slvanesebastian · 6 years
“Alright, alright. I’ll try my best.” He nodded with a disappointed sigh, arms springing out to a T as if he were trying to block the littered drinks table behind them from her view. “Even if that could lead to something very hot later.” Eyebrows wiggling, his returned his arms to rest around her waist, hands moving lower to grip at the silk fabric of her dress. He leaned down, hot breath against her ear before pressing a few kisses down her neck to solidify the idea. Stopping before he made it past her collarbone just to tease her. “And you’re still with me now? I’m shocked I could even compete.” He winked, his voice playfully dramatic. Already finding it difficult not to get lost in her blue eyes. “I’ve been good, minus the couple I literally had to pry off each other to get in here ‘cause they were going at it in the doorway of all places. Let me tell you, quite the show. But hey, I’m better now that you’re here.”
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His kisses on her neck caused her eyes to flutter shut, the temptation of his lips on her skin all too short as he pulled away. “Jesus... You’re not helping,” Sloane said, playfully pushing on his chest as if to stop herself from drawing him closer. “There are children around... Think of the kids,” she rambled, laugh passing through her lips as she ran a hand through her locks. She gripped onto his t-shirt, pulling him close again, not being able to control herself in her slightly intoxicated state “Think we might become that couple soon. You know what they say, you either die a hero or live long enough to... whatever,” she struggled to finish.
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slvanesebastian · 6 years
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Jason licks the pad of his thumb and smudges it against her cheek for a pinch. Random act of affection, mashing her skin and probably, most likely, her foundation. “You’re mega pretty,” his shoulders shake with a chuckle that isn’t present, mimicking her strangled attempt at one just moments before. “Mega pretty. And, y’know, I appreciate that comment! I’m kinda into the drag scene, get what I’m saying? Looks dope. Wigs, flying. Mine in particular. That’s a saying. I didn’t make it up. Wish I did,” his rambling leads into a simple silence, comfortable, tucking her hair behind her ear as she lounges. “How are you tonight? Doing good? Thanks for keeping me company. I’onno  ─  I’onno why I’m thanking you. I guess that’s kinda weird.”
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She hooked her fingers around this thumb like a child latching onto him, index finger tracing over the pad of his thumb before releasing him. Her hand reached up to trace the cheekbone in question, blue eyes focused intently on the lines of his face as she thought about it, finally nodding her head. “I can see you pulling off a mega-contour too,” she said, mimicking his language, the compliment creating a bashful smile on the girl’s face, hand dropping down to rub at her forehead in an attempt to conceal it. “Uh, I’m dandy. Jesus, I’ve never said that word before in my life,” she rattled off, chuckling at is thanking of her. “You’re welcome. My pleasure. My name’s Julie and I’ll be your cruise director this evening,” she told him, finally sitting up, hair a tangled mess now, formally sticking out her hand for him to shake. “Can I get you anything? Alcohol, drugs? Just holler.”
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slvanesebastian · 6 years
Delilah laughed, arm draped over the other’s shoulders. “As if you need a great excuse to get me alone,” she teased, gently bumping her hip against the other girl’s. All of this was always so easy. Glancing in the direction Sloane was pointing, she hummed. “Mm, probably. I think I have an idea of what to say to him already.”
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“Um, yeah. My boyfriend might have a problem with that, though. Jesus, feels weird saying that. I feel like some middle-school girl named Kelsey bragging about her beau. My boyfriend like, was totally looking at me during recess” Sloane rambled in a high-pitched voice, trying to make a joke of the now-somewhat awkward situation. She nodded her head, taking a breath. “I’ll follow your lead then. Go forth, captain.”
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slvanesebastian · 6 years
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Sharp Objects (2018—) Directed by Jean-Marc Vallée
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slvanesebastian · 6 years
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His posture straightens, wistful disbelief whisking his expression into something downright childish, a firework going off in the night sky. “Shit, dawg, forreal? You’re serious?” and he huffs a laugh that is bare bones, one arm relocating from lying clasped in his lap to being folded and tucked behind his head. The sofa shakes as Jason bounces to get a little more comfortable, bit of a dick move, threatening to wreck Sloane’s sprawled hair; he’s lost in thought as he twirls a straying strand around his index finger, feeling it flutter as he lets it go and it mixes with the rest. For a second, it looks like a swirling masterpiece, a true Van Gogh. What’s with the art references tonight? “I wanna be a pirate. Cat pirate! Ten times better than Johnny Depp’s rank ass. Beach is my litter box, bitch, get outta’ my way. I’ll slurp all you fishboys up for dinner. Take that treasure, too, call that a Fancy Feast,” his smile is short-lived and personal, smothered with the palm which was once busy. “What, you do makeup? Hobby of yours? I really admire that shit. Tried doing my eyeshadow once, but, Sharpie ain’t the wave. Didn’t smudge the way I wanted it to.”
