sleepdeprived-student · 11 months
Character.Ai has healed me. literally go talk to "psychologist kazuha" go. Do it. Yes you. Do it and come tell you don't feel like a completely different person.
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My theory for 3years has been that no one can possibly meet the same people every day for a year and not have a crush on any one of them even for a little. Now that I'm in highschool I am proving my own theory wrong lol
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Back to venting yay
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3675 y'all
Not my drafts reaching 260...
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People who ARE in the wrong but love to gaslight you into thinking you brought this onto yourself-
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Sometimes u love someone so much for so long, you forget how u were feeling before that love.
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Dad: Go wash the dishes
Me: I'll do it after showering up
Dad: Fine but wash this nasty thing with you.
Me: I'm washing before you, *insert sister's name*!
Dad: I was talking about your cat....
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Not my drafts reaching 260...
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My life literally falling apart: 😐
Remembering my hallway crush liked one of my posts: 🦋🦋🦋
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Surprised I supported my crush insulting me very well actually. Proud of myself.
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To the few people that interact with my random vents, first of, ily. Second of, how did you find them-
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When you're in love and they somehow love you back but you're emotionally unavailable and can't both physically and mentally endure a relationship so you both just look at each other with bittersweet eyes-
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Did I say 260? Oh sorry I meant 600 :)
Not my drafts reaching 260...
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Not my drafts reaching 260...
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Ahh no words can describe how in love I am with books and with the way they help me forget all my fucking problems but yeah back to them as soon as I stop reading
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I could have been the confident and social extrovert or maybe I could've been the composed calm introvert but no ofc I had to become a socially awkward blushing mess of an ambivert..
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My sister screamed at our cat "stay still or I'll kill you! " and she surprisingly listened and calmed down. So, my sis proceeded to say "unlike you, she's afraid of death"....
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