#❆ ˚ nuisances. ˚⠀⠀/ answered .
thebibliosphere · 8 months
Not to be an unbearable plot tease, but I'm editing/rewriting a chapter from Hunger Pangs book 2, and while I adore all of my characters equally, Vlad and Ursula getting to know each other properly might actually be some of my favorite moments.
His realization that he can pester Ursula to tell him more about random historical events as they actually happened, not how they are portrayed in history books, is so, so sweet. He's like an excited labrador who just found a dinosaur bone.
Ursula's very much not used to this kind of attention.
She's used to people only being interested in her power. And here's a werewolf who couldn't give less of a fuck about exploiting her magic for his own gain, and a vampire who wants to ask her what textile production was like circa the fall of the Ecrecian Empire.
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 year
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goofy fierrochase doodle hours
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 month
Ok, writing request time:
Perhaps someone is captured and there’s a rescue. I love comfort with that type of angst hehe
Link had tasted blood many times.
The first time was when he’d fallen flat on his face in Zora’s Domain while chasing Bazz. He’d also lost his first tooth as a result. But he’d gotten himself hurt plenty of times since then.
It had never been like this, though. The taste stayed, stuck in his mouth because he hadn’t had any way to fix it, he hadn’t been able to drink something. His throat was drier than the sand that was stuck in it, and he coughed a little as he huddled in on himself.
He’d been training and training, yet the moment he was confronted with danger, he’d gotten himself captured. He felt absolutely disappointed in himself and angry.
Worse than anything, though, he felt scared. The thirteen-year-old hadn’t expected to be jumped by these strange men, and they’d dared to try and take the Master Sword away as well. He was so stupid, and now he had the indignity of staring at it through the bars of his cell, reminded that he’d managed to get himself into this mess.
“If he bears the sword, then he has to be the one!” one of the soldiers hissed to the other.
“He’s just a kid, there’s no way,” his companion huffed, crossing his arms.
“Then what about the sword?” The first one asked. “We got information that the sword had chosen a wielder, and this kid has it!”
Link glared at the guards, but he didn’t bother saying anything. His father usually wouldn’t when people were threatening him, after all.
His father. He hoped he wouldn’t be disappointed in him. Link was so angry at himself - he’d fought off almost all of them before two of them had hit him from behind. His head still ached horribly from it.
Stupid or not… he just wished someone would notice he was gone. He had to try to figure out how to get out of here, but he’d never been in a situation like this before.
He couldn’t let his fear stop him from escaping. There had to be a way to break out.
Link took a steadying breath, eyes observant as he ignored the conversation going on between the weird guards. They all dressed the same and hid their faces behind masks that looked like some absurd rendition of the Sheikah symbol. Maybe…
Link’s train of thought derailed as the guards turned their attention to him. He grew more alert, stiffening and straightening his back, waiting for some kind of threat. What had they just said? Were they talking to him?
Whatever they were going to do, they never had a chance. One of them yelped as something whistled through the air, a familiar sound to Link’s ears. He perked up immediately, seeing the arrow that embedded into the guard’s back as the other one drew a sickle, ready to fight. Link shot to his feet, rushing towards the felled guard and reaching as far as he could to get to his keys.
The other guard was stabbed through the chest, and Link recoiled his hand as the man nearly fell on it. When he glanced up, he felt immediate relief flood his entire body, and he almost cried at the sight of the familiar soldier.
“Papa!” He croaked, voice cracking, scrambling to the locked door to his cell.
His father stood in front of him, moving so fast Link could barely keep up, defeating every enemy that rushed into the area. Then he hastily grabbed the key from the dead guards, unlocking the cell, and Link slammed into his embrace. The hug was brief, though, far too brief, before Abel ordered him to get the Master Sword. The pair rushed ahead, and Link saw multiple Hyrulian soldiers fighting the strange men dressed in red.
It didn’t take long to find the exit to the canyon fortress, and Link was limping by the time they got to safety. He’d almost forgotten they’d hit his leg really hard, and it was starting to bother him a lot.
