smackmelikeadrumfr · 12 days
Dm daddy
girl, what. 💀
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smackmelikeadrumfr · 15 days
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Regina George x Fem!reader
Summary: Your peaceful evening in the library is interuppted by someone you wouldn't even dare go close to. (set after the 2024 movie)
Warning: cursing, mentions of kissing, not proofread c:
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On a chilly Friday evening - just like on any other evening whatsoever -  you are sitting in the library which would almost seem abandoned if not for the small table lamps on each desk and the slight light seeping through to the reading area from the librarian’s office. As you are doing so, you have a book in front of you, some kind of thriller with some shitty romance in it, but nevertheless it's a pretty good book.
It’s been hours since the second last student had walked out of the library, so now it’s just you and the librarian - and of course the fictional characters from the book -. But soon enough, you hear the slam of the large doors of the library closing and hushed voices can be heard coming closer, and closer to the reading area. Well, you obviously don’t notice any of that, way too invested in the book to even hear or see anything. At least not until the main lights are turned on, the sudden brightness lightly stinging your eyes as you finally look up. What you see is, a group of girls standing by a shelf of books, talking and giggling about something - well not all of them, one of them seems to be just standing there, face blank, jaw clenched. -  but not just any group, The Plastics.
Your eyes widen at the realisation and soon you’re hurriedly packing up your things and turning off the table lamp, before standing up. Oh, God forbid they see you. You knew what they were capable of. Of course you did, how couldn’t you? They made your freshman year a living nightmare. And only after that year did you begin to avoid making friends or having interactions with anyone beside the teachers. Obviously, since then you also began to change physically, not just personality-wise. And so what if they supposedly changed after what happened last year? Once a bully, always a bully.
As you are about to make a run for it by the backdoor, you realise that your surroundings are pretty blurry and you immediately curse to yourself as you look back and see your glasses glinting under the bright lights on the desk. You have two options, you either leave your glasses, the librarian collects it and you can retrieve it on monday, or you could sneakily walk back to the desk, pick it up and run.
You don't have to think much about it, as the first one is obviously the safest and best option. WRONG. You have an eye exam appointment tomorrow, which you need to bring your glasses in for, and no you can’t come in tomorrow morning to get them, the library’s closed on weekends.
A small murmur leaves your lips and you sigh and turn completely around, starting to walk back as quickly as possible. And when you successfully arrive at the desk, you put your glasses back on as fast as possible and turn around, only for your face to collide with a soft chest. And for a moment you start to get annoyed and begin grumbling about it, but not after you look up. A pair of icy blue eyes is staring at you and you take a sudden step back before taking a glance at the bookshelf your past bully was at mere minutes ago, only to find the rest of her group still reading the book. Your eyes widen as you look back and they immediately avoid her piercing blue ones.
“Re-Regina!” You squeak out, faking a smile. “Hey”
Regina’s eyebrows furrow for a moment before the furrow disappears and a sly smirk appears on her face. 
“So you do know who I am ” You slowly nod at her words, kinda confused but mostly scared shitless. “, then tell me, why don’t I know you?” She asks, her eyes raking up and down your comfortably clothed body.
“Uhh, excuse me?”
Regina’s sly smirk fades as she sighs. “Look, I'm not gonna do anything to you. I swear. I’ve changed.” Her voice is surprisingly soft as she speaks, almost making you believe her before you snap out of whatever her cream-like voice put you in.
“Regina, sorry but I really have to go now.” You say quietly, keeping your head low as you try to go around her to continue your way to the backdoor, but you are stopped by her arm around your waist. Your breath hitches as her ring-clad fingers lightly grip the curve of your waist. Your stomach is swarming with butterflies, so quickly, you’re taken aback by it but you don’t have time to think about it too much before Regina’s voice makes you look up at her.
“Please. People act like this when I have done something to hurt them in my past. Can you tell me what I did?” Regina herself is surprised by how softly and sweetly she’s talking to you. 
I mean, yeah I changed but since when did i start talking to people like this? 
Regina’s thought echo’s through her head before she snaps out of it and looks into your fear-filled eyes, tilting her head while waiting for an answer.
“I-I it’s not important now. Can I please go?” 
