slipp3ryslop3 6 months
Almost 8pm. Got home from work less than an hour ago. Haven't eaten yet, but I had half a large white monster during work. Have to stay up late tonight to pick someone up from the airport. I REFUSE TO BINGE JUST BECAUSE IM STAYING UP LATE. I will eat my dinner, and I will not snack and gorge on desserts. I will do some type of a workout, maybe weights, maybe yoga, maybe a million squats and Russian twists. God wish me luck
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slipp3ryslop3 6 months
Last work stop of the day, mad nervous. This facility hasn't been seen in years
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slipp3ryslop3 6 months
Glad I weighed myself when I was on my period. It made me sad seeing the hw in the moment, but it feels like I magically lost 5lbs in a week when I step on the scale now. Good way to kickstart major cuts, feeling like ive already been productive so why not keep going? 1lb until I'm at my next gw.
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slipp3ryslop3 6 months
Almost 7pm, all I've had today was a big coffee. The coffee had condensed milk in out because I'm out of every other dairy option :/ so probably a 200-300 cal coffee. Husband will make dinner soon, no clue what that is going to be. Might just try to make salad and a couple pierogi? If I make it myself I know how much oil is going in the food, even if pierogi are super scary.
My ears are doing the thing where sound is muffled on one side. Like an earbud slipped partially out of my ear while playing music, except no earbud and no music
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slipp3ryslop3 6 months
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slipp3ryslop3 6 months
May have changed her name, but she never left
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slipp3ryslop3 6 months
I keep fucking picking at my skin. Stupid anxiety/ocd habit that I can't stop. How is my skin ever supposed to look good if I don't realize I'm tearing it up. Hate it here
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slipp3ryslop3 6 months
Wish my work laptop, Hotspot, and VPN would just work on the first try. I have to restart my computer so many times a day just to reconnect to the fucking databases. Also pissy that I lost something that was in my badly the whole time. I was looking around like a maniac
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slipp3ryslop3 6 months
I think the brith control I'm on has made me gain weight way more easily. My tits and ass are huge and I have never had that problem in my life until now. Fuck man it's either acne or fat
I'm still only eating 1 meal a day and 1 snack a day. Idk how my body is not phased at all. I just want to lose the ~25 pounds I gained in "recovery". So fucking dumb
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slipp3ryslop3 6 months
No longer the skinniest girl at work ://// almost cried at my meeting
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slipp3ryslop3 6 months
I should probably fast today. Paid holiday, no work. My husband is wfh though, but I think he has an appt around lunch time. I could say I ate when he was gone
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slipp3ryslop3 6 months
I'm so fucking lonely I can't believe nobody will talk to mr
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slipp3ryslop3 6 months
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slipp3ryslop3 6 months
i wish i hated food as much as i hate myself
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slipp3ryslop3 6 months
I just need to turn my feelings off again. Tired of being g heartbroken
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slipp3ryslop3 6 months
I've never regretted not eating.
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slipp3ryslop3 6 months
God my brains is being so awful right now. All I can think is scary things. I've been crying off and on for 6 hours
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