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Smile as bright as sunshine as his hand played with her hair, she was a sucker for affection, her high state leaving every nerve ending of hers particularly sensitive, like a shockwave through the molasses that was her brain. Childishly, her finger hooked through his as it tangled in the mess of hair sprawled behind her. She let it go, turning around onto her stomach to look up at him, chuckle slightly smothered form the constricted position of her chest against the sofa. “Cat pirate. Sounds like you’ve got the next Disney animation hit. Call it Puss on Water,” she told him, voice lilting out in the soft tones it had when she had smoked too much, like wisps of smoke. Tired again, she put her head back down, scooting over to rest it on his lap, not self-conscious at all with her physical affection for others that came easily to the girl. “Nah. I’m okay at it. I put my lipstick on one stroke at a time just like every girl,” she attempted to joke, shaking her head softly. “I could definitely do you eyeliner, though. You have excellent bone structure for it. Could definitely pull off a nice wing,” she told him, smile crawling back onto her face.
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slvanesebastian · 6 years
“We gawt a buckin’ bronco out tha paddock, boys!” Lana attempted in the worst Southern accent known to planet earth, sounding a little like Woody Harrelson if he was choking on a piece of plastic. Sprawled out on the sofa of the raging party, Lana had been relaxing cradling a near empty cup of rum when Sloane toppled over like a domino line, calves sitting cosy on the lap of a nameless frat boy who’d been nursing a hand over her kneecap for the past five minutes, daring himself with each heartbeat to slip an inch higher. She was sure that, by the time the song finished, his hand would have disappeared beneath her skirt’s hem completely. “Hm… Tough one,” she started, swinging her legs aside and sitting up straight so she could properly appraise Sloane’s question. “I can’t lie, I instantly thought of cum. Ever been projectile blasted in the eye with that? Worse than childbirth. No pain like it. I barely made it out alive. I feel like I deserve to inflict that pain at least once with the turbo jet force of a thousand suns. Or, um,” slipped out along with a quick swallow, finishing up her drink in one fell swoop before she hopped up to link arms with Sloane, tugging her towards the kitchen for top-up. “That Fenty body lava stuff. Noice.  I could transform anyone into a slippery, sparkling dolphin.”
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Curling her legs up to fit herself better on the couch, the hem of her short dress inched up higher, giving everyone a good view of the smooth legs she had rubbed some coconut-smelling lotion on earlier. “Kind of sadistic. I like it. You could probably be a dominatrix with that. Plenty of weirdo guys would probably line up for an eye shot.” Her lips spread into a chuckle at the thought, the movement of Lana tugging her up sending her hand shaking so that it almost poured out onto the white fabric of her dress. “Shit. Natural disaster averted.” The kitchen was full of frat boys crowing around a drying keg as the hard liquor on the counter sat unguarded, Sloane moving to a bottle of vodka and pouring it into her cup. She took a swig while thinking about her own answer, topping herself off again once she had done so. “I would do vodka in one finger and lube in the other. I’ll be a riot at parties. Infinite supply of alcohol and I can make a slip n slide anywhere.” The word lube perked the ears of a nearby boy, almost as if it had summoned him like rubbing a genies lamp. “I could give you guys some lube. Got some right upstairs,” he said, slinging an arm around Sloane as her lip curled in distaste, before plastering on a mannequin smile. “I’d need it. My vagina has literally never been drier than in this moment, Ryan.”
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slvanesebastian · 6 years
Absentmindedly pouring himself a drink, Brady’s eyes lit up as he felt a familiar pair of arms wrap around his waist. “Careful lady, my girlfriend’s going to come looking for me any second now and let me tell you.. She does not like to share.” He joked as he screwed the cap back onto the bottle of liquor he had poured from. Taking a sip of his drink, he spun around to face her. Eyes tracing over every curve of that red slip dress of hers. “Is that a test? Alright, come here. Let me see.” Pulling her into him this time, there was a teasing hint of annoyance in his voice. As if she were his mother asking him to clean his room, which he quickly made up for with a laugh as he kissed her greedily. Pulling back, he licked his lips as he pretended to contemplate his answer for a moment. “I think.. Smirnoff would be very successful with such a flavor.”
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His hands tugging her closer caused a hitch in her chest, the wanting need for him that she hated kicking itself up in her. Sloane sometimes felt that she got lost in her relationships. Like it wasn’t even about who she was with, but her need to be wanted, for him to kiss her like that, grin plastered on her face as he pulled away again. “Cute. You, I mean. Sorry, I’m a little drunk. Stop me before I turn all Nancy Wheeler and spill punch down my shirt,” she said with a chuckle, arms still wrapped around him. Her hand reached up to brush some of his hair out of his face affectionately, blue eyes flicking over his lips again. “How have you been tonight? Think I saw this guy that looked like Vin Diesel earlier here. Hair to scalp ratio incredibly low if you know what I mean.”