Once they were somewhere safe, Abel immediately dragged Link back into a hug. Link could feel his father’s heart racing against his ear, even through the chainmail, and he let himself shiver as the adrenaline wore off.
“Papa, I’m sorry,” he whimpered, hiding his face so no one else could see his tears.
“Ssh,” his father hushed him gently. “It’s not your fault. I’m sorry I wasn’t there sooner, little knight.”
The relief he felt at those words, paired with the steady and tight embrace from safe arms, wrenched a sob out of the young soldier. His father hushed him again, even softer than before, and then gently pulled away to look him over. Link could hardly see him through the tears, but he couldn’t even express how wonderful it was to just see his father’s face.
He hated how scared he’d been. But…
Warm, calloused hands moved along his forehead, then his cheek, tracing the blood trail from his temple. He watched his father’s eyes harden a little at the sight of it before melting once they made contact with his own.
“Oh, Link,” he sighed a little, and Link let out another quiet sob.
He couldn’t keep crying like this, and he knew it. He’d never really seen his papa cry, and he knew that he was the best soldier there was. He couldn’t break down like this every time there was danger - this was part of his job as a soldier!
His father must have thought the same. He didn’t hug him again, though he wiped the tears away wordlessly, thumb caressing his cheek. Link sniffled and but his lips, trying to get the hiccups under control.
“Where are you hurting, son?” Abel asked softly.
“My head and my leg,” he answered, trying to stop his voice from wobbling. “Papa, I’m sorry.”
Abel’s brow furrowed a little, and he pulled Link to walk with him. The young knight couldn’t really tell where they were, the place was surrounded by cliff-sides and rocks, but they were moving towards an area where he could see more Hyrulian soldiers.
“Link,” his father started, and Link stiffened a little at the gravity in his tone. “I… this is my fault, not yours, so stop apologizing.”
“I got myself captured,” Link argued. And I’m crying about it like some scared little child.
“I shouldn’t have left you alone,” Abel said firmly. “This is not your fault. You fought off plenty of them before they captured you. I’m proud of you… and I’m sorry I let this happen.”
He was sorry? He had no reason to be! Link had defeated plenty grown men by this point, he’d proven he should be able to function like any other foot soldier. It made sense to leave him alone like his father had! This was Link’s fault!
Link found that he didn’t have the energy to push the matter, though. He just wanted to hug his papa again, but Abel didn’t seem in the mood, his own expression dark as he strode into the military camp.
By this point Link had managed to stop crying, and he tried not to attract attention to the tear tracks on his cheeks. Many knights glanced at him worriedly, and a few called out in greeting and relief. Link tried to smile and nod at them before he was guided into an empty tent.
Abel set to work quietly, gently pushing Link to sit on the ground and kneeling beside him. He cleaned the blood off his face, washed it gently out of his hair, and he checked his leg, wrapping it up. Only then did he pull him to his chest, and Link melted into the hold. Thankfully there were no more tears, but he never wanted his father to let go.
They stayed there in silence, with Abel slowly working his fingers through his son’s hair, until Link finally fell asleep, safe in his father’s care.
When the boy’s breathing had steadied, Abel finally let his own emotions spill out, burying his face in his child’s hair.
Goddess above. He’d almost lost him.
I’m such an idiot, he mentally berated himself. Just because the child was an adept fighter didn’t mean he should be left to his own devices.
He couldn’t leave Link alone. Not anymore. He wasn’t just a little boy going on adventures. Not with that sword on his back.
It had only been four months, but the boy was attracting attention now. And Abel was terrified.
He’d have to train Link harder. And he was not leaving his son alone again.
Abel huddled closer to his little knight, never letting go, not as the sun set, not as the crickets started to chirp, not as the world quieted around them. He never let go.
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gunsatthaphan · 10 months
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"keep me in mind though."
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furiousgoldfish · 1 year
so can anyone explain why is it so hard to feel wanted or even just normal in other people's company, after being abused?
