#ryan character profile
thestarlightforge · 2 months
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rhaenicent nation
how we feelin’ 😌
olivia’s headcanon article & emma & sonoya’s commentary on S2 (especially 2x06)
edit: sonoya & emma vanquish the queerbaiting demons, emily & milly’s commentary on S1 & lovely pilot script screengrabs
52 notes · View notes
snuggerudism · 5 months
character profile: sierra
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name/nicknames sierra ‘sisi’ brooks
pairing ryan chesley
birthdate may 16th, 2004
attends the university of minnesota, education major
hometown newport beach, california
likes surfing, summer, the daycare she works at, reading, iced coffee, beach volleyball
dislikes any type of hot beverage, anything remotely romantic
5 notes · View notes
unfortunate-arrow · 2 years
warnings: mentions of death, illness, a car accident, child neglect & abuse, and premature births + related complications
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Full Name: Ryan Michael O’Donnell 
Nicknames: Ry
Name Meanings: Ryan → Irish, “little king” ; Michael → Hebrew, “who is like God” ; O’Donnell → Irish, “descendant of Domhnall.” 
Date of Birth: August 18, 1973 (at 7:04 pm)
Gender: Male (he/him)
Sexuality: Heterosexual 
Blood Status: Half-blood 
Nationality: Irish
Residence: County Donegal, Ireland (birth to 5) ; Lynch Manor County Donegal, Ireland (5 to 17) ; Egypt (17 to 22) ; London, England (22 to 24) ; County Donegal, Ireland (24 to 26) ; Dublin, Ireland (26 to death)
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Hogwarts Faceclaim: Jaeden Martell
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Adult Faceclaim: Killian Scott
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Height: 5’7” in his sixth year ; 5’10” as an adult
Build: Lean physique
Hair: Brown hair that was short and generally unkempt 
Eye Color: Green 
Childhood & Hogwarts: The most notable scar Ryan has is one that partially bisects his right eyebrow, which is the result of hitting his head on the corner of a table when he was three. He also has some scars on his arms from the Ice Vaults that look like they’ve brushed against stinging nettles 
Post-Second War & Adulthood: As an adult, thanks to his career as a cursebreaker, Ryan has a series of scars on his arms and legs from the jinxes and curses he encounters on the job. They’re generally small little nicks here and there. 
Modifications: (glasses, piercings, tattoos, etc.) None 
Other Distinguishing Marks: The small scar that partially bisects his right eyebrow 
Clothing Style: Jeans ; t-shirts ; sweaters ; plaid shirts ; hoodies ; red converse sneakers ; a black bomber jacket 
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Accessories: A watch that belonged to his late father 
What’s in His Pockets: His wand ; loose change ; a matchbox car 
What’s in His School Bag: Textbooks ; quills, parchment, ink ; pens ; pencils ; notebooks ; snacks ; quidditch gloves ; his overstuffed frog choir folder ; notes from friends that have been crumpled into balls and sit at the bottom of his bag
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Voiceclaim: Jaeden Martell 
Accent: Irish 
Dialect: Ulster
Languages Spoken: English, Irish Gaelic 
Languages Understood: English, Irish Gaelic, Latin 
Speech Disorder: Until the age of 7, Ryan would replace “l” with “w” when the “l” started a word. For example, instead of like, he would say “wike.” 
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MBTI Type: ESFP — the entertainer 
→ Outgoing, friendly, and accepting. Exuberant lovers of life, people, and material comforts. Enjoy working with others to make things happen. Bring common sense and a realistic approach to their work, and make work fun. Flexible and spontaneous, adapt readily to new people and environments. Learn best by trying a new skill with other people.
Enneagram Type: 8w7 — the maverick 
→ The Eight wing Seven type is an Eight who shares many characteristics with the Type Seven. This type is energetic, enthusiastic and may appear more combative than other Eights.
Positive Traits: Bold, original, practical, observant, strong people skills, courageous, outgoing, supportive, chivalrous, intelligent, kind, spontaneous, adaptable, enthusiastic, curious, diplomatic, strong leader 
Neutral Traits: Somewhat reserved, relies on his instincts a lot, optimistic, adventurous, gregarious, stubborn, can be sarcastic 
Negative Traits: Reckless, impulsive, sometimes sensitive, easily bored, sometimes unfocused, not a planner, avoids some interpersonal conflicts, avoids dealing with personal issues
Common Stressors: The Cursed Vaults ; exams ; homework ; his uncle 
Comforting Things: Music & rock to be specific ; flying ; running ; soccer/football ; sweets 
Interests & Hobbies: Soccer/football, quidditch, music, flying, reading, running
Description: Ryan tends to be impulsive and often acts without thinking things completely through, which often lands him in trouble. He’s used to being reduced to that and struggles to push beyond those expectations. However, Ryan is much more than his impulsiveness. He’s intelligent and courageous and the first one to dive into the fray. He also has a deeper, softer side which is generally overlooked. Ryan doesn’t exactly mind that, but as he ages he grows out of some of his impulsiveness and lets his softer side show more. 
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First Wand: Ryan’s wand is made of dogwood with a dragon heartstring core and is 13 inches with a slight flexibility. 
→ Dogwood wands were quirky and mischievous; they had playful natures and insisted upon partners who could provide them with scope for excitement and fun. It would be quite wrong, however, to deduce from this that dogwood wands were not capable of serious magic when called upon to do so; they had been known to perform outstanding spells under difficult conditions, and when paired with a suitably clever and ingenious witch or wizard, could produce dazzling enchantments. Dogwood wands refused to perform non-verbal spells and they were often rather noisy.
Second Wand: Ryan’s wand is made of ebony wood with a dragon heartstring core and is 12 and ¾ inches with a pliable flexibility. 
→ Ebony wands had an impressive appearance and reputation, being highly suited to all manner of combative magic, and to Transfiguration. Ebony was happiest in the hand of those with the courage to be themselves. Frequently non-conformist, highly individual or comfortable with the status of outsider. In the experience of Garrick Ollivander, the ebony wand's perfect match was one who would hold fast to their beliefs, no matter what the external pressure, and would not be swayed lightly from their purpose.
Other Magical Abilities: Ryan is an animagus. He takes the form of an Irish wolfhound. 
Patronus: Tiger
Patronus Memory: A picnic at the beach with his siblings, grandparents, and father the summer before his father passed away 
Boggart: The undead yet decomposing forms of people he loved. It most often takes the forms of people who have passed away. 
Riddikulus: The decomposing forms gain their color back and are covered in face paint, with a humorous pattern
Ryan smells like peppermint, hair gel, cedar wood, and leather.
Ryan smells wet grass, baking bread, ocean air, floral perfume, and potion smoke.
Mirror of Erised: Ryan sees himself with his family. Everyone is alive and smiling, with his parents each resting a hand on his shoulders. 
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House: Gryffindor 
OWL Classes:
Astronomy — Exceeds Expectations
Charms— Outstanding 
Defense Against the Dark Arts — Outstanding 
Flying — Outstanding 
Herbology — Acceptable 
History of Magic — Poor
Potions — Outstanding 
Transfiguration — Exceeds Expectations
OWL Electives:
Care of Magical Creatures — Acceptable
Divination — Poor
Study of Ancient Runes — Acceptable 
NEWT Classes:
Charms — Outstanding
Defense Against the Dark Arts — Outstanding
Potions — Exceeds Expectations
Study of Ancient Runes — Acceptable
Transfiguration — Exceeds Expectations
Extracurriculars: Chaser on his house quidditch team ; frog choir ; dueling club
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Affiliations: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry ; Gringotts 
Age 18 to 22 - Apprentice cursebreaker 
Age 22 to 65 - Cursebreaker
Age 65 to 90 - Cursebreaker trainer 
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Father: Seán Michael O’Donnell [deceased, 1936-1978]
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Seán was born in Donegal Town, Ireland on June 30, 1936 to Lorcan and Rose O’Donnell. He was their only child and was raised Catholic. His family had always had a more liberal approach to Catholicism, though. Seán had a good childhood that was lively and full of joy. He had a close knit group of friends and his family was well off.
After unexpectedly receiving his Hogwarts letter on his eleventh birthday, Seán was sorted into Ravenclaw. He enjoyed his time at Hogwarts, joining the quidditch team and making a network of friends. His future wife was amongst that group. Seán was a fairly popular and handsome young man, who attracted attention everywhere he went. 
After graduating from Hogwarts, Seán began to pursue a career as an auror. He was successful and raised quickly through the ranks. However, he only did field work for ten years, switching to desk work when his eldest son was born in 1965. He retired from the ministry and auror office in January of 1975 after the death of his wife a few months prior. Shortly after, Albus Dumbledore offered Seán a position teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts for the 1975-1976 school year. Seán spent a long time deliberating before he agreed to the position, as long as Dumbledore would honor the terms and conditions Seán laid out. Seán retired after that one year, citing a desire to spend more time with his children.
In 1959, Seán ran into Ailis Lynch. Literally. He spilled his coffee over the both of them and something they began rekindling their friendship, which eventually turned to romance. On Ailis’s twenty-fourth birthday, Seán asked Ailis out to dinner for their first date. They would date for approximately two years before getting married on May 29, 1962. 
Their first years of marriage were tough, as both faced losses, including the death of Seán’s auror partner. However, it was filled with lots of love and patience. Three years into their marriage, their eldest son, Cian Jacob was born on January 18, 1965. Eight years and three miscarriages later, Seán’s youngest children, Ryan Michael, Cara Rose, Sara Ailis, and Conor Lorcan were born on August 18, 1973. 
The first year with the quadruplets went quite smoothly, but everything changed in July of 1974. His wife became incredibly ill and no one was ever able to diagnose her. Seán became a widower and single father on August 2, 1974. He would never remove his wedding band. 
In April of 1978, Seán was killed in an automobile wreck. It was wet and dark and something just went wrong. He was killed upon impact and his death was a significant blow to the family.
Ryan loved his father dearly, but unfortunately doesn’t have many clear memories of the man. The smell of pine soap reminds Ryan of his father, though, as that’s the type of soap that Seán used. Sometimes, Ryan even buys that specific soap scent because of his father. 
Faceclaim: Pierce Brosnan (1980s)
Mother: Ailis Ciara O’Donnell née Lynch [deceased, 1936-1974]
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Ailis was born in Dublin, Ireland in March 24, 1936 to Conor and Ciara Lynch. She joined older brother, Doyle who was ten. She had a happy childhood that was full of love. Due to their age gap, her older brother was rarely around and she was shielded from some of her parents’ concerns about him. She’d share those concerns later in life, but never noticed it prior to starting Hogwarts. 
Upon starting Hogwarts, Ailis was sorted into Ravenclaw. She enjoyed her time at Hogwarts. She became a prefect and made a group of good friends. It wasn’t as extensive a network as her husband or youngest four children made, but they were still close friends. She also became good friends with her future husband, although she never would have called him a close friend and may have harbored a secret crush on him.
After graduating from Hogwarts, Ailis began her career as a healer. She spent her first few years working at St. Mungo’s in London, but would transfer to the Irish hospital, Leighis. She spent the remainder of her career at Leighis. 
In 1959, Ailis reconnected with Seán O’Donnell… after he spilled his coffee all over the two of them. Ailis was instantly smitten with the man and they began rekindling their friendship, which turned romantic when he asked her to dinner on her twenty-fourth birthday. Ailis married Seán on May 29, 1962. 
Their first years of marriage were a little rough as they both faced a series of losses, including the death of Ailis’s parents from dragon pox while she was pregnant with her first child. However, their marriage was filled with lots of love and patience. Three years into their marriage, their eldest son, Cian Jacob was born on January 18, 1965. Eight years and three miscarriages later, her youngest four children, Ryan Michael, Cara Rose, Sara Ailis, and Conor Lorcan were born on August 18, 1973. 
Their first year or so with the quadruplets went pretty smoothly, but everything changed when Ailis fell gravely ill in July of 1974. No one was able to identify what was ailing Ailis, and on July 25, Ailis and Seán agreed to end the search for a cure or diagnosis. The healers had discovered it was not contagious and Ailis was able to spend the remainder of her life with her husband and children. She passed away, peacefully, in her sleep early on August 2, 1974. 
Unfortunately, Ryan doesn’t have any memories of his mother as she died when he was less than a year old. He treasures the few photographs that he and his siblings have of his mother. 
Faceclaim: Stephanie Zimbalist
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Brother: Cian Jacob O’Donnell [1965-2002]
Cian was born on January 18, 1965, making him a little over eight years older than the quadruplets. Upon starting Hogwarts, Cian was sorted into Gryffindor and became involved in the Cursed Vaults. He used them as a crutch to ignore the grief of losing his parents, grandparents, and a close friend. He also used them as an attempt to impress his uncle.
After he was released from the portrait vault, Cian fled from Hogwarts and sunk into hiding. He didn’t know how to handle the mess that he had made and he had an intense desire for acceptance. Cian spends most of his life hiding and generally being a bit of a vagabond. In 2002, Cian fell fatally ill and passed away on December 13, 2002 at age 37. 
Ryan never had much of a relationship with his older brother, mostly because Cian disappeared when he was eight and then continued to disappear after being released from the Vaults. Ryan did, however, put his older brother up on a bit of a pedestal, forgetting some of his brother’s flaws. He is heartbroken, though, when he learns about Cian’s passing in 2002. 
Faceclaim: Nick Robinson
Sister: Cara Rose O’Donnell
Born on August 18, 1973, Cara is the second quadruplet, fifteen minutes younger than Ryan, and a Slytherin. Ryan is quite close with his sister. Despite being in what are considered rival houses, they have always gotten along and are quite similar in personality. However, they do have a fierce rivalry on the quidditch pitch and tend to be very competitive. 
Faceclaim: Sadie Sink
Sister: Sara Ailis O’Donnell
Born on August 18, 1973, Sara is the third quadruplet, thirty-six minutes younger than Ryan, and a Hufflepuff. Ryan probably has the most distant relationship with Sara, but they are still close. They were both invested in the Cursed Vaults and they bonded over it. They are also very supportive of one another, and don’t have many arguments.  
Faceclaim: Malina Weissman
Brother: Conor Lorcan O’Donnell
Born on August 18, 1973, Conor is the youngest quadruplet, fifty-seven minutes younger than Ryan, and a Ravenclaw. Ryan is very close to his brother and although they often have brotherly spats, both Ryan and Conor know that the other always has his back. Despite appearing very different on surface, they are both rather similar in personality. However, their biggest argument arose at the end of their fifth year, when Conor announced that he was done with the Vaults. 
Faceclaim: Jack Moore
Grandfather: Lorcan Ryan O’Donnell [deceased, 1905-1979]
Lorcan was born in Donegal Town, Ireland, on January 29, 1905 to Jacob and Mary O’Donnell, joining elder brother, Eoin (1899-1920). For the most part, Lorcan’s early childhood was calm and stable, as he grew up the son of a farmer. However, things changed in his early teen years, as when Lorcan was 14, the Irish War of Independence broke out. His brother insisted on joining the cause and was killed in 1920 at the age of 21, while participating in the raiding of a British supply train. From that point on, Lorcan’s parents forbid the 15-year-old from becoming further involved in the war. Lorcan abided by their wishes, grieving for his older brother, and settled into a world of history that had yet to be adequately told. 
After the war and the partition and at the age of 20, Lorcan traveled to Dublin to spend some time with his bachelor uncle Michael as he studied at a university. A few weeks into his stay, Lorcan met Rose Boyle and started up a friendship with her, which had always had a bit of a romantic tilt. That friendship continued, even when Lorcan returned to Donegal to help his aging parents with the selling of the farm. After the farm had been sold, Lorcan accepted a teaching position in Dublin for a year. He reconnected with Rose and they fell deeper into love. He married Rose in 1927, and they moved back to Donegal in 1936, with their first and only child on the way. They had struggled for some time to conceive, and upon finally conceiving, they decided to move back for the support of Lorcan’s parents as they had also received a small but hefty inheritance from Lorcan’s late uncle. Their only child, Seán Michael O’Donnell, was born on June 30, 1936.