God, the way you’re slightly looking up at her. The way your eyes continuously wander away from her, not being able to maintain eye-contact for much longer. The way your tongue darts out to wet your almost trembling lips - either out of fear or just because it’s cold - . Oh it makes her want to push you against one of those shelves and just-
Wait, what.
Her questionable and very much worrisome thoughts are interrupted by the sudden coldness she feels. She looks up and sees you almost running out of the library. She stands there, helpless and confused. She hates it, the feeling. Being helpless and worst of all confused.
Just who are you?
Why do you fear her more than most?
And why in God’s name do your lips look so fucking kissable?
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A/N: I tried this aesthetic picture thing. Hope you guys like it! also huge thank you for reading my other fic!
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smackmelikeadrumfr · 20 days
y/n, watching wanda practice her spells: you have really nice hands....
wanda: *smirks* you have a great taste in necklaces
y/n: *dies*
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smackmelikeadrumfr · 25 days
Annoyingly Cute
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Regina George x Fem!Wieners!Reader
Summary: A night at Gretchen's and your house proves that Regina is "shockingly" a really good gf. (set after the events of the 2024 movie)
warnings: I dont think there's any, maybe fluff(?)
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Your shout echoed through the entire house as you poke your head out the  small  aperture on your door. There is a few seconds of silence before the sound of your sister’s voice  was heard from her room down the hall. 
“Ugh, what do you want, Y/n?” You could practically hear her roll her eyes as she speaks, just from the way she answers.
You smirk at the thought a little before responding. “Are the others coming over today?” You shout with a bigger smile on your face. 
Gretchen, currently sitting by her dressing table touching up the smallest flaws of her makeup, sighs. She already knows how this is gonna go. Taking a deep breath, she shouts back. “Yeah, yes they are”
“Okay” You excitedly shout back and giggle, closing the door. You walk over to your wardrobe and rummage through your somewhat neatly folded clothes, looking for an outfit which would make you look cute but would also make you be the perfect eye-candy for your girlfriend of 2 months, Regina George.
As you were doing so, something at the very bottom of your wardrobe caught your eye. “AHA” You exclaim as you quickly reach down to pick it up, once you do, you hold it up in front of yourself while smiling. It was a light-shaded pink hoodie which you stole from Regina at one of her parties back when you guys weren’t together. Although it might seem creepy-it kinda is-, Regina has been aware of it for a while now.
Now all that is left to do, is to find a pair of pants, do a very light makeup, do your hair and you’re done. But of course, everything feels better to do with music, so naturally you turned on your TV and opened Spotify on it, playing your Liked Songs playlist.
After you’re done with all that, you look into the full length mirror which is  propped up against the wall. You are semi-satisfied with how you look and with that thought you go downstairs to prepare snacks for your sister’s friends and of course your girlfriend. 
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After about an hour of restlessly sitting in front of the TV in the living room, you finally hear the doorbell ring which makes you jump right up darting towards the door while shouting “I’ll get it!”. Your hand grips the handle tight and almost rips out the door as you pull it open. When you do so, you’re met with the face of Damian, his eyebrows raised in surprise.
“Girl, what the hell. You almost ripped the damned door outta its sockeds” He say with a hint of concern in his voice as he looks at you. You just chuckle lightly before standing aside to let them in, as they all come in one by one, your eyes excitedly follow every person, impatiently wishing to see Regina’s face. But as the last person comes in, she is nowhere to be seen. Your eyebrows furrow and your face contorts to a frown.
“Guys, is Gina not coming today?” You ask, trying to hide the sadness in your voice. You see Cady open her mouth to speak but before she could, a voice speaks from the doorstep-as you are still standing in the doorway with the front door wide open. 
“Ahw, did someone miss me that much?” Regina teases with a giggle as she steps next to you. Your head whips to the side so fast, the others get worried you might have gotten whiplash. 
“Gina” You all but scream and jump into her arms just as fast. She is quick to catch you and chuckles as she places her head on top of yours before making eye-contact with a group of smirking friends. Her ears grow hot as she slowly peels you off of herself and smiles down at you. 
“Hi, baby” She whispers so the others don’t hear the nickname-which she could be teased for later-.