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changewingwentz · 7 months
Originally caption “iii wears more Victorian ahhhh looking fits for the teeth of God tour maybe haha” but these look too Victorian lmaaoooo
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Inspired from a character also placed in the same time period wearing the thigh high boots and iii ……in those boots guys hear me out…..
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"man i hate this character"
[rewatches the two episodes said character is in]
"............ I need to overanalyze him in my Discord DMs"
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tbh i’m an exclusively mobile user and the colour of the sky post never bothered me. like i know generally how far i need to scroll so it takes like 3 seconds to get to the bottom
same!! i’m so used to it at this point lol
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tswwwit · 1 year
Mr. Pines, is it true that mentally unstable men are better in bed? 🎤🎤🎤
Before Dipper can respond, Bill seizes the microphone to immediately declare all humans subpar in bed, no matter how fun their brains are! Unless the interviewer has some personal experience. Go on. Tell the world about it. 🎤
Dipper has to wrestle Bill out of the interview before he makes someone cry, or starts going on about brain-meltingly weird forms of demonic intercourse. Some of which literally involve brains melting.
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sleetkissed · 29 days
☺ suffer, darling.
𝚃𝙰𝙳𝙿𝙾𝙻𝙴 𝙰𝙸𝚁𝙳𝚁𝙾𝙿 . 𝚝𝚎𝚡𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚖𝚎𝚖𝚎  
☺ for a loving/affectionate text
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  〚❛❛ Vampire. I dearly hope you are listening. Because I will not say it a second time. Good job. Maybe you are not as useless as I expected you to be. Keep up the back-stabbing part. ❜❜〛
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heartual · 1 month
had such a good experience with surgery today i can’t even fully explain
#🍄.txt#i’m so happy that fuck ass doctor referred me to another doctor in the building because he was so nice and attentive#taking the time to explain things to me and make sure i was good#even said oh well if ur really uncomfortable we can always go to the operating room! :)#when the other doctor treated me like a nuisance the whole time and like some dumb child#well if you can’t sit still they’re going to have to put you under elsewhere 🙄#I DIDNT EVEN FUCKING KNOW THEY COULD DO THAT IN THE BUILDING? SHE MADE IT SEEM LIKE I WAS INCONVENIENCING HER THE WHOLE TIME#i was asking a bunch of questions because knowing makes me feel less nervous and he answered everything so clearly even when my mom was#asking questions too#recommending me different medications to keep this from happening again etc etc etc#so fucking bare minimum for a doctor but it was so nice seriously i wish i could thank him again for making it a more#comfortable experience#he put numbing shots on the inside AND outside of my lid just in case we needed to go from the outside this time#and while it hurt obviously it was so much better than the single shot she gave me the first time three weeks ago#she told me this would be a much more extensive surgery and here i am with my eyelid barely swollen 😐#i could barely see with it open three weeks ago immediately after because it hurt too much and was so swollen#what the fuck how do you have such contrasting experiences with two people who literally work together in the same building#anyway bad doctor experiences are always so fucking bad but when you have a really good experience it just feels crazy and insane#like wow thank u for treating me like a person#did i mention i actually left with care instructions this time written out. and the medicine recommendations on a physical piece of paper#i didn’t even get that after surgery with her how is that not below bare minimum#like this actually surprised me. jesus christ
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muzzleroars · 1 year
Do you think Gabe ever has to "cheer up" V1? Like Idk if they can get upset or depressed in your world, but do you think then ever get stuck in a negative rut one way or another and require attention to get out of it?
