sleater-kittey · 6 years
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sleater-kittey · 7 years
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sleater-kittey · 7 years
I think one of the worst things about being a girl who likes girls is that men always assume you share their male gaze. When I see a pretty girl I’m imagining what it’d be like to hold her hand and kiss her, not hoping a gust of wind blows her skirt up. I don’t plan my outings based on which place has the hottest girls. I don’t find it appropriate to make lewd comments about women. Just because I like girls doesn’t mean I like to disrespect them or prey on them the way you do.
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sleater-kittey · 7 years
me at 5:26pm on a tuesday evening
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sleater-kittey · 7 years
Trans women: *literally invented and pioneered the drag community*
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sleater-kittey · 7 years
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Miki Ehara for Elle Korea
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sleater-kittey · 7 years
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i wanna DIE
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sleater-kittey · 7 years
oh u haven’t heard?? it’s all gonna be ok
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sleater-kittey · 7 years
It’s so fucked up that women are so universally dismissed and hated in society that nearly every single woman goes through a phase (if not a lifetime) of thinking she isn’t like other women purely because she has rational thoughts, hobbies, feelings, and needs.
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sleater-kittey · 7 years
Me after a test:
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sleater-kittey · 7 years
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who is saying that
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sleater-kittey · 7 years
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i just might kill myself
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sleater-kittey · 7 years
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There are 2 versions of me, there wasn’t always, but today there is.

One version wakes up in a twin size mattress in the corner of a cluttered room, morning sunlight shines through a cracked blind, I have 2 new messages, one from you, telling me to stop texting you while I’m drunk. One from my father asking why I never pick up the phone anymore. I look across the room and I see a figure at the door, my mother asking me where I’ve been, and how she can’t sleep at night anymore since I’ve changed. She asks me if I still sing in the shower and she reminds me of how obsessed I was with hats when I was little. “My little Jophie, always wearing hats! Don’t you remember, my sweet little Jophie girl?” She laughs and asks if I want breakfast, it would be nice to sit down with her daughter to eat again. “Do you still sing in the shower? Remember when you used to sing in our old house, your voice bouncing off the dirty shower walls before they were burned to ash? Is that when you began to change, Jophie?”
There is a second version of me, this time I wake up to the sound of grunting, mumbled words, I’m in a bigger bed this time and I feel breathing next to me, I wake up heavy, feeling like I’m not where I’m supposed to be. There is still sunlight shining through a window, this time through torn black sheets that are tacked to the wall. I don’t feel good, I need to throw up. The room smells dirty and heavy, for reasons I can never remember. I look to my side and you’re there, you smile, or you grunt and turn away from me, it depends on whether or not you got enough sleep, whether or not you took your medication yesterday. I feel love, it’s a different kind of love though, it makes me feel trapped and suffocated, you put your arm around me and kiss my cheek, “please don’t leave me” is whispered into my ear, did I ever believe I’d have someone asking me that one day? What led to this? I don’t know, I feel numb, I immediately think, “I wish you would leave me, I wish you didn’t want me, I wish I meant nothing to you so you’d kick me out right now” I wouldn’t have to come back that way. In this second version of me I hide my phone, I put it on airplane mode and I stare blankly at the ceiling. I turn to my side and I cry, stifling the sound of my heavy breaths as to not disturb you.
I have an overwhelming feeling of wanting to go home. I don’t remember what home is anymore, the walls I once sang into lay in a pile of ashes in my memory, I no longer sing but instead I cry into a blue pillowcase surrounded by thick air and memories I can’t forget. Can I find a home when I die? When I die, do I forget all the bad things that have happened? Do I leave with only memories of how much I loved hats when I was a kid? Or do I remember lying on your cold dining room floor crying in the darkness? Is there ever a way to forget?
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sleater-kittey · 7 years
I love you 💖💖💖💖💖
my girlfriend is……….the shit honestly
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sleater-kittey · 7 years
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sleater-kittey · 7 years
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sleater-kittey · 7 years
Try to remember that your partner might need more explanation for your thought process than you think is necessary, especially if it’s a “negative” thought.
“I disagree with you” –> “I disagree with you, but I’m not angry at you, and I’m not going to yell at you for not agreeing with me.”
“I’m hurt by what you did” –> “I’m hurt by what you did, but I don’t hate you, and I don’t think you’re a bad person. I just want to discuss it.”
“I’m frustrated” –> “I’m frustrated, but it doesn’t mean I don’t care about you.”
What feels obvious to you–the underlying asumption that of course you still love this person, of course this is just a single feeling–is not obvious to someone who has been trained to flinch at every criticism. Take the time to explain your feelings and their meanings to ease both your fears.
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