Lorcan adored his son and did his best to raise his son into a good man, which he succeeded in doing. He was surprised to learn that his son was a wizard, but he continued to love and nurture his son, the best he could for a man born in the 1900s. While his son grew and studied, Lorcan spent a lot of time cataloging the history of his hometown and fostering his marriage with Rose. Lorcan’s parents passed away within a three year span, with his father dying in 1947 and his mother in 1950.  He adored them and eagerly welcomed Ailis Lynch into the family when Seán married her in 1962. He was also very excited when his first grandchild, Cian Jacob, was born in 1965, and his excitement quintupled when his quadruplet grandchildren, Ryan Michael, Cara Rose, Sara Ailis, and Conor Lorcan, were born in 1973. He was also incredibly touched to learn that Ryan and Conor were named after him. 
Lorcan adored being a grandfather and could often be found telling one of his grandchildren a long and complicated story, especially when they were babies. To Lorcan, moving in to help his son raise his children after becoming a widower was a no brainer and Lorcan adored doing so, even though he was heartbroken by his daughter-in-law’s 1974 death. It was also a no brainer to raise his grandchildren after his son’s death in 1978, which was shattering and Lorcan knows the only reason he lived through that painful time was because of his grandchildren. Unfortunately, Lorcan’s time with his grandchildren was limited as, in 1979 and only a few months after losing his son, Lorcan caught a fatal case of pneumonia. He passed away at the age of 74, leaving behind a legacy of love for his grandchildren, son, and history.
Ryan adored his grandfather, but unfortunately doesn’t have many memories of him. Most of the memories he does have, though, are associated with the little trinkets that his grandfather gave him. In fact, Ryan often carries around the little red matchbox car that his grandfather gave him shortly after his father died. 
Faceclaim: Pierce Brosnan (current)
Grandmother: Rose Marie O’Donnell née Boyle [deceased, 1906-1979]
Born on November 18, 1906 in Dublin, Ireland, Rose was the only child of Patrick and Brigid Boyle. Rose’s childhood was spent in the city of Dublin and she enjoyed her childhood very much. Of course, things changed when the war for independence broke out and her family relocated to live with her aunt, uncle, and cousins in the countryside. Two of her cousins were killed during the war and the war made Rose grow up rather quickly. 
After the war and at the age of 19, Rose moved back to Dublin and she got a job at a bookstore, which allowed her to meet Lorcan O’Donnell. They struck up a friendship, which turned into letters once Lorcan moved back to Donegal. They reconnected, though, once Lorcan moved back to teach for a year. Rose married Lorcan in 1927, and a few years later they moved back to Donegal, as Rose was pregnant with their only child. Her son, Seán Michael, was born on June 30, 1936 and Rose adored her new baby boy. She loved him dearly and was surprised by the fact that he was a wizard. However, it didn’t make her love him any less. After he started at Hogwarts, Rose began a new project, retelling Irish and Celtic myths and legends underneath a pen name when she published. In addition, Rose’s parents also passed away when her son was still a child.
Rose was overjoyed when Ailis Lynch joined the family in 1962. She was also very excited to meet her first grandchild, Cian Jacob when he was born in 1965, and was overjoyed when her quadruplet grandchildren, Ryan Michael, Cara Rose, Sara Ailis, and Conor Lorcan were born in 1973. Rose was very touched to learn that Seán and Ailis had given her name to baby Cara. Rose was also heartbroken when Ailis died in 1974 and immediately agreed to move in to help her son raise his five children. Rose was also heartbroken by the subsequent losses of her son in 1978 and her husband in 1979, but she dedicated her time to her grandchildren. Unfortunately, like her husband, Rose only had a limited amount of time with her grandchildren as she suffered a fatal hemorrhagic stroke a few months after losing her husband. She passed away at the age of 73 and left behind a legacy of love for her grandchildren. 
Ryan adored his grandmother, but again, doesn’t have very many clear memories of his grandmother. He is easily reminded of her though, even if he cannot place the memory or why that reminds him of her. 
Grandparents: Conor Ryan Lynch [deceased, 1900-1964] and Ciara Mary Lynch née Mallon [deceased, 1900-1964]
Born on March 29, 1900 and sorted into Hufflepuff, Conor was the only son and child of Cillian Lynch and Orla O’Rourke. Conor was pretty much the opposite of his parents and never spent much time around them, but he was still shocked when his father was arrested in 1925. After Hogwarts, Conor became a healer. His youngest grandson was named after him.
Born in 1900 and sorted into Ravenclaw, Ciara is the second child of David and Mary Mallon. Unlike her husband, Ciara was a muggleborn. She was infinitely fascinated by the wizarding world and was eager to learn all she could. After Hogwarts, Ciara became a ministry secretary and bounced around the different departments, sating her infinite curiosity. 
Conor and Ciara married in 1924, after meeting in the ministry. They had two children together, Doyle Brannigan in 1925 and Ailis Ciara in 1936. They both contracted dragon pox and died on the day, hours apart. They never got to meet their grandchildren, which meant that Ryan never knew them. 
Uncle: Doyle Brannigan Lynch [1925-1998]
Born on December 13, 1925 and a Slytherin, Doyle was the eldest child of Conor and Ciara Lynch and nearly eleven years older than his younger sister, Ailis. Despite having a kind and loving childhood, Doyle still became quite cold and ruthless. He was a terrifying combination of his grandfather and great-grandfather. No one has any idea how he ended up that way. 
At the age of 40, Doyle inherited the Lynch Manor and 40% of the family fortune upon the deaths of his parents. He was infinitely fascinated by the darkness the manor held and especially of the portrait of his great-grandfather, the abusive Bain Lynch. Doyle also was a bachelor, and was one for his entire life. 
At the age of 54, Doyle received custody of his nieces and nephews, much to his disdain. However, he did see potential in his eldest nephew, Cian. Doyle began to manipulate the boy, taking advantage of the grief-riddled teen’s desperation for approval. In doing so, though, Doyle neglected the quadruplets until Cian was expelled from Hogwarts. Then, he began to launch into tirades, and occasionally got physically violent. A common refrain was calling the quads’ father “your filthy mudblood father.” Doyle died at the age of 73, in 1998. 
Ryan never liked his uncle. He’d always found his mother’s brother creepy and unhinged. He generally tried to avoid the man, but Ryan has been known to antagonize Doyle when the man is already pissed off. 
Childhood: Archimedes the owl ; Duchess the cat ; Lir the toad
Adulthood: A chocolate Labrador retriever named Archie
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Love Interest: Penny Dawn Haywood
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Ryan first met Penny Haywood in herbology, when Professor Sprout paired them together during their second ever lesson. They became quick friends and crushes began in their fourth year, right around the time of the Celestial Ball. Those crushes remained for years, but other things got in the way. Penny’s sister got trapped in the portrait vault. Their one attempt at dating backfired. Ryan went to Egypt after graduating, while Penny went to New York City. However, in 1995, both Ryan and Penny returned to London and began reconnecting. They agreed to stay friends, with the occasional romantic thing on the side. That all changed in 1997 when they mutually agreed to begin dating again. They remained steady throughout the war and in 1998, after the war had ended, Ryan used his paternal grandmother’s engagement ring to propose to Penny, which she accepted. Ryan married Penny on April 18, 2000.
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Son: Michael George O’Donnell
Hufflepuff | Prefect | Pansexual | b. January 5, 2003
Ryan has a good relationship with his son and is very proud of him. They get along quite well and Michael takes after Ryan a bit more than he does Penny. He tries his best to support his son and encourage his son to try whatever he wants. Ryan is very proud of his son and adores the boy. 
Faceclaim: Maxwell Jenkins 
Daughter: Winifred Ailis O’Donnell
Gryffindor | Beater | Lesbian | b. November 30, 2005
Ryan has a good relationship with his daughter, who takes after Penny a bit more than she does Ryan. He tries his best to support her as best he can and to encourage her to try whatever she desires. Ryan is very proud of his daughter and adores her. 
Faceclaim: Taegen Burns
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Best Friends: 
Rohan & Rowan Khanna
Penny Haywood 
Bill & Charlie Weasley 
Close Friends:
Ben Copper
Wendy Gordon @drinkyoursoupbitch 
Barnaby Lee
Nymphadora Tonks
Marti Venturi @smarti-at-smogwarts 
Julian Bennett ; Ira Janda ; Lizzie Parker @slytherindisaster
Callie Black (@cursedvaultss)
Odhrán Donovan @amerrymystery
Ellie Hopper @thatravenpuffwitch
Tulip Karasu
Jae Kim
Verna Malinda @gaygryffindorgal
Ellie Marcovitz @ellie-e-marcovitz
Marty Raymond @hogwartsmysteryho
Cato Reese @catohphm
Badeea Ali
Diego Caplan
Andre Egwu
Liz Tuttle
Talbott Winger
It’s Complicated: Skye Parkin
Hogwarts Dormmates: 
Ben Copper
Ash Khanna 
Jae Kim 
Charlie Weasley 
Merula Synde
Ismelda Murk
Patricia Rakepick 
Death Eaters
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Place of Birth: Leighis Hospital for Magical Illnesses and Maladies, Dublin, Ireland 
Hometown: County Donegal, Ireland
Born at 7:04 pm on August 18, 1973, Ryan Michael O’Donnell was the second child and second son of Seán and Ailis O’Donnell. He joined fellow quadruplets, Cara Rose (born at 7:19 pm), Sara Ailis (born at 7:41 pm), and Conor Lorcan (born at 8:01 pm) as well as older brother, Cian Jacob (then 8). Seán and Ailis were kind and loving parents, who did everything they could for their children, including spending countless hours at Leighis as Ryan and his fellow quadruplets were born approximately ten weeks prematurely. Rysn himself had weighed only three pounds and eight ounces at birth but with no other health issues.
Brought home at two months old, Ryan’s first few months at home were stable and loving and happy. His parents doted on him and his siblings, even though Cian wasn’t quite sure what to make of the quadruplets. Unfortunately, in July, about a month before Ryan’s first birthday, his mother fell deathly ill. Healers tried in vain to diagnose her and find a cure, but were ultimately unsuccessful. On July 25, Seán and Ailis agreed to end all attempts to diagnose and cure her. The disease wasn’t contagious, and it wasn’t worth it anymore. On August 2, 1974, in the wee hours of the morning, Ailis Ciara O’Donnell (née Lynch) passed peacefully in her sleep, leaving her husband to raise their five children… mostly alone.
A few months later, in January, 1975, Seán quit his job in the auror office and became a stay-at-home dad. However, that plan was slightly interrupted when Albus Dumbledore offered Seán the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, which Seán eventually accepted but only for a year. After that, Seán officially prioritized his children and raising them to the best of his ability, along with the help of his parents, Lorcan and Rose, who had moved in shortly after Ailis’s death. Unfortunately, in April of 1978, Seán passed away after a fatal car accident.
After the death of his father, Ryan and his siblings were primarily raised by their grandparents, who did their best to handle four toddlers and one moody, grief-riddled teenager. It was hard, but both Lorcan and Rose thought it was very rewarding work. Unfortunately, this didn’t last long either as in January of 1979, Lorcan caught pneumonia and that eventually claimed his life. Only a few months later, in May of 1979, Rose suffered a fatal hemorrhagic stroke. 
Thus, Ryan and his siblings were placed into the custody of their uncle, Doyle. He was their late mother’s older brother, whom Ryan and his siblings had never met. The siblings were also relocated to Lynch Manor, which was a gloomy and loveless place where it seemed to echo with the misery of previous generations. However, Doyle generally ignored his nieces and nephews, especially Ryan, Cara, Sara, and Conor as they were not yet six. Ryan rarely ever saw his uncle, which meant that he and his siblings more or less had a free reign over the manor and its grounds. 
However, everything began to change when Ryan was eight and his older brother was expelled from Hogwarts. Doyle began to have violent outbursts, especially where his nieces and nephews were concerned. Yet, Doyle rarely ever laid a hand on Ryan and his siblings as he preferred to give degrading lectures where he attacked anything that he perceived as a weakness. Ryan then developed a tendency to antagonize Doyle in those moments.
Hogwarts Years:
Upon starting Hogwarts, Ryan was sorted into Gryffindor. He made friends with his dormmates (Charlie, Ben, Rohan, and Jae)  quite quickly and was comfortable in his house. He also even made a few lifelong friends and established friendships with his siblings. He enjoyed his friends and liked making new ones as well.
For six years, Ryan participated in an investigation into the Cursed Vaults, alongside his siblings in a search to find out the truth about what happened to their older brother. Ryan was the most passionate about this investigation, and was always moving full steam ahead, even when his siblings began to tire from them. However, he accidentally let the Vaults take over most of his time at Hogwarts and some things, like a romantic relationship with Penny Haywood, were sacrificed in his search. Despite his passion for the Vaults, he was quite relieved when they were finally finished and he could focus on being a teenager.
After finishing the Vaults in his sixth year, Ryan devoted his seventh year to excelling in quidditch and embracing normalcy. In that same year, he wrote to Bill Weasley requesting information about gaining an apprenticeship in cursebreaking. 
After graduating from Hogwarts, Ryan began working as an apprentice cursebreaker in Egypt under the tutelage of Bill Weasley. He remained in Egypt alongside Bill until 1995, when Harry Potter reported Voldemort’s return. Upon his return, Ryan followed Bill in getting a job at Gringotts. He also found himself reconnecting with Penny, and their relationship began moving towards romance rather quickly.
When the second wizarding war broke out, Ryan joined the Order of the Phoenix alongside his siblings. For a while, Ryan mostly kept his ear to the ground, listening for gossip or hints about what the death eaters were doing. After Dumbledore’s death, Ryan offers to run a safe house in the Irish countryside, in a small cottage which belonged to his maternal grandparents. He runs the house with help from Penny and some of the others. He also helps with rescuing people from snatchers. Ryan also fights in the Battle of Hogwarts and walks away unscathed in the long term, but for a few weeks he walks with a limp.
After the war, Ryan continues with his job at Gringotts, but eventually forms his own cursebreaking firm. He also proposes to Penny and they get married on April 18, 2000. They have two children: Michael George, born on January 5, 2003, and Winifred Ailis, born on November 30, 2005. 
Old Age:
Ryan retired at the age of 90, devoting the remainder of his life to his hobbies and family. He enjoyed retirement and traveled to a few different places around the world alongside Penny. He remained close to his siblings and mourned any familial passings. 
Ryan passed away, in his sleep, at the age of 117, approximately nine months after Penny passed away. He had lived a long and fulfilled life and left behind two children, four grandchildren, seven great-grandchildren, and one great-great-granddaughter.
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Favorite Color: Red 
Favorite Food: Ham steak with a baked potato and followed by chocolate ice cream with rainbow sprinkles
Favorite Drink: Butterbeer
Favorite Weather: Thunderstorms
Favorite Season: Spring 
Favorite Book: The Borrowers by Mary Norton, 1984 by George Orwell
Favorite Music: The Rolling Stones, The Beatles 
Dislikes: Bullies ; wet shoelaces ; wet socks ; blood supremacy ; seafood ; being cornered ; his uncle, Doyle
Ryan was named after his grandfathers and his father. Both of his grandfathers had Ryan as their middle name and Michael was also his father’s middle name.
Ryan is a big football/soccer fan. He loves watching the game and playing it. 
Ryan enjoys watching thunderstorms. He likes to sit by the window and just watch the rain and lighting. 
Ryan is a pretty good singer. He doesn’t do solos often, but he does sing a lot more often once his children, Michael and Winifred, are born. 
Ryan is a fierce supporter of both the Ballycastle Bats and Kenmare Kestrels. Eventually, he becomes more of a Bats fan, but that’s mostly because his nephew, Declan, goes on to play for them.
Ryan will use humor and sarcasm to deflect from things he doesn’t want to talk about or when he feels cornered. 
Ryan was given a plush lion when he was an infant by his mother and father. 
Ryan didn’t decide on his career path until his sixth year. When asked about during OWLs counseling, he admitted to McGonagall that he had no idea what he wanted to do in the future. Luckily, she pointed him towards taking the classes to become a cursebreaker. 
