sleepytimewords · 4 years
I don't understand.
What's the point anymore? I can go outside with nothing to do, I can stay at home with nothing to do, I go to work with nothing to do, I sit in my head and have no way to do the things I need.
Help me..
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sleepytimewords · 4 years
I thought I would be grateful that the droning stopped,
but why is all of the pressure still here
why hasn't my vision returned
why haven't they come to get me?
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sleepytimewords · 4 years
if the pain in my head ever went away the soreness would still stay and that's almost as bad
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sleepytimewords · 4 years
I only just met joe pera tonight, but i will defend him until the day i die.
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sleepytimewords · 4 years
You know those characters in books, shows, movies, games, anything, that you just fall in love it?
It doesn't have to be romantic love, but you still love them?
Well just know you aren't alone.
Be like the character and maybe the other people will like you too.
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sleepytimewords · 4 years
Why is it normal to have nightmares about financial pain?
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sleepytimewords · 5 years
Cuts happen when you have your happy mask on to much.
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sleepytimewords · 5 years
Although I'm naked, I feel the strong urge to strip down.
Leaving nothing but my bare, delicate heart and my ever painful brain.
Who will win?
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sleepytimewords · 5 years
Depression is your skeleton longing to breathe air.
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sleepytimewords · 5 years
Too much of something isn't a good thing, right?
I mean there are reports of a woman dying from drinking too much water.
Too much food.
Too much sugar.
Too much drugs.
Too much isn't a good thing.
So I guess I should back off before I get hurt.
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sleepytimewords · 5 years
Anyone would hate to find out that their shootenanny is too aggresive.
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sleepytimewords · 5 years
Sleep is a precious thing.
Learn to fuck off.
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sleepytimewords · 5 years
ASMR tickles my brain the same way fingers do.
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sleepytimewords · 5 years
Small oval looking up at me, why do you look so sad. Use is what you get when you exist, maybe I shouldn't be so sad either.
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