“Hey, Gina” You smile back before looking behind you and seeing the others staring at you two. You immediately take a step back with a blush coming up your neck while clearing your throat. You turn on your heels to face the others-it seems that your sister has already come down to join them-. “So uhm, I made snacks..”
“OOOH, snacks!” Karen exclaims excitedly and claps her hands, already making her way to the kitchen with the rest of the group trailing behind her. And just in a couple of seconds it’s just you and Regina.
“Sorry for jumping on you like that. I know you don't like the others teasing you about it” You say, scratching the back of your neck nervously, the top of your headphones which were around your neck bumping into your hand in the meantime. Regina shakes her head at what you say.
“No, it..it’s okay. It’s just a little awkward” You nod your head in understanding. Then she scoffs and cups your cheeks with both her hands, pulling you roughly into a soft, passionate kiss. “I guess
I missed you too, Nerd.” She mumbles into the kiss, her breath hot on your lips. Your heart is hammering in your chest as your blush deepens and you tilt your head up a little to sneak another kiss from her before completely pulling away with a sigh.
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After a while you went up to your room, because you wanted to leave the group of friends which you weren’t a part of to have a nice night together-although it was very hard convincing Regina to not yank you down onto her lap while they were choosing the film they were gonna watch-. Anyway, in your room you just decided to sit down at your PC and play some Sims 4 to keep yourself busy when you got too bored. And it helped for a while until you got bored of that too, so you look at the time and realise it was already 19:00. You decide to shower now so you don't have to wait out all the other people in the house, because even if they say it's not a sleepover, it will definitely turn into one.
After the shower you decide to go downstairs to the kitchen. When you arrive, you walk up to the fridge and smile to yourself when you glance at the tray of RedBulls in the fridge. You scoop it up in your arms and quickly but quietly sneak into your room, only to realise you’ve put your phone down on the kitchen counter.
With a deep sigh, you walk back downstairs, but before you reach the kitchen, you are stopped by a voice while walking past the living room. “Y/n!”
You turn towards the living room and see your girlfriend walking up to you, and it’s only when you’re face-to-face that she talks again. “Y/n”
Your eyebrows raise in confusion as you look up at her, tilting your head to the side. “Yeah
“You know, in the span of the 4 hours we’ve been here, the only time I've seen you come down was like 2 minutes ago, and you were carrying a crate of RedBulls.”She gives you a stern look, while placing a hand on her hip.You swallow hard and give her a half-confused look, because you already have an idea or two of what this could be about. “Mind telling me, when did you have dinner?”
“Uh, well you know
before you guys came” You offer a light-hearted smile.
“Nuh-uh. Even if you did, you should already have eaten something since” She squints her eyes at you.
“I'm just-I'm not hungry”
Regina only rolls her eyes at that and grabs onto your arm, pulling you towards the kitchen, then sitting you down on a chair by the dining table. “Stay here, I'm making you waffles, ‘kay?” Her voice is so soft, any other person would think it’s a whole other person, but no. It’s Regina George. Your Regina George. You nod softly at her and within 30 minutes, the waffles are done. Regina walks over to you and places  a plate of waffles soaked in whipped cream with small bits of strawberries on top, alongside with a glass of milk.
“Gina- “ You are about to complain about eating alone, but then Regina sits down in front of you with two forks in her hand, handing you one. Regina then cuts a piece with her fork and puts it in her mouth while you stare at her.
“What? You want me to eat it all?” She comments after swallowing the bite, to which you shake your head and stick your own fork into the waffles, cutting a piece. Before putting the bite into your mouth you speak up. 
“Why..are you doing this?”
Regina gives you a weird look before getting another piece. “Because you’re my girlfriend, and I love you and I know what you’re going through. Duh.” The three word phrase rolls off her tongue so perfectly you almost miss it but when you don't, your cheeks heat up.
“I- uh.. I love you too!” You say, smiling from ear to ear as you place a small kiss on her cheek which has already begun to redden when she realised what she had said.
Bonus: As the group of friends watch the interaction from the living room, Gretchen suddenly speaks up; “You know, she is actually not that bad of a girlfriend.” The others look at her and there is a second of silence before Damian speaks up. “Girl, that’s what I was saying!”
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A/N: hellooo, my first fic on here, its kinda shitty but i enjoyed writing it very much sooo yeah.
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