Ryan’s mental state remained unaffected by the trauma of his early life because of the love magic that dispersed when his parents died. That love magic managed to protect Ryan’s, Cara’s, Sara’s, and Conor’s minds from the worst of their trauma.
When Ailis O’Donnell died, an ancient protection magic wove itself into her five children. While it didn’t do all that much for her eldest son, who was nine at the time, it did provide much protection to her younger four children, aged eleven months. Its power wasn’t based on who was loved more. No, this magic’s power was influenced more by the children’s ages than anything else, really. Her eldest, at nine, never managed to recover from the grief and over the next seven years, her son’s destructive grief overpowered the magic. Her younger four, being much younger, had no memory of Ailis and so, the grief they held was different, less oppressive than her eldest son’s. Thus, it was able to be strengthened over time as it fed on the love and bond that always held steadfast for the quadruplets.
Important Links:
Ryan’s tag
More information about Ryan’s children, Michael and Winifred
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snilys · 1 year
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if i had enough energy to pick up a pen and my sketchbook i would turn them into remus and sev because istg......
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monstersofmoseley · 2 years
Ryan Choi/Choi Yohan
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Model:Han Jisung(Stray Kids)
Class/Race:The Knight/Human
Image Songs:1.???(2.My Side by Stray Kids)
Character Tropes:(Unknown)
0 notes
visenyaism · 19 days
HOTD blog post GRRM posted and almost immediately deleted under the cut for archival purposes
Beware the Butterflies
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Back in July, I promised you some further thoughts about Blood and Cheese… and Maelor the Missing… after my commentary on the first two episodes of HotD season 2, “A Son for a Son” and “Rhaenyra the Cruel.”
Those were terrific episodes: well written, well directed, powerfully acted. A great way to kick off the new season. Fans and critics alike seemed to agree. There was only one aspect of the episodes that drew significant criticism: the handling of Blood and Cheese, and the death of Prince Jaehaerys. From the commentary I saw on line, opinion was split there. The readers of FIRE & BLOOD found the sequence underwhelming, a disappointment, watered down from what they were expecting. Viewers who had not read the book had no such problems. Most of them found the sequence a real gut-punch, tragic, horrifying, nightmarish, etc. Some reported being reduced to tears.
I found myself agreeing with both sides.
In my book, Aegon and Helaena have three children, not two. The twins, Jaehaerys and Jaehaera, are six years old. They have a younger brother, Maelor, who is two. When Blood and Cheese break in on Helaena and the kids, they tell her they are debt collectors come to exact revenge for the death of Prince Lucerys: a son for a son. As Helaena has two sons, however, they demand that she choose which one should die. She resists and offers her own life instead, but the killers insist it has to be a son. If she does not name one, they will kill all three of the children. To save the life of the twins, Helaena names Maelor. But Blood kills the older boy, Jaehaerys, instead, while Cheese tells little Maelor that his mother wanted him dead. (Whether the boy is old enough to understand that is not at all certain).
That’s not how it happens on the show. There is no Maelor in HOUSE OF THE DRAGON, only the twins (both of whom look younger than six, but I am no sure judge of children’s ages, so I can’t be sure how old they are supposed to be). Blood can’t seem to tell the twins apart, so Helaena is asked to reveal which one is the boy. (You would think a glance up his PJs would reveal that, without involving the mother). Instead of offering her own life to save the kids, Helaena offers them a necklace. Blood and Cheese are not tempted. Blood saws Prince Jaehaerys’s head off. We are spared the sight of that; a sound effect suffices. (In the book, he lops the head off with a sword).
It is a bloody, brutal scene, no doubt. How not? An innocent child is being butchered in front of his mother.
I still believe the scene in the book is stronger. The readers have the right of that. The two killers are crueler in the book. I thought the actors who played the killers on the show were excellent… but the characters are crueler, harder, and more frightening in FIRE & BLOOD. In the show, Blood is a gold cloak. In the book, he is a former gold cloak, stripped of his office for beating a woman to death. Book Blood is the sort of man who might think making a woman choose which of her sons should die is amusing, especially when they double down on the wanton cruelty by murdering the boy she tries to save. Book Cheese is worse too; he does not kick a dog, true, but he does not have a dog, and he’s the one who tells Maelor that his mom wants him head. I would also suggest that Helaena shows more courage, more strength in the book, by offering her own own life to save her son. Offering a piece of jewelry is just not the same.
As I saw it, the “Sophie’s Choice” aspect was the strongest part of the sequence, the darkest, the most visceral. I hated to lose that. And judging from the comments on line, most of the fans seemed to agree.
When Ryan Condal first told me what he meant to do, ages ago (back in 2022, might be) I argued against it, for all these reasons. I did not argue long, or with much heat, however. The change weakened the sequence, I felt, but only a bit. And Ryan had what seemed to be practical reasons for it; they did not want to deal with casting another child, especially a two-year old toddler. Kids that young will inevitably slow down production, and there would be budget implications. Budget was already an issue on HOUSE OF THE DRAGON, it made sense to save money wherever we could. Moreover, Ryan assured me that we were not losing Prince Maelor, simply postponing him. Queen Helaena could still give birth to him in season three, presumably after getting with child late in season two. That made sense to me, so I withdrew my objections and acquiesced to the change.
I still love the episode, and the Blood and Cheese sequence overall. Losing the “Helaena’s Choice” beat did weaken the scene, but not to any great degree. Only the book readers would even notice its absence; viewers who had never read FIRE & BLOOD would still find the scenes heart-rending. Maelor did not actually DO anything in the scene, after all. How could he? He was only two years old.
There is another aspect to the removal of the young princeling, however.
Those of you who hate spoilers should STOP READING HERE. Spoilers will follow, at least for the readers among you. If you have never read FIRE & BLOOD, maybe it does not matter, because all I am going to “spoil” here are things that happen in the book that may NEVER happen on the series. Starting with Maelor himself.
Sometime between the initial decision to remove Maelor, a big change was made. The prince’s birth was no longer just going to be pushed back to season 3. He was never going to be born at all. The younger son of Aegon and Helaena would never appear.
Most of you know about the Butterfly Effect, I assume.
Yes, there was a movie with that title a few years back. It’s a familiar concept in chaos theory as well. But most science fiction fans were first exposed to the idea in Ray Bradbury’s classic time travel story, “A Sound of Thunder,” wherein a time traveler from the present panics and crushes a butterfly while hunting a T-Rex. When he returns to his own time, he discovers that the world has changed in huge and frightening ways. One dead butterfly has rewritten history. The lesson being that change begets change, and even small and seemingly insignificant alterations to a timeline — or a story — can have a profound effect on all that follows.
Maelor is a two year old toddler in FIRE & BLOOD, but like our butterfly he has an impact on the story all out of proportion to his size. The readers among you may recall that when it appears that Rhaenyra and her blacks are about to capture King’s Landing, Queen Alicent becomes concerned for the safety of Helaena’s remaining children, and takes steps to save them by smuggling them out of the city. The task is given is two knights of the Kingsguard. Ser Willis Fell is commanded to deliver Princess Jaehaera to the Baratheons at Storm’s End, while Maelor is given over to Ser Rickard Thorne to be escorted across the Mander to the protection of the Hightower army on its way to King’s Landing.
Willis Fell delivers Jaehaera safely to the Baratheons at Storm’s End, but Ser Rickard fares less well. He and Maelor get as far as Bitterbridge, where he is revealed as a Kingsuard in a tavern called the Hogs Head. Once discovered, Ser Rickard fights bravely to protect his young charge and bring him to safety, but he does not even make it across the bridge before some crossbows bring him down, Prince Maelor is torn from his arms.. and then, sadly, ripped to pieces by the mob fighting over the boy and the huge reward that Rhaenyra has offered for his capture and return.
Will any of that appear on the show? Maybe… but I don’t see how. The butterflies would seem to prohibit it. You could perhaps make Ser Rickard’s ward be Jaehaera instead of Maelor, but Jaehaera can’t be killed, she has a huge role to play as Aegon’s next heir. Could maybe make Maelor a newborn instead of a two year old, but that would scramble up the timeline, which is a bit of a mess already. I have no idea what Ryan has planned — if indeed he has planned anything — but given Maelor’s absence from episode 2, the simplest way to proceed would be just to drop him entirely, lose the bit where Alicent tries to send the kids to safety, drop Rickard Thorne or send him with Willis Fell so Jaehaera has two guards.
From what I know, that seems to be what Ryan is doing here. It’s simplest, yes, and may make sense in terms of budgets and shooting schedules. But simpler is not better. The Bitterbridge scene has tension, suspense, action, bloodshed, a bit of heroism and a lot of tragedy. Rickard Thorne is a tertiary character at best, most viewers (as opposed to readers) will never know he is gone, since they never knew him at all… but I rather liked giving him his brief moment of heroism, a taste of the courage and loyalty of the Kingsguard, regardless of whether they are black or green.
The butterflies are not done with us yet, however. In the book, when word of Prince Maelor’s death and the grisly manner of his passing (pp. 505) reaches the Red Keep, that proves to be the thing that drives Queen Helaena to suicide. She could barely stand to look at Maelor, knowing that she chose him to die in the “Sophie’s Choice” scene… and now he is dead in truth, her words having come true. The grief and guilt are too much for her to bear.
In Ryan’s outline for season 3, Helaena still kills herself… for no particular reason. There is no fresh horror, no triggering event to overwhelm the fragile young queen.
And the final butterfly follows soon thereafter.
Queen Helaena, a sweet and gentle soul, is much beloved by the smallfolk of King’s Landing. Rhaenyra was not, so when rumors began to arise that Helaena did not kill herself, but rather was murdered at Rhaenyra’s command, the commons are quick to believe them. “That night King’s Landing rose in bloody riot,” I wrote on p. 506 of FIRE & BLOOD. It is the beginning of the end for Rhaenyra’s rule over the city, ultimately leading to the Storming of the Dragonpit and the rise of the Shepherd’s mob that drives Rhaenyra to flee the city and return to Dragonstone… and her death.
Maelor by himself means little. He is a small child, does not have a line of dialogue, does nothing of consequence but die… but where and when and how, that does matter. Losing Maelor weakened the end of the Blood and Cheese sequence, but it also cost us the Bitterbridge scene with all its horror and heroism, it undercut the motivation for Helaena’s suicide, and that in turn sent thousands into the streets and alleys, screaming for justice for their “murdered” queen. None of that is essential, I suppose… but all of it does serve a purpose, it all helps to tie the story lines together, so one thing follows another in a logical and convincing manner.
What will we offer the fans instead, once we’ve killed these butterflies? I have no idea. I do not recall that Ryan and I ever discussed this, back when he first told me they were pushing back on Aegon’s second son. Maelor himself is not essential… but if losing him means we also lose Bitterbridge, Helaena’s suicide, and the riots, well… that’s a considerable loss.
And there are larger and more toxic butterflies to come, if HOUSE OF THE DRAGON goes ahead with some of the changes being contemplated for seasons 3 and 4…
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corrodedcoffins-blog · 11 months
The First Meeting
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spencer reid x famous!reader Universe
word count: 4.1 k
warnings: stalking, murder, character asking to die (if I missed something please let me know)
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Today was supposed to be an easy day for the BAU. It was a paperwork day, no case, no one dying on their watch.
These were some of Spencer's favourite days, don’t get him wrong he loves being in the field and profiling killers, and when they arrest an unsub, that’s the best feeling.
But having days every now and again where they don’t have to travel and Spencer can read and reflect on their previous case, he greatly enjoys it. And he can’t say he’s the only one, but he can say he’s the only one that uses paperwork days to do paperwork.
Penelope walks in the glass doors humming a tune, foreign to Spencer.
“You got that James Dean day dream, hmm hm mhmmm, I got that red lip classic” 
“What’s got you so happy, babygirl?” Derek says, from across Spencer.
“Um, because The Met Gala is tonight! Biggest night in Fashion! And no case means I can watch it.”
“Oh, I must have forgot to put it on my calendar.” Derek, sarcastically remarks while getting up and out of his chair on his way to refill his coffee cup. All the while JJ comes rushing the bullpen, giving the rest of her co-workers a sympathetic face.
“Just when I thought, we would have an easy day.” Emily mumbles getting out her desk chair and walking away with JJ.
“Wally Melman, a music producer in New York, was killed two weeks ago, and Natali Ryan , a singer and songwriter, was killed 4 days ago also in New York.” JJ says while the screen behind her shows pictures of the crime scene.
“The police said they found pictures with the victim's face with ‘You’re Next’ written in red marker across their face. Suspected to have gotten in the mail.”
“And why have they called us now?” Derek says, clearing knowing there was more JJ was going to say but wanting her to get to it quicker. 
“Yesturday, another singer/songwriter, by the name of Y/n L/n-” 
“Oh. My God!” Penny interrupts JJ, having come in to tell the team an update she had gotten from the NYPD. “uh- sorry, I’m sorry.. Um, the NYPD wants a couple of us to go straight to the crime scene once we land, and that the next vic- uh Y/n L/n I suppose- is at the station waiting.” Penny says, turning and leaving after finishing her sentence. 
“Okay everyone, wheels up in 30. JJ can fill us in on the jet.”
When the team arrived in New York, Hotch sent Rossi and Emily to the recent crime scene, and JJ to talk to the media, while himself, Spencer, and Derek went to the station.
When the three got to the station they were shown the note Y/n had gotten from the unsub, different to the others, hers having ‘You Owe Me’ written across her face instead. The team walked into the room they were told Y/n would be in.
Spencer knew she would be pretty, everyone in Hollywood was gorgeous that’s how it worked, but this girl was easily the most beautiful girl he had ever laid his eyes upon, even with her bleached hair that he could assume was a split second decision.
She sat on a chair next to one of the officers' desks, as if she was like everyone else and not a world-wide popstar. Y/n and her manager Joe look up, hearing footsteps walk into the room. She stood up to shake Hotch’s hand. 
“Hi, I’m Y/n, it’s nice to meet you and thank you so much.” “Of course” 
She goes to shake Derek hand, saying a greeting similar to the one she gave Hotch, then she comes face to face with Spencer, or possibly- not definitely the most beautiful man she has ever seen, sticking out her hand she says, “Hi, nice to meet you..”
“Dr. Spencer Reid- or just Spencer, you don’t have to call me doctor.” “Nice to meet you Spencer.” Y/n stays looking at Spencer maybe a second longer than she should have. It’s just so hard to look away from a man that beautiful. When Y/n does finally look away, she takes a seat and they begin their questioning. 
“How well do you know Natalie Ryan?”
“Uh, we talked when we were at the same events and were always friendly, but we weren’t friends.”
“How about Wally Melman?”
“Wally Melman, he was a producer who was killed a couple months ago.” Spencer jumps in, making Y/n turn to address him, while she asks her next statement .
“The paper said that it was a robbery.” “The paper was wrong.” Derek responded quickly.
“Did you know him?” Hotch asks, wanting to get back to the questions he has for Y/n.
“I wanted to work with him on my last album, but he started working with..” Y/n cut herself off.
“Who?” Spencer asks concernedly, seeing the scared look on Y/n's face.
“Natalie Ryan, and they beat Y/n for song of the year” Joe says while Y/n is setting her face to rest in her hands, trying to comprehend what was happening.
“Do you ever have the feeling that someone is following you, or watching you?” Derek asks.
“Only every second I spend outside my house. I have fans, and paparazzi following me everywhere. It’s part of the job.” 
“Do you ever get repetitive phone calls, hang ups, or gifts sent anonymously?” Spencer asks.
“I receive flowers, Lilies, my favourite. The seventh of each month they get sent to each of my homes, they just show up on the doorstep. Never a note, nothing.” 
After a few more of their questions it just becomes too much, knowing that these people are being killed because of her or ‘for’ her and Y/n gets up and leaves the room. Not being able to actually leave given the cameras outside, she doesn’t get too far. And Spencer is right behind her.
“Y/n wait!”
“Can you explain what the hell is going on?”