YEA YEA YEA!!! v1, despite all appearances, actually has a rather complex inner life, it just never really paid much attention to itself in that regard until it became closer with gabriel. it's highly intelligent and it has a breadth of emotion, but its own self-awareness and personal growth are actually considered to be instabilities by its programming - after all, nothing it feels or any opinions it forms can serve its objective to create and maintain an eternal war. these things are distractions and as such, they can technically disrupt its core functioning as its code is built on a foundation of violence and warfare. if this were to degrade enough with increasingly unrelated additions, it may see dangerous collapses and fatal errors...so as it made its way through hell, it continuously walled off its developing personality and curiosity so it could never interfere with its objective. however, because of v1's constant replication errors, increasingly esoteric coding, and its corrupting software, this suppression soon begins to fail and it grows entirely out of control when it emotionally connects with gabriel.
v1 has difficulty parsing negative emotions - it has felt anxiety when a battle is going poorly, but any sadness, loneliness, or dread it has attempted to feel in the past had quickly been smothered by protective programming as they would interfere most with its objective. with gabriel, however, it has increasing space to understand itself fully and it can no longer keep those floodgates closed, the massive depth of a mind so intricate it could never have been understood by the very humans that made it. and v1 does have a troubled mind plagued largely by the existential. it is killing everything, it is locking itself and everyone around it in perpetual war but they are losing. they can't fight it, they can't hold a line against it, and it will devour everything based only on code running wild from a humanity long since past. its mind is corroding, its programming corrupting and it's degrading with it - the things v2 said to it actually haunt it, about how something is wrong with it, how its core functioning is in decay because of errors it can no longer stop. it knows it's getting more and more these errors popping up on its hud, sometimes faced with stop errors that cause millisecond reboots. existential fears well up inside and outside of itself. and it has smaller issues besides, like being so singular in the world, the broken memories of a life before it had a body, and a life spent in white rooms with its brain cracked up and new body limp as wires were cut and pulled. and it has gabriel. and it worries about him.
all of this circulates in a quantum computer able to generate trillions of thoughts in a millisecond, iterate on every possible future to a nauseating degree in the blink of an eye. and while v1 generally doesn't allow this to get to it (it still definitely 100% lives by "fuck it we ball" goblin-mode), it can get caught in bad loops that it can't seem to develop a stop condition for. they can strike randomly, but it's more likely to happen after particularly bad (or sometimes, particularly good) battles, when it gets a stop error, or after a simulated nightmare. ALSO....when gabriel is badly injured (WHOLE scenario in my mind, but it has an incredibly bad loop after gabriel loses enough blood that v1 has to transfer some to him...both bc he almost DIED and because v1 should NEVER give its blood, it has hard code to block this behavior at every turn and yet....BUT ANYWAYS) it's quite clear when this occurs, as v1 seems dull and distant with noticeably low energy levels and increasingly loud fan output, all resources taken up more and more by the loop it's in. this struck gabriel quite a bit initially, and he immediately felt selfish in his surprise - he had implicitly thought of v1 as impervious to such things, like it had only one side to its emotions despite its obvious depth. but it has a life too...a soul in some way. if it can be kind to him, be affectionate and loving and playful despite being made for violence and cruelty, why then wouldn't it follow that it can hurt and it can fear as well?
so gabriel learns what these loops look like and he knows it can be difficult to get v1's attention to refocus with how much its computer is distracted...and when he finally can engage it, it usually defaults to violence, so he quickly figured out trying to hold or touch it is a bad opening move. so he instead redirects the two of them to somewhere at least safe (familiar is preferred, but mostly he just finds a place husks or demons won't jumpscare them lol) and he sings for it, always picking a song it's enthusiastic about because it's nearly guaranteed to get its notice. he can usually see how its dimmed optical lights up and then soon its head swivels toward the sound, continuing to sing until he sees recognition in v1 by the way its body tightens up. v1 isn't the type to communicate many of these thoughts, so it takes time for gabriel to piece together its troubles and start broaching the topic, but what it needs differs from time to time. sometimes it just wants to be rerouted, to play a game that stimulates its mind, to listen to gabriel read a book it's been wanting to get to, to have a good sparring session that gets it to reset. but sometimes. it wants gabriel to keep singing or to tell it stories (he's had a LONG life, he's never runs out of things to say lol) and soon he can hold it then - it's probably the calmest he ever sees it. he knows it's thinking, sitting with its own thoughts for once, and eventually he can start talking to it about it, find out just what goes on in a brain so infinite. he soon realizes he's not the only one worried about the future.
