca' Berry - 18/Senior - OPEN [Name can be changed]
Ships: open to player
Important Things: (incorporate into bio)
Reckless, flirty, badass (doesn't give a shit about what people think), and a total party girl
Usually goes by Becca or Becks/Becs and she makes sure people know she's not Rachel's clone
Is studying both art and acting, but she keeps those hobbies under wraps
Closest to the Lopez sisters and Charlie Fabray, but she'll give everyone her opinion on them
Relations: Twin to Rachel Berry, friend of the Lopez sisters and Charlie Fabray
Harmony Winters - 16/Junior - OPEN
Important Things: (incorporate into bio)
Ambitious and very conceited
Thinks she's a better singer than Rachel Berry and desperately wants to prove that
Is closest to her twin, Quinn Fabray, and Sugar Motta
Relations: Twin to Melody Winters, friend of Quinn Fabray and Sugar Motta, not a fan of Rachel Berry
This is an AU Glee twins roleplay focusing on the Glee ladies and their twin sisters. Will contain smut, mature language, and possible twincest.
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wisteria-academy-rp · 12 years
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The time has finally come for that high school event of the year: Junior/Senior Prom! The second to last weekend before graduation, Wisteria Academy holds a prom for their students, allowing them to either take a date from the school or invite someone of their choosing who isn't a student. It's always an extravagant affair, thanks to the generous donations of the parents sending their daughters to the prestigious campus.
Of course, there is a theme every year and this year the Prom Committee has chosen:
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Once Upon a Time! Thanks to the popularity of the ABC show and the regained popularity of classic fairy tales, it seemed like the most fitting theme. There is no obligation to theme your outfit after a famous fairy tale or Disney princess, but it won't be discouraged! All ladies are asked to be appropriately dressed and formal.
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Date: June 17 Time: 8pm till Midnight Place: Cinderella Ballroom at Tamzin Palace Entertainment: Wisteria's Glee club, Blooming Roses Who's Invited: Juniors and seniors are automatically allowed entrance, but freshman and sophomores must be asked by an upperclasswoman to be able to attend.
We hope to see you there.
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OOC: Yes, I know I set the date for this just finished weekend but I'v been planning this for weeks, I just wanted to be finished with the quarter before doing anything. Like our previous events, this will last a full week, longer if you all agree. All paras and conversations starting on Wednesday, June 20, will take place during Prom but if you need to finish any paras from before this date then go ahead. Hope everyone enjoys it! Go wild. Also, Blooming Roses are just a random name I came up with, imagine them like the Glee club of Wisteria.
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wisteria-academy-rp · 12 years
Sierra Hart
Inactivity. I'll be posting the information for prom finally tomorrow morning so watch out. It'll last like, a week or two our time as a sorry for my terrible activity lately but for the characters it'll be this coming Saturday then we'll have graduation for our lovely seniors!
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wisteria-academy-rp · 12 years
Friendly suggestion:
Cut your posts please? If you're having a convo on a picture post, make sure to reblog as text on the third reblog or so. And when replying to paras, also reblog as text (to get rid of the link) and re-paste the title in the subject fill-in, and only have the para you're replying to reblogged. And cut your posts so only one or two replies before yours is shown. It'll make the dash easier to scroll through I swear.
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wisteria-academy-rp · 12 years
Guys. Guys. Guys.
We're seven months old today (sorry for the lateness, it was my English final today). Fuck, I love you guys so much. We've lost many lovely roleplayers but this group gave me some of the best tumblr roleplaying memories I'll ever have and I thnak you so much for that. I'll finally be active again this weekend once my finals end and that's when I'll post the info for the prom okay? It'll last as long as you guys fucking want. You deserve it for sticking around this long.
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wisteria-academy-rp · 12 years
By the way, the account I submitted the app from was the one I wanted to use for the RP, sorry I didnt clear that before so just follow that. Again, sorry.
Haha it's okay. I just ask that so it's easier to post and for people to notice on their dash. :)
Welcome to the group and everyone follow please!
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wisteria-academy-rp · 12 years
Santana Lopez
Alexx has been gone for several weeks with no contact and it's time to reopen Santana. She shall be missed.
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