“Well, it’s still rather speculative, but it appears there’s a delusional assassin who’s killing people to help further your career. It probably started as a stalker. An erotomaniac stalker. There’s a psychopathology of the evolution of these types of stalkers and the fact that he’s contacting you indicates that he believes you owe him something. This model frequently concludes itself with one of two possibilities, either the stalker will kill himself or he’ll kill the object of his affection.”
If Spencer wasn’t talking about the possibility of Y/n’s untimely death, she would have had more time to find Spencer’s rambling and seemingly never ending knowledge hot.
Y/n had gotten home from her time at the station, hoping to be able to relax as she has the Met tomorrow night. But when she had gotten to her front door the yellow notepad paper taped onto it caught her eye.
After reading the note she called the station immediately. The BAU had arrived looking over the note, Y/n was in the room but not listening, she onlys snaps back into listening to the conversations when she hears Spencer. 
“In English?” one of the officers asks.
“That is English actually.” Y/n smiles at that, while Spencer continues, getting cut off by Derek not too far into his explanation. Y/n finally speaks up, after the team starts talking about how she should continue, as if she isn’t there.
“I’m standing right here guys..”
“If we did remove you from the street, you couldn’t stay here, we would have to take you to an undisclosed location.”
“I have a fitting here in 30 mins, and the Met tonight, then I’m all yours. Look, I don't want to be afraid of this lunatic.”
"We can clear all but essential personnel, and up your security.”
“Derek and Spencer will stay here with you.”
The team getting Y/n ready for the Met have set up, Y/n just finished getting hair and makeup done in just her underwear and a robe. Spencer walks up to Y/n while she’s opening a greenhouse ginger shot to drink.
“I’m sorry if I was insensitive earlier.” Spencer says, referring to when he followed her outside of the questioning room and told her there was a possibility this stalker/assassin guy will kill her, just a tad insensitive.
But nonetheless Y/n responds with, “It’s fine, you were just doing your job, right?” “Yeah.” Y/n takes her ginger shot with a look of remorse on her face. She reaches for the soda in Spencer’s hand, to wash it down. 
“You don’t mind sharing with me do you?”  Spencer quickly shakes his head mumbling a quick ‘no’ while Y/n’s team calls her to get into the dress, Y/n takes off the robe she was wearing, causing Spencer’s eyes to widen, then throwing the robe over a nearby chair. Now standing in just her underwear she smiles at Spencer before walking over to the team helping her get into the dress.
Leaving Spencer to watch her as she subtly sways her hips slightly more than usual when she walks. Spencer takes a sip of the soda Y/n had handed back after taking a sip, Derek coming over to tease Spencer about the scene he just watched.
“You don’t mind sharing with me, do you?” “Shut up.” Spencer says as he walks away. “Go get ‘em, lover.”
Y/n didn’t get to stay at the Met nearly as long as she wished. With double the security and Spencer there with her, she knew she wouldn’t have the night she was hoping for, but maybe something close.
But as she danced with Tom Hiddleston, Spencer got the call to take her to the safe house. Spencer didn’t really want to interrupt Y/n dancing on who he assumes is  another famous person, but he had to, for her safety. 
“Um- Y- Y/n we have to go.” Spencer says while struggling to gain her attention.
“Really?” “Yeah..” “Okay” she sighs, turning to Tom, mumbling an apology and some fake excuse.
They got to Y/n's home. Spencer rambling about safety measures Y/n should take. “You should also probably change all your phone numbers.” “I’m unlisted.” “Anytime you call an 800 number or an 888 number your phone number’s put into a data bank that’s then sold to telemarketers. If someone gets your cell phone number they can go online and research all your records.”
Y/n looks at Spencer expecting him to continue, but when he doesn’t she assumes he’s done, and gets up to walk into her kitchen, saying as she gets up, “You’re very cute when you ramble.” Causing Spencer to freeze but when she turns the corner out of his sight he rushes to keep up with her.
“You should also probably carry a piece of paper and a pen with you wherever you go in case you see any suspicious licence plates that often reappear.” Spence trails of looking closely at a collage hung up on Y/n’s wall 
“It’s a photographic collage. I like how obscure it is.”
“You should also get a dog. Like a guard dog of some sort.” Spencer says, staring intently at the collage but not acknowledging what Y/n said about it. 
“I don’t think so, I'm a cat person. Dogs are not for me… Earl grey good?”
“Wha- what?”
“Tea, do you want some tea?”
“Uh yes, yes sure.”
“Okay” Y/n says smiling at his nervousness.
Y/n walks into the living room, in her swimsuit with a robe overtop, coming to stand next to Spencer while he stares intently at the picture collage on Y/n’s wall. 
“Are you feeling anything?” “There is something definitely appealing about it.” “That’s a start” Y/n says while chuckling.
Turning on her heels towards the back door to the pool. This catches Spencer’s actions wondering what she's doing, he asks, “What are you doing?” “Going for a swim.” Y/n responds nonchalantly. “What? No, Y/N!” Spencer yells following her, but before he can reach her she dives into the pool.
Swimming up to the surface and wiping her face with her hands. She looks so gorgeous, she looks like a movie star, which is not far off. But Spencer really shouldn’t be thinking about how beautiful she is when he’s job is to keep her safe, and her being out here is not safe.
“Y/n, you cannot do this.” “Just a few minutes?” She ‘asks’ while giving Spencer puppy dog eyes. “Go get a suite in the house.” “What? No, I’m not going to grab a suit. Are you kidding me? No.” Spencer says in that high pitched tone he does, she’s only heard it once before, but she can’t help but find it so cute.
“Join me.” “No, I’m going to join you.” “Why not?” “You’re being pursued by a psychotic killer who shoots people in the head!” “I’m not going to stop living my life because of him.” Y/n turns to float in the water. “Y/n, I’m begging you. Will you please get out of the pool?”
“Come on, Spence, you should live a little.” “Live a little? I’ve not known you for 24 hours, I feel like I’ve already aged 10 years.” “Ugh, I can’t be that bad.” “Yes, you are that bad.” Y/n turns off of her back and starts to swim to the edge of the pool Spencer is standing at. 
“Fine, but can you help me out at least?” She says putting on an innocent face as if she really did want help out of the pool. When Spencer leans down to grab her hand to help her up, Y/n pulls him into the pool causing a big splash following after Spencer falls in. 
Which then causes a laugh to come from Y/n as Spencer rises to the water's surface. 
“Yes, very funny. Laugh it up, Y/n. Hilarious. My gun’s wet. That’s just great” Spencer swims to the edge to get his gun out of the water, Y/n swimming behind him, still chuckling. 
“My clothes.” “I told you to grab a suit.” 
While Spencer looks down at his wet chest, Y/n’s hand comes to rest on his peck, causing Spencer to look up at Y/n. When he looks at her, she is already looking in his eyes, her eyes asking the question ‘do you want to kiss me as much as I want to kiss you?’ the answer being ‘yes’ as Spencer starts to lean in. Not knowing what he’s doing, leaning in to kiss Y/n L/n global superstar? Who does he think he is, thinking she would want to kiss him? But contrary to Spencer's beliefs, Y/N leans in too, pulling his body closer to hers faster by his tie. As their lips collide, it feels as if the world slows down. For the first time in a long time Y/n feels normal, regular, ordinary, in the best possible way. She feels in the way Spencer's lips are moving against hers that he doesn’t want her for her fame, or looks, but for her. Just her. But then Spencer pulls away. It had only been a couple seconds, how could a kiss that short hold that much emotion? Spencer’s words stop her from thinking too much. 
“This is completely inappropriate.” “Spence..” Y/n looks into Spencer's eyes only looking away when she closes them and pulls him into another kiss, by his tie. This kiss, still sweet and emotion filled, yet rougher, as if they had gotten that much more comfortable now versus 15 seconds ago. Their lips move together roughly, Y/n tongue brushing Spencer’s lips looking for access, which causes Spencer to move his lips back from Y/n’s again. “No, there’s this thing called transference.” Spencer says, all the while Y/n is trying to recover from the best kiss of her life, and Spencer has no idea. “Do you not like me?” “What?” Spencer says quickly like him not liking her, and is just the most insane idea in the world, and truthfully that’s not far off. “Was that kiss not good?” “No- no it was very good.” “Because I like you.” “I like you too. It’s just I’m a federal agent. You know. And I’m supposed to protect you.” “Then you should keep me close.” Y/n mumbles moving her lips to Spencers again. Spencer pulls back to start talking again, as Y/N’s kisses move to his neck, kissing and nipping at his skin every so often, the first nibble causing Spencer to let out a surprised noise that quickly turns into a moan. “I’m just, hmm.. I’m a little worried, you know? We’re in a pool.” “Are we?” “And it’s uh.. We’re pretty much exposed.” Y/n moves to give Spencer's lips a quick peck, before responding to his concerns. “We have cops. We have cops posted out front.” Y/n cuts herself off to kiss Spencer again, “There are coyotes out back.” Y/n pauses looking at Spencer’s lips, while licking her own, then shooting her eyes up to Spencer’s “And then it’s just you and me.” Y/n moves her lips to be hovering over Spencer’s their noses rubbing against each other, it feels much more intimate than just kissing him, breathing in the after shave and cologne mixed with chlorine soaked into his skin is a smell Y/n would never get sick of, no matter how much she hated the smell of chlorine. She moves her lips back to the spot she found on his neck that makes him the most reactive. “Stop- I have to tell you something.” “What?” “I didn’t want to tell you this before, because I was a little bit worried… I didn’t know how to say it, but I can’t not tell you.” “Spence, just tell me. What is it?” “Your manager, Joe… Hotch went to check on him, but he got there too late.” Y/n looks into Spencer’s eyes any ounce of a look that would tell her he wasn’t serious. Because Joe couldn’t be dead. Not because of her, Joe was like family, no matter how weird he was. Joe was always there. Y/n turns away not being able to look at Spencer, “How could you-” She turns back to him, looking Spencer in the eyes as she aks, “How could you not tell me?” “I was afraid you’d be upset.” “You knew? How could you know and not tell me?” “Y/n, I’m so sorry” Y/n moves towards the edge of the pool to pull herself out, Spencer trying to help her. “Don’t- Don’ touch me! Please, don’t touch me!” Y/n gets out walking back into the house with a towel around herself, leaving Spencer in the pool.
Spencer walks into Y/n’s living room, seeing her sitting on her couch crying, he wants to comfort her. Just don't know how. “Y/n?...Are you still… Are you okay?” “Joe was like family.” Hearing Y/n cry hurts Spencer more than he thought possible from a girl he met not even 24 hours ago. “It’s just so hard to trust people in this industry, you don’t know who to believe.Everybody wants something from you. And I felt- I thought you were different.” “I know I should have told you.” “I told him not to.” Rossi cuts in having heard most of the conversation from behind Spencer. “He was only following my orders.” Rossi pats Spencer's shoulder while leaving the room. “The last time I could really trust people was when I moved to Nashville.” Y/n says, all the while Spencer is decoding the picture collage on Y/n’s wall. “Nashville, you said you lived you Houston street? And you were on KZ fm in high school?..” “Yeah..?” When Y/n sees the way Spencer is intensely staring at the collage she also gets up, to stand next to him. “I need to take this thing about.” Spencer says while not looking away. “What?” “I’ll put it back. I think I see images of you. Guys!”
Y/n stands to the side with Derek while Spencer and Emily are putting the pieces together. “Y/n, it looks like someone has been stalking you for years.”
“Yeah, this tells your whole life story. Awards, Billboard charts, Albums.” 
“Everything since moving to Nashville.”
“Who gave you this collage?” Derek asked, leaning over the island counter. “Um- he did” Y/N says pointing at a picture on the collage. “Who is he?” “Uh- Parker Dunley, I don’t really know him, he just owns a gallery I go to sometimes.” 
Spencer gets off the phone quickly turning to Y/N. “Y/N, do you someone by the name of Veronica Hartley?” “Roni? Yeah, of course I know her. I’ve known her for years. She’s one of my assistants.” Their conversation gets cut off by Y/n’s phone ringing. “What is it?” Spencer asks, seeing the way her eyes widened when she read the caller ID.
“That’s her calling now.” 
“Is she calling from her cell phone?” 
“Y/n, we think Roni’s the stalker.” 
“No- No way.” 
“Answer the phone. Act completely natural, the longer you keep her on the line the more likely we’ll be able to trace the call.. Trust me.” Spencer walks away to call the team, while Y/n answers Roni’s call.
“Hello?…Roni?...” Spencer turns to Y/N and gives her a signal to keep talking.
“Rons?... You’re tired?......I saw you today?.... I don’t know what you’re talking about.. I remember.. Roni, that was just one weekend…”
“Y/n” Spencer whisper yells, after getting off the phone with Penny, finding out Roni’s calling inside the house.
“How did she get inside?”
“She has keys.”
Spencer starts searching the house Y/n walking behind him. When they get up to a guest bedroom, Y/n feels the barrel of a gun being pressed to her skull, Spencer quickly turns around. 
“Put down the gun.” Roni demands. “Roni..” Spencer says while lowering his gun. “Don’t call me ‘Roni” you don’t know me! Come on, Y/n, let’s go. We have to go, baby. Come on.” Y/n looks in Spencer’s eyes begging him to do something. “Roni, don’t hurt her. You don’t need to hurt her.” “You don’t know anything. I would never hurt her. I created her" "No you didn’t.” “Yes, I did you stupid, ungrateful, little bitch.. I can’t believe I ever loved you.” “Roni, she.. She loves me now.” Roni moves her gun from pointing it at Y/n’s head to pointing it at Spencer. “She told me so. When we were in the pool. She kissed me. Now she loves me okay?” “No.” “Tell her we kissed in the pool.” “No!’ Roni yells this time switching from pointing her gun from Spencer to Y/n. Y/n looks at Spencer hopefully to tell her the next move, when he nods his head at her she says, “Yes, we kissed.” Roni then pushes Y/n, and Spencer tackles Roni to the ground, grabbing her gun, and pointing it at her. “Kill me! Please. Kill me! I’ll be so much happier!” But Spencer shakes his head, lowering the gun as he says, “No, we’re going to get you some help.” 
Y/n is standing in the station talking to her publicist, while news vans are lined up outside.
“I don’t want any media.” “Come on, Y/n” “No. No media.” “Okay, no media. Let me deal with these guys then.”
After Y/n’s publicist leaves, Spencer walks up to Y/n. “I wish we didn’t meet under these circumstances. More normal maybe.” “Y/n, believe me, no matter how we met, I’m glad we did.” Y/n feels her whole body, warm at that, she turns her head, knowing Spencer can see the blush on her face. They’re interrupted when Derek yells for Spencer. “Hey, Reid. Come on, we got to move.” “Well, um- here, take this.” Y/n passes Spencer a receipt she had written her new number on. “Would you- if it’s okay with you, give me a call.” “Yeah, I would love to.” Rossi comes walking over. “I hate to intrude, kid, but we’re waiting.” “Yeah- yeah a second.” “So- call me, I’ll be waiting.” Y/n turns to walk away, but Spencer puts a hand on her shoulder to stop her. Y/n turns towards Spencer, he puts his hand on her check, Y/n leaning into his palm, turning her head slightly to press a small kiss into his palm, before walking away. 
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—𓆩[cufflinks (s.r.)]𓆪—
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𓆩♡𓆪 CHARACTER - Husband! Spencer Reid x Wife! BAU Profiler! Fem! Reader
𓆩♡𓆪 TYPE - fluff, angst
𓆩♡𓆪 WORD COUNT - 1.4K
𓆩♡𓆪 SUMMARY - Spencer and a wedding ring never fit to you. The idea of marriage fit perfectly with him, but the idea of a band around his finger? No way. Instead, you both settled on cufflinks, both engraved with your initials and the latitude and longitude lines of where you both tied the knot. It wasn’t obvious though, not until a serial killer pointed it out.
𓆩♡𓆪 STORY WARNINGS - Cursing & foul language || mentions of sexual assault – not specific – please be wary || Y/F/I means your first initial idek || killer threatens Spencer through you || Spencer gets violent and angry || I think that’s it, let me know if you think any should be added!! ||
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You didn’t have a problem with Spencer not wearing a ring, not one bit. He was always extremely open about how he rejected other women, always saying, ‘I’m married.’ to anyone who ever said anything to him. Besides, whoever paid enough attention could see how much he not only stared at you, but the way his hand would graze your waist when he went around you to write or pin something on the board.