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Predators for being trans, not being men. Trans women are also considered predators in these fields, while men are generally rewarded and paid more than women in these fields.
Trans men are men. Don't misgender them to make a point.
It's transphobia, plain and simple.
Okay I actually want to really look at this ask because it's interesting and really highlights the "Schrodingers Gender" that I was talking about earlier. Because you see what you're doing? You're saying "this is a trans issue in general, not a trans men issue" but then later in the ask "trans men are men and you're misgendering them by making this post." No, I'm not. I am needle point focused on talking about trans men, trans mascs, their relationship to masculinity and how people are bigoted towards transgender men because of their relationship to masculinity. I've explained myself about why this is transandrophobia specifically here.
Though I would very specifically like to hear from trans women that felt they have been pushed towards pink collar jobs and now find that they are being treated as more predatory than they were before, especially if any trans women that are in childcare and can discuss the differences between how they were treated when able to go stealth vs being known as a woman, as well as before and after transition.
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xannerz · 9 months
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cool story - still continued to repeatedly harass folks in the fandom, be an edgelord, throw tantrums in ppl's inboxes, feti$h mine, fish for free fanwork, and just generally be annoying & insistent abt personal headcanons and k1nks
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starpeace · 2 years
Who's the lady with braids & fancy jewelry/earrings that you drew?? She's gorgeous, I need to know more about her <3
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this one? she’s my jedi oc sirilla charn! :D one of my main ocs. she’s an older padawan during the clone wars, thoughtful and anxious and plagued with visions.
she’s from naboo, and she got her headpiece from a merchant on coruscant who claimed it was a genuine naboo antique. she’s so attached to it now that she doesn’t dare to find out if it really is from there, but she wears it a lot and she always fiddles with it when she’s nervous (which is 80% of the time)
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wheelie-butch · 10 months
The ship I must always ask about
Brian x Scott
(with the disclaimer like I said in another post that I'm not that attached to the PCs as individual characters)
I think it's cute! The polaroid of them on the football team together is one of the best I think because it implies a whole story way more than some of the others I think... they were teammates (oh my god they were teammates...)
I could see them having a lot of similar interests which is nice for them to do together (it's not like I don't think Scott would get involved with another partner's interests but more like it could get frustrating on both sides if he didn't really 'get' it or pick it up quickly idk) also I think Scott would like a big guy he could do big guy activities with lol.
Actually also if you don't mind me going off onto a little headcanon tangent here, I forgot to mention in my post about Green/Brian but one of my few headcanons is I like to think of him as having chronic fatigue + chronic pain (from being a zombie) (love to give my faves the same problems as me) and I could imagine at first Brian worrying about like the times he's not able to keep up with Scott, but realising Scott values being with him more than always being doing super active stuff 24/7 and adapting so they can keep having good times together. And I think Scott is very caring and would look after Brian as needed. I'm also playing around with thinking of the werewolves as having periods of fatigue/pain in the days immediately after the full moon, something I think Scott would find INCREDIBLY frustrating, so maybe Brian could help him deal with that and they spend some quieter times together too.
Also even though The Wolfpack are dickheads (i say with love in my heart but it is true) Scott does seem to super love them and I think it would be a big wish of his that any partner of his would get on with them. This obviously wouldn't happen overnight but I feel like Brian might be the best of the PCs at dealing with the Wolfpack being jerks when he's hanging out with Scott etc. I think both Amira + Vicky I could see getting angry if they push it too far which would probably escalate things, and Oz seems very timid and the Wolfpack would probably pick on them more if they thought it worked. Whereas Brian I feel like could keep it together and not give them any reactions they're looking for, just being kind of like -_-' are you guys done yet energy until they learn they're not going to manage to scare him off and they're not going to get any fun out of it and back off a bit. And once they stopped trying to be a nuisance whenever Brian and Scott are together, I feel like they would get used to having him around and Brian being on the football team they could eventually bond and maybe someday accept him as Scott's partner.
So yeah it's a good ship in my opinion, maybe my favourite for Scott I'm not sure :)
Send a character or ship I'll give my opinion
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