sleetkissed · 3 hours
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❝ Oh grrrreat. Who invited the walking sack of bones to our meeting . . . ? ❞
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sleetkissed · 1 day
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      ❝ We need the stones, don' we  ? ❞      slurred voice, but concentrated on her task nevertheless. The pen not as steady between slender fingers as Esteri was used to.
Another sip straight from the bottle before a digit drags itself lazily over the paper   —   motioning to her ( messy ) plan.
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     ❝ We trick'im. But I don' know how yet. He's a smart fella, gon give'im that . . . ❞      apparently, the sorceress forgot about wanting him gone just a second ago, seeing how she tries to involve him into her plans.     ❝ You're th' best pickpocktr I know. The thing is in his gauntlet. Something you can do, hm   ? ❞
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@sleetkissed needs help ( proof. )
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   he thrusts a finger towards the familiar bottle, mouth agape in mock outrage.   “hey!”   ( might have been more convincing were he not half-laughing about it. )   “... sbawn, huh?”   whatever.   he shifts closer, hands tucked behind his back, torso leaning in to catch a peek of her ‘work’. “uhh. what's that?”   tilts his head, quirks his brow at it. nosy curious feline.
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sleetkissed · 1 day
let's go out. i'll help you get pussy.
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                                                       𝙻𝙴𝚃𝚃𝙴𝚁𝚂 .                                                unprompted interactions
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      She succumbed to the fancy bottle of wine,      which sat on Astarion's table an hour ago. Not now anymore. All that brain-talk honestly got the best of her. And the only cure to a raging migraine was, in her experience, a nice, warm drop of liquor.
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      ❝ Don' need any help, sbawn. Get lost . . . ❞     Scribbling down on a piece of parchment    —    Of plans  &  schemes to get Gortash's Netherstone.
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sleetkissed · 1 day
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  ❝ For fuck's sake, you didn't fix it, you made it worse   ! ! ! ❞
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@zalimbane , @absolutecult
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sleetkissed · 1 day
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                                                       𝙻𝙴𝚃𝚃𝙴𝚁𝚂 .                                                unprompted interactions
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      Seriously contemplating      whether to laugh out loud or snarl into that thing's direction. Looks like their little leash is not tight enough already. An awful plan, to use that crown for an overly large  &  wrinkled bunch of floating meat.
That idea never could have come from her.
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      ❝ You truly have the audacity to speak to your mistress that way, have you not  ?   Even after we gave you a crown ; like the little princess you are. Ungrateful slop of fiber. Another message of similar flavor  &  I will let you see where such behavior will get you. ❞
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sleetkissed · 1 day
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Oh dear lord you have no idea what you've done
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sleetkissed · 2 days
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@zalimbane right now.
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sleetkissed · 2 days
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Calling your acquaintanceship a good boy because his parents probably never did as a form of affection manipulation ♥
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sleetkissed · 2 days
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     ❝ Lord Doordash . . . ❞ @zalimbane
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sleetkissed · 6 days
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reference under the cut
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sleetkissed · 8 days
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sleetkissed · 8 days
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Her day couldn't get worse.
❝ I take the Netherstones now. Lest you fat-finger that too. Incompetent rat. ❞
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sleetkissed · 8 days
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   Her psychiatrist situationship will hear about this.
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sleetkissed · 9 days
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Remember to keep your energy up whilst scrolling the dashboard! Have a fish cracker!
- love, fishcrackerblog
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                                                 𝙵𝙸𝚂𝙷 𝙲𝚁𝙰𝙲𝙺𝙴𝚁 !
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      ❝ What more do you want   ? ❞      Another cracker. Why. Does the lady look like she is unable to feed her pets   ?   Was this stranger trying to poison her   ?
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     ❝ Get away from me. I can will not eat those. Begone   ! ❞
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sleetkissed · 9 days
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Remember to keep your energy up whilst scrolling the dashboard! Have a fish cracker!
- love, fishcrackerblog
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                                                 𝙵𝙸𝚂𝙷 𝙲𝚁𝙰𝙲𝙺𝙴𝚁 !
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      That's not what she meant when saying she likes gifts.      A cracker. A bland, hideous-looking cracker. One she could not even eat because of certain allergies.
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     ❝ Hm, I suppose my birds will enjoy it. ❞
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sleetkissed · 10 days
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                                                   𝙻𝙴𝚃𝚃𝙴𝚁𝚂 .                                            unprompted interactions
@bonegrieve [Narys]: There nothing good here! Only stupid paintings. Ughhh! Pretty ladies ALWAYS have jewelry. This is a TRAVESTY. How did a wyrm get into the temple? Idk blame the sewers. Oh look, tithe collections plate. That’s his now.
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      Caught in the act.      Esteri had eyes  &  ears everywhere at the temple. Something was not at its spot   —   the sorceress will notice it. Some may call it obsessive perfectionism. She calls it order.
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      ❝ How strange. I can't recall welcoming visitors today. Much less scaled ones. ❞      Left hand resting on her side but soon begins to stretch her fingers   —   unhurried.
     ❝ It has been a while since I had a stranger stumbling into my home. You must stay for dinner. I correct myself: You will stay for dinner. ❞
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sleetkissed · 11 days
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                                                   𝙻𝙴𝚃𝚃𝙴𝚁𝚂 .                                            unprompted interactions
@aetherose [Nimue]: "Esteri. I think we need to have a talk. I understand you view things in your own way, and you are free to have your own perspectives. But you need to have more...restraint in regards to more violent actions you choose to take."
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      If Nimue's plea wasn't so laughable,      Esteri would almost turn away, rolling her eyes in annoyance. There was something about her sister clinging to her useless sense of right  &  wrong that was adorably endearing. Not in a heartfelt way   —   More in a 'Kitten got stuck in a small place  &  will starve to death now' way.
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      ❝ I advise you to stop thinking so hard. There is clearly nothing you get out of being in people's good books. Nothing that you can't take by yourself anyway. We are gods, my dear. Gods need no restraint. And unfortunately for you, violence is a vital part of my creative process. It is, at the end of the day, nothing of your concern. I serve, Father applauds. ❞
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