At home or in public that was extremely far from the world of the BAU, he would wear a ring, the gold one engraved with the same thing – your initials, the lines of latitude and longitude, and as a bonus because it didn’t fit on the cufflinks, a line from your favorite poem engraved on the inner band.
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On yours, besides the white gold band and your favorite gemstone encircled with diamonds, it had his favorite poem line engraved in the inner band as well. It was a later addition to your wedding ring, after your five year anniversary where he stole it and got it engraved for you.
This case though was different.
The killer was easily seen as misogynistic, especially in the way that he killed the women he did, specifically targeting married women and killing them after sexually assaulting them and leaving them in their bed before their husband woke up, or if he was gone.
This posed only one question – who was going to interview him?
There were different ways to go about this, you and JJ could go in as strong married women and tease him, or Matt and Spencer could go in as married men.
“JJ, Y/N – get ready to go in,” Emily says, inhaling as she stared at the man staring mindlessly at the two way glass. “We need to find out where Lucy is.”
“Got it,” you say, rubbing your wedding ring as you look over at JJ. “Ready?”
“Always,” she smiled, offering her hand for a fist bump before Spencer shook his head.
“I’ll go in.”
“What?” Emily paused, shaking her head. “No, you’re not-”
Spencer walked in before she could say anything else, quickly ordering Matt to follow him in as Spencer sat down in front of Ryan, the man they profiled to have been murdering these women after he killed his wife who cheated on him with his best friend, and best man at their wedding. Ryan’s eyes catch on Spencer who sat down in front of him, Matt standing and leaning against the two sided mirror.
“It was Agent Reid, correct-”
“Dr. Dr. Reid,” Spencer corrected, quickly fixing his cufflinks as Ryan’s eyes flashed to Matt and he smiled.
“My apologies. Dr. Reid. So, I see why they sent this… man in here, that shiny silver band on his finger, trying to intimidate me,” he moved to look at Reid. “But you… you don’t show obvious signs of being married.”
Spencer doesn’t break eye contact or move, that he could tell at least. “I’m not.”
Ryan smiles. “What’s her name?”
“Who’s name?”
“Your wife’s.”
“I don’t have a wife.”
“I don’t know if she’d like you rejecting the fact that you're married,” Ryan mocked him, copying his straightened form and interlacing his fingers. “Is she an agent?”
“How did it feel when your wife cheated on you with your best friend?” Reid’s question made Ryan’s face flash, Matt straightening slightly. “Must’ve hurt.”
“Not really.”
“Oh no? It didn’t hurt you enough to kill not only her but also your best friend and five other women who you thought resembled her? Women who were faithful to their husbands?” Reid leaned forward. “Unlike yours?”
Ryan swallowed. “None of them were faithful.”
“How so?” Matt finally spoke, Ryan smiling slightly.
“Does her name start with… Y/F/I?” Ryan tilted his head. “Was R the original first letter of her last name or did you change it?”
Reid tried not to react. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m not married.”
“Is she an agent?”
“I’m not married.”
“Was she that H/C agent? She looks like my ex, I saw it the moment she came in busting down that door. It was kind of hot,” Ryan smirked, leaning forward. “Is she like that in bed, Dr. Reid? Or is she more submissive? You don’t look like the kind of guy that takes control, but damn would it be nice to see her beg-”
“The only thing that you’re going to hear begging is your own voice in prison when every man in there is passing you around like a toy,” Reid responded, tilting his head slightly. “Do you know where rapists stand on the totem pole, don’t you? And where you’re going… you’re going to be one of their bitches.”
Ryan’s smile falters as Reid smiles, tilting his head. “Where’s Lucy?”
“Who’s Lucy? I’m focused on that wifey of yours.”
“Could it be where you and your wife got married?” Reid asked, watching as Ryan’s eye twitched. That wasn’t hard.
Matt was already walking out as Spencer started to stand, Ryan leaning back in his chair. “Is your wife faithful, Dr. Reid?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Reid responded, glaring. He knew you were faithful, going on being married almost eight years, sticking it out when he was arrested and through worse things like his addiction. “Those who cheat aren’t built for a relationship.”
“If she cheated, wouldn’t you kill her?!” Ryan sat up, attempting to force his wrists out of the handcuffs. “They were all cheaters, all of them!”
“My wife would never cheat.” Reid finally let the facade crack, slamming his hands down onto the desk. “Just because a woman cheated on a stupid, narcissistic, misogynistic man like you!”
“I should’ve hunted her first,” Ryan snarled, glaring up at Reid as he laughed. “Shoulda gone for the pretty wife of Dr. Reid-”
Reid’s actions were quick, his hand flying forward to slam Ryan’s face into the metal table, repeatedly bashing him into the table before Alvez came running in, wrapping his arms around Reid’s waist and dragging him out of the room.
“Reid, Reid!” You rushed forward, quickly running forward to cup his face. “Spence, baby, calm down. Calm down.”
It was as though you snapped him out of a trance, his body going stiff as your hands softly held his face, thumbs softly rubbing along his skin as you looked back at Luke. “Thank you, Luke.”
Luke let him go as you quickly hold Spencer’s shoulder, pushing your hands down his arms to hold his hands and pull him to one of the private rooms, cupping his face as he immediately leaned into your chest. He inhaled sharply as he kissed your neck. “I’m sorry… I’m so sorry, sweetheart, I am so so sorry. I hated… I hated thinking of you with him… him touching you, anyone touching you other than me.”
“No one will,” you whisper back, pulling away to cup his face once again and press a firm kiss to his lips. “I’m yours, Spencer Reid. Forever and always, no matter what. You see this ring? I’m yours.”
He inhaled, nodding as he leaned forward to kiss you softly, humming. “I think… I want a ring instead of cufflinks.”
His words make you giggle, shaking your head. “You sure? I can get you more cufflinks.”
He laughed slightly, nodding. “Okay. I like cufflinks.”
“Then cufflinks you shall have, my love. And I’ll add something to that ring you have at home, too.”
He smiled, nodding as he leaned down and pressed a firm kiss to your lips. “I’ll hold you to that, Mrs. Reid.”
You giggled, nodding as you pressed another kiss to his lips. “You better.”
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© asterias-record-shop
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killersfool · 1 year
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PAIRING : elijah hewson x original f!character
GENRE: fluff, friends to lovers
SUMMARY: dahlia jenkinson, josh’s sister is asked to fill in as photographer at his bad’s concert. her plan is to ask him out by the end of the show as she’s been crushing on him for ever. what she doesn’t expect is that one of their songs was written about her—and she’s right there when he confesses it.
WORDS: 5.6k
WARNINGS: smoking, drinking, kissing
Friday. Underground. London.
I run through the station passing the endless people, posters and children's screams. My brother, Josh, had asked me yesterday to help out at his band's concert. He'd told me that their photographer had gotten COVID so he needed someone to fill in.
I dragged my roommate along with me as my moral support, seeing as she's heard me spill every secret in my mind about the band's lead singer, Elijah.  I've been helping Josh with his band's endeavours for years and have also had to condone countless sleepovers. I've had the sound of drumsticks crashing together engrained in my head by this point. Robyn has always told me to 'stop being a pussy and ask Eli out on a date' but honestly, I'm terrified I'll ruin everything. This photography thing has really helped to get me new jobs and more exposure.
"So, you still crushing on Eli?" Robyn asks. She's been glancing over at my phone for the past few minutes. I've been texting the band group chat that I've been added to. They usually kick me out randomly. This is the longest period of time I've been in it without having an argument. I'm pretty proud.
"Shut up." I scoff. "If you dare say anything to any of of them, I will kill you."
"I wouldn't," she laughs. I give her a look. "I'll try not to..."
"You and your big mouth."
"I can't help it."
"I shouldn't tell you things."
"Who else would you tell?" She grabs at my phone, noticing a message from Elijah pop up.
It reads: "Missed you. You've always been the better Jenkinson." I try to contain my smile at the stupid message. It's just a couple words beneath a name on a screen and I'm getting all nervous. It's pathetic. God, this is getting bad.
"That's cute," Robyn says and is about to start writing a message back until I snatch my phone back. Who knows what kind of bullshit she'd start sending. She'd surely send some terrible pictures of me. That's happened on many ocassions. I've learnt my lesson to never trust her with my phone.
"Cringe." I type back, although the smile on my face is betraying the words on the screen. I stare at his profile picture for a few seconds. It's a selfie of me and the band. I look half asleep, probably drunk. Eli's hair is all over his face and Josh is squeezing Ryan's cheeks. Bobby is just angrily staring at the camera. He definitely didn't want to be in that photo. It's sweet that Eli has kept his profile picture that way for so long. We haven't seen each other in months. I send another message, "Well you're not my favourite Hewson."
He sends an angry emoji. "Who is then?"
"Bono, course."
He sends a few more angry emojis before spamming the group chat. There is already some kind of argument happening. Robert seems to be late and they're all asking where he is. I switch my phone off, sliding it into my pocket. Robyn's been unusually quiet.
"What have you done this time?" I ask with a subtle tilt of my head. She's chewing on some haribos she'd bought moments ago. She then smirks to herself, "Nothing."
I'm a little worried but decide to brush it off. We leave the train station and I'm struck by the freezing air. I sometimes forget how cold England is. Having moved from Ireland over a year ago, I feel like I should've acclimatised. But, why is it always so cold? I hold my jacket closer to myself to try to warm up.
We pass at least ten people with 'I love London' shirts. Sounds of street sellers are familiar along with the hustle and bustle of late London nights. I see the London Eye twisting in the distance. Big ben is tolling. The venue comes into view a few streets away. I'm dreading it slightly. I feel as if I'm not going to cope this time seeing that ever-so-familiar face. It's as if with each passing month, he gets better looking. It should be crime. I'll probably melt when I see him.
I instead focus on seeing Josh and my excitement for seeing the gig. They've all really improved over the years. They really know how to put on a good show. Adrenaline rushes through my veins. It'll be fine. Surely.
"You're nervous, aren't you?" Robyn takes notice of me fiddling with my earrings. It's become some nervous habit. I find a comfort in twiddling the crystals between my fingers.
"A bit," I say. Honest. "What if he finds out? We'll surely get piss-drunk. What if he only wants to be mates?"
"Lia, darling, you've got to stop overthinking it. After hearing all these stories you've told me, it sounds like he likes you a lot," she says, grinning. "I'll tell you if I see any looks passed or anything suspicious, okay?"
"You're the best." I give her a hug, forgetting for a moment about the crowded streets around us. Robyn hugs are always too good to be true. I sometimes forget how unbelievably short she is and how she tries to suffocate me with her arms.
Just as we're about to continue down the endless streets, I see someone running past us. I barely even realise he's passed me until Robyn points him out. I see long, curly hair and a massive case swung over his shoulder. Bobby. Then, he turns to face us. Blue eyes catch me off guard then a massive grin. He seems to question whether he should stop or get to the venue. He's very late.
"Is that the bassist?" Robyn wonders. "Robert?"
"That's me," he says, retracing his steps. His mullet has gone all messy in the autumn wind. He's trying to swipe away a few stray hairs from out of his face. "Hey Dally. Who's this?" He points towards my friend with a lazy smile.
"This is Robyn. My roommate. She's the one who accidentally stepped on a pigeon."
"Ah." He then turns into his bird lover mode. "How could you do that to a poor, helpless bird? How could you? Can't believe you're called Robyn. That's a disgrace. Wish I was called Robyn. Or sparrow. Or some kind of bird. God, do I love birds—"
"Okay, Robert. We get it," I interrupt with a finger in the air. He crosses his arms over his chest, pouting. Robyn is laughing at his angered demeanour. He always puts on this irritated-sarcastic face in moments like this. He looks like a child after stepping on lego.
"Aren't you late?" Robyn asks the blue-eyed boy. His phone has been pinging with notification throughout the few minutes they have been walking together. He seems to be a little stressed. I have to almost run to keep up with this speed of impossibly long legs.
We approach the venue. It's a huge, pretty rundown building which strikes out in stark contrast to the fancy buildings around it. The words 'Inhaler:tonight' are written on a chalkboard beside the entrance. The place really matches the band for some reason. There's a queue of fans outside. A lot of them are sat down on the pavement. They scream at the sight of the bassist, piling around him. Phones are being held up to take pictures of him.
"Sorry guys, I've got to get inside. Thank you for coming," Robert mumbles.
Robyn and I act as body guards, preventing anyone from getting too close. Banners have been dropped onto the ground, passersby glance over in confusion. There's colourful cowboy hats covered with jewels everywhere. That music video really drove the world crazy. It definitely drove me crazy. I probably make up at least half of the views.
The majority of the crowd continue to take photos. Some say 'Oh my God, that's Josh's sister!' I give them a smile whilst simultaneously pushing Robert forwards.
We finally get to the back door. The gathering give up after a while. They go back to the queue, attempting to slot in to their previous place.
"Well, doors haven't opened yet so you can't be that late," I remark. The front doors are still locked.
"I'm missing sound check though."
I hear music booming quietly through the walls. I open the door, pressing down on it with fingertips. It creaks open to a long corridor with white plastered walls. It smells of fresh paint. The light is barely even attached to the ceiling. It looks like some horror film scene. Creepy.
But then Josh comes around the corner. His guitar is slung over his chest and his face lights up to reveal a huge smile that I've always adored. He's taller than the last time I've seen him. He runs straight towards me, engulfing me with his arms. I'm uncomfortably pressed against his guitar but I couldn't care less. I'm so glad I came. I missed him so much.
Robert slides past us and Robyn awkwardly stands in the doorway. I introduce her to my brother. He gives her a hug as well. She seems to enjoy this whole situation a lot. She's getting all loud and giddy.
The rest of the band are still playing through songs. They're running through 'Dublin In Ecstasy'. Elijah's voice is echoing through the entire building, sliding it's way through my skull. There's a part of me that wants to turn back. I could just make my way back to my apartment, have a cup of coffee and stalk Twitter accounts of people who went to the show. I definitely haven't been doing that for the past few months. I'm not that insane. Or obsessed.
"Do you want to listen to sound check or hang out back stage?" Josh asks us. He's been talking to Robyn, getting to know her and she seems to like him, thankfully. It'd be downright awkward if she hated his guts.
"I'll follow you," Robyn says to Josh. She starts to traipse down the corridor. I watch her curls bounce from side to side as she jumps with every step. She suddenly realises that she's left me behind. "You coming?"
I groan, staring at the door. "Yeah. Fuck it."
I pick up my camera in preparation. I've been using the same one for years. It's got stickers all over it. Some of random bands, some from different countries and little letters spelling out my name. Elijah had bought me a few pages of letters of the alphabet as a birthday present when I turned 15. I still remember that day. We were all huddled inside my living room after being drenched by a sudden storm. There were about fifteen of us, including the band. The fireplace before us was the only source of light in the darkened room. I think I was dating Ryan at that point. That was a strange time. He was sweet. It only lasted a couple of weeks. Elijah had a girlfriend too. Younger me was very jealous. I think that's what made me realise I liked him.
Now, fast forward eight years and my heart is beating in my ears like I'm a teenager all over again.
I allow Robyn to go first. I trail behind. Josh has left us to our own devices and we try to figure out where exactly we're supposed to go. We decide to follow the sounds of music booming. Closer and closer. We go down a staircase, open a door then we're right at the stalls, just beneath the stage. The door crashes so loudly that all of the band stop playing. They all peer down at us.
The band name 'Inhaler' is upon the wall and coloured lights paint the stage. This room is a lot nicer than the exterior. There's a standing area then seats up along the top. The walls are painted a deep shade of crimson with gold lines intricately painted everywhere. It's too good to be true. It feels so weird being at one of their gigs again. It feels even weirder to see all of them in the same place at the same time.