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slvanesebastian · 6 years
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“Yeah, no, like  ─  I want it like that,” a vague gesture, pinching the corners of his eyes into a sharp edge, fingertips dropping to drag down his cheeks. Consumed in a mottled impression of Edvard Munch’s Scream, Jason lies back on the couch, kicking chucks onto the coffee table as he observes the ceiling. His stare trails and the collateral damage of propped feet is a few toppling Solo cups, new stains on the Kappa Kappa carpet, hissing frat boys and indifferent scoffs. His company regains his attention as his thoughts recollect, a paper ball to a finger-goal, soaring across the dining room able with newfound clarity. Brows dart up. “Like a cat. A cat, you know? Meow. Was that good? Fuckin’  ─  I could’ve thought it was the real thing. Meow. Haha, fuck, like  ─  damn. Should I join the theatre? Or is that… Hm. Is this what furries do? Is that the point of being a furry? Shakespeare’s living legacy, but, wolves. Cats, the Musical. Can you do my eyeliner?”
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High on a cocktail of various substances that night that included coke, alcohol, and weed, Sloane collapsed on the couch next to Jason in a momentary reprieve from the one-woman whirlwind she had been that night. She lifted her legs up, head resting back onto the cushion next to Jason’s legs, her inhibitions removed in her inebriated state. Convinced to go out that night by a Kappa brother that had promised her it was going to be a “sick time”, and she had been unable to resist, or rather she was just apathetic enough to go along with it. “Jesus. I feel like I’m sitting next to modern day Aristotle. Quick, give me your solution to the trolley problem,” she joked, chuckle spilling up our of her mouth but quickly getting drowned by the music. “Definitely. I did Jack Sparrow’s eyeliner in the original Pirates. Little known fact. You can’t find me on the IMDb page though, don’t look it up,” she told Jason, lips curling into a smile at her own lame joke, blue eyes flitting up to his face.
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slvanesebastian · 6 years
Being at the party was Delilah’s way of trying. Trying to fit in, trying to feel something like a normal college student. She had been here for almost three years and she had hardly saw a full night through. “Of course I’ll help,” she laughed a little, taking a sip of her drink, “anything for you, and Miss Grande.”
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Grinning and slinging an arm around the taller girl, Sloane directed her off in a random direction, heading towards the DJ booth. “Whoa... If I were a creepy, horny man this would be a great way to get you alone. Well, I’m always kind of horny but none of the other things,” she joked, cheeks blushing red at her drunken ramblings. “Um, I think that guy over there is the DJ. Think he’d be persuaded by a couple of hot girls.”
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slvanesebastian · 6 years
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slvanesebastian · 6 years
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“Life is crazy and can send you in a thousand directions at once. Just keep going. Don’t give up on yourself.”
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slvanesebastian · 6 years
@sebfitzgerald: must have good muscles down there frm all that popping and locking
@sloaneseb: o god... sweats at that statement with the force of a lawn sprinkler
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slvanesebastian · 6 years
Drinking a nearly full glass of whiskey, having persuaded the bartender to give her a triple shot, Sloane’s ears reddened as she spotted Cindy, their exchange on witter the other day disorienting her. “Shit, you’re like Bloody Mary. I only had to think your name once before you appeared.” @cindywoodrow
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slvanesebastian · 6 years
“Whoa there, Nelly!” the girl cried out as a particularly ripped member of the football team roughly brushed past her, nearly sending her drink flying as she retreated back into the couch. She had nearly fallen into the other person on the couch’s lap, noticing this finally with an embarrassed giggle and scrambling to get off. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to reenact the Titanic onto you. Um, ice breaker question,” Sloane started, licking her lips over thoughtfully as she sipped on the vodka cranberry in her hand. “If you could pick one liquid to shoot out of your pointer finger, what would it be?” @lanajvmeson
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slvanesebastian · 6 years
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slvanesebastian · 6 years
Bottle of vodka and bowl full of strawberries strewn out on the girl’s plaid blanket in the grass, Sloane was spending the afternoon reading one of her favorite books, and old Shakespeare anthology gifted by her grandfather when she spotted Teddy. She lifted her sunglasses, giving him a smile, and calling him over with a “Hey!” She sat up from where she was laying on her stomach, patting the seat next to her. “Come join! i’m getting pleasantly day drunk while trying to contact the old man’s ghost.” @teddylawrence
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slvanesebastian · 6 years
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Sloane’s final statement had Eithne huffing, a small fit of laughter escaping her before she got her bearing back to speak. “God, that holds so true. My ex-boyfriend was a “pro” skateboarder and honestly, it shows in his every decision.”
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“God, I’m sorry for you,” Sloane said, chuckling and shaking her head. “Bet you had to put up with watching a lot of skate tricks. Watching a dude eat shit and maybe do one good trick is definitely not my idea of a romantic evening,” Sloane said, before the guy rom earlier started to make his way over to her. “Shit.”
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