I trace my gaze along the stage. I take a quick glance at Josh who is tuning his guitar, then Ryan who's staring at us with wide eyes. I shift my eyes a little further to see Elijah. He's dropped his mic at the sight of us. I take notice of the length of his hair. It's falling over his eyes, a mess of curls shrouding his face. He's wearing a white vest top and a bulky blazer which is holding onto his shoulders for dear life. I can't see him very well from here. What I can see is the complexity of his gaze. The way he's looking at me is making me nervous. I take a deep breath.
"Dahlia?!" Ryan calls out. He drops his drumsticks similarly to Elijah.
"Surprise?" I say. I thought Josh had told them I was coming. "Wait, did Josh not tell you?"
Elijah picks up the microphone from the ground, not taking his eyes away from mine. "Josh, you gobshite. I thought she was coming next week," he says into the mic, words jumping through my ears. I hate how warm his voice is through those speakers. It's sickening.
"Well, I'm not complaining." Ryan jumps down from the stage, giving me and Robyn a hug. It's a group hug where we're all squashed together. He's grinning from ear to ear.
"You're still short," I say. I can still look down on him, especially with my chunky boots. He rolls his eyes.  "This is Robyn." I introduce my roommate to both Ryan and Elijah.
"Nice to meet you," Elijah murmurs as he jumps off the stage. He's left the mic on the stand. He's pushing his hair from his face.
Robyn gives me a look, raising an eyebrow in the direction of Elijah. She's got a malevolent smile. What's she going to do? Maybe I shouldn't have brought her.
"I've heard all about you." Robyn gives Elijah a little wink. I kick the back of her leg .
His lip raises the slightest bit. I find myself staring at his mouth for far too long. There's stubble lining his chin and a splatter of freckles on his cheeks. "Have you, now?" His low voice drifts through the air. He's maintaining eye contact with me. I'm trying to evade his gaze.
"She's exaggerating." I assure him, trying to stop myself from giving Robyn another thwack.
"Eli! We have like 5 minutes until door opens and Dublin In Ecstasy is a mess. Get up here. You can swoon later." Robert is already playing the introduction to the song. Ryan and Josh join in.
"Swoon?" Eli shakes his head with a grin.
"We're just that amazing," Robyn whispers to me.
I hold up my camera, taking a picture of the three lads on stage. Then I point it at Elijah. I take a few of his confused face before he leaves us to sing along to the music.
"He's whipped." Robyn watches as he climbs back onto the stage. "Likes you so much he can barely even function-" She points out how he can't even plug his guitar in. He's been trying to shove the lead in for a while but his eyes are wandering elsewhere. "You've got to say something to him. He's leaving tomorrow, isn't he? Maybe tonight.."
I breathe in. "Alright. I'll try."
Robyn and I hum along to the tune. Elijah's rough vocals make my mind go cloudy. He sounds so much crisper in person. I think back to the cuts and bruises vinyl on my shelf. Robyn had bought it the day it came out. Josh sent me every version possible. Robyn went on about supposedly being 'the first person in the world who bought it'. She said she saw the record in HMV and instantly thought of me. We had stayed up late that night to listen through each track. Eating popcorn, drinking alcohol, talking about random shit. That was when I told her everything about Elijah. From the schoolgirl crush, to the trying to forget him then to the full-blown infatuation. She enjoyed listening to every detail I had to offer.
Elijah continues singing. I'm holding my breath, my palms are sweaty, I feel my heart pulsing at my throat. Robyn is swaying to each beat of the drums. Elijah won't stop looking at me.
Then the song ends and we all tun backstage, in an attempt to evade the incoming fans. I hear shouts echoing in the distance. We've gathered in a little room backstage. Josh is showing me some fancy chocolates he bought in Rome. I'm taking pictures of the band members. Robyn keeps photobombing. I rest my head upon the armrest of the sofa, closing my eyes. It feels nice. Calm. Until, someone settles beside me. They grab my legs so that they can properly sit down. The hands are cold and fingertips are calloused. That someone is Elijah. "Excited for the show?"
He's got his pre-show drink in one hand and his phone in the other. I close my eyes once again.
I shift around in the soft cushion attempting to get into a more comfortable position. He scoffs and pulls my legs up by the ankles to rest them over his thighs. "I know you're tired," he says. He takes a sip of his drink. "But if you dare fall asleep during the show, I will throw my guitar at you." I move my legs around his thighs then actually raise my head to look at him. I take a picture as he makes a stupid face. I don't know how he can do that whilst still looking pretty.
"Is this comfortable?" I ask. He's been very still. "I can move if you want."
"It's nice... fine," he mumbles as he scrolls through messages on his phone. "Reminds of that music lesson. Must've been our first year of secondary school. You fainted after some practice test we did. We were sat in this exact position for at least an hour. I think my legs stopped working."
I try to bring my head back to the memory. He was so different back then. Shorter hair, insanely asthmatic. He only knew me as Josh's twin sister. Somehow that was enough for him to stay there with me and keep me safe. After that, he had some complex where had to look after me with his life. It was charming.
"I had to kick you about nine time because you feel asleep, " I recall. My mind is wandering through moments I can barely even remember. "You were so strange."
"I could've left you there in the practice asleep. You should be thanking me for saving you from embarassment-"
"Why, thank you. Oh how you've changed my entire life. I owe you all that I have."
He shakes his head, squeezing the skin at the bottom of my ankle. He then rests his hand there. As if it's normal. He's still reading through messages, biting the top of the plastic cup.
"When do you lot go on then?" I ask everyone.
Robyn has started drawing eyeliner onto the other boys. She just pulled it out of her pocket randomly and asked if they wanted her to do it. They've filed into a queue. She's done some graphic liner on Bobby with little stars that makes his bright eyes pop out all the more.
"Ten minutes." Ryan is putting some hair gel through his hair. He puts some music on using a bluetooth speaker they placed in the corner. Lover, You Should've Come Over by Jeff Buckley comes on. I'm trying to stop myself from falling asleep but it's getting harder with each passing second.
"I'm so excited," Robyn says as she does Josh's eyeliner. She's made his more smudgy and messy. It suits him a lot.  "Elijah, should I do yours? Or Dahlia can do it?" She passes the tube towards me. There's some malicious intent behind her eyes. I narrow my eyes down to the black contraption, taking it uneasily between my fingers.
He lays down his phone and drink. He's trying to push all the hair out of his face to give me some access to his eyes. I kneel down on the sofa beside him. I grab a hair bobble from my wrist then tie the top half of his hair up. He groans as I pull some strands way too hard then relaxes into my touch. He smells like cigarette smoke and cologne.
"How should I do it?" I wonder out loud. I've opened the tube and I'm trying to figure out the best way to go about this. He looks like his teenage self with his hair like this. His eyes are maintaining a hard eye contact as I near him. There's a warmth rising to my face.
Robyn pulls out her phone and shows me a picture of Rodrick Hefley. I snort. "Try it like that," she says.
Elijah closes his eyes as I begin to draw little lines then smudge. I've grabbed his chin to keep him in place. I can feel the sharp stubble poking at my fingers. He opens his eyes every now and then. They're half-lidded, watching. I poke his eye by accident. I scold him for opening his eyes. He decided to instead keep them closed.
I admire my work once I've done. It's not my best liner but it's alright. The other boys gather around to get a look at him. His hazel eyes come into view and he smiles widely at the sight of us all. "Does it look good?"
"Looks class," Ryan says as he grabs a mirror. The other boys nod along.
Elijah looks at himself. He seems to not know if he likes it or not. He smiles at me and says, "Thanks, love."
I just smile back, pulling out the bobble from his hair. An unruly splatter of curls cascade across his forehead. There's something about him wearing eyeliner that's stopping me from thinking straight. It's different. I'm still sat half on top of him, one knee resting on his thigh and the other on the sofa. He helps me off of him then stands up.
He ruffles his hair as he says, "Let's get going lads."
The four boys grab everything they need for the show. Water bottles, instruments, drumsticks, their sanity. They all give each other a group hug. It must be some pre-show ritual because they all down their drinks at the exact same time. If that wasn't planned, it was uncanny.
"Good luck." I wave them off and they travel down the corridor in a straight line. As each of them walk out, I take a picture. Elijah is the last to leave. He stops in the doorway, still holding his plastic cup. He raises his lip to reveal his white teeth as I take the picture. He really enjoys making the strangest faces.
"If you don't get our best angles, I'll have to think about firing you." Elijah warns me just before he turns around. He then disappears down to another asylum-like corridor before I can get a chance to insult him. I let out a breath.
"That went well, right?" Robyn's trying to figure out what's going through my head. I can't even comprehend anything that just happened. The feel of his hand still lingers at my ankle. "That whole time you were talking to Josh about those chocolates, he was staring you down. It was pretty creepy, to be honest." She laughs. "Don't even get me started on the eyeliner. All of us felt like total third wheels."
"Sorry," I say. I play around with the bobble at my wrist. It had been wrapped around those glorious curls only moments ago. "God, I'm so in love it hurts."
"That's how I felt when I started liking Emmy. Literally all I could think about was her." Robyn is in a daze, eyes glued to the wall. "You need to do something before it's too late."
"After the set, I will tell him." I finally accept my fate. I could possibly not see him until next year. Or the year after. Who knows how busy I could get?
"Good," Robyn says. "I'm tired of hearing Elijah this Elijah that. Girl, I get it."
"You had an Emmy this Emmy that phase. Don't even start."
She frustratedly sighs. "Come on. I think they're going on."
I hear the crashing of drums reverberating through every wall, every floorboard. Slowly, we approach the main room. The bodyguard lets us through to the wings of the stage. I can see all the crowd from this angle. There are phones, cowboy hats and banners littered through the crowd. Some of the audience are people we had seen when Bobby was surrounded. They're screaming at the sight of the band.
The first song they play is These Are The Days. I keep my camera handy through every song. Elijah takes notice of us standing there. He steals a glance at us when he has a chance to breath. He's singing a lot stronger than I'd ever seen online.
Then they play through a few more songs on the new album. I sing along, I dance, I try not to get blinded by the flashing lights. Then all of a sudden they've finished playing Love Will Get You There and he turns to look right at me.
"This next song..." His words are pretty slurred. He's drunk. "This is an old one. I wrote this when I was about 17. There was this girl at my school who I just liked so much— I couldn't even focus in class. I played it to her once we'd got it perfect and she had not a single clue that it was about her. She still doesn't. It's been six years and I've never told her." He pauses and looks at me. "This is for you."
I'm overwhelmed by emotion. I raise an eyebrow at him. He just starts strumming along with his guitar. That's when I realise he's playing I Want You. They'd played that song to me in Elijah's garage. I asked him who it was about. He lied and said it was about his ex-girlfriend. I never thought twice about it. I never listened to it because it made me sick to my stomach that it was about her. A girl who I had been so jealous of.
"You got your lipstick on..." He starts singing. He's literally pointing at me. The crowd looks confused. They can't see me.
"Oh, Jesus," Robyn exclaims. "Oh, wow. I can't believe this. He's fucking confessing! Dally, I'm so happy for you right now. What the hell!"
Robyn is just as shocked as I am. We're both slack-jawed, wide-eyed yet caught in a silence as the song goes on. The crowd sings along with each and every line. The other members of the band have caught on with what is happening. They all seem to be pretty proud. Especially Josh. He's smiling so big it's making me smile too.
The truth is, I don't want the song to end. Or the show. I just want this moment to drag on forever. It all feels too good to be true.
The song finishes, the lights switch off, the crowd screams. I'm left in the darkness. Robyn is holding onto my side for dear life. The only thing illuminating the world around us is a tiny light bulb above us. My eyes start to get used to the darkness. I see a figure approaching.
"Can you come with me?" It's Elijah. His cheeks are tinged a shade of bright red. There's sweat lining his throat and his chest. He's taken off the blazer and has slung it over his shoulder. The eyeliner has bled down a little.
"Yeah..." I'm exasperated. My throat is raw from singing so much. My brain can barely process what is happening around me. My hands want to reach out and hold him close to me.
He grabs my hand, pulling me down through a corridor. We're both running towards the back door. I'm trying to match his pace but his longer legs give him an unfair advantage.
We finally reach the exit. He opens the door for me, allows me to pass through then shuts it. I'm met by London streets. Brick walls, crooked alleyways, a rubbish bin. It's not particularly romantic. But, with him standing there in front of me, it becomes the most romantic place on Earth.
"It wasn't supposed to happen like that," he admits. "I just couldn't stop thinking about you when you left. I was going to tell you at the airport when you were about to leave Dublin. So that you could think it through without us seeing each other every day. Then I got fucking terrified."
"I was going to tell you then too." I press my back against the wall. He's pulled out a packet of cigarettes. He offers me one. I let it rest between my lips. "I had plucked up some courage after I went to the toilet but then I sat beside you and forgot the whole script I'd planned out in my head. That was a pretty awkward five minutes. Felt like a century."
"We're idiots, aren't we?" He says as he lights his cigarette. "Josh has always known. I don't know how he never told you. He's great at keeping secrets. Six years of keeping his mouth shut. I don't know how he has that much self control."
"Six years?" I blow out a puff of smoke into the air. My eyes wander across the star covered sky. The moon is looming and watching us.
"I know." He's blushing again. He's trying to keep his distance from me, leaving a slight gap between us. "I'm pathetic."
"I liked you for longer."
"Eight years. Since the day you started dating the blonde girl." I feel stupid saying it out loud. He's laughing at me.
"That's class."
We stand there in silence just looking at each other. I can hear ambulance sirens and birds calling. The brick walls is hard against my back. My shoes are covered in water from standing in a puddle. I can imagine that there's a camera above us. This could be a scene straight out of a film.
"Are you going to kiss me then?" Some sudden burst of confidence brings those words from my lips.
He's taken aback. His eyes fall down to my mouth. He then takes a step closer. I can feel his breath at my cheeks.
"Do you want me to?" His voice goes all low and his accent gets thicker. His hand reaches up to cup my cheek. Metal presses against my cheekbone. His thumb lazily draws a line across my bottom lip. His words hang in the air. "Dahlia, my love. Do you—"
I press my lips to his. I can't hold back anymore. I can taste the smoke on his tongue. His mouth is minty and his lips are soft. I've imagined this moment countless times. In a bookstore, in a train station, in the garage. But, this is perfect. Perfect.
My fingers sink into his hair. He groans into my mouth as I pull a few strands at the back. His thumb is sliding across my cheekbones. He's dropped the cigarette to instead use his other hand to clutch my waist. My hands are at his chest. His heart is beating incredibly fast. He holds me tight against him until I feel his chest rise and fall. Up and down. Breathing in and out.
We hear voices behind us. He pulls away quickly. We both turn to see a group of fans. They're teenagers and they're all dressed in bright outfits. They didn't see anything but they seem rather suspicious, whispering.
"Eli! Oh my God!! Can you take my BeReal please?" One of them shouts over.
Elijah runs his fingers over his lips. His ears are a pink shade. He slides his hand away from my waist.
"Yeah, sure!" He approaches the three girls with a small smile. He's trying to act normal. "I love your hats." He points at the 3 cowboy hats which spell out the word 'Inhaler' when they're all stood side-by-side.
"Thank you so much!" The darker haired girl passes him her phone. "Your eyeliner looks so good. You should do it like that more often."
"I had a grand makeup artist." He winks. I roll my eyes.
"Could Dahlia be in it?" The girl with glasses notices how I've awkwardly shifted to the side.
"Course she can," Elijah says.
I stand in the frame next to Elijah as he holds up the phone. His lips are red after being stained by my lipstick. I drop my head onto his shoulder and close my eyes. He nestles his face into my hair as he takes the picture. We're both giggling like lunatics.
I'm so glad it happened like this.
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perfectlovevn · 1 month
Idk if anyone else cares about Ryan besides me or asks abt him - bc i actually like consuming info about him and thinking abt him. Before I entered the fandom I was a pretty big Ryan fan until it was overwritten with Milo (not complaining tho teehee)
Ifeel like i dont hear ppl talk abt him as a character rather than a plotpoint- dont rlly mind it much tho i forget about him too baha
What happened to Ryan if he survives after moving to another college?
Did he try to be a better person? Or, just acted as a better person to keep a low profile?
What is his new life like? What changed about his behavior? How's his social life?
Also does Ryan have family or a childhood backstory idk if I ever saw anything abt that
Can he actually become a better person? What would it take for him to be one?
Can he be his own yandere and if so what would he be like
<- very secretly wants to be his boyfriend
Considering the three additional asks I got after this one, I'm pretty sure Ryan is more popular than you'd expect. Also @m00nsflesh exists, so that's also the case. Ryan is mostly written to drive Milo and Eris's behavior, so that does track.
If Ryan were able to successfully escape to another college, I think he'd probably change his name like very barely (change it to Ryen or something) and then he might act a bit more low profile for a short while before going back to his normal ways. I don't think it's very likely he would strive to become a better person unless he feels it could benefit him in some way.
I think he'd try to keep his new life as close to his old life as possible. Feels more like a bump in the road since he just wants to do what he's always been doing. I think regardless of how he tries to pretend to be someone else, he'll always end up defaulting back to his original form in one way or another.
I didn't really make a family/childhood backstory, but he does act like a rich kid fratboy (or at least, that's what I was trying to aim for), so you can make of that what you will. He could have a completely different backstory.
He could be, just like anyone could be, but I don't think it would be an easy task. It's possible that if he actually found someone he cared enough it might lead him to becoming a better person or some sort of event that happens, but I don't know who or what that could do that for him.
Like could he be a yandere? Possibly, but a generally pathetic and annoying one. The kind that treats you trashily but if you try to flirt with other people, he'd probably step in and tell the other person to back off kind of deal.
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elvensorceress · 5 months
So I Edy is in episode 7x07, which I figured, and poor Gavin had to have scenes with her. Poor guy will have to carry the whole scene. We saw/heard about her crying IG post, where she talked about having to study for new auditions, which doesn't mean well for her/great for us that Marisol is going to be sticking around. So, I am not sure why people are convinced that she is endgame for Eddie.
Ryan is King of the Buddie ship, and yes, he had to talk about Eddie’s relationship with Marisol because that is who Eddie is with at the moment and he has to talk about Eddie’s currently LI but he never has the same passion or love about the relationship that is for when he talks about what Buck means to Eddie. It was Ryan who said Eddie loves Buck to his core and not his current LI. Ryan said Eddie sees Buck as his co-parent and not Marisol.
It looks like 8 and 9 are filming now, which is after her teary-eyed for sympathy post. Hopefully, episode 7 is her goodbye episode, and I am rooting for her deciding to go back to being a nun after Christopher tells her that as much as he and his dad like her, his dad will never love her like she hopes.
Imo the only people who might possibly conceive of Aerosol (noxious, toxic to the environment) as a long term LI would be the delusional transphobe herself. Mr Showrunner already expressed his distaste for LIs who are just there to be LIs and not part of the whole story and therefore unable to interact with other characters. That’s why he brought back Mr Kinard for Buck. Sadly, it will never be fast enough getting rid of her awful queerphobic presence. And we’re all stuck for the time being. 😓
Ryan would have to talk about the travesty that is Eddie’s relationship with her because that’s what he’s stuck with for now just like the rest of us. But he talks about it as a learning experience for Eddie. (When, oh when will poor Eddie learn he can choose happiness for himself??)
Here is the new scenario that absolutely won’t happen but I would love to see happen. (Thank my beloved @daisyssousa for helping conceive of this)
High profile businessman Christopher returns from his jet setting, out of town lifestyle and is now forced to spend time with the awful mistake his father is keeping around. In a brilliant strategic move of psychological warfare, he takes a liking to constantly putting on The Nun horror films on repeat in the Diaz house until his poor brainwashed and tormented father actually kicks the awful queerphobic demon out of their house for good.
And the Diaz men live happily ever after. 🌈🎉
The End.
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upsidedownqq · 1 year
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Finally made a proper profile for Ryan! 🩵
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shaniacsboogara · 2 years
It's time to make a statement. It's time to start a movement.
Ryan Bergara is working so hard to collect Ghost Files evidence, which most of us unfortunately cannot give. What we CAN give however, is the Toasting Man Apocalypse.
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Do You see this incredible image of beef boy from Antman Quantumania (2023)? Let's all band together and make him our profile picture. For Ryan, and for the Toasting Man, the best character in the MCU. This is the most logical way of showing him our support, trust me.
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ozma914 · 2 months
Movie Review: Deadpool and Wolverine
 One danger of watching "Deadpool and Wolverine" in the theaters is that you never know what was spilled on that floor you're rolling around on.
And I don't mean you'll be making out with someone because the movie's boring, either. No, "Deadpool and Wolverine" is exactly what it's advertised to be: Profane, fast-paced, irreverent, hilarious, and ... oh, yeah. Emotional.
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That's the trick Ryan Reynolds and company manage to pull off. Deadpool speaks directly to the audience, talks about being in a movie, makes fun of Marvel and Disney, and just generally breaks all the rules. Then he grabs you by the feels and pulls you in until you actually care about this guy, despite the fact that you both know he's only a character.
Wade Wilson has left his super anti-hero days behind him and sells cars, badly, after a failed attempt to join the Avengers. But he's pulled back into his old life when he discovers his entire universe is going to end because of the loss of its anchor hero, Wolverine, who died during the events of "Logan". (Hey, it been out way too long for that to be a spoiler.)
That sends Wade on a multiverse-spanning search for another Logan to bring back, an attempt that treats us to several different Wolverines until Wade finds one that may work. Unfortunately, it's the worst Wolverine in all the universes. Together they set out on a blood splattered journey across timelines, encountering familiar help and villains along the way.
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Yes, it has a plot. But just putting Reynolds and Hugh Jackman in a room together would generate plenty of fun for two hours, all by itself. They're clearly having a blast here, and yet, as mentioned earlier, they also generate plenty of pathos and suspense. After all, there are millions of universes, and Deadpool's isn't even the main Marvel one. There's nothing to say it will survive the fight.
I'm not sure there's any way to communicate just how much fun "Deadpool and Wolverine" is. It helps to know something of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (especially the TV series Loki). It also helps to be a fan of the comics, although its not necessary. Most of the main points we hit along the way are familiar to even those with only a passing knowledge of the MCU, for the same reason someone who's never seen Star Wars can spout off a dozen catchphrases and the basic plot.
Just the same, the sheer number of cameos, references, and background clues will bring squeals of glee from comic fans, even as non-comic fans enjoy the fast pace and no holds barred banter. Oh, and the stabbing. Lots and lots of stabbing. Did I mentioned the movie's rated R? Do NOT take your kids to see it.
But take yourself to see it. If you have half as much fun as Reynolds and Jackman clearly did, it'll be a good day. Where to find our books or just have some fun:
Amazon:  https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B0058CL6OO
Barnes & Noble:  https://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/"Mark R Hunter"
Goodreads:  https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4898846.Mark_R_Hunter
Blog: https://markrhunter.blogspot.com/
Website: http://www.markrhunter.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ozma914/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MarkRHunter914
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markrhunter/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MarkRHunter
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@MarkRHunter
Substack:  https://substack.com/@markrhunter
Tumblr:  https://www.tumblr.com/ozma914
Smashwords:  https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/ozma914
Remember: Books can be just as much fun as Deadpool, without having to clean up the blood.
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1moreff-creator · 1 year
Happy Birthday David Chiem!
Usually, for these characters’ birthdays, I do a somewhat half-hearted attempt at a character analysis. But do you think I’m gonna do this for David? Hell no, he’s way too complicated for me to do something like that in this style of post! And I am not making a post that difficult right after that Mai thing.
So, instead, I’m just going to list a few fun facts, because that’s easier. Hope you like it anyways!
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(By the way, I’ve always loved that frame of the MV so, so much)
-His birthday lands on “National Book Lovers’ Day”, which says National but is recognized globally. Considering the MV, I’d say that fits. It also coincides with the Annual Perseid Meteor Shower Peak Night, Co-working Day (hah, as if), and get ready, “Hold Hands Day”.
-His profile states he likes ready-make oatmeal. According to the recent Q&A, he can cook, he just prefers not to. This actually fits with quite a few scenes in the series where it’s implied he prefers not to get out of bed unless necessary (mood), such as his brief outburst in the introduction and the several times he’s shown not to eat with anyone else. Though maybe that’s actually caused by him hating people.
-He dislikes expensive things. Kinda based.
-He does TEDTalks, and that’s presumably where he gets his talent from.
-As he stated himself, he has pretty bad bed hair. And apparently, he can summon it at will, as seen in Ch 2 Ep 11.
-His pupils seem to turn into stars whenever he… smiles or puts on a positive attitude? It doesn’t seem to follow a strict logic other than “whenever it looks cool”.
-He has an older sister named Diana. Or, well, that’s what he claims. Footnote 11 of you-know-what may imply she never actually existed. It’s unclear what this means at the moment.
-He seemed to genuinely like Xander, and wanted to be friends with him, as he’d value that relationship more than Xander’s idolatry.
-The secret quote in his page is "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you. I wish you could just die." How nice! This is either talking to himself, or presumably something he'll say to Teruko since their characters do be foiling.
-The quote on Mai's page attached to him is "She forgives everyone." It's the second to last line in the script, before MonoTV's. I have to physically restrain myself from theorizing.
-Some stuff from the Q&As:
*He usually wears semi-formal, 'professional' clothes.
*His blue hair is actually fully natural.
*This is the default sprite for his fuckboy persona:
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... But, like, why though. Why's he so sassy.
*Bisexual with a strong female lean. Diversity win! The biggest liar you know is bisexual!
*His favorite color is gamboge (the yellow of his star pupils), stating it’s inspiring; while his least favorite is gray, stating it’s depressing. This could imply he actually likes the cheerier persona he usually puts on more than his real self, or the villainous persona he plays in the trial.
*He handles his feelings badly. We been knew.
*His hair clips were his manager’s idea, to build brand recognition. Apparently David doesn’t like this manager too much, but he puts up with them for the contract. Also, when he takes off his hair clips in the trial, he places them in his PANT POCKETS.
*I’m sure you’ve realized this, but you remember that section of the Q&A where the dev gives details about the family members we had known about from the series (Elliot Cuevas, Felicity Giles, Fuyuko and Natsuko Naegishi, Ryan Moreno/Rosales)? Diana Chiem isn’t mentioned, perhaps further hinting at her non-existence.
*He has an average amount of strength.
*His favorite ice cream flavor is pistachio, because of course it’s pistachio.
*He smells like men’s cologne, but only faintly. Hope you’re happy with that answer, you weirdos (/affectionate).
*He’s American, like everyone else except maybe Teruko.
And now, for his playlist! I kinda already posted this in a reblog to another post, but here it is officially!
+Literature Girl Insane, by Karasuyasabou (I mean, obviously)
+Undead Enemy, by Suzumu and Giga-P (probably his song from the official character playlist)
+Monochrome Mentality, by Riproducer / RIP
+Grey, by QueenPB
+The Distortionist, by Ghost & Pals (CW: Abuse)
+Copycat, by CircusP
+How to Pretend, by CircusP (FNAF pog)
+Echo, by Crusher-P
+God-ish, by PinocchioP
+The Court Jester, by thquib
+Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing, by Set it Off
+The Things I Deserve, by Ghost & Pals (CW: suicide)
+All Eyes on Me, by OR3O
+Not Your Angel, by NightCove_theFox (apparently I’m making him into an Alice Angel kinnie)
And, finally…
+Happy birthday! Though he would absolutely despise anyone who tries to sing it to him, I imagine.
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petergirl10 · 4 months
Character Profile: Jonathon Young / Nikola Tesla
Damian Kindler (creator, executive producer & writer): Tesla's one of our favorite characters. He's a fan favorite, he's a writer favorite, he's an actor favorite.
Christopher Heyerdahl ("John Druitt/Big Foot"): I love that character. It's always so much fun watching a Tesla episode...
Ryan Robbins ("Henry Foss"): I think as far as vampires go, Tesla's probably the coolest vampire out there. I'm not just saying that because he's on our show, but I think the way Jonathon plays him makes him a very cool, very relevant vampire. He's not a stereotypical...He's not what you see. He's really done something really interesting with Tesla. He's very bright, very intelligent. Not to say the other guys aren't bright and intelligent, but you know what I mean. He doesn't sparkle.
Jonathon Young ("Nikola Tesla"): I've played Nikola Tesla on stage before, in a very different show, that really was a historical drama about his life, so my job in that play was to do research, collect anecdotes about him, and then try to create a portrait that came from that.
Christopher: He's known for playing Nikola Tesla and doing a great job. He's an extremely talented, one of our great talents in Canada. He's an amazing actor. He's one of those people who has a special gift. He's gifted physically, he's gifted intellectually, he's very graceful, and very specific in all his movements, and it's beautiful to watch. So, when they were talking about this character, Nikola Tesla... but he's going to be a vampire, I thought, "I don't know. Will Jonathon even be interested? I mean, this sounds kind of silly." You know, he's taking a character that he knows inside out, and we're going to make a vampire out of this? But at the same time, Jonathon has the look of a vampire. He has these amazing teeth, and they're very vampiric in many ways. I just thought he'd be perfect, and anyway, he'd probably have a hell of a lot of fun with it.
Jonathon: It became clear right away that the Sanctuary Tesla isn't so much interested in a imitation of a historical character, and I think that what's in the script is that he loves ideas above all else, he loves himself above anyone else, that he's intensely competitive, and that he has an arrogance about him that puts himself ahead of everyone else. Of course Tesla's ultimate goal is, you know, world domination.
Magnus: You're mad, Nikola.
Tesla: No! The Philadelphia Experiment was mad, but this... is progress.
Martin Wood (executive producer & director): One of the cool things about season three is we bring back Nikola Tesla, now the non-vampire version of Nikola Tesla.
Tesla: Well, I hope you're all happy now. I'm ordinary.
Martin: It's funny because everybody loves Tesla as a vampire, and the problem is, when you have a character that everybody loves the way they are, as soon as you start changing them, everybody goes, "You can't do that! That's our favorite guy! He does that!" You know, it's crazy.
Tesla: Here's to the glorious vampire race, once mighty, now extinct.
Amanda Tapping (executive producer, director & "Dr. Helen Magnus"): He's left de-vamped. He's left with this other gift, which he will call his incredible magnetism, I'm sure, but he... Yeah, it's a different Tesla, and it's a Tesla struggling to sort of figure out what this gift means, and how he can use it.
Tesla: Well... I can work with that.
Jonathon: I think, like Tesla, I thought it was an opportunity for something new. I mean, that's how Tesla ends that whole episode. He's totally despondent, but then, that "I can work with that" moment is because I think he sort of looks at everything as a game, and an opportunity to work things to his own advantage, so I think his mind started turning right away, and for me, I mean, I think that one of the great joys about acting is that, even though I'm playing the same part, every time I come on set, it's always new, so... I... I felt confident that the writers have a master plan in mind, and that this was a detour that was going somewhere.
Magnus: Nikola, the door!
Martin: What happens in season three is he's magnetic, and he can do some fun tricks, but it's not as cool as being a vampire, so we may end up making him back into a vampire at some point.
Amanda: But I can just say that we've shot an incredible scene that changes that too. So... literally just shot it. I still have the blood on my hands.
Tesla: I'm back, baby. And it feels so good.
Damian: There's different types of Nikola Tesla stories. There's the "we get a message from Tesla, and he's in trouble, but not the kind of trouble we think, which leads to other trouble, and he's got the..." It's the "hidden agenda" Tesla stories.
Tesla: Well, I did say S.O.S. in my message.
Henry: "Trapped in a cave with nasty bugs" would have been much more helpful.
Tesla: I'm just looking for a way to turn this pointless ability into something extraordinary.
Henry: It makes sense, in an evil way.
Damian: Then we have the sort of story where Tesla's involved because he's a genius, and there's something epic, and weird, and crazy happening, and we require a genius to help us, and make us feel kind of crappy about ourselves with his genius. That's another story that Tesla's often involved in. We have a Tesla story about the past, when we see The Five in Victorian England, and even Edwardian England, and Tesla's part of that, because he was part of the group from back in Oxford days, in the late 1800s. And then there's a Tesla story that comes closer to the end of season three, where he doesn't have a hidden agenda, but he definitely kind of gets in over his head seeking knowledge.
Tesla: Helen, we're surrounded by the greatest trove of vampire knowledge the world has ever seen. It's killing me. I'm being robbed of my last great discovery. I've spent my life trying to piece together my ancestry.
Damian: And it's nice, because he's the sort of character who can really, you can stretch, and pull, and put in different positions. He's definitely not a bad guy. He's definitely not a pure-of-heart good guy. He's just this wonderful, colorful fly-in-the-ointment, you know, amazingly annoying, amazingly useful, brave, egomaniacal, funny, critical, mean-spirited, lovely, loyal.... you know, kind of character. We love him.
Tesla: You were good, but I was better.
Jonathon: Each script gives a lot of humor to Tesla with those things in mind. That's why he's so fun to play, because he... like I said before, he thinks of everything as a kind of game, or a competition.
Tesla: Your shaggy friend is still refusing treatment, and frankly, I'm insulted.
Will: Oh, right, yeah, because I forgot, this is all about you.
Tesla: I have spent weeks creating a working treatment for the Lazarus Virus, and in the end, the creep in the room with the hair doesn't want to take his medicine! It's personal, and we both know it is.
Jonathon: He doesn't care about the effects of, you know, being completely rude, or completely outspoken, and in his mind, he's number one, right?
Damian: Tesla and Magnus have one of those relationships that is hard to define, and I believe that's mainly due to the fact that they're both so old.
Tesla: Helen Magnus. Kiss me and I'll save your life.
Magnus: And if I don't?
Tesla: It's been over 60 years. Just plant one on me already.
Damian: I think that Tesla, he just abhors boring people.
Magnus: Nikola Tesla, you always did know how to get attention.
Amanda: It's so much fun to play it, but I can't describe it. It's... it's this crazy friendship, with this very, you know, unabashed sexual overtone to it, from both of them.
Magnus: You've always been like this, haven't you? Selfish and arrogant, putting your own desires before everyone else's.
Tesla: I brought you here for two reasons. Because only you can help me finish what I'm working on, and because I love you.
Magnus: Yes, so you keep... What?
Tesla: I always have.
Damian: And the thing that's the most, you know, kind of fetching about Magnus to him is that she's anything but boring, and I think that's what makes her attractive to him.
Amanda: When you've known somebody for that long, and they know you as well as Tesla and Magnus know each other, I think it's almost like that sexual tension is just explosive, but nothing can happen because it's, like, "Then would we still have that tension?"
Magnus: Oh, shut up and help me.
Tesla: My God, you look sexy with a gun.
Damian: I think that Tesla and Magnus probably at some point had some kind of thing that went on, because she admires the giant brain. He has a giant brain, but he's just too much of an oaf, and Magnus has way better taste than that, so I think it's one of those, over the 160-year period, you get to have those little trysts and not worry about them, although you still have to work with the person.
Tesla: You felt... genuine concern for me. Admit it.
Magnus: Nonsense.
Tesla: Oh... You still like me, it's so obvious.
Magnus: You tried to kill me.
Tesla: Well, but you know, we all hurt the ones we love.
Jonathon: Well, first and foremost, they're old friends, and I think it's based on competition. It's based on rivalry and respect, and, of course, of love of ideas and love of adventure. I'm always bringing up memories of adventures.
Tesla: You know, this reminds me of when we were in Egypt looking for Tut's tomb, huh? Oh, those wild early days. No ground-penetrating radar, no satellite imagery.
Magnus: We were barely better than graverobbers.
Jonathon: I mean, I think that Helen Magnus has Tesla under a kind of spell.
Tesla: Well, I did say S.O.S. in my message.
Henry: "Trapped in a cave with nasty bugs" would have been much more helpful.
Tesla: I'm just looking for a way to turn this pointless ability into something extraordinary.
Henry: It makes sense, in an evil way.
Damian: Then we have the sort of story where Tesla's involved because he's a genius, and there's something epic, and weird, and crazy happening, and we require a genius to help us, and make us feel kind of crappy about ourselves with his genius. That's another story that Tesla's often involved in. We have a Tesla story about the past, when we see The Five in Victorian England, and even Edwardian England, and Tesla's part of that, because he was part of the group from back in Oxford days, in the late 1800s. And then there's a Tesla story that comes closer to the end of season three, where he doesn't have a hidden agenda, but he definitely kind of gets in over his head seeking knowledge.
Tesla: Helen, we're surrounded by the greatest trove of vampire knowledge the world has ever seen. It's killing me. I'm being robbed of my last great discovery. I've spent my life trying to piece together my ancestry.
Damian: And it's nice, because he's the sort of character who can really, you can stretch, and pull, and put in different positions. He's definitely not a bad guy. He's definitely not a pure-of-heart good guy. He's just this wonderful, colorful fly-in-the-ointment, you know, amazingly annoying, amazingly useful, brave, egomaniacal, funny, critical, mean-spirited, lovely, loyal.... you know, kind of character. We love him.
Tesla: You were good, but I was better.
Jonathon: Each script gives a lot of humor to Tesla with those things in mind. That's why he's so fun to play, because he... like I said before, he thinks of everything as a kind of game, or a competition.
Tesla: Your shaggy friend is still refusing treatment, and frankly, I'm insulted.
Will: Oh, right, yeah, because I forgot, this is all about you.
Tesla: I have spent weeks creating a working treatment for the Lazarus Virus, and in the end, the creep in the room with the hair doesn't want to take his medicine! It's personal, and we both know it is.
Jonathon: He doesn't care about the effects of, you know, being completely rude, or completely outspoken, and in his mind, he's number one, right?
Damian: Tesla and Magnus have one of those relationships that is hard to define, and I believe that's mainly due to the fact that they're both so old.
Tesla: Helen Magnus. Kiss me and I'll save your life.
Magnus: And if I don't?
Tesla: It's been over 60 years. Just plant one on me already.
Damian: I think that Tesla, he just abhors boring people.
Magnus: Nikola Tesla, you always did know how to get attention.
Amanda: It's so much fun to play it, but I can't describe it. It's... it's this crazy friendship, with this very, you know, unabashed sexual overtone to it, from both of them.
Magnus: You've always been like this, haven't you? Selfish and arrogant, putting your own desires before everyone else's.
Tesla: I brought you here for two reasons. Because only you can help me finish what I'm working on, and because I love you.
Magnus: Yes, so you keep... What?
Tesla: I always have.
Damian: And the thing that's the most, you know, kind of fetching about Magnus to him is that she's anything but boring, and I think that's what makes her attractive to him.
Amanda: When you've known somebody for that long, and they know you as well as Tesla and Magnus know each other, I think it's almost like that sexual tension is just explosive, but nothing can happen because it's, like, "Then would we still have that tension?"
Magnus: Oh, shut up and help me.
Tesla: My God, you look sexy with a gun.
Damian: I think that Tesla and Magnus probably at some point had some kind of thing that went on, because she admires the giant brain. He has a giant brain, but he's just too much of an oaf, and Magnus has way better taste than that, so I think it's one of those, over the 160-year period, you get to have those little trysts and not worry about them, although you still have to work with the person.
Tesla: You felt... genuine concern for me. Admit it.
Magnus: Nonsense.
Tesla: Oh... You still like me, it's so obvious.
Magnus: You tried to kill me.
Tesla: Well, but you know, we all hurt the ones we love.
Jonathon: Well, first and foremost, they're old friends, and I think it's based on competition. It's based on rivalry and respect, and, of course, of love of ideas and love of adventure. I'm always bringing up memories of adventures.
Tesla: You know, this reminds me of when we were in Egypt looking for Tut's tomb, huh? Oh, those wild early days. No ground-penetrating radar, no satellite imagery.
Magnus: We were barely better than graverobbers.
Jonathon: I mean, I think that Helen Magnus has Tesla under a kind of spell.
Tesla: Maybe a little tighter. You know, just to be safe.
Magnus: If you were any more transparent, you'd be invisible.
Jonathon: Whether or not there... was romance, I think should remain a secret until it's revealed, but there's clearly always the potential for that, but if anything, that makes the friendship that much more interesting and magnetic.
Amanda: It's an interesting... They're both incredible geniuses, they're both incredibly stubborn, and they both love each other deeply, though both of them are loathe to admit it.
Tesla: You have a Sasquatch for a butler, and you travel the world with history's most notorious murderer, and now you don't feel safe? Helen, green is not a good color on you.
Magnus: Don't be ridiculous.
Tesla: She's intelligent, powerful, remarkably well-preserved for her age, everything I look for in a woman. And unlike someone I know, she's actually interested in me.
Magnus: I'm not engaging in this childish conversation.
Tesla: The more you deny it, the truer it is.
Damian: I think Tesla's always had a deep, deep place in his heart for Magnus, but knows that he is never going to be the love of her life, that tall, bald, and homicidal Jack the Ripper is going to be the one that's got her heartstrings.
Magnus: We'll all meet back here with our keys.
Druitt: That leaves you and... Nikola. Your tests are marked for the same area.
Tesla: I guess your father liked us best as a couple.
Druitt: Helen, if you can wait, I...
Magnus: I'll be fine.
Tesla: Such chivalry.
Druitt: If any harm comes to her, accidental or otherwise...
Tesla: I have no reason to do her any harm, but you, I'm finding more reasons by the minute.
Magnus: Honestly. I am surrounded by adolescents.
Jonathon: Definitely the deepest animosity between Druitt and I, and it'll be interesting to see how that plays out. You know, what kind of jealousy there is there.
Christopher: Nicky's a pain in the ass, really. I think that if he saw the arse end of Nikola Tesla, he'd be a happy man.
Tesla: The power in that vial, it could change history, create any kind of future we choose.
Druitt: We?
Jonathon: It comes down to showmanship, too, I think. Who really is the most... Who has the most power, I think. Or who can go to the most extreme place. I mean, Druitt is such an extreme character with such darkness in him.
Tesla: Guess who's still standing?
Magnus: John?
Druitt: Hello, Nikola.
Jonathon: And when we first met Tesla, that was certainly the way Tesla was introduced, was that he was the darkest, or had the most capacity for evil.
Christopher: At the same time, there's a wonderful... respect and camaraderie to these two, that...
Tesla: John, really. He's not worth it, pardon the pun. If you kill him, he can't help her.
Adam: Same old Johnny.
Tesla: Shh, please.
Jonathon: We saw a more human side to him, as we have seen with Druitt, too. But again it comes down to... competition, and I think past grudges too.
Tesla: Nice move last time we met, Johnny. Took me a while to get over it.
Druitt: Not long enough, old boy. Care for another helping?
Jonathon: It's qualities of Tesla's that Tesla sees in Druitt, that Tesla reacts to the strongest, so it's when he... I mean, I think that that's true in life. When you actually take apart what it is you don't like so much about someone, often it's qualities that you have, so I think his arrogance, and his power, and, uh, his, of course, special bond with Magnus.
Magnus: Hand it over.
Tesla: Very well. But really, I have to say, when I imagined the splendor of the entry hall, an architectural site thousands of years old, a veritable marvel of art and design, and to think that the first witnesses to this spectacle will be Huey, Duey, and Screwy? Really, Helen, my heart sinks you chose them over me.
Magnus: Don't be bitter.
Tesla: But I do it so well.
Jonathon: Well, I think Tesla has such disdain for ordinary humans, and takes great pleasure in making that known.
Tesla: I want my life back. Look at me, Helen. I'm reduced to parlor tricks and Morse code. I can't even get out of a cobweb without help from these chumps. What am I now, human with... with benefits? It's pathetic.
Jonathon: And at any chance he can get, I think... making fun of how pathetic and weak regular humans are.
Tesla: You, I like. You, I don't know.
Will: I'm Dr. Zimmerman. I work with Dr. Magnus.
Tesla: Protégé. Well, the mission's necessary disposable item.
Magnus: Stop this, Nikola.
Robin Dunne ("Will Zimmerman"): Will and Nikola have an interesting relationship, I think. I don't know if you can even really call it a relationship. Definitely from Tesla's point of view, I'm sure he just sees Will as just some pathetic little human who, you know, is something of an annoyance. He kind of treats him as though he's a child.
Will: And you just happened to get trapped by them. God, that's so weird.
Tesla: Yeah, down, Junior. I didn't know they were here until they tried to make me part of the architecture.
Jonathon: As far as Tesla's concerned, Will's just not in the same class, and needs to be reminded of that, on a daily basis, to keep him in his place.
Will: Retrieve the Source Blood, and it's a grand slam?
Tesla: One thing at a time, Dr. Expendable.
Jonathon: I think because Will is so resilient too, and puts up with so much, because he believes in his work. I mean, as far as I can tell, Will believes in his job, and is devoted to Magnus, he becomes a great foil for Tesla's arrogance.
Will: You know what I say? I say you got yourself into a little bit of trouble, and you dragged us into the mess, too. So stop whining about it.
Tesla: I thought helping people was part of your job description.
Will: Yeah, people. You, Professor Hidden Agenda, not so much.
Robin: His opinion of Tesla is that Tesla's a guy who's in the Tesla business first and foremost, always has a secret agenda, doesn't ever do anything that doesn't benefit him in some way.
Tesla: Unprotected platinum coils? Wolf-boy... Have a word with him about power efficiency.
Magnus: I doubt Henry planned on this kind of re-purposing.
Tesla: That's no excuse.
Ryan: Tesla and Henry have an interesting relationship because I don't think Tesla respects Henry very much at all, and I think despite himself, Henry can't help but respect Tesla and admire him. I think Henry admires the guy, and hates him for being so clever.
Henry: Yeah, I get how you could generate a signal by clenching your kegels or whatever, but how did you get the range?
Tesla: Oh, you obviously didn't do any aerial mapping on your way in. Had you, you might have noticed the amplification properties of the local terrain.
Henry: Parabolic focus point. Okay, then wouldn't it be secondary signals...
Tesla: Hey, shh, shh! Slop. You'll hurl yourself, and I'm feeing far too tired to feign concern.
Henry: You're welcome. Jackass.
Ryan: It's the last guy in the world Henry wants to, you know, learn from, or look up to. I think he just despises so much about him. I mean, you can go back to that whole vampire/werewolf thing, where those are just two... They just never get along, historicity, ever.
Tesla: The Cabal have been planning this move for decades. I've had two days, a crappy lab, and Tiny Tim for an assistant, so please cut me some slack.
Henry: If you think working with you is a party, think again, Vlad!
Tesla: Good, you finally showed up. Quit your whining and get to work.
Jonathon: And he's got to work with Wolf-boy, in the lab, with the crappy antique tools that Magnus keeps around. I mean, I think when Tesla gets angry about something, especially if it's a mistake that he's made, he immediately blames somebody else, and I've found that fuels a lot of scenes is that often Tesla's just angry at his own predicament, or his own error, and that fuels a bunch of rage at someone else.
Tesla: Never bore your audience.
Damian: That, to me, is Tesla. "Never bore your audience." That's him. That's a very definitive moment. He's about to do something brave, but in his mind, it's like, "Well, I'm only doing this because God forbid anything should be dui and uninteresting." And he's about that. He's a genius, and geniuses are like that. A lot of criminals are geniuses because they're just bored silly living inside the rules of society, and Tesla's like the ultimate criminal genius.
Christopher: I think he's an enjoyable... an enjoyable person to dislike.
Amanda: He's the character you love to hate, and you love to love, because he's just so out there. Yeah, yeah, and he has become one of the most popular characters on the show, and for very good reason, not only because the actor playing him is so incredible, but because this character is such a fully realized... dink. You just love him. I don't know if I can use that word, but I'm gonna.
Tesla: Yeah, well, since when did I become the responsible member of this group? The big hairy one can answer the phone. I'm not missing out on this.
Druitt: You're absolutely determined to come with us?
Tesla: Of course I am.
Druitt: If you insist.
Tesla: Son. Of. A. Bitch!
Jonathon: That's what makes him so fun to play is... his ability to say absolutely anything.
Tesla: No, we mustn't forget our most important achievement of the day. My resurrection.
Magnus: Oh, here we go.
Tesla: Sweet, sweet